Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1920)
GRANTS PANH DAILY COURIER Classified Advertising Washlngton, Th« senate late yesterday adopted a resolution directing the revlsal WANTED Dry slabs or cord weil the war finance corporation us In cur load lots. Ashland Lri-ndry measure affordin'.- ralla! to the far- Co. 50 mem. WANTED t lluyeiitter. Have laed grind- c for su >- Call at Williams iymu ’ bill pi YKB • IPS FROM Tilt’ IT ¡>’u|3HE Wood Yard. 50 14 <A. South Bend. It*., 1 ■ WANTED Improve J .-mail »er« age 1 ) George (*' >. th X'otrn l'imo close to Gran's Paas. Davi- nice footigli player * -»ose * i iplid plcy modern home near San Diego, Cal in 4 -ci. Mm » ntry-wt.i r, ergiti- to traile for Grints Puss property. tlon, died tode from utl ' »tocr. • fr Call or write E. 0. Bell, lili E throut dlueaee. • A St, Grunts l'usa, Ore. 55 <'OM ’’VE.NTH i oli IKNT • Dec. lfi TT <r <!ny- Baptist ladlei FOR KENT store room und ware cooked food asie . Public Market. 52 house occupied by the Granta Pass December 20-22—Josephine County Hardware Will he for rent Jan- teacher* Institute ■ ■ & 4 ------------- ... uary 1. J. M. Tetherow. MIST WYNTEII H>l< MALIC WOOD FOR BAIJC Delivered tot 43 75 per tier. Phone W. 8 Rob inson. Wildervilla. Oltf FOR BALE Itlver Banks Better llvrkahlri-u Thrifty, prolific stock River Banka Farms 08tf BEABONED WtXHl FOR SALE Oa and laurel. 44.75; bot^y fir. 44: pine and second growth fir. 43.75; manxanlta. *5. W. I«inibr«c|it, ltd 1. Box 11. 2«tf PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP -Call at 719 North Fourth street* 65 RESIDENCE FOR BAUS 7-rootn modern house, with lot 100x100. Call at 3! 1 A street. 45 I*. -MODERN KCASE CR CL ANING S VICE CALOL FLUSHING OIL ZEROLENE ISTRAYKII FOR SALE 507 E street. The Ward IXJST A bunch of keys, somewhere robe Cleaners: '•»* dark blue over STRAYED A dehorned red cow. in town, «long the curb, If found coat, site 37. *20; one ladles' dark return to Co irler office. Suitable branded "V” on left hip. Owner blue cape, *3.50; one ladles' dark reward. call for same at l-athrop ranch. 50 brown coat, large site, *20. 4f>tf STRAYED from Aimed«, Oregon. FOR BAMC Model 1906 Winchester Holstein heifer, brandod E V on 22 rlfl» with brand new barrel right hip. smooth crop on right and peep eight. Bhoota longs, | ear. black and white allotted, com aborts and long rifle cartridges. ing 3 years old. Anyone knowing 500 rounds ammunition go with where she la please write to Mrs. gun. Price 420. Merle Willits, Ettie Vanblerlcom. Grants Wardrobe Cleaners 52 Oregon. FOR BA Mi Seven-room house with PIANO INHTIH <TIO.\ bath. etc. at 802 N. 7th street, Five-room house, emuli MKS. JAMES M POWERS. Instruc *1800. barn. 61« N. 7lh street. 41200. tor on plano; studio over Barnes* Mr* W H Qualf. Rd. 4. <ltv To Jewelry. Phone 265-J. « How many miles bave you ¿riven your car 2 FOR HAl.F. -One Holstein milk cow. DKNTIHTN fresh two wecke, one Jersey cow. First-class HALF A LOAF fresh four weeks. Otto llenric- E. C. MACY. D. M. D. dentistry. 109% 8 «th St may. be "better than no bread” as son. lld 3, Boa 24. or phone «02- the proverb goes, but half a loaf of < i\ il. I m . im . mi F-21. ‘ 45tf FOR BALE- No. 17 Dolxtval cream’ CIVIL ENGINEER- Daniel McFar our bread Is only an aggravation, separator, 1000 pounds capacity, j land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. For It Is so light and toothsome, so has boen used 30 days. Paid 4152. Res 747 North Tenth St. Phone "moreish" In flavor, that even a 211- t ’ Oltf whole loaf goes a very short way in Will take 4100 F R Hyde. Mur- satisfying the wants of those who phy 50 REAL UNTATE try It. If you would know what per- FOR SALE 1 Universal electric feet bread is try some of ours. T mckinstry . «os o st., phone E three-heut. round grill, with nlckle 355-R, senoral real estate business dishes Phone 346-1,. 50 A»k your Grocer for I trend Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen baked by the GOOD ALFALFA HAY delivered eral farmin« any place in town 429.uO per ton. GRANTS PASS BAKERY Address 934 N 9th St . or see me HIGGINS ft VERDIN—General real estate. Office 111 South Sixth. OOS G Street at the old skating rink whore the Phone 69. 20tf 54 hay is stored. L. W. Hyde. * SEE BALLINGER ft HULL lor farm, FOR BALE 16 Inch body fir wood city and business property. 10 and at 44.00 per tier. Inquire of Geo. A CLEAP SK!N 11 Flanagan Bldg. Phone 284. N Campbell. 815 J street. 50 Women do not have to patronize TAAi FOR SALE 1917 model Studebak the beauty parlor—for if their skin er car; has electric lights, starter. SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R for is disfigured with pimples and Very cheap. Call a| 1114 Pine St. Jitney Luke or Cutler Calle An blotches, 50 swered anywhere, anytime. and their MINCULLA NEOUM DRAYAGE ANI» THRNBFKR NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna mental. shade and fruit trees Oro. H. Parker. 70tf ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. 860 N. 7th St , Grants Pass. 83tf HAULING—One-ton G. M. C. truck equipped with pneumatic . tires doos all kinds of hauling;' special ty: Sand, gravel, granite and loam. Temporary phone, 323-R. Call for Roy Wilcox, Rea 516 Rogue River Ave. ’ 53 ROOFINO—Paper and composition roofing repaired the right way; 14 years experience In San Francisco and Bay cRJes. Cal. Address L J. Otis, 740 N. 10th St. Phone 211-Y. 53 leads as usual — 1*21 •SINGER" m.idols on floor Grants Paar Hard- ware C.> See them. Your terms are oura. J. W. Scott, sales man- ager Singer Seeing Machtne Co. 75tf PAINTING—Paperhanging. Kalso- tnlnlng done by day of contract. Call phone 324-R. 50 THE WORLD MOVES; so- do we Bunch Transfer Co, Office phone 349; residence phone 315-J. F G. ISHAM, dray age and transfer. Safes. pianos and furniture moved, packed, shipped and stored Office phone 1 24 Y. VKTKRI.NAIO Nlltt.M’N DR. R. J BE6TUL, Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule vard. phone S9R-R. L. O. CLEMENT, M. D.. Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear. nose and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. Phones, office «2; residence 359-J. I LOUGHI-UDGE. M. D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phone«, Res. 369; Office. 182; «th and H E. J. BILUCK. M. D Physician anti surgeon, offloe Schallhorn block, phono 54-J; residence. 1004 I-awnridge, phone 54-L. W. F RUTHERFORD—Manual »he- raputlce. It gets your anraent. Office over Barnes' Jewelry atora Office hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- alelan and surgeon, X-ray equlp- ment, dental X-ray. Offlce, Mt- sonic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of- flee 21-J; residence 21-L. MICKIE SAYS A tu' NWWMSIt FVU1U. ptcua op a iWAkm, ut vi Arc \ TÄ ■aCOWVi.'M A CHS ME fVOOVB OUÏR tVC UÇADUWeô—Wl ATTORNEYS V« VNCKB VW ACCAIWtRM PAVÇ« W» «tOoCWOB WNM IVKO A.CO8A- pcwabvc voemou AH' VEAÖÖ vw'e'tiWkMi \u , \>« xv > v >\ via -tu' Ao®, 'u -tut vi aoua back OUtR. tr -to VAAUB SOPE. VW. UhfcVK VABAEO AMNtUIW» I D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal Courta. First National Bank Bldg G. W. OOLVIG, \f.orney-at-law. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. , E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices in all courts. First National Bank Building O. S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. C. A. .-•DIJCR. Attorney-at-law. M •onte I 'inaile. Granta Pass. Ore DEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law referee (in bankruptcy. Masonic Temple. Phone 135-J. I\MI$8 T. (JH TNNock. lawyer Flrat National Bank Building A. C. HOUGH —luiwver, Tuff* Bl lx Practice In all courts. UhniGS ? L ieroleneì . V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In state federal courts. Office over National Drug Store. Enereied Partis—Courier offY' I OW many miles— with out changing engine oil? Dirt accumulates in the oil of every engine—carbon, road dust, fine particles of metal, and gasoline that has escaped past the pistons. This dirty, diluted oil circulating through your engine causes unnec essary wear on bearing surfaces. Have it drained out— noir —and fresh oil put in the crankcase. We can do that for you conven iently, quickly, economically—with Ilea ing Stations blood is in d i s or d e r they should obtain at the drug store that wonderflu1 blood tohio and altera tive of Dr. P i e r c e’s which ho be ll e public over 50 years ago. Since that time many thousands of men and women have testified to its wonderful blood cleansing effect. This is what one woman says: C hehalis , W ash .—"I have used Doctor Fierce’» medicines for over forty years for myself and family and have always found them just aa represented. I think Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery for a tonic and blood builder cannot be beat; and Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pelt lets have no equal for constipation; in fact, I can heartily recommend any and all of Dr. Pierce’s remedies. My daughter had chronic con stipation from babyhood and doc tors could not cure her. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets is the only thing that ever helped her.”—-M rs . J en nie K. S wofford . 1320 Alfred St A Modem Crankcase Cleaning Ser vice. We use Calol Flushing Oil, the new, scientific flushing agent, which cleanses thoroughly with out danger of contaminating the supply of fresh oil. And to assure correct lubrication we refill the cleaned crankcase with Zerolene of the correct grade. Bring in your car today. Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service will give immediate better engine per formance. Done regularly it will lengthen your car’s useful life. % BI RKE ft KNOX, . Garage and Machine Shop, Grants Pass, Ore. ( I. LU NS AV I'D CO., Garaje and Repairing. Grants Pass. Ore. V. ALTER SMITH, Repairing, Kerby. Ore. i ( . ... WINETROUT, c c. 1 and Fordson, Gtaiats Pass. Ore. V l - Ä JOHNSTON, Lie trieal and Battery, Service. Granta Pass. (Jre. IV. 8. MAXWELL & CO., Chevrolet and Nash Motors. C rants Pass, Ore. LIMITED TIME OFFER PlCNL c OR BLACK V- 01 . CAPSULES A Preparation of DUND COUAIMaxIC AT YOUR DRUGGIST EYMAMUftlLÏ Arir- WORTH OF OF GENI GENVINE WORTH INE \/k PATHE RECORDS I-W-I- (Your Own Selection) | | \ • Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect»’”' Oct. 25, 1920 LEAVE GRANTS I 10:00 a. i 1:00 p. I.3O p. i Daily anti Sundat LEAVE MEDFORD 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. ni 4:30 p. in. Grants Pass Waiting Room Bonbonniere Phone 160 TO EACH PURCHASER OF,A PATHE Phonograph NO NEEDLES TO ('HANGE PLAYS ALL RECORDS for Wil in.! and Jacksonville THE PATHE PLAYS WITH A THE PATHE IS ALWAYS SAPPHIRE BALL READY’ TO PLAY THE PATHE IS THF. BIST PHONOGRAPH MADE AUTO TOPS Replace the shabby top with light. eaay-to-handle weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable top perfect fitting and improving the car's took*—a w tile choice tn ma terial* :in<! color*. OUR PRICKS MXVILST NAME YOUR OWN TERMS MITHIN REAJ9ON AND G CT DKIAVERY AT ONCB SABIN Delivers the Goods >