Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1920)
GKANTR PAMt DAILY OOl’IUKR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I, 1P1ÏD. : PERSONAL : : ■ AND LOCAL : ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦ ''Pathe" Phonograph Sabin has it H. L. Ford. of Eugene. is register- ad today at th* Josephine Remember the baaaar at the M. K church. Tuesday afternoon and eien ing, December 7th. 3»tf E. K Wheeler of Tacoma, hi In the city for a few days attending to bus inem matters. Harry Roberta was a business vis itor in «¿rants Pass yesterday from Redmond. Oregon. B. F. Skillman left early today tor Portland where be will spend several days on business. M. F. Poppendorf and P. 1. Tap pendorf were registered last uight at the Josephine from Portland. Lunch will be served afternoon and evening, at the bazaar held in the M E. church parlors. Tuesday, 39tf December 7th. Mrs Q. M. Thrasher returned to her home at Klamath Falla thia morning after visiting here with her Mrs. A- D. Houck. for parcel post sale by ladies Tuesday even may be left at W. G. White's, E street. 39 Ladies coats relined at the Ward robe Cleaners. 607 B street, opposite Colonial. Phone 147. 21« John Sauer left last night for Portland where he yrill spend the next week on business and also vis iting with hie daughter, Eleanor Sauer. Crank up your old boat and hed her south on the main Pacific high way. Big dance. tRiverside Com munity Club house. Saturday Decem ber 4th 39 Chicken tamales and other good things to suit the taste, served at the luncheon next Tuesday afternoon and evening. December 7th, at the M. E. church bazaar. 39tf H. A. Whiteneck is a local visitor from Gold Beach, made famous by the perpetual fish controversy which centers around the packing industry located at the mouth of the Rogue. We know we have had lots of rain and part of the works was washed away at Savage Rapids, BUT forget thst and come to the Big dance. Riverside Community Clubhouse. Saturday, December 4th. 39 Old man Nash said to old Lady Buick. Henry Ford. Mrs. Cadalack. Mrs Packard, Mr. Reo and Miss Maxwell, and all other automobiles of Grants Pass, let's go to the big dance Saturday. December 1th. Riverside Community Clubhouse, near Foots Creek. Saturday 39 Louder Than Words < \ \ ■ All Suits and Overcoats Reduced 1-3 and Less H-^haffner \ Clothes Raia Was Inexpert»!— The rain last night was wholly unexpected here although the weath er prediction was for rain. More rain Is prophesied for today and to morrow It is not know what effect the rain of last night and today will have on the river, which wan drop ping fast during the few cold days of the first of the week. Meeting Well Attended— The Farm Bureau meeting today at the courthouse is well attended by the members of the Josephine or- ganisatlori The day is being taken up with discuseions and election of officers. The bureau was to decide whether or not they would join the state federation and also as to the advisability of the stake federation joining with the national Farm Bu- reau. A dinner was spread at noon by the ladies of the Farm Bureau. COMING EVENTS Dee. 7, Tuesday—-Parcel post «ale by PreAyterian ladies. Dec. 16. Friday—Ladiee tnxlliary dance. Waldorf hall, 8:30 p m 4 8 December 16-17—Teachers' State examination« will be held December 10-22—Josephine County j I so i h er« ’ Institute. and FURNISHINGS at following reductions: All Xmas Goods Reduced 20% to 35% Two Route* Optss— Two carrier routes on the Daily Courier are now open for boys with wheels. Extra pay for wet weather and bonuses for long service. Apply at once. Theater Soon Ready— The new theater is beginning to take on the appearance of a real show-house now. The drops have been Installed and some scenery has arrived The curtain has been hung and a large pert of the seats put down Work on the heating plant and dressing room is now going ahead as well as the completion of ths interior ot the theater. It is ex pected that the opening will be about the middle of the present month. I Commencing with December 1st and continuing until after Xmas we offer this Entire Stock of Men’s and Young Men’s OVERCOATS, SUITS, SHOES REDUCED 13 AND LESS All Dress and Work Gloves All Mens Hosiery All Men’s Neckwear All Men’s Underwear All Men’s Sweaters All Men’s Bathrobes All Men’s House Slippers All Dress Shoes Reduced 20 per cent All Work Shoes Reduced 10 per cent All Other Goods Not Mentioned Reduced 10 to 35* MEN’S $1.50 and $1.75 WORK SHIRTS NOW 95c J ALL DRESS SHIRTS REDUCED 13 AND LESS 2.00 Silk Shirts now $7.85, Tax 4 0.00 Silk Shirts now $0 45, Tax 3 5.50 Sill? Shirts now $5 65, Tax 2 7.50 Silk Shirts now $4.85, Tax 1 5.00 \ allies no* ^3.25, Tax I 6.00 Values now $3.85, Tax ‘ 4.50 \ allies now $2.95, No T.i 4.50 Values now $2.65, No Ta 3.00 Values now $1.95. No T.i now now now now now now now now now now now now MEN’S AND BOYS’ MACKINAWS REDUCED 13 AND LESS now now now now H 1 fl f ; 'ïw BEST GRADE OVERALLS AND JACKETS $1.75 and $1.95 ALL SIZES WHY PAY MORE? “If Men Wear It, We Have It” Copyright 1920 Hart Schaffner & M m