PAGE FOI II TIFMDIY, I»F«'I MllKft 14. itti». GIIAXTS PASS GAILY <XIII<IFI< 4 Wonderful Gifts « H I K ■tn fire t their I ' Our vaults ’ conven- a >'sa. '■'asy to .< t at. • r.‘ Hl and night and a low rental leaves nothin to be desired. Investivate at once' should be ke •: ' theft Th.nk « won I *4 iw n d burflar roti a aefr Bended Bags — Vanity (’ases Silver Toil-toim and Silk Underwear THE FIR T NATI INAL BANK ORFt.oX Iho foraanoat t»ll«>rln« hoasa In Ilio world nuvkinii < loihing l<> individual im-a-ur«« hnx«- anflmnird a Shoes for the Family GEO S. CALHOUN Sixte«) year« 1< k «1 dealer The Salvation Xrmy are In need of provisions with which to furnish Christmas baskets for the poor Phone Heath A Horman, No. 184, 4»tf. and the ordern will be taken. 11-Mi-s Alligator Kain Clothes. .Tuc kets. 3-4 Length Coats, Pants, and Hats. . Guaran teed absolutely waterproof. Get a *34 oz. Featherweight Raincoat for street wear. »S J Shrum, of Glide, was regia- tered yesterday at the Western. Ju»t arri» «M— W «a.Inup, doublr blank «Ha nt S4.1W a |M»lr. A fww Uiul hsiul heater«. !’«»»< «vini « amori», finn shaiM-, »4.l><>. Call 71 H «.HI hate aa>thing to «eli. PHONE 71 |I(M ril'M SECOND MAN» «TORE Every t.«aly. more or Usta, ha» evprr- irnr«-«!' mhih - «uri of a inalriinouial ndxnp. So cosar and laugh <>»<■«■ this |>rixr ninni». "'TI« a m »«1. .¡ul tal«-, mai«*." COMING WEDNESDAY “POIXY OF I HE STORM CAH'NTKY” WOODVV ARD’S ’ OREGON All 5uits and Overcoat» Reduced ACHES AND PAJNS- SLOAN’S GETS ’EM! imoui pain and ache t Inlment- kept handy, brings warming, gratifying relief heumatic twinges ease up R Constipation. Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Biliousness, Bloating. Gas. G ated Tongue, take that . wholesome physic— I * tluit «•a-rtidnly justifie»« you In l«U)iuu BOW Alligators Never Leak For Sick lleadaciie «inalili SWEEPING < I T IX 1*1111 'KB saltation Irtny Christina- I to- 103 N. SIXTH ST. liluli Attorney B. L. Eddy, of Roseburg, os a visitor* in the city yesterday attendinj to legal matters. — KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGE NO. 50 FQLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS Thermopylae Act promptly. Never diisppcint. Mild and £cn«'e in actioo Do not gripe oe ■auseate. No costive liter effect». MEETS TONIGHT Visiting Mem bers In»Red »non. So do stiff joints, lame back, neuralgia, overtaxed mu»- des, and tjiuse pains from weather ex posure, too—taey don’t fi^b.t long c -ainst the counter-irritation that Sloan’s Liniment produces. Always kceg this old family-friend * t:aady fur instant use—a little pesc- traMs wxTAou.’ rubbixf. leaving no skin stains, muss, or closed pores. Its * ¿ry ucor—healthy and stimulating— -unrests the good it will do. w Ail drug.. >t$. Three sizes—3Sc, 70c, .* 1 40. Largest size is most economical. Sloaiis Liniment Delicious home-made candles at the Presbyterian ladles' cooked food sale Saturday. Bl Don't forget the Baptist ladies cooked food sale Thursday after- noon. Bl * Buy your Christmas fruit < cake at the cooked food sale at the Conklin Bl building Saturday. The Baptist Indies will give a cooked food sale Thursday afternoon In the Public Market. N 6th street, at 2 o'clock. Bl Plum puddings, Christmas cullln- ery triumphs, will be on sale al the Presbyterian ladles' cooked food sale in the Cc-nklln building Saturday. Bl Christmas will soon be here and we are here already with a nice line of satin finished Christmas mixed candles at 25c per pound We make 'em. Richardson's Candy Factory, i 604 South Sixth street. 5,| Oh You t hick«-n Pie!—— At the Bonbonniere Wednesday Eastern star— Kansas City, Mo. —late at night! MORNING TO YOU, PETE! > 9 » Who crossed my trail in the hotel this afternoon but "Long Sam” Weaver! Last time I saw Sam to«hin to was that night of July 15th when our old 38th clinched the “Rock of the Marne” title! And, I guess you won’t forget that night, old glue pot— everybody was stuck on you ! Sam and I fought the war all over again and dug into our Camel supplies like it was “free commissary”. Sam never will get all done talking about that session when we couldn't move a hair without getting a close shave—and, no eats or smokes ! Sam has some song about how good Camels were to him in France— and ever since? That bird has the warble! Why, Camel talk trickles off his tongue like water flows over Pa Smith’s mill dam! Pete, old carpet tack, Sam has a head all right ! “Camels certainly are friendly ”, was the way Sam put it in his old-time vigor-vim Style. “You know as well as I do”, he added, “that no other cigarette has such a mild, mellow body. And, there’s no harshness or tiredness of taste in a million Camels! No objectionable odor, no lingering unpleasant aftertaste! Summing it all up, Shorty, I’ll say Camels are the greatest cigarettes in the world at any price!” Headed southeast tonight, with Winston- Salem, N. C. my first port of call. Some jump from K. C. ! Pete, it’s Winston- Salem where Camels are made! GET MEI Sincerely Regular meeting and Initiation Wednesday night. All memliers of th" erder urged to attend. Grants Pass Receives Allotment of the Original U. S. Army Blanket mi Shipped direct from Camp Lewis A real Blanket to keep you warm $4.85 Take advantage of this early $4.85 4 Each as the amount is limited 4 £ach Sale Starts Dec. 15th 9 - 8 O’clock—Come Early Grants Pass Hardware 609-611 Sixth Street ----------------- ---------- t » w w/'I'T'J/AT' | entire stock of Hardware sacrificed NS I I 19 .r ’ to the public—thousands of bargains to be had—every article reduced. Now is the time to buy. ■MMMiMaaMMBBMMMii liOiii ' Ml