Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1920)
» K DECEMBER tojo GRANTS PAHH DAILY IXHHIKh - « 4EAT - --- — ...................... 4 IJtDGE EI.MUTIoAV* 4 ♦■4 44 44 444O«-«* ♦♦4444 W. O. W. 1Ï « ■ » « War. HEAT A> u\\ /j k' At the last meeting • awndsy, No vember 29, the following vtflct-ra were elected for the W. O. W.t C. C.—Oeorge Slover Ado. L.— Lewis Sauer Banker E. V. Smith' Clerk—A. K. C om . Escort- -W. O. Hamon Watchman—-L M. Apph «ate. Sentry—-E. W. Madl*.» Mgr-s.—-Geo I’alhoun Seo. *’»•- trout, W. R. Harper. 'll Pearl Oil PEARL OIL A Heater I For your office For your bedroom For your bathroom (KERO8E.NB) HEAT AND LIGHT Produces Heat and Light Buy It HERE in Bulk From Your Grocer O Boy! — Home Looks Good It is portable It is economical It is clean It produces instant heat when ever and wherever you want it A good oil heater filled with P earl O il adds to the attrac tiveness of home —makes real home comfort Heat at the touch of a match—when and where you want it No smoke, no odor, for P earl O il is refined and re refined by our special process. Economical Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere and by our stations. Order by name—P earl O il . J. Pardee Grants Pass Rochdale Kinney & Truax Basket Grocery L. A. Ringuette For Sale By Grants Pass Hardware Rogue River Hardware STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Don’t Be Misled r Grants Paes flUzens Should and Heed This Advice Ä Heat / DEARL ■ OIL QOil Lamps Cookstovr» Cf' tWiters Heat Heat I O' Mwwterj o 11 Contributions Are Made— RADIATOR SHOP Radiators and PIANO INSTRUCTION "The -price of victory." That is pumps a specialty, auto, gas and MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, instruc what Dr. Smith and a few republi- steam engines, pipe fittings and tor on piano; studio over Barnes’ cans call the deficit in the republi- plumbing; general repairing. Shop Jewelry. Phone 26&-J. can campaign fund for the past elec 505 South Sixth street, phone 306. FOR HALK FOR HAIdS- Big body fir wood, »4 tion. A few good members of the CIVIL ENGINEER Bryan & Woolfolk. 27tf cash per tier. Quick delivery. party have done their bit toward WOOD FOR 8ALX -Delivered for CIVIL ENGINEER — Daniel McFar Phone 317. 40 "SINGER" leads as usual—'1921 helping 'Will Hays make up for the $3.75 per tier. Phone W. 8. Rob land, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. models on floor Grants Paas Hard- amount needed to cover the ex inson. Wllderville Oltf CEDAR POOTS for eale. fir shakes Res. 747 North Tenth St. Phone ware Co See them. Your terms penses. To this end seven local men W. 8 Gilmore, Murphy. Ore. 40 FOR 8AIAJ River Banks Better 211-Y. Oltf are ours, J. W. Scott. sales man- have given $1.00 each. Dr. J. C. Berkshire« Thrifty, prolific stock. FOR SALE—Good 10-weeks-old Du- ager Singer Sewing Machine Co. Smith is taking in the money and RE.AL ESTATE River Banks Farms. OStf 75tf roc pigs, |6 each. Alfred Flux. will see that it reaches the proper Ei. T. M c K instry , 60 s o st., phone Rd. 4, Grunts Paas. Phone Wil- FOR HAIJC Lumber, 1 and 2-lnch l»arty officials. Those who have WANTED 358-R, general real estate business dervllle. 89 common, rough lumber, all dlmen- given the money are A. B. Cornell. Best of soils for fruit, bay or gen tlons, $25 per 1000 feet at our FOR SALE- -Bungalow at 249 West SITUATION WANTED by married man as manager of orchard or eral farming I street, six rooms and bath, three Merlin yard Jo < ; bine laimber stock ranch; experienced in both HIGGINS * VERDIN—General real The California and Oregon lota, good garden, berries, grapes Co., 107 North 6th, Phone 188. 39 lines, Address E. B. Dale, Rose- ‘ estate. Office 111 South Sixth, and fruit trt>ea. Apply to owner. Coast Railroad Company SEASONED WOOD FOR BAIJC —Oak burg. Ore., Gen. Del. 40 R. E. Stephenson, Rd. 2. phono TIME CARD Phone 69. 20tf and laurel, $4.75; body fir, $4; 39 610-F-23. WANTED—-A stuail second hand SEE BAI j LINGER & HULL for farm, pine and second growth fir, $3.75; Effective Nov. 24, 1919. cook or heating stove. Call manzanlta. $5. C. W. Lambrecht. FOR 8ALB—Six room plastered city and business property. 10 and Corner lot house. Modern. 239-R. 39 Rd. 1. Box 11. 2<Ht 11 Flanagan Bldg. 35tf Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- Three blocks west 50x100 feet days and Fridays FOll SALE—Used pipe of all aUes, TAX. WANTED — 2 -horse Fresno scraper, of courthouse. Buy from owner. P.M. Leave Grants Pass...... brass valvea, pipe tlttlnga. Submit second hand. Notify Otto Henric- 41 SOONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for Arrive Waters Creek . 301 C street. P.M. your requirements to us for prices. son. Rd. 2, Box 24. Phone 602- :30 P.M. Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls, an Leave Waters Creek.. FOR SALE- -Excellent sewing ma All goods guaranteed. Oregon Ma F-21. > 40 P.M. swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf Arrive Grants Pass.... chine. Price $18. Inquire at 615 For information regarding freight chinery Co . Eugene. Ore. 40 North Fourth St. 41 WANTED—Tract of land up to 10 and passenger rates call at the office DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER acres, preferably east of Sth St., of the company, Lundburg building, BALED HAY FOR SALE -See H. N. and north of C street. State price THE WORLD MOVES: so do we or telephone 121 Parker. r,s FOR SALE Ono bay colt coming 4 Bunch Bros. Transfer Co Phone years old. Will mike 1400-lb and terms. E L. Bell, 1111 East 849. horse. F M. Rathbun, Murphy. A street, City. 39 Ore. 41 FOR SALE—27 acres fine black F. fl. ISHAM, drayage a-ad transfer. MICKIE SAYS Safes, pianos and furniture FOP SALE Beautiful homo on N. land, house, well, orchard, vine moved, packed, shipped and stored. “That’s Dr. King’s New Dis Socond street. Six room, plastered yard, %-acre berry patch, %-mile -tU' ÔOW ALLOWS AG UCNU UU Office phone 124-Y. from station on Southern Pacific. house. Modern. Good range con- covery, for Fifty Years ra Mb OOOD MftAWGD MB ç I nectod for hot water, Two or 12,000. Address K. Root, Hugo, a Cold-Breaker” VETERINARY SI RGEON I four lots. Garage and wood shed. Ore. 42 IME-TRIED for fifty years and DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian. 41 Buy from owner. 301 C St. never more popular, than today. WORK WANTED Cooking in town Residence 838 Washington boule MViT VAXlSR. ÇWK 'tVQtV, TMA» Nothing but the relief it gives from FOR SALE Typowriter in good or country. Mrs. M. M. Bowers. vard, phone 398-R. MOUCU UVò RDM VMMCD 'WVTA stubborn old colds, and on-rushing running brdor. Call at Grants Palace hotel. 40 new ones, grippe and throat-torturing 'UÖQX. NUUVW GOIAV LEVSVfctAM . -CDQS eOMCft m AMTs pwstwta<¿ coughs could have made Dr. King’s Pass hotel. 37tf LOST I O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practice New Discovery the standard remedy it uwA UMnv Ut \ jü *& uœ > vw 'suat FOR SALE Small house and lot. is today. No harmful drugs. IXJST — Indian basket, willow, lost TU' UhRD&OWJCb PMOPtttWCQ CH limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose Call at 114 Overland Ave., corner Always reliable, and good for the between corner Fir st National A 'H Ç of North 2nd street. and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours whole family. Has a convincing, heal 42 A WAMhrtV «totWO bank and 719 D street. Finder 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. ing taste with all its good medicinal FOR SALE -Purebred Jersey Du roc HARD SH'.W r ----------- MOW IS call -Mrs Arthur II. Denison. 39 Phonea, office 62; residence 359-J. Sualities. At all druggist^ 6)> cents, pigs. Also one registered eow. C. 1.20 a bottle. H)H KENT S. LOUGH1REDGE, M. 1». Physician A. Pruitt, Merlin, Ore. 4 2 and surgeon. City or country calls OFFICE I ROOMS for rent—Four attended day or night. Phone«. MIHCELLANKOIS PAM DP' room over the Grants Pass Hard- Ros. 369; Office, 182; 6th and H. ware i now occupied by Dr. Dim- m USERY stock of all kinds. Orna E. J. BILLICK. M. D. Physician will mlck bo vacant December 1. mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo. and surgeon; office Schallhorn Apply J. M. Tetherow, phone H. Parker. » »0« block, phone 6 4-J; residence. 1004 269-R. 89 ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual The Resultsof Constipation Lawnridge, phone 54-L. FOR EXCHANGE are sick headaches, biliousness, sallow ity. F. B. Jordan, special agent. W F RUTHERFORD Manna' -he skin, waste matter in the intestinal 880 N. 7th St., Grants Paas. 83tf WILL EXCHANGE for city home. rapati«*. It gets your arment. system. Correct this _ health-unrfer- Office over Barnes' Jewelry store 15% a.'res outside city limits part mining condition by taking Dr. King’s HAULING—One-ton G. M. C. truck Office hours 9:30-12; 1:80-4. Pills. Feel good every day. Keep ly under ditch. Inquire 824 A equipped with pneumatic tires the system clean and virile. Same street. 17tf does all kinds of hauling; special RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- old price, 25 cents. All druggists. ty: Sand, gravel, granite and loam. ■Man and aurgeon. X-ray equip- DENTISTS Prampt / Won’t G Temporary phone, 323-R. Call ment, dental X-ray. Offlce, Mr- E. C. MACY, D. M D. First-class for Rey Wilcox, Res. 516 Rogue sonie Temple Bldg. P hones Of- dentistry. 109% 8. 6th St. River Ave. 53 floe 21-J; residence 21-L. Classified Advertising ------------- v k Kidney trouble is dangerous and often fatal. Don’t jxperlment -with something new and untried. Use a tested kidney remedy. Begin with Doan’s Kidney Pills. Used in kidney troubles 50 y< r». Recommended here and every 5 where. A Grants Pass citizen s statement forms convincing proof. Hi, It’s local testimony—It can be in vestigated. Mrs. J. *f Mansfield. 809 1» St , says: Doan’s Kidney Pills have help ed me wonderfully and I gladly re commend them. My kidneys were weak and I had attacks of backache and a soreness across my kidneys My kidneys didn’t act right, Mther. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills from the Dr. J. C. Smith, C. H. Demaray, P. National Drug Store. They soon had P. Proctor, Charles Click, Herman ine feeling like a different person and free from aches and pains ’’ Horning and R. W. Clarke. Price 60c, at all dea.ers. -Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills-—the same that 0. N. Skinner was in the city yes Mrs. Mansfield had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs. Buffalo. N. Y. ■ terday from Waldo on business. DANCE Given by Kololia’s Native Hawaiians “Only One Thing Breaks_My Cold” Í THE GREATEST OF II \WAIIAN ENTERTAINERS. MME. NAM IN HILA DANCE, TO HE PRESENTED DC RING THE EVENING. DREAMY LILTE .} MELODIES PLAYED BY’ THE FIN EST OF HAWAIIAN ARTISTS ON DIFFERENT COMBI NATIONS OF IN!- RI Mt NTS. T For coldsandcoughs Are You Interested in Saving Money? Dr.Kings New Discovery ür Kind’s Pi Read No doubt you art1—tor everyone but the habitual spend-thrift is. The best wav to build a fund to your credit is to make weekly deposits with the Josephine County Bank. I J osephine C ounty B ank