Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1920)
PACK FlX'll KI EP lot It \ li t IBI I PAPERS, ETC. in our sate eposit v.i.ilta. They oiler absolute seurity against theft, tire, mold or destruc tion of any kind. Every a»s ootnmodatlon Is afforded those who rent compartments in these vaults, the rent of which low as 82 for a box. is very moderate, beginning as FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mi xni u UDIRVI »»»>>'! s I I 1 OF SOUTHERN OREGON * Buy a Broom % TI 1'81» IV, MX I IMBUII .10. IIMTO. GRANTS I*.IHN DAILY «NX III KU « Special Prices • VALUE....-...... «1-18 VALUS......... 98c \ ALI K............... 78c BROOMS BROOMS BROOMS FIBER BROOMS SOLD FOR »1383 TOY BROOMS K\»R THE KIDDIES 48c ...-18c VITALIC CLEANER REGI LAR PRICE «23.30, NOW 818 Rogue River Hardware Co THE WINCHESTER STORE DOWN GO PRICES BIG KEDVCT1OXS OX CLOTHING. SHOES AXD HOLIDAY GOODS LAIHES SHOES Brown Lace, military heel calf »«.5<». vici ................. $e.»s Black Calf Medium heels, lace __________________ «0-50 Black swede ladies shoes, baby French heel, the latest for style, reduced to_______ »4.98 Felt slippers —*.___________ _______ »1.83, 81.98 and «2.23 MEN’S SHOES Thompson work shoe-..... »3.98 Thompson Sinch pack 88-93 Thompson 10-inch pack--«9.85 16-inch'boots, lace___ »12.30 DRESS SHOES English lace shoes ....... «0.13 Army shoes .. ktl.BH ami «7.30 Vici kid 812 shoes........... »9.30 MEN’S SUITS All 332.50 suits, now.. «19.30 All 83J.50 suits, now .«29-50 Up to 865 values, now. ..«39.50 Grants Pass Sample Store J. B. MACKIN NEY, Mgr. PER52NÆL *•»? LÛQdL Special Reduced Prices "Ivory Soap Flake».** Sabin has It. Bo Prvparetl— Tomorrow is the babies day Doc. 10, Friday Ixidles \iixlliary dance. Waldorf hall, 8:30 p. m. 48 Grants Pass. IlHI HNI <4 Mrs. Claus Schmidt went to Ish- Mrs T. P. Morse wont to Ashland land this morning where she is this thorn hi g to see her husband who simndtng the day la In a hospital there. Mr. Morse I-a dies coats relined at the Ward »;i.< in an auto accident about three robe Cleaners, 607 K streot, opposite works ago and was quite badly In Colontai Phone 147. -21tf lured, but is recovering quite rapidly | C. P. Knhnhardt. of Merlin, was a l<»cal visitor yesterday and today, re Elour turning home this morning. Per sack 82.80. Josephine Gro We are working over time mark ing goods down all over the store cery Oo. 38 Golden Rule Store. <1ii«ken PI«'— .Mr. and Mrs. >M. L. Raymer spent At the Bonbonniere Wednesday. several days visiting In the city, They 25c. 38 returned this morning to their home at Woff Creek. Marrlixl last Saturday- Come in and get the new low last Saturday evening at 7 o'clock I prices on woolen dress goods that nrw at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. F i all wool. Gold Rule Store. SS Berrte. William H. Brown and Anna Mrs J. H Hoskinson left for her G. Black were united in marriage by ' home at Ixidlow, Vermont. this Rev. Joseph Knotts. They will make morning after visiting for the past their home In Grants Pass. I month at Grave Creek Are you getting the benefit of real Why Pay More?— , All Sults, Overcoats. Hats «price reductions? If not, do your I buying at the Golden Rule 9tore. 38 Furnishings reduced one-thlrA less at Peerless Clothing Co. LaVera Brown and Richard Bran- ¡denburg spent the Thanksgiving va !»r. IHmmlck 'l<*v«M Office«-— cation at the home of ¡Mr. and Mrs To 112H South Sixth street, V. Wallace They returned to Gian-, Pserless Clothing store ale Sunday, where Miss Brown is | , teaching I Inked Too Many Question»— We know we have had lots of rain i Yesterday a ’"'globe trotter" ‘and «art qf »he works was washed i makes his way from place to place ¡away at Savage Rapids, i. BIT forget postcard», made hie appear- ■ that and came to the Big dance. I^ce In the,city. He was accom Clubhouse. panied by a large dog. which ap j Riverside Community 39 peared to be a Great Dane. A num- Saturday. De ember 4th. .Mr. and .Mrs leMmund. of Mont- b^r of | people who wished to ague. Cal., were guests over (^>e know a few things about the gentle | week end of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wil- man went up to him but he general ' trout. They were on their way home ly replied In a foreign tongue and i from Kerby where they spent a few when the questions were repoated. i days with their daughter. . he becams somewhat exasperated Old man Nash said to old lady and remarked. “Americans ask too Buick. Henry Ford. .Mrs. Cadalack. many« questions." He went on to Mrs. Packard. Mr. Roo and Miss Medford this morning. • i Maxwell, and all other automobiles of Grants Pass, let's go to the big Hour— Per sack 12.80. Josephine Gro ¡dance Saturday. December 4 th. ’ Riverside Community Clubhouse. cery Co. near Foots Creek. Saturday. 39 l»r«**-. Sh<i Crank up your old boat and hed Reduced 20 per cent at Peerjess her south on the main Pacific high Clothing Co. way. Big dance. 'Riverside Com- I munlty Club house, Saturday Decem- ; ber 4th. , 39 Elks M ill Banc The Elks will give a dance Tues day evening, November 30th, at Piano Tuner Here— Medford Elk» Club house for Mr. Brooks of Fedfor/1. will be in members of the lodge and their the city Wednesday All wishing to dies It is expected that a large have their pianos tuned, leave tendance will be present, aa this will ders with Mias A. Wolke. be the Big Dinner Dance. Dance I’lie formnoal tailoring hou»«1 in the world making clothink to individual UMMUiuro have anuonmvxl a high quality SM I I.CING »I I* IX PUH l> limi <a-n<ilnly Justifie« you in liuyliig now Slilivn )iMr» local denier GEO S. CALHOUN All Suits and Overcoats Reduced 1-3 and Less Peerless Clothing Co. Shoes for the Family— I New pumps, oxfords and shops, brown and black ami adjustment prices at w WOODWARD’S EXPERIENCE AND UNDER STANDING Vixi will find it ¡1 pleasant matter t<» transact your banking business with the .h sephine County Bank. The personal service of our staff is marked by exjieriçnee and undej’stand ing—assuring careful attention everv item. J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass .O regon «.IVEX BY USED BUICK KULOLIA’S 7-Passenger Fine condition—Newly painted NATIVE EIAWAIIANS $1300 Mrs. P. T. Foley, of Roseburg, has R. M. Robinson left thia morning been visiting ifl the city for the past for Weed, where he will spend a few fow days. She left this morning for daye on business. Gold Hill where she will »pend the rest of the week. JI ST ARRIVED Window shades 83c each. . Illshi-s at iMtrgnJn prices, Butcher knives 33c State each. II Ighcst prices paid for 2n<l December 15-17—Teachers' hand good«. Phone 71. examinations will be held December 20-22—Josephine County BOOTH« HECX1N» HIND STORE DOMING EVENTS teachers' Institute. Rheumatism THE GREATEST OI IHWAIIAN ENTERTAINERS. MME. NANI IN HI l.l DANCE, TO BE PRESENTED IX RING THE EVENING. DREAMV LILTING MELODIE# «»LAVED BV THE EIN EST OK HAWAIIAN IRTISTN OX DIFFERENT COMIII* NATIONS Ol INSTICI Ml NTS. Waldorf Hal), Wednesday, Dec. 1 If you suffer with thin dread ailment, all the joy is taken out of I Bing. Anti-Uric Will eliminate the poisons which cause rheumatism, gout or lumbago »nd restore the en tire system to normal health. Por sale bv SABIN’S DRUG STORE Childrens Books FAIRY TALEB rairjedv axn RHYME IM>OKN FLOWER BOOKS BILLIE BlTNNV TATTLE BROWN BEAR HINNY TU NNY » CLEMENS S g M s Drugs and Books