L AWUM'l ATEI» PRK4W4 HKKVICK -rr I GKANTM PAHH. JOSEPHINE < 4»l NTY. OREGON. VOI.. XI.. N«». 72. MONDAY, DEI EMBER 13, HM3O LORD WEDS STAGE STAR ■ ' är0 c HE SUCCEEDS COOLIDGE ra ■, ___ - WHOLE NUMBER 814» a i K- ■ 4 (f « ■rt ■ ■__ , 7/’ « g'OUNTRV WILL HAVE AS MUCH. AM ALL NATION« COMBINED HXi’EI'T ENGLAND i. Rebellion Spreads to Many Parts of Ireland—Sinn Feiners and Police Engage in Heated Battles -Mili tary Repulses all Attacks—Ambushes Reported lx>ndon, Dec. 13— (U. P. 1 The fiercest fightlty; since tty- Easter re bellion of 1916. Is raging in many parts of Ireland. Attacks on British soldiers begun while the heart of Cork still flamed In incendiary Are. The soldiers snd police, according to dlspat-bes, v.-ere more then hold ing their own. A pit hed battle be- i tween Sinn Feiners and Scottish Highlanders occt.rred near Cloyne after the Irish had ambushed troops, •he Irish office announced. One 4tnn Felner was killed Several more were seriously wounded. : . CONSTRUCTION OF XH W ARSHIPS IS ADVOCATED BY 8E4'KE- TABY OF A AVY center, the city ball and the Carne- gie library, on the bank of the river g/- Iz-e were burned. The corn ex- *. change was partly destroyed, du - ► w CtiAkruian of Shipping Hoard 0,41« patches say that Cork Is quiet, Or- Naval Head Recognize* Necessity for ■ni«tic Over Outlook for Future ders were given soldiers to shoot Adequate Shore Establishment: II Lincs arc Established looters on sight. Wants Base in Hawaii i More than 300 buildings are said -■ tbró * ' to have been destroyed by fires yes iflt-ut. Gov. Channing Cox of Massa Washington, Do-. 13 (A P.)~ terday. Most of the fires were ex chusetts, who has been elected gov- Washington, Dec. 13—(A. P.)— With completion of the government tinguished Kecviit photograph of Ixird Rotiert emor to suceMd Vice President-elect Approval of another three year shipbuilding program by 1923, the Inne» Ker. who baa married Jose Col- A military patrol was ambushed Coolidge, 1« here shown sledding with naval building program, involving United States probably will have as ■In», en English musimi comedy star. He is a Itepub- the construction of 88 vessels, if the at.Clo^-ne, seven miles from Queens his little daughter. much ocean going tonnage as all! He'll of (hem are well known tn the Henn. town, yesterday. The attackers United States doe* not enter | th' the other countries combined, with! Uniteli Ntu'es. threw bombs from two houses, but league of nations or a similar world the exception of Great Britain, j were defeated. The attackers organization, is given by Secretary Chairman Benson of the shipping j which the bombs were thrown were Daniels in his annual report today Dublin, Dec. 13—(U. P.)— The burned. board declared In hla annual report to President Wilson. military barracks at Ballfnale were mnde public today. “If the United States is not to attacked by the Sinn Felners. One At the end of the Inal fiscal year.' enter into any agreement with the policeman was killed, and three were Dublin, Dec. 13 — (A. P.) — The the chairman said, American ships.; other powers of the earth, which are severely wounded In a five hour fight central portion of the city of Cork government and private owned, now bound together in the league of during which one wall of the build has been burned to the ground and numbered 3.404. of tl 6.91 8,21 2 dead: nations.” says the naval secretary, ing .was blown in. other portions of the city are ablaze. weight tons, not including more than , ITesident of Workers Announces “I feel compelled to approve the re The police succeeded In holding The conflagration followed an am 2.000.000 tons of shipping on the Military Commission Would Pa»* That the Reductions Will be commendation of the general board the structure. The police barrack« bush of a military lorry at Plllons Control of Port to Ireland—Plan Great imkes The net program of Fought by Employees that congress authorize another at Canlough were fiercely attacked Cross Saturday night, in which four for Court I» Adopted governm'ent owned ships, Admiral i three year program to be begun as last night and several wete reported persons were killed and many were Benson said, contemplated 2,315 soon as the capital ships now under to have been killed. wounded. Three civilians were tak vessels of 13,675,711 dead weight Lawrence, Mass, Dec. 13—(A_ P.) construction are launched.” en from their homes and shot dead tons and at the end of the last fis Geneva. Dec 13—(A* P.)—Mili —The Pacific mills and the Arling The three year program recom London. Dec. 13 — (A P.) — Brit after the ambush. The fires were cal year. 2.070 ships aggregating tary control of Dan'zig by Poland has 1 ton mills, making cotton cloths*an mended by the general board to be ish regular troops guarded today the then started. There were bomb ex 11,622,361 dead weight tons, had been recommeded to the council of twisted, blackened ruins left after plosions and firing also was heard. nounced a wage cut of approximately under way by 1924 includes the con been completed the league of Nations in a report fires, which Saturday night and Sun- The populace Is panic stricken. Mun 22 H per cent, affecting 16,000 struction of three battleships, one During the year 1,180 finished Iday swept virtually unchecked thru icipal buildings, the Carnegie lib workers, effective December 20. No battle cruiser. 3 «light cruisers, eight ah I |x of 6,379,823 deadweight tons from the military commission. Unit the city of Cork. Ireland. Estimates rary and the corn exchange cover word on a wage reduction came from gunboats. 18 destroyer leaders, 13 ed States Senator Medlll MoCormick wore delivered, exceeding all re mine laying submarines. 6 cruiser of the loss run as high 315,000,000. ing a large area have been con the American Woolon Copipany. watched the proceedings of the as- cords. They were built without ov submarines, 4 airplane carriere. 3 St Patricks street, the shopping sumed. sembly today from the press gallery. ertime or other aids to rapid pro New York. Dec. 13—(A. P.) — destroyer tenders and 3 submarine duction. Admiral Benson said. HEIFER BREAKS RECORD FOR I TENTH HELD IN CONNECTION Reports from mill centers indicate tenders. “The shipyard workers of the RITTERFAT PRODUCTION WITH DEATH OF HIS WIFE that wage reductions will be resist “If the United States takes ita Geneva. Dec. 13—(A. P.)—A United States have developed an ex ed, John Golden, president of the stand with other countries in an or pertness which has raised the effi plan for an International court, sub- Fargo, N. D.. Dec. 11.—(U. P.) — Portland. Dec. 13—(A. P.) — United Textile Workers of America, ganization to prevent war and pro ciency of the various crafts to a high ' mltted to the assembly of the Ijeague The “Miracle Cow” has been dis said. • • mote peace,” Mr. Daniels says, “our Jack Tevis, a switchman, was arrest ' of Nations by the committee consld- plane and production has kep.t pace covered. She 1s Salome's Carnation, I present navy, with the addition of ed last night. He is held pending , erlng the subject was unanimously accordingly. Admiral Benson said.’ a purebred Jersey owned by Wil-i an investigation In connection with New Bedford, Mass., Dec. ISA-(A. some special types, will be adequate adopted today. The Hague. Holland The Industry hns expanded 50.000 Ham Urge of Hamilton. N. D. She the death of his wife. Mrs.Nellie P.)—A wag reduction affecting for our defense and the prevention skilled mechanic* to a force of 385, and Jugo-Slavla have broken off-dlp- has shattered the high North Dakota ' Tevis, who was found dead under 40,000 in the cotton mills here ’« of aggression.” < lomatlc relations. 000 mon available to the private record for buttej-fat production in circumstances indicating that she effective on Monday, it has been an- No specific recommendations ‘for ship yards, he added. the two-year-old heifer ejass. The appropriations for <iew construction was choked to death, according to nounced. previous record* was 376.16 pounds “The credit for the accomplish during the next fiscal year are in the coroner. of fat produced tn one year. The ■ ment of the alms of the Emergency cluded in the secretary’s report, but, new re-ord hung up by Salome's Fleet Corporation is therefore due to his estiaiate of the cost of maintain- * Carnation Is for 281 days, or less ROSEBURG TURKEY RAISERS these men who have surpassed all ’ iug the naval establishment for the than nine months. Tn that time she previous performances In the «hip FOI IM POOL TO BOOM PRICE coming year is $679,515,731 exclu has produced 401.05 pounds of fat.1 building of the world,” he said. sive of any sums congress may add Salome's Carnation Is not getting I for new building. This is 3240,000,- American vessels are now sailing Roseburg Dee. 13—(A. P.) — any more care or feed than any of County Agent Haslett announced , In 229 separate services. They car j 000 more than was appropriated for ried 4 4.8 per cent of the nntlon's Grants Pass came in for its share' the other cows tn the herd. the present fiscal year, but Mr. Dan- that a movement has been launched foreign commerce last year as com | of the crime wave which appear* to for forming another pool to control j Urbana, Ill., Dec. 11—(A. P.)>— - iels says the sum “is not really an Marlon. Dec. 13—(A. P.) —Presl- the price of turkeys for the holiday The newest set of agricultural teach • increase.” but is “necessary to carry pared with 9.7 per went before the be sweeping the country, last night* war. the report said. when an unknown robber entered dent elect Harding conferred with trade. He said the Thanksgiving I ers—those who have come to the > on the construction of ships already The government fleet in operation ' the Panama restaurant about 8:30 Elihu Root regarding the association pool saved the growers over 33000. farm boys at their work in the open authorized and the completion of June 30 consisted of 1,294 steel ves-1 o’clock. He secured about 953.50 of nations, today. country—are making a great suc- • shore establishments already begun eels plying to all quarters of the and made hl* get-away without be I cess, according to A. W. Nolan, as J by direction of congress.” globe, Including »508 to Northern ing molested. The officers were no- sistant professor of agricultureal ex The most pressing problem con Europe and 126 to Southern Europe 1 titled Imt the thief had mad? a tension at the University of Illinois. fronting the nation with regard to In the Qans-Paclflc sendee there ; clean e»cai>e. . “Since the passage of the Smith- j the national defense, the naval secre were 163 vessels and In the South There was no one in the front * Hughes vocational education act in tary continues, is the immediate ne American. 138. I part of the bulding where the cash 1917, teachers of agriculture are cessity for increasing the naval shore Forty-one direct service register was located, the waitress at i II now at work in all the states of the establishment facilities on the Pa-' Jicen ostnbMshed to South Ae time being In the kitchen. She • Union," professor Nolan said., “The cific coast. tral America from nine ports on the saw the man enter but before she "The day will never come,” Mr. < Port Au Prince, Dec. 11(*—A. P.l teachers are employed for 12 months Atlantic coast, four on the Gulf and could give the alarm he had gone. | The Old Channel mine at Galice ’ Americans seldom come to Haiti ex in the year. They are paid partly Daniels says, “when a powerful fleet on the Pacific coast, the report He wore a blue handkedchlef over Is again in full operation after a cept on business. It is the rarest from local funds and partly from will not be based in the Pacific and his eyes and wore a dark suit. Itj number of years of ildeness. accord- thing to see a tourist here, and ship federal funds granted by the voca it is essential that ample provision was Impossible to secure a more de- Ing to J. R. Harvey, who la in the travelers, stopping at thiB port for tional act. be made not only for the Pacific tailed description. He left the door city for a few days. A force of 17 several hours, rush aboard again af- "Under the provisions of this law. fleet, but for the whole American open and the register Is so lacated men has been put to work and with ter a hurried survey of the water all students enrolling in vocational fleet in its stated periods of tactical that he was *ble to take out the all the water needed to keep the J front section, The hordes of beg-1 agriculture, with teachers thus em exercises on. the west coast. without going behind the J mine going this winter, a good clean-) money Among the new Pacific coast pro gars bestting the visitors as they! ployed. must carry on for six months desk. After he had secured the up is expected. Coliu McIntosh, of attempt to pass through well paved of the year, as a required part of jects now under consideration for money he Inserted a stick which he ' San Francisco, who held a lease on streets, lined with the lame and the their course, a farm project under which -congress has been or will be carried, between the handles on the the property has sold his Interest blind discourages the visitors. asked to provide funds are a deep the supervision of the teacher. doors and made It Impossible for to Edgar F, Wallace, a mining man water docking and repair base, a The Chamber of Commerce, mind “A teacher of agriculture literally anyone on the Inside to get out. of San Francisco, and S. A. Holman, submarine base and other develop Washington, Dec. 13—(A. P.) — This gave him ample time to get general manager and president of ful of this evil, is trying to end It, lives with his boys during the sum The Johnson Immigration hill as around the corner into the darkness. the Balakalala mine at Coram. Col. for the organization admits that It mer months, directing their work, ments at San Francisco; an aviation base at Sand Point, King eounty, amended to prohibit nil Immigration Several -persons report seeing the V. B. Allen, who was manager of is the thing that turns tourists -away. study and business in connection Washington; a submarine, destroyer for ono year wns passed by the house robbery but thought nothing of the the largest gravel mine In the Unit Aside from the occupation forces with their farm projects. The boys and aviation base at Port Angelee, and now goes to the Scnaje where its matter at the time. No clues were ed States, the North Bloomfield, of there are about 200 Americans in i in these classes are usually organiezd Washington; .a submarine base at defeat Is predicted by Senate leaders. left for the police to work on, al California, is consulting engineer. the capital. Only four full steaming I into vocational clubs under which ■fContlnued wn Page 31 days from'New Yerk. Haiti Is lucky ; auspices trips are taken to sales. though some believe the work was Work for next year is to be un Washington, Dec. 13-(A. P. > done by local talent. It Is possible dertaken on a larger scale than this if It gets mall In eight or ten .days 1 fairs, universities, agricultural ex An embargo for one year against the that one of the many transients who veer. Mr. Harvey states. There is» The one hotel here patronized by hibits, and good farms. All of this Importation of wheat, wheat flour, jusn through the city wns responsi plenty of water in the ditches to in Americans sits back toward the base ' reacts to the moral and social, as bnrley, rvv, oats, wool, hogs, cattle, ble. The opinion Is freely expressed sure a steady run for the winter, of the mountainside overlooking the well as the vocational and agrlcul- and sheep wns proposed In a hill In by many people of the city that this h » e now four feet of snow on sen and beyond walking distance of | tural education of the boys. troduced by Representative Young. Is only the begtnnin of a series of! 1'b i Vine mountain from-whlch the town. Once acclimated the resident Republican. He also Introduced a crimes. Precautions should be tak- mine draws its supply of water for American likes the weather, but FIVE PERSONS Kiff El» IX hill establishing a permanent sched en as rnany men arc out of work b.draullc work. Mr. Harvey will there never was a snn in Texas that ATLAS POWDER EXPLOSION ule of Import duties upon these < drifting through the city and. i return to the property tomorrow. boats down with the intensity of this Washington, Dec. 13—(A. P.)— 111 items after the one year embargo co advantage of any opportun-i Haitian sun around midday. ‘resident Wilson appealed to the Dover, N. J., Dec f find. The cleaning out of | \merican people to contribue funds Th 4 old belief hold In many n arts Five persons were Jamos Smith spent Saturday tran- Mrs. Norn Murphy 4s suondlng th tin *• uc .-’so n| ianj ’or the relief of 3,500,000 children of the United States that Pol*t an and sevorjl Injured , •i.i-d t u 1 nals into other parts of the ictlng business In Medford and frtnee is a breeding spot of crime In the Atlas Powder n central Europe who are described reaving for that city this morning icksonvllle. is facing starvation. at Lake Hopatcong. Is wrong now. OLD CHANNEL MINE IS HAI11 NOi PARADISE AGAIN IN OPERATION • ™ AMERICAN TOURIST I — i