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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1920)
* rants I MITER PREHH SERVICE » V<>l.. XI., No. U.l. X GRANT* PAMS. JOHEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. Till lUtDlY, D$:< EMIIER 2, IMO. WHOLE MEMBER 3110. I V I * 'aMforntu State Market IMrector, Call* “¡¡(to Look Into High RafflP^n, .Coast products EttaotHon I« Made i líder Til« ¡Her tor Body of Small Thought Mur- dert-d hy Roughly % Toronto, Dec. 2.—Excavation is l.EAGI K OF NATKIN* MANCHON* being made under the Grand theater ACTION BY UNITED STATES, in search of the 'body of Ambrose J. »PAIN AMR BRAZIL I.C.C.JCISION Successful Meeting Held Yesterday at Courthouse; Mans Sau Francisco. Dec. 2.— (A. ( ‘ P.) — * — PORTLAND WILL REMAIM IM THE field Gives Good Talk; Niles Reelected Head of Organ A conference ot coast shippers and I " SAME POSITION AA PREVIOU8- ' cooperative growers associations was I LY HELD BY THEM ization; Work For Next Season Planned called by State Market Director Dan- A Small, the missing theatrical mag I iels here for December 21, for the nate. , Stage hands under the direction of purpose of meeting the situation The Josephine county Farm Bu soclatlon, which was much the sam< caused by a sharp increase in trans- Detective Mitchell will dig up the earth under the auditorium until it reau In annual meeting yesterday aa that of the dairymen. One share portation rates. Growers of Callfor- uU too iifliLo rncujuuiUNL lu definitely established that Small's voted to affiliate with the Oregon ot stock would be Issued to members nia, Oregon and Washington are in- I _____ State Farm Bureau federation and for each 100 hens. They would be vlted to the conference. body is not hidden there. I xml Orli tejí tritile III I>« h ~. Not with the National Farm Bureau. Ix>- bound by a three-year contract. Ore _____________ Prejudice Said to Exist—Differ.-ntlai Gunranleo Territorial Integrity Atal members of the bureau are en- gon has more advantages at the start of 10 Per Cent on Shipments To UKF/K VICTIMS III RIED DIVORCEE WAS MURDERER IM to Manter Mali* In Ixsiguc ' thuslstlc over the move. Clyde E. in the poultry business than Peta and From Upper Columbia ON SPOT WHERE APARTMENT LAST MIGHT I Niles, of Riverbanks Farms, was luma had, said Mr. Upson. The far i again elected president ot the coun- mer is not selling to the organiza Clallam Bay. Wash.. Dec 2—(A. ' ty organization and will head 'the tion but is selling the products him-' Tacoma. Dec. 2.—(A. J*.) Mrs. By Henry Wood Washington, Dec. 2.—(A. P.)— Jensen, work for the coming year. tA num- self, through the association. The Theresa Cunningham, a-milliner, di- (United Press Staff Correspondent) P.)—The bodies of Captain and hie I her of interesting and instructive assoclation would buy the eggs at vorced last month, was murdered in The interstate commerce commiasioa master of the barge Pirrle Geneva, Dec. 2—(U. P.)—The near | talks were given by men who have the current market price and put her apartment last night Two shots approved the existing rates on grain league of nations ha* authorized the | wife, were buried side by side Johnson. The bodies of 10 j had statewide experience In ’cooper them in storage. 1 When they wen- "ere Wrsd .after, which a man was ind grain products in carloads from _______ _ United Ktates. Brazil and Spain to ! Cape victims were burled on the ative work running down the stairs, points in Idaho, eastern Washington Project leaders were sold the profits would then be divid- intervene in Armenia, thia action ! other where they were found The elected for the county and the work ed among the stockholders. ........ ................ followed the acceptance by President beach and eastern Oregon, to Portland and C. X. Culy outlined the work done Wilson 'and the governments of the two known survivors are suffering for the coming year mapped out. New York, Dec. 2. Marjorie Txs- Astoria and intermediate points and About 150 farmers of the county by the Josephine county cooperative | comb, the motion picture actress who other two nations of the league's in from exposure. They are stlfl at Tx , _ , . w Vancouver, Washington and also were welcomed by Mayor C. H. Dem- marketing association, which has ac came from England recently to en- vitation to mediate between Ar Push. was a PPrr>v®d the rates on class and com- aray who expressed his pleasure in complished much for the farmer in gage in motion picture work menia and the Turkish nationalists. bprned to death in an apartment modity shipments between Portland Mrs. A Imboden spent several havinr them In the city. F. 8. Bram the past year "The .league Interpretation” of ar ticle 10 of the covenant is declared days In the city on business, return- well, president of the Grants Pass , At the election of officers. C. E. house Dre in which four other per- a.nd Vancouver points in the Colum- Chamber of Commerce spoke on the Niies was reelected president; Mrs. sons died. by lord Cedi to be that territorial ml this morning to Roaebtg'g uta river basin. Rate on class and "Farmer, the Business Man and the L. M. Nichols, vice-president and Integrity of member statee is not ommodtty shipments between Port Future of Josephine County.” Clyde food project leader; J. R. Hawes, guarantee«! Addressing the com land and Vancouver and points in E. Niles responded to Mr. Bramwell secretary-treasurer; Walter Farra. mission on new m««mbershlpa. he the Columbia river basin south of and also spoke of the most encour beef cattle project leader: C. N. Culy, aald "we formally remind all cow Snake river were held unduly pre corned that article 10 does not guar aging work done during the past dairy; L. M. Nichols, swine; K. Ham-’ judicial to the extent that they ex merhacher, poultry; J. E. Daniels, antee territorial Integrity to any year ¡by the Farm Bureau. ceed 90 per cent of the rates applied "Cooperation is civilization itself.’* irrigation: L. M. Mitchell, rodent member of the league It IlmWa our on like traffic between the Columbia obligation* to condemning any ex aald George Mansfield, of Medford, control; F. Breltmayer. fruit; Mrs river basin points and Astoria or Ta urging that the county Farm Bureau Geo. Seeback. child welfare; Mrs. L. ternal aggression against the terri-1 coma or points on Grays Harbor and M. Mitchell, home conveniences; Mrs. torlal and political independence of Paris, Dec. 2.—(A. P.)—"Ger- Willapa bay. Madison. Wls . Dec. 2.—(A. P.) — join'the state and national organiza any member of the league, and Michael I. Flostovsteff. formerly pro tions. "The federal Farm Bureau is E. C. Underwood, clothing. The dif-; many today does not endanger The rate decision upholds in part makes it the duty of the council to fessor of Russian history of the Uni an* institution depending upon the ferent project leaders will have peace," writes Jean Herbetts. for- editor of Le Temps, in an ar- the findings of Henry Thurtell, ex advise what means are desirable to versity of Petrograd and now pro cooperation of all. In our grand-, charge of the project work over the aminer of the interstate commerce meet anch aggression.** fiteer of ancient history at the Unl- father's time every man did his entire county and will have assistants tIcie devoted to both the military commission, announced last January. | and economic conditions across the veralty of Wisconsin, declares that share Conditions have changed and tn each of the localities. Work undertaken during the com-.Rlline M Herbette has been trav- Rate experts say Portland will re- Gene- * (A PA—A reso Russian professor» and’ intelectuals we must not have the spirit of let main in the same position it has oc- lution re. ««eting consider Hen are being gradually exterminated by someone else do it. Work without, Ing year will include the improve-1 e]jng through Germany for some cupied as a grain shipping port, but The ' time, gathering material, amendments to the league covenant the bolshevikl and that they are at- cooperation is doonwd to failure.”; ment of the rural telephone. will receive a differential of 10 per at thia session and providing for a tiMtiptlng to build up a new Intel "The state and nation Farm Bu rodent contest will also be continued "The most competent persons. ent compared with • Astoria , i and committee to, study changes bafort* lectual class. reau have definite programs of work. | next season. A seed show will be j | speaking for the allies,” he con held which will include the .corn' tinues. "affirm that Germany is ma Puget Sound terminals on shipments the meeting of the next assembly was "The aim of the bolshevikl is to Mr. Mansfield continued. "We are to and from points in the upper Co- passed by the assembly of the league make of the *bourgefl1se.* or better, starting in the right direction with show. Much Interest was shown in, terially incapable of commencing a lumtya river basin and south of the corn show as III in prizes was of nations today with one dissent 'Intellectual Russia.' a 'tabula zasa.’ definite things in view. One prob great war within a goodly number Snoke river. The case was initiated taken by Josephine county, which <Jf years.” ing vote a void place, and to fill this place lem is taken up. at a time and pre a year and a half ago by Portland in more than paid for the exhibit. with a new intellectual class educat sented to the people. The American Dtsarmement. so far as artillery terests. A dinner was served at noon at' ALLIER PREMIER TO WIRM ed in the bolshedst Ideas.” Professor Farm Bureau is on a strictly bus-| is concerned, he says. 19 proceeding I GREECE OF RESTORATION Rostovwteff said. "The reality shows fness basis. It is now organized in which music and entertainment was satisfactorily. "The number of. can- . •«•«■« furnished by local people. that Instead of this communistic 35 states, representing 1500 county j non delivered is In the neighbor- AUUU Ix.i'don, Dec (A. P ) -Allied class, a class of gr«wHiy profiteers and farm bureaus, with a revenue of hood of 28,000 and about six-sev- HI I 11 premiers agr«M»d to wart Greece demornllz«»d scoundrels Is growing $750.00«. It Is probably the strong-! enths now have been destroyed. On —- against restoration nt Constantine. up to replace the class which gave to eat organization of Its kind in Amer the other hand Germany is far from LI the world Tolstoi. Dostoievsky Tsch- ica. Its object is to develop a com haring surrendered enough rifles I (J alkovsky and a great number of oth pletely unified national organization (hardly 2.000,000) and machine guns.” Disarming of the civil pop ers tn fields of science, art and lit to act as spokesman for the farmer ! and the farmers’ interests on all oc-' erature.” Philadelphia, Dec. 2.—(A. P.) — ulation. now going on, Is expected Prof«»ssor Rostovsteff. who came to caslons; to encourage and assist the | The German government has expres- to yield better results. the university this year from the Col development of food production to a Dismantling of the German navy, sed to the state department at Wash- The meeting at tlfe Chamber of lege of Paris, has teen in constant higher state of efficiency; to assist by the British, also Is in progress ington its appreciation ot the work touch with former Intellectual lead in some arrangement between capital Commerce rooms tonight promisee "and is being carried on with ex-¡of the American Friends Service ers of his country since he left it af-( and labor which will Insure freedom to te one of the most important ceptlonal vigor.” j Committee, ot Philadelphia, in feed- Tiflis, Dec. 2.— (A. P.)—Armen |er the first year of the bolshevlst re from disruption and the crtyninally meetings held here for many months. • "In addition to ail this,” com- ing undernourished children in the ian forcea have l>een driven eastward gime. He fled to Sweden from Pet wasteful strikes, and to establish The meeting has 'been called to talje ments M. Herbette. "the prestige of Rhine sector occupied by the Ameri- by Turkish nationalists until the re rograd and later went to England new foreign markets for the surplus up the discussion of a number of the military has fa’len unbelievably can troops, problems now confronting the resi gion they hold Is entirely outside the where he taught in Oxford university. of the American farm products.” low beyond the Rhine.” Organiza The American Quakers are fur- dents of the county. Percy Cupper, traditional boundaries of Armenia According to Mr. Mansfield the "Some of the professors and intel tions of former officers, he says, are nishing one hot meal a day to 650.- state engineer, who is spending the | Rogue «-alley has the advantage over lectuals are systematically extermin being formed constantly and Ger-! 000 children and nursing mothers in WIIEAT STARTS AHVAXCE ated by the bolshevikl as in Kharkov, the rest of the state in dairy work. day looking over the work done on j mans. If they wished war. would find Germany, having engaged In this IM PRICE ÎM CHICAGO MART Odtwia. Kiev and Rostov," the pro He also stated that the possibilities the irrigation project, has been re •I officer» to lead them. but. except tn, work at the request of Herbert C. fessor said. "According to reports I of Jackson and Josephine counties quested to be present and make a few’ ! Bavaria and possibly East Prussia. Hoover. During the winter the * Chicago, Dec. 2.—(A. T.)—8tecu receiv«»«! from Month «Russia, most of had not yet been touched. He also remarks. The discussions are open j these associations are isolated and Friends expect to feed 1,000,000 upturns In the wheat market occur- the intellectuals who did not fly be : put in a word for the home demon to everybody in the county and it is ¡ | ’‘growing rusty.” children and moSiers dally. Only rod today. At one time the extreme fore the occupation of these towns by stration work which he said was an hoped a good representation ot both To illustrate how the military the most undernourished children gain was 11 cen’r a bushel as com the bolshevikl were imprisoned as absolute essential to insure the best farmers and business men will be spirit persists, he tells of a young and those in imminent danger of pared with yesterday's finish for counter-revolutionaries and execut ; of vigorous manhood in the future. present. lieutenant he knows who puts on his disease are being fed. About the most important problem • uniform and wears all his decora- The legislative side of the Farm March which touched $1.«6%. ed.*’ "The German government's note, Bureau was touched upon by Mr. which must be solved soon by peo- I tions at breakfast—but who does not which was delivered by the Minister , pie of Josephine is the matter of Mansfield Who stated that the farm appear in uniform In public. of Switzerland, reads in part as fol ers expected to have a representative getting the lands cleared and under FA KEWELL HIRAM! "The masses of workers.” he adds, at Salem in the next legislature. He I cultivation, according to President ‘ieuffered too greatly during the war. lows: Everett Earle Stanarci "For some time an American re i also showed how, through coopera Bramwell, of the Chamber ot Com- either at the front or by the priva tion. bills which were objectionable I merce. Some plan of colonization tions behind the line«, not to detest lief mission has been in operation In must be worked out so that the lands the military regime, which in return the government district of Cobleni, I to the farmer had been i^feated. M. 3. Shrock gave a short talk on ! instead ot remaining idle, will be- for all their sacrifice«, brought only, its purpose being to feed undernour We always try to keep a grin upon our face »flicker, but the dairymen's league. He gave the j come productive. The meeting has a disaster without parallel. One can | ished children, and it has already sometimes we are tried like sin and scarce can start a snick reasons why In the past the coopera- been called for 8 o'clock and will say without exaggeration, that I—. helped thousands of German . chil er. They say a man's plain duty is, in spite of provocation, | tlve associations have been a failure. , start promptly. population of the industrial regions dren. The German government is anxious to express its thanks offlclal- to use no cuss words but Gee Whiz or Golly or Tarnation, Contracts were drawn so loose that is profoundly anti-militarist. But as I was about to say there are some folks cavorting, it was an easy matter to get in qr •»« Germ'anv has? then? neither the|V t0 ,he American government for that drive the sunshine all away and simply set us snorting | out of the league. Poor manage- material nor the morale required for thl« work ot unselfish charity. They dash into a reading-room and smash the blissful quiet ' ment also resulted badly for the or- a vast offensive. She could only un- "The foreign office of the German like Kansas cyclones through the gloom dispensing horrid ■ ganlzatlon. The organizations also dertake upon occasion email military empire therefore has the honor to I proved to ’be- too' small. These de- riot. They fldglt round and can't he still, converse out loud, operations upon her eastern and ' request the Swiss legation to convey and wander with aimless tread about, until no man can read i fectsghave been overcome in the southeastern frontiers. But her the sincere thanks of the Germai or ponder. And when behind us nt the show the whisperers I dairymen’s league, according to Mr. western neighbors would stop her government to the state department get busy and William Green tn accents low spoons with his ' Shrock. The association is a non- ' at Washington. D. C„ through the quickly and she knows It. profit. beet girl, Lizzie, when to the right of me a rube keeps up a non-capltal organization, Waahlnglon, Dec. —lA. P. >— "In the last analysis the peace of Swiss legation for the generous work constant chatter, and on the loft a hungry boob 'small talk’ Members would sign to sell their The tmn-.'.l'.ita loan of fKO.OOO.OOO Europe depends only upon the al- of Mr. Noyes (American member of products through them for a period from the government to aid the lies.” proceeds to scatter, each babbling geek right hy the neck I'd the Rhineland commission at whose . of five years. He also showed the like to grab, by gravy, and sink him deeper far. by heck, than suggestion the Quakers undertook farmers in the face of falling prices the old German navy. Rut I go on. and so do you. and like promt- the relief work) and for the eelf-sac- benefits to be derived from coopera W. B. Lindsay, the was proposed by Senator Hitchcock, nent Merlin ram her. spent several^ rificing activity of the Quakers, who n Cheshire kitty I grin and pen another new. nice poem, terse tion. V. L Epson, manager ot the Pa« of Nebraska, in a bill drawn after a days in the city. He attended the in the service of humanity are era- and witty. ciflc cooperative poultry association conference with Governor Harding farm bureau meeting yesterday and ating better living conditions for gave an outline of the plan of the as- of the federal reserve board. returned home this morning. thousands of German children.” I PREVENTED GERMANY NOI MENACE 10 PEACE SAYS PAPER BIG LOAN IS WANTED FOR AID OF FARMERS