» it n k»i>u Pure Extracted Honey » at Start the Victrola **On Chrutma» Day tn the Morning Surprt»e the *l»o*r tamih TttW ’l, 14/1.H1U* M. *1 and heartening Ywwude carol' * ♦ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC wantku — a ♦ by putting • Victor record or. the nr* \ wtroia. usher an the happiest t¿ aa\ 9 to the strain» oí socnr ianulaar 71* X’tctrola makes certain a merry Christmas, and it per petuates your message of food-will for years to come With Victor records every one in the family can bear just the music al h» or her ♦ ♦ ♦ !2-o- rm» true- »21 J ! ♦ The Panama Rooming H oum -. 2,r_’! _ '*outh Sixth street i> under new managvmriit. thoroughly renovated and will be run a* a first -<-laaa houae under the uane- of Tue El don rooms. own chotee interpreted by the »world » greatest artisu As a gift the Victrola is beyond every thing individual Drop ui uo us today- -let us explain our easy ‘terms. EZ>e Eldon Rooms Mr> May Whitsett. Prop. A Free Hath Weekly Ratee * The Music and Photo House Stanton Rowell. Prop Granta Pas? Ore GEEAT RESULTS Have beer, given by the famous herbal reme <Jy ANTI URIC In the treatment gout, rheumatism o r lumbago Contains no minerals or salicylates Your money back if not satisfactory Try an out fit today. Relief prompt and definite. For sale bv TH Kl» l\<< INSTEAD OF HUNTING for oil, gold or diamond mines, safer and surer to reach a competency by the little everyday accumulations. An account with the Josephine Cot: nt y Bank will be of real help to you. •tU b» Üw calti«. horma. p>«» and trthar 11»«atoe» aal- ß« pur Hit erad» I<wd r»r»- iar.-. Keep Ibras > suad &ad healtsy aed add to their mer ke: ral»« bj fl» le» them leed like ear». kseen la .ocíala the piree a&d beat tncredlesta tor Hrwtoek J osephine G ounty B ank JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. SABIN'S DRUG STORE TELEPHONE CREDIT Our List of “Mark Downs” 71.c tcle|dmne»<-ompany will Is- <■. mpellrd to borrow large amounts of money in the next few years, not only to extend its service to new sub scribers. but to take care of the constantly increasing use of the service bv present subscribers. keeps growing larger. wiH pay you to come in and see for yourself. ASK TO SEE OUR CENT SERGE 98 Golden Rule Store GREAT FAITH IN THE SOUTH SIDE To all partus who have purchased and contem plate busioeM men included Higgins and Verdin will furnish the money to oU-m five acres on good terms. We have made several happy. Why not join the crowd f Two cars at your service free, just a rearing to go and take you for a ride on the south side. Ten, twenty and forty acre tracts a specialty. Ask Our Customers. They are all boosters. Come in and let us tell you all about the terms. Prices run from $15.00 to $50.00 por Ht-re. Free transportation furnished all knock ers out of the state. VERDIN à HIGGINS, 111 H. Sixth Street, Grunts J'.» », On gon. Must Be Turned Into Cash! * A lender in business will demand of a liorrowrr ample security and insist that its value Is- maintained without deterioration. Ilf must Iw shown that this security has an assured earning jx>wer. He must lie satisfied that Ins investment is safe; that it can lie disposed of at any time without loss and that it will bring him a continuou- return. At the present time this compan ’s operations in Oregon are conduct ed at a deficit. Its expenses are greater than its revenue. No return is being recieved by its stock holders; roiri their property in Oregon. Not even the interest on its bonds properly cliargeable to its Oregon proper ties is Is'ing paid from Oregon receipts. With new capital scarce and commanding high rates of return, a busi ness showing operating resuts such.-is these will find it difficult, if not impossible to secure money for its ne«-essities. We assume that the people of Or. gon wish to treat the utilities doing biuineiw in thia state justly and fairl., and in thin belief we have asked the Public Service Commission to approve a schedule of rates increasing our revenues. 'Hie amount asked for is relatively small to the individual rate payer, but the aggregate will pl u-e us in a position where we can ob tain the outside capital necessary in ouj operations. Sample Under present conditions an ade uatr telephone service_ efficient and sufficient—is dependent upon higliet rates. « The PACIFIC TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY Z3K: III