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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1920)
♦ I N ITED PREMH SERVICE GRANTS PARS, JOSEPHINK COUNTY, ORKGON. WglBHUlM’, DM EMBER 1, 1020. * llcrlM-rt l»u|Hiy anil Gnor«’ Turville Indicted for Alleged CiHiapinuy to liefriuid thaï Government Members of Josephine Organization Unanimous For Closed IS ACCEPTED WHOLE NUMHFIl 413«. Mrs. G. *E. W asl>burn Notified to Ap pear on < barge <»f Violation of A'olatead latw Commission on Membership Votes to Recomm nd That Nation be Admitted; Debate is Expected on Fluoi, Pen alty Clause of Covenant Interpreted For Assembly San Francisco, Dee. 1.—(A. P.)— Pittsburg, Dec- 1—• (A. <P-> — Fed LEAGUE OF NATIONS PREPARED eral indictment« have been returned LETTER AtM'EITIXG AID IN AR Mrs. Glad K. Washburn, former siting prohibition officer for Cal against Herbert Dupuy and George MENIAN SITI ATION ifornia, John D. ‘ ostello, secretary A Turville, former officers of the to Senator Phelan, and five others Crucible Steel Company of America, were notified today to appear for charging them with conei>lra«-y to de arraignment on indictments charging fraud the government out of Income ■By Henry Wood Crell. A resolution was a opted to them with a conepiracy to violate thy and excess profits taxes l said to day providing that all m -mbare of Tho Josephine H|H>rtsm«n'B league toast master with "Everything 1 Volstead law. The indictments (United Press Staff Correspondent) the league must break oft dtpqoma last night went on record as favoring Know 'About Fishing.” Mr. Bwope amount to several millions I of dol- which were returned by the federal Geneva, Dec. 1.—(U. P.)—The tic relations with the sUU- biot-kad- a closed river to commercial fishing did not keep the floor very long, lar*. Nailon» Willing to Assit Pmddent in grand jury, were in connection with commission on membership has vot due to infractions of .he co4en.ii: fur a period of four years. After a lie stated, however, that he knew Jasper, Ala., Dec 1. (A. P.l— I «demi king—Question Was Bug- the alleged plot to obtain liquor from ed to recommend the admission of It was also agreed to ropos.- that leuglhy discussion, ft was decided as much about It as evory*t>ody else Itcar of IxxMtue Anwtrrfdy a bonded warehouse. Austria to the league of nations. A the inhabitants of mi iiirfrt* sut». that tour years would bo ample time In town, having secured information Fire destroyed 20 business houses a loaa and 10 residences here with debate is looked for when the pro- ’ • break off all relations with the pen .1 for tho river to become restocked from anyone who had caught a st Bel posal reaches the assembly floor, but! all zed state. with steelhead and salmon. Tho bus li uud. At the «nd. he con fussed that of 1500,000. Geneva, Dec. 1,—rfA. P.)—A let the fact that the vote In the com- ; iness meeting followed a crab "feed" ho had a trunkful of tackle but had ter to President Wilson, accepting mission is unanimous, made it ap- j Geneva, Dec. 1.—(A. P. )—Awtr.a al which about 50 local sportsmen not yet landed a single steel heud his offer to act as mediator in Ar pear that there will be little opposi- I waa unanimously voted • member of wore present and waa one of the boat Joo Wharton, with ths topic "The menia is being drafted by the coun tlon to the new membek The inter- the league of nations by the com- miHitluga ever held by the league Biggest Me 1 Ever Told” ran true cil of the league of nations. It is pretation of the penalty clause of the f mission for admission of new states. When the Josephine de I gat ion at- to form. One could almost Imagine announced that Spain and Brazil had league covenant, was agreed upon ' It is expected that the assembly of tnda tho next legislature, they wilt that ho was In the fishing emporium offered to join Wilson in the role of by the commission headed by Lord ! the league will ratify the action. go with tho knowledge that the seti- listening to Mr. Wharton tolling Washington. -Dec. 1.—(A. P.)— Armenian mediator. The news of tmxls the next leglalalure. they will about his last fishing trip, He ro Wilson's acceptance gave the assem Rumors of anti-Obregon conspiracies ASSOCIATION W«U> MAINTAIN mously tn favor of the prohibition of ealldd the naming ot the "Bull" rlG 1. — (A. P.) — New York, Dec. bly great relief as the Armenian in the northern part of Mexico and PRESENT .STANDARD OF WAGES commercial fishing for a period of fie l Presidents of life insurance com- question had become the bug-bear along the border have reached the yours The money involved in the "Did tho Duke of Wodderburn state department, and officials said Spokane^ Dec. 1.—(A. P.)—A pol ¡tacking Industry at tho mouth of the Wink the Other Eye at Senator panics In virtually every slate of the of the assembly. "Poor old Europe thrfy were watching the situation rb«r was given due consideration, Thomas.” waa th« subject on which union and Canada will meet in this will feel less abandonment" said a icy opposed to any marked reduction clbsely to save that American neu- but It was decided that the revenue Wllford Allen -was called to respond city on December 9 and 10 to discuss member of the French delegation. of wages was announced by J. C. H. trality is not violated. the necessity for nation-wide appli The council will leave it to Wilson to which would It« derived from the lie gave a resume of tho senator's Reynolds, secretary and manager of river as u "sportsman's paradise” attitude In the past and bls attitude cation of economy and thrift tn the decide whether or not he needs the Port Au Prince, Haiti, Dec. 1.— the Associated Industries of the In OA. P.)—The naval court of inquiry CHINESE TROOPS SEIZE AND would fsr outweigh the money at the present time. At the end he home, in business, in industry Bnd assistance of Spain and Brazil. SIT FIRE TO TREATY I*ORT land Empire, following a recent con just concluded, developed that 1,142 brought in by the fishing Industry. presented a resolution which would in the government, it was announced ference erf the industrial establish Haitaens were killed since the be The rapid depletion of the salmon provide regulations on commercial today by the Association of Idfe In Bhanghai. Dec. 1.— (A. P.)—Mee- ments in eastern Washington, Ore ginning of the intensive campaign anil steelhead by the monopoly at fishing. Tills was turned down in surance Presidents. The conference sagea report that troops at I-Chang. gon and northern Idaho, He declar- against the bandits of the island two the mouth of the river was con favor of tho absolutely closed river. will form ¡»art of the proceedings of the fourteenth annual convention of the treaty port of Hu-Peh province, ed the eight-hour day will be adher- years ago. Outsid i of 10 deaths domnod by »peakers who knew con Al the close of the meeting the the association. Companies having have mutinied, seized and set fire to ed to, that lumber mill wages will charged to two American martneM, ditions as they exist. league decided that the present of- the city and are looting it. not be materially reduced and that all the dead were accounted tor in The local sportsmen were Inform Icers nhould be continued for the in force more than 95 per cent of the wages in the woods will remain at 298 battles that occurred, according ed last night that another agreement coming year. Wllford Allen will 60,000,000 insurance policies issued 50 cents an hour. The shut down to the testimony. had been reached by the Maclavay again be president, with Joe Whar on American lives have signified an SEARCH FOR IM »DIES OF Intention to send representatives to By .Ruesell Browning of plants will be as short as possible. Interests and tho Jackson county fish ton secretary and treasurer. The WRECK VKTIMS CONTINUED and game protective association. Tho financial report showed money In the convention. The convention will | (United 'Press Staff Correspondent) mark the 75th year of American in TWO MEN SHOT DEAD Dublin. Dec. 1.—j(U. P.)—The agreement came In for Its share of the treasury. Seattle. Dec. t.— (A. P.)—The surance. IN THE MAt ROOM DISTRICT volunteer "Irish Republican Army" PORTLAND MARKETS condemnation iby the local sports A humorous diversion to the meet search was continued near Cape "In giving due attention to the 75- now numbers over 300.000 officers men who felt that a great Injustice ing waa occasioned by the receipt of Johnson where eight bodies from, the had been done Josephine county by a number of telegrams which were year span which American life in and men. according to a statement of Cork, Dec. 1.—(A. P.)—Two men barge Pirrie and two survivors have Portland, Dec. 1.—(A. P.)—Cat surance has achieved," says the an a Sinn Fein brigadier-general to the not Inviting local people to have said t<r have been sent by noted per were reported shot dead last night in nouncement. "the convention will United Press. ’’I-ack of munitions been found. tle are steady. Hogs are lower, $12 the Macroom district, Four persons some part in the conference at which sona«». consider the extent to which that in and artillery prevent this force from to $12.25. Sheep and eggs weak.. were arrested, Macroom is in a th« pact was arranged, Not a single stitution has stimulated individual actively taking the field in uniformed TWO ALBANI' MEN INDKTED signer of the document Uvee un state of siege. Butter is steady. and national thrift in this country, combat with the British military in llogiio river. it waa felt that this FAIR SECOND DEGREE Ml RDF.R with a view to developing additional Ireland.” explained the Ginn Fein was a very unjust discrimination means of using it as a savings agency leader, "but the volunteers will con against the ¡wople living on the Albany, Dec. 1.— (A. P.)—James at a time when the people must econ tinue to carry out the openly adopt Ward of Crabtree and Robert Bruce, banks of tho Rogue, the fishing ques omize In order to successfully meet ed policy of physical resistance to of Waterloo, were arraigned yester tion being necessarily a local affair. the readjustments following the the English Army of occupation.” A numl>er of those present elated day, charged with murder in the war.” . The Sinn Fein army is unique in second degree, as the result of the that they thought a few concessions The consideration of taxation and that Its members actually pay to be might be made in the hope of set- Robert C. Paulus, sales manager Its relation to national development long to it instead of receiving any death at Sweet Home a few days tllng the controversy, The majority r ago of M. Story, whom they are ac of the Oregon Growers Cooperative will occupy a prominent place on the monetary compensation for their of the members of the league, how- cused of assaulting on September 8. Budapest, Nov. 30.— (A. P.)—The must be no plots and conspiracies ever, were unalterably opiKHied to Association reports .that a cable program, the effect of present taxes services. A sum of sixpence weekly question, who will eventually occu and everybody is to realize that for giving In an inch to the packing in- gram waa received Monday from on business generally, and on lite in Is paid by*each man, officer and sol py the throne of Hungary, has been the time being, it is in the interest d la surance in particular, being dier alike. No favoritism is shown lamdon, England, with the news that dustry. a constant source of unrest and of the country to put that delicate In the selection of officers, and it Is The crab feed, Which preceded the a car load of Winter Nells pears had cussed. trouble, threatening a sudden up matter under prohibition.” said that there is no single incident business meeting of the organization Just 'been sold for *3,832, f. o, b. The leader of the independent heaval of the recently attained iteace of a volunteer refusing to carry out was pronouncod the best thing of Its New York City. farmer party, Stephen J. Kovacs, and order. the orders of his superior. This Is an average of *6.30 a box, kind that bns ever been held here. The pro-Hapsburgs declare that who represents the traditional Mag Decentralized authority for local •M. L. Opdycke, aided by Joe Whar topping the English market thia sea the former Emperor Charles Is the yar hatred against Austria and the raids and minor offensives by com- The pears ton. fixed a tableful of sandwiches, son for Winter Nells. real king of Hungary and that no Hapsburgs. has accused the pro Nogales, Ariz., Nov. 30. — (A. P.) , pany commanders under the general cracked crabs and other trimmings were grown In tho Grunts Pass and — When ¡Alvaro Obregon is inaugu one else can legally aspire to the Charlists of planning some surprise | orders for concerted action of the for a regular feed. After everybody Medford section of the slate. throne until he abdicates. The In- action and also aiming to renew the rated as president of Mexico in Mex brigade commander is in effect in all had got as far as cigars, Toustmas- It was Just recently that the As dependent Magyars, including large union with Austria. ico City 'tomorrow, he is to be pre districts, with ¡the exception of the ter Opdycke relied for a number of sociation broke the season’s prices "The H&peburgs will never give masses of the rural population, de sented with a solid gold paper weight Berlin, Dec. 1.—(A. P.)—Revision larger citie«, where the higher lead short talks. W. T Miller, proaecut- in INew York in a car lot sale of Bose up their former countries,” said clare they will never surrender their the gift of the citizens of Nogales, tho peace treaty of Versailles by ers direct all activities. of Ing attorney, gave a discussion on pears grown in southern Oregon, at Kovacs. "I am reliably informed recently-won independence. 'Although medical examination is Ariz. the 'T^aw us It Relates to Crai» of 17.38 a box and the record price in the international proletariat was that former Emperor Charles insists The paperweight is uniqpe in that In addition there is a third group Various Varieties.” According to Chicago this season for tho Anjou urged by Ernst Daeumlg, leader of not generally required of recruits for on first entering Vienna and thence it is designed for aiding a left-hand to of- the Sinn Fein forces, a fairly high of politicians which is willing Mr. Miller, there is an open season pear at *4 71 a box for extras. These the new communists, in a debate in marching in triumph to Budapest. on human era Im all year, with no also were grown In southern Oregon the retvhstag recently. Herr Dae- physical standard Is maintained. Vol ed and one-armed president in sign fer the throne to any king who proni- But the Maygars will never again ac ing his papers. It is a reproduction unteers who are judged to be unfit isee the restoration of Hungary ’ s lost Ro far this season the southern umig prophesied a coming revolution bag limits. Other varieties alao quiesce in losing their dearly-paid came In for their share of the dla- Oreg'>n pears handled by the associa to overthrow capitalism. He said for active service are utilized in the in miniature of the international line provinces. To achieve this. they independence.” and monument marking the diver finely developed intelligence depart would even consent to do homagq. to that his party desired expropriation tion have topped the market in Ix>n- cuaslon. Kovacs expresses the opinion of of all machinery of production and ment, or consigned to duty on the sion between the United States and the king of the Serbs or the Ruman C. A. Swope responded to the don. Now York and Chicago large masses of the rural population. as quickly and as thoroughly as pos civil detective and police force, al Mexico in the center of the twin ians. Prince Louis Windlschgraetz, a sible. He characterized the Versail though full fledged members are cities of Nogales. Ariz., and Nogales, Much propaganda is circu Sonora. The latter is the home and lated in favor of the forme.- Emper personal friend of the emperor, con les treaty as an exhibition of force also used in this work. Each company is Intrusted with location of the business of President or Charles or his eldest sea, Prince tested successfully for a seat in the by world capitalism. “We feel to national assembly of Hungary and FAREWELL IIIRAM! ward it as our Russian comrades felt the task of securing their own arms Obregon. O’to. and grave fears are expressed might contribute materially in help President Obregon tost his right toward the treaty of Brest-Litovsk.” and in most cases funds with which that the over-zealous partisans of Everett Earle Htnnaril to carry out their various missions. arm while fighting as a general in the Hapsburg dynasty may eventu ing to victory the case of his friend he said. • and former sovereign. He told the These declarations of the com- Sin« Fein has large funds, and in the command of Carranza federal troops ally succeed in compelling the coun Associated Press correspondent: munlat idea of treaty revision were words of a prominent business man against Villa at Celaya. Guanajuato, try to accept a royalist coup as an "There can be no doubt about the about 100 miles north of Mexico of Cork, "can get. more where that evoked by a statement which had accomplished fact. There is every claims of Charles He Is the crown We’re thnnkful that inventors have tolled through been made by Dr. Eugen Schiffer, comes from"—namely, popular sub City In the early days of the revo indication that the followers of ed king of Hungary and until he re weary nights to give us phones and Oldsmobiles and incan formerly vice chancellor and leader scription to the recent "Irish Repub lutions. He wrote 'with his right Charles are successful in their efforts signs or arrives at some agreement descent lights, and that they puzzled out and planned the* of the national liberals, who declared lican Ixian" and funds raised by var- hand. Since then he has mastered to convince the country that the res with the nation, any attempt to de wireless telegraph. and cut down earth's circumference by the art of writing with his left ex- tous Irish societies, but a big that the treaty was a crime against toration of the lHapsburgs would im throne him is an overt act of revo just a'bout one half. And even In a general way we know the German nation and all the world pens« Is entailed In caring for the hand, but he uses a heavy ¡wiper prove Hungary’s lamentable situa lution. about Hoe presses, we’re glad the women hooverlze with and that Germany had a right, Under families of men in jail or who are weight to hold the sheet in place. tion. “Hungary," the prince continued, The base of th« 'paperweight is silken hose and dresses. We’re proud to own wrlet watches, the reading of the covering note as fleeing from the British authorities. In view of the delicate balance "is now • dependerft on the help of a phonograph that sings, a safety razor and about two mil 5 Vi by 2H inches and 1% inches well as morally, to demand Its re maintained between the various fac one of the big powers, and will high of 14 carat yellow gold. Across lion other things. And most of all we're thankful, Just like APPROPRI ATION MADE TO vision. tions, the following statements are probably find her friend and support tho Pilgrims «41, because old Hlrnm Cost at last sprints to SECURE INDEPENDENCE tho top Is a line of white gold sym er tai France. According to in bolizing the international line be important: ward the timber tall. He’s Jeered nt us for quite a spell, with HEARING FOR HIGHER RATER Admiral Horthy, the regent, re formation, Franca is not strongly Clasped money-bags o’erflowing, and now let's whooy and ca|s»r Manila. Dec. 1.—(A. P.)—The tween the two Nogales. IS SET FOR DECEMBER 21 round to celebrate his going; and If’ >wo had some grape- Philippine legislature today pawed a over this line are two hands of white cently declared—"All parties may opposed to the return of the Hape- rest assured that I shall not abuse burgs. the more so. because it is an shot. with gusto we would shoot right*at the seat of Hiram’s Salem. Dec. 1.—(A. P.)-—The bill appropriating 3500,000 annually gold, one symbolizing Mexico, the my powers for the satisfaction of my essential condition of maintaining other the United States. pants to make him faster scoot! * hearing of the application of the Pa to finance a campaign in the United Modelled in white gold also ,1s a personal ambition. On the Other permanent order In eastern Europe. cific Telephone and Telegraph Com States to obtain independence for replica of International Monument hand.” he added, "no party will be Besides, the restoration of the dy the Philippines. It provides for pany for increased rates throughout suffered to play pitch and toss with nasty Is not explicitly vetoed by the Oregon was set for December 21, at sending to the United States of a No. 122, which marks the dividing the crown of Saint-Stephan. There treaty of Neuilly.” line of the two Nogales. number of independent missions. Portland. Present Officers are Continued For Year OF HAYTI SLAUGHTER QUESTION OF SUCCESSION IO THBONE OF HUNGARY IS SOURCE OF TROOBLE