35c Aluminum Salt and Pepper Shakers, now quart Rolled Top Blue Enamel Dish Pan, Reg. $1.50, now for $1.50 Railroad Lanterns, Standard Makes, now 90c 6 quart Lips Sauce Pans, now for ___ ___ c 1 I 4 Absolute Closing Out Sale quart Grey Granite 8tew Pans, Regular Price 20c, now for = --......-...................... ■■■■ 1Oc of THE ••-------- ----- ■■■■ ■ ■■ 15c Cake Tins, new for ■■ ................ . .......... Grants Pass Hardware Co 4 STARTS 10 quart Blue Enamel Water Pail, Regular Price $1.50, now for 4 20c Cake Tins now for__ MONDAY, DEC., 3th, 9 A. M ’r 8c Every Article Will Be Sacrificed $1.09 READ WHAT THIS SALE MEANS TO YOU! Right at a time when other merchants are reaping their harvest of profits and just at the time when you are thinking of buying your Fall and Winter needs, we an­ nounce this sensational sale. We want you to know that this is a real, genuine, bonafide sale, and it will pay people to come miles to buy their daily needs, as the SAVINGS ARE ENORMOUS and THE MORE YOU BUY THE MORE YOU SAVE. Many people have been waiting for prices to come down before they bought their many needs in Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, etc. RIGHT HERE AND NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO EUY We have gone the limit to bring prices down to old times before the war, and we are cutting and slashing prices and will sell the very things you need every day in the year at prices less than half their present worth in many instances, and in most cases less than present wholesale cost. COME! Be Ide opening day. COME EV­ ERY DAY. LET NOTHING KEEP YOU AWAY! SAVE THIS AD FOR DAILY SPECIALS; NOTICE EVERY PRICE. BUY NOW AND SAVE! $3.25 Kiddy Cars, now for Blue Enamel Savory Roasters, Regular. $5.25 Kind, now for_______ $3.98 NOTICE THE BIG DAILY SALES SPECIALS Don’t Buy a Dollars Worth of Goods Until This CLOSE OUT SALE Opens with every $2.00 Pur * chase or over as long as they last. One to tho Family. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Clamp Clothes Pins 4 quart Aluminum Stew Kettle Nails Standard Electric Iron complete with every $2.00 pur chase or over as long as they last. Three to one family. with every $2.00 pur­ chase or over as long as they last. One to a cus­ tomer. TUESDAY MONDAY Opening Day Best $1.25 House Broom will be sold for Fine Quality Toilet Paper with every $2.00 pur chase or over as long as they last. Five to a fam ily. with every $2.00 pur- . chase or over as long as they last. Five pounds to a customer. with every $2.00 pur­ chase or over as long as they last. One to a cus- • tomer. Remember This Closing Out Sale Starts Monday, Dec. 13,9 a.m. When we tell you this is going to be one of the GREATEST and MIGHTIEST bargain evenis ever advertised by tl'is 01 mv ocher store, and that one of the best known stocks of Hardware, Stoves Ranges, etc., in Grants Pass is to go on Public Sale to close out thousands and thou: n t. dollars worth c.~ useful daily needs, you should appreciate the importance of this sale and let nothing keep you away. The general Public of today is WELL AV. ARE OF THE MANY SHORTAGES in var­ ious lines of merchandise and of the fact that prices have been going higher and higher every day. The time has come when prices must come down. Henry Ford started the “Ball-a rolling” and we are going “Henry” one better. WE BOUGHT MERCHANDISE BEFORE THL AD v AKCES IN PRICE, and are in a posi­ tion to sell to the public for less than any merchant could buy the same goods for at wholesale today. You should appreciate the importance of this sale and BUY NOW BUY GENEROUSLY! Buy the many things you have been putting <»ff purchasing until prices came down—figure out your present and future needs and buy as you never did before. It will be the best and most profitable investment you ever made. This sale will prove a revelation to people with limited means—in fact every person and family should take advantage of this wonderful sale. The reductions are astounding— THE SAVINGS ENORMOUS! It will pay you handsomely to come miles to attend this remarkable sale. Lists printed in no instance represent entire stocks offered for sale. Thousands of additional items from every depart­ ment await your inspection, and they all mean a marvelous saving in price.—COME!—DON’T DELAY -be here opening day! COME EVERY DAY. Even the tremendous quantities can’t last in the face of the reductions offered at this sale. WATCH FOR DAILY SPECIALS. Best Quality $2.50 Straps now for Old English Granite Ware- Steamers or Roasters now Rasor $1.49 93c 2 Pound Ball Pien Hammer, regular price $2.50, now for 33 4 Goodyear Auto Tires, reg­ ular price $41.05, now fcr .._ $19.98 No. 28 Icy Hot Thermos Bot­ tles, regular price $3.00, now for ...... $2.25 WE MENTION THESE FEW ITEMS TO SHOW YOU WHAT WE ARE DOING American Cutlery Carving Sets (Cut Steel), Regular $6.00, now for.... ...... .......... $4.39 One Yale Range, worth $110.00, now for................. * ®i 7Q Grants Pass Hardware Co. «RQQ.so ■ GRANTS PASS, OREGON O'. 9 * KT m NRI « • * 9 • « $