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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1920)
Grants Pass-Medford 1 Shoes for the Family F0RMEN Neckwear Belts r ............... Suspenders Handkerchiefs Shirts Garters Underwear Arm Bands Shoes Sox Gloves Suit Case; FOR LADIES Shoes Boudoir Pumps 81ippers Spats Felt Hiking Slippers Boots FOR CHILDREN—Shoes and House Slippers Many talus are related of various discoveries and finds throughout the Illinois valley, but the story of the discovery of gold on Althouse creek la one of the most interesting. John Althouse, the discoverer was work ing on prospects in Canyon creek without great success had sought In formation from the Indiana encamp ed at the foot of Eight DoHar Moun tain as to other possible sources of gold. These Indians were not over friendly to the whites who were now usurping their empire, but were probably more friendly to Althouse . than to the others. lAt all events, the Indiana had many beautiful nug gets but would not tell from whence \ they came, until one rainy and blus- j tory night the old chief made a quiet | call for Althouse, at his tent, and told him he would lead him to the , source of the big nuggets. The trail ' led over flats, over creeks and by a ' lortupus route until after ascending a creek leading straight toward the heart of the Siaklyous, they stopped at an elk pit. This pit was a deep I hole'dug in the gravel of the stream now stiown as Althouse creek, and recovered with brush, designed to entrap the elk as they crossed the creek bed. But to John Althouse the Interesting feature was not the Pit but the pile of gravel thrown to one side. The high waters and winter rains had washed this out In a na tural hydraulic operation, leaving ex posed the big nuggest, orfe of which the Indian picked up and handed to Althouse. It goes wittout saying that a claim was staked out right there with no further delay, and the maelstrom of gold trlenzied mlnen shifted from the west bank of the Illinois to the tributaries on the east side. The Althouse strike was made and millions of dollars were token from the stream and from Sucker . creek in the course of the next few | years. The first mansion to arise in the wilderness of the Illinois valley 1n the earliest days, was the log cabin erected by James Kerby on hie dona- lion claim, In the winter of 1852 and ’53. This bouse, the first permanent home In the section, became the nu cleus for the first county seat of Josephine county, as well, the town of Kerbyville being founded there. The next log cabin was one built by William Sawyer in the winter of 1858 and '57, with lumber for fld- lahtng at >80 per thousand. Raw Vegetable Cure. The Juice» of raw vegetable» •I Itnl- nate. all kinds of poisons from the blood, and many proof, are now forth coming of esse» of rheumatism neu ritis consumption, etc. having been completely cured by the raw vegetable diet. t T WONDERFUL OUTFIT Large Floor Cabinet—Fifty Selections of Your Own Choice. 100 Loud Needles 100 Medium Needles Anti-Uric 100 Soft Needles Guaranteed to give »atlafac- tory results In all canes of Jewel Point Rheumatism 2 Sapphire Points Or money «(tent for it will be refunded. .Many who suffered have iteen bcnefltted by thi» herltal remedy. Get an outfit and give it a trial, the result» will pleaae you. ' Record Brush Bottle of Oil For sale by SABIN’S DRUG STORE BOLLON LAKE WATER LANDS The Music and Photo House ft. nuSesnAH«Áaí?r^ftfe,s< lake la formed by construction ot a i short dam across the open gap. This A—r SOU BY MttlttHSTS EVERYWHERE 1 dam will not exceed 150 feet In j length, and with a height ot 25 feet ' It Is estimated, will increase the sur face to exoeed 50 acres with an aver- ' age depth of 50 feel, or a total vol- Airne of water available for Irriga tion of 2500 acre feet, which with re-use after seepage will amount to better than 3000 acre feel This to tal arrived at would amount to 3000 acre feet for the erttlre season, but since the stored water will be needed for only the drouth period, or about one-half the irrigation season, it amounts to the same thing as double the amount or sufficient for 6000 acres for the dry weeks in which the need is felt. Flocking Flappers. The total lands then which will Under floppy hats flappers Anally flock wherever soda clerks flip frappe be accommodated for the necessary —Cartoons Magasine. Irrigation in this district will total over 12,000 acres after the project Measure by Smokes. In the famous Toiims tobacco rw has been put Into effect. Project Good Investment rlon of the Andes everybody gt-es dis It has been estimated by irrigation •anees by means of “tobaccos," or no »any smokes of cigars. engineers who have looked <^er the needs of this section that the value of consolidation of canals would be so great that it would be worth the cost of the new ditches for those who now have lands but no water to put in the system, thus doubling Yhe duty of the water now used. This project Is regarded as the moot feasible In the Illinois valley, and probably will come to a head; first of any. It will mean the bring-. Ing out of a fertile region and a % scale of production never yet reached In such an area iq southern Oregon. I but it is strictly up to the farmers themselves In that district to put It through, and as they have now token the initiative which will mean ulti mate success. • Stanton Rowell, Prop. Grants Pass, Ore. ■¡■.¡■.¡■■¡.»H-i-H lllll ¡bll'H'l-H-M-1 iHHHW i | Christmas Greetings Woodward’s Measure the diameter and height of the can In Inches. Multiply the diame ter by Itself and the product by the height. Take one-third of one per cent of the total and this answer will be the number of gallons, correct to one-fif teenth. Tor exact result 2 per cent of the total may be added. H p connect with stages for A ililand and Jacksonville » The Real Test. The measure of civilisation tn any race or commntilty Is the capacity for eo-operatloo—the harmonions and ef- facllvo Kelllus aloua toerthsr. (Continued from page Nine) Te Tell How Much Can Will Hold. STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effective Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Granta Pass «KANTS PASS MEDFORD Waiting Room 10:00 a- m. 10:00 Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m 4.30 p. m 4:80 p. m. Phone 160 * A very substantial Christ mas present will accompany each car or truck sale made during the month of Dec ember. Why Not Electric Cooking? • You are protected against loss should prices decline before May 1st, 1921. W. S. MAXWELL & CO. Chevrolet and Nash Agency is always ready to ©use rheumatism ••AT the very first twinge, down California-Oregon Power Co. 4 • ** comes my bottle of Sloan’s; then ouiek relief, without rubbing, for it s stimulating and scatters congest;. :. The boys use it for stiff mu«c’eF, and it helps Sally’s backaches, too. ” 35c, 70c, fl. 40. Complete Stock of Parts Reliable Mechanics X s