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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1920)
WNDNIMDAY, DE» I MUER ». H»'2o GRANTS PAM» DALY (XIUHIEK Iteinhotd Schmidt apsnt Thanks giving at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Schmidt Ho haa as guests Joo Gray, of Corvallis, «nd Eugene Moore, of Evans Creek. They in oar safe eposlt vaults. They I returned to Corvallis yesterday to offer at>«olute security against resume their studies at the O, A. C. theft, ftre, mold or destruc Lester Doughty went to Eugene tion of any kind. Every ac tixlny, called there by the Illness of commodation is afforded those his brother. The telegrnm did not who rent compart ments in California Cluster Raisin* and Fig» state how serious the Hltuws Is. but these vaults, the rent of which 1 ho was askevl to leave for there nt in Fancy «Packages low as $2 for a box. one«. is very moderat«, beginning as U. L. Upeon arrived this morning from Portland to attend the Furm Bureau meeting which was held «1 the courthouse today, lie brought his son. Boh. who will «lay here with Sis grandparents. Mr and Mrs F. S, OF HOVTHKRS ORKGON 101 and 105 North Sixth Ireland, until Christina«. Grants Pass, Oregon A. W. Robinet tn and son. Amos, of Billings, Mont., are In the city for a few day«, looking over the country through the application of water. | wogue river •ontract, the following Itn*» Shoes— with the view of locating here Mr. Reduced 20 per cent at Peerless Robinette has been a resident of , The water is now here, though the I were present. Frank Warren, the 41 Billings for 30 years. land can not be benefited if the wa Columbia river salmon packer. and Clothing Co. ter is allowed to. course its way Will Give Baek«< Modal— NEW TODAY through the canals without being Henry O’Malley, western superinten The W. O. W. will give a bosket INSURANCE—Firs, automobile, Ilfs, dent of the government bureau of turned upon the acres cleared of social next Monday night at the accident and health. T. M. Stott. wm in vit lodge rooms. their native growth of brush. A tew fisheries, at Seattle.’* Ul neigh bora and I North Sixth St. <ltf Not a Grants Pass man ato ng the their families are expected to be land owners are clearing and level- Ung their lands. The movement has ed. Not a maa who lives Even the present with a full basket. A pro- FOR S VI J?—Used bicycle. In good condition for $20. Cramer Bros. gram of surprises is in store, the en not assumed the proportions it Rogue river was there, Phone 55-J. tertainment committee states. should however, and some day dis murderer has the right to be present TYPEWRITER for sale—•’Blind aster is sure to overtake the man at his own trial and to hear the Remington, overhauled, new plat Prize Calf Shipped — who fails to get his lands under cul judgment of the court pronounced en and new ribbon; $30 cash lakes The prlie calf, which was won by upon him Justice and decency have It. Courier office 4 1 tivation. been outlawed by the double-cross Everett Robinson in the Farm Bu A meeting has been called by the reau rodent contest, was shlp|»ed yes- BARGAIN—J60 acre*. 4 miles out, officials of the chamber of commerce, ing political boaoes from Bear creek terday front Medford. The calf was lota of wood, 15 acre« of sub-irri gated land, enough saw timber to to convene Thursday evening, when a ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a given by one of the local banks as a prise for the boy who secured the pay for the place. 112 per acre these development questions * will a ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ greatest number of point. each ro A good deal for someone Let me ♦ ♦♦e ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ be given consideration. They are tient killed counting a certain num show you this. Phone 375-Y. vital to the success of the irrigation ber toward the prise. J. Taylor. Mrs. James Hogue, of Kerby, left project and vital to the growth and FOR RENT 6-room house close in this morning for Eugene where an well-being of Grants Pass There operation for infantile paralysis will Dr. IHnimick Moves office— north side. Also 5-rootn house, To 112% South Sixth street, over should be a full attendance at the be performed on her daughter, who big barn, south side. rattillo It Peerless Clothing store »: I-ord, real estate 38tf meeting with full discussion of the accompanied her. Glenn Wooldridge returned to problems that affect the future of K L. GA.LBRAITH—4Ual Estate. In Rogue River this morn ng after spend Steelhead Fi-hlng in IHtulH— surance, and plate glass liability Josephine county. ing a day in the city. Mr. Wooldridge According to some, steelhead <09% O at roe t. ivhons It. is engaged in mining and states that fishing was supposed to end last JUSTICE AND DECENCY OUT- the water for operations has been night in the Rogue. Others main FOR SALE — Dodge touring nearly new, in first class condition, L1WE1» plentiful until the last few days. It tain that steelheads over 15 inches equipped with cord tires, bumper, It is unfortunate that the Rogue has begun to drop off now because of may still be lawfully caught and tool box. cut out. rebound strap«. the cold weather. state that they will go ont and fish river fish question la no nearer a Weed chains. Price $20o 1 <> 7 Just the same as ever. Section 40 North Ninth St. 3»tf just settlement than ever, and that It Why Pay More?— of the state game laws says that must again be called to public at SLEEPING ROOM for rent All Suits. Overcoats. Hats and the open season on trout shall be 639 N. 2nd St. 40 tention. The injustice of the pact Furnishings reduced one-third and from April 1 to November 30. The 42 Oregon game laws for 1919-1920 FOR SALE- -Hot Point electric iron, which has been entered into between less at Peerless Clothing Co. also go on and define trout as “any used only six times, owner mov the Macleay interests and the group Paran Encampment Friday— speckled trout, brook trout ing to ranch. Price $7. 1078 N. of Medford politicians can be sensed All officers and members of Par- and it also includes any steelhead Ninth St. 39tf when the names of those invited to an Encampment No. 29. are request trout under 15 inches in length and ------------------------------------------------ »— 5 PASSENGER FORD for sale cheap. the secret conference held In Port ed to be present at the I. O. O. F. any specie« of salmon under 15 639 N. 2nd St 40 land last week is scanned. Note this hall Friday evening. December 3. at inches in length.” Unless there Is 8 o ’ clock. There will be degree some other orovtsion in the fish FOR SALE — Young hunting dog. paragraph from the report printed in work, with refreshments served la laws, it would appear that steelhead Highest bid by Saturday night the Medford Mail-Tribune: ter. By order of the C P., >B. lA Wll-fishing is still lawful for fish over takes him. 102 North Sixth St. “At the meeting the following Manis. scribe. 40 15 inches. Phone 265-J. 40 — signers were present: George A. Mansfield, chairman, Senator C. M NEW 9 Thomas. Ben C. Sheldon, of .Med SHOW ford. Oregon; A. C. Marsters, S. G. TODAY You’ve served my purpose!” Bartrum. of Roseburg; Henry Van Duzen, president of the Portland chamber of commerce, R. W. Price. of the Hotel Men's association. R. L. Macleay, representing the Macleay Estate company, packers of Portland. In addition to the signers I KEEP YOUR VALI ABLE PAPER*. ETC. Fancy Packages DeLux Special Reduced Prices ON ALL IX» AIM HI Ils KNI» DREMMEN Ifìrs. Hellie Reas We «lo lliHiisUU'liing FIRST NATIONAL BANK S T » 1 SMITS PASS Mili C01HUE8 Published Dally Except Sunday A. Voorhle*. Pub. and Propr. WEEKLY COURIER Sy Bill, per year_____________93.(10 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively •nulled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pu ti Ush«d herein. All rights of republication of spe- dal dispatches hereln are also re- ssrvad. UNITED PRESS SERVICE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1. liTAU. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-e ♦♦♦ ♦♦ a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W< Pacific Coast States: Unset tled, but occasional rains in Washington. Oregon and north ern California. Normal tem perature. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Tonight and Thursday rain. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* « AN IMPORTANT MEETING There is no one question that more vitally Interests the people of the Grants tPass district, farmer and bus iness man alike, than the develop ment of the lands that will be served by,the new irrigation project These lands have been held in private own ership for years in the expectation that some day irrigation would come and give them a producing value. Taxes have been paid upon them be cause some day they could be put to smother use than the supplying of pasturage for jackrabbits. We have thousands of acres of the lands whose value can only be brought out “Woman! AS THE MAN WOULD NOT BE STOPPED BY LOVE, MAN OR DEVIL THIS CHARACTER IN HAROLB MacCRATH’S EXTRAORDINARY 3T0RY OF QUIXOTIC BRAVERY, LOVE, IN TRIGUE AND ADVEN TURE WILL HOLD YOU SPELL BOUND A SPLENDID 'HAZARD” Allan Dwan Production ADDED ATTRACTIONS SELECTED COMEDY—SEMINARY SCANDAL ILLITERATE DIGEST-ODDS AND ENDS OF INTEREST KATHERINE CALVERT —AT THE ORGAN COMING FRIDAY-ANNETTE KELLERMAN in ‘ WHAT WOMEN LOVE’ OREGON The foremost tailoring l»ou«v in the world making high qlialliy clothing to Individual iiMMtsum have annoiiixcvl • timt <X'Hiünly JuMtifi»'* )t»ii In I>ii) iiitf n»»u HivUswi ytvors local « I.'*!<■< GEO 8. CALHOUN All Suits and Overcoats Reduced Less Peerless Clothing Co. Shoes for the Family— a plIlllpK, oxford* and shoes, brown riu I black ami adjustment prices pi HM'S at at X WOODWARD’S New I IO.1 N. SIXTH NT. Misses’ Wool Underwear (X»MH1X KTION SUITS REDUCED IO »1.7«. «I l»H IND »2.2ft WHEN THE SIZE IK GON K, t ol It • lit »I» E IS GONE MEN'S UNDERWEAR, «I.H.1—I XION Hl ITS t W < H >1. UNION NUITS AT »2.I»”,. »:i,7.A INI» gl.fto Grants Pass Sample Store J. II. MV’hlVM V Mgr. Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect* vp Get. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass MEDFORD GRANTS PASS Waiting Room 10:00 a. m. 10:00 n. m. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:80 p. ni. 4.30 p. m. Phone 160 Wo conn«vt with stag«— for Ashland and Jacksonville AUTO TOPS Replace tlu- shabby top with light, «•«sj-to-hiUKlIo weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable top«— perfect fitting and Improving the car's looks—• wide choice In ma terials and colors. OUR PRICES IXiWEHT G. B. BERRY OUR BIG EEED STOCK now «n displny euablM you to chooa« the right feed for your anlmals and Mcure It In almost any quantlty from i» bag up to ft carload or rnore. Our pricea are as low an any of the big feed Jobbers in the large Cen ters. Compsr« our qnalltles and prices. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Third and G Street Phone 123