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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1920)
Tl I MI» tv, su, PAGE TURE* GRANDI PAMM DAILY lolll.Lh Classified Advertising F<>K HAM, "SINGER” leads us usual—1021 models on floor Granta Pa»» Hard- I «are Ci See them. Your term» are ours. J. W. Scott, ealm man ager dinger Sewing Machine Co. ; FOR I E River Banka Belter! 76tf Berkali «•«•• Thrifty, prolific stock.! RADIATOR SHOP Radiators and River Hanke Farms. 03lf , pumps a specialty, auto, gas and Foil SALE Lumber, I an<l 2-lneb steam engines, pipe fittings and common, rough lumber, all dlmen- plumbing; general repairing. Shop Ilona, lift per 1000 feet at our 506 South Sixth street, phone 20«. Merlin yard «Josephine Lumber Bryan A Woolfolk. 27tf Co. 107 North «th. Phone 188. 39 HAULING One-ton G. M. C, truck! 8EAHONED WOOD Foil SALE Oak equipped with pneumatic tires ] and laurel. 11.71; body fir. 14; I does ail kinds of hauling; special- 1 pine and aerond growth fir. 11.76; ty: Sand, gravel, granite and loam. manianlta, 26. C. W. l-ambrecht.‘ Temporary phone, 222-R. Call Rd 1. Hoi It |«tf for Roy Wilcox, Ilea. 514 Rogue River Ave. 53 FOR BALE feed pipe of all sites, MODERN CRANKCASE CLEANING SERVICE WOOD FOR 8AIJD Delivered for 63.7 "r ilor I'hon« W. S !<••!> Imoii ■Vlldervllle Oltf | *■"!=!■«■ 11 ■—— cating oil and circulate through yoy engine, lowering the efficiency of its operation. Add to this dirt the gasoline that escapes past the pistons and dilutes the oil — it Here you have a combination that wears and tears and grinds away, every day adding a little more dirt arid forcing a little more unnecessary wear on bearing sur faces. Result: slow response—less power—poor performance — shorter engine life. Our new Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service is the enemy of the crankcase—it means oil in a clean engine. " The Calol Flushing Oil we use is ths new, scientific, thorough fiusning ’ agent that does not contaminate the fresh Zerolene refilled into yout cleaned crankcase. This modem, convenient service, given quickly and at a nominal cost, returns your engine to you clean and fresh, ready to give that sat isfactory performance you expect. Today: Bring in your car for Mod em Crankcase Cleaning Service. W ANTED Lilly desires .position .o cook In camp or on ranch. Ad dress No. 118 care Courier. 38 FOR RENT Jar clean oil in a clean engine Modern Crank Case Cleaning Stations Phone Wtl- WILL EXCHANGE for city home. 39 15 Mi a-res outside city limits part ly under ditch. Inquire 624 A FOR 9 A LB—«Bungalow at 249 Weat street 17tf I street, six rooms and hath, three Rd. 4. Granta Paas dervi!:«« J lots, good garden, berries, gmpe« PIANO INSTRUCTION and trull trees. • Apply to owner. R B. Stephenson, Rd. 2. phone MRS JAMES M POWERS, Instruc 39 610-F-22. tor on piano; studio over Barnen’ ___ 'i__________________ jewelry. Phone 265-J. plastered FOR SALE- Six room Comer lot house Modem. Three blocks west 50x100 feet, Buy from owner. CIVIL ENGINEER—Daniel McFar of courthouse, la/id. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. I 11 301 C street. Res 747 North Tenth St. Phone FOR SALE—Excellent sewing ma 211-Y Oltf chine Price |18 Inquire at 615 41 . LARGE quantity of dust-laden air is “inhaled” by the daily operation of an automobile engine. With this road A dust, carbon and fine particles of metal get into the lubri FOR HAI«E- Big body fir wood. 84 OFFICE ROOMS for rent—Four cash per Her Quick delivery. room over the Grants Pass Hard Phone 217. * 40 ware now occupied by Dr. Dim- mlek will bo vacant December 1. CEDAR POjTTS for sale, fir shakos M. Tetherow, phone Apply J. W. S Gilmore, Murphy. Ore 40 2«9-R - - - FOR SALE—Good 10-weeks-old Du-, FOR EXCHANGE roc pigs. I«> each. Alfred Flux, j North Fourth St. ,L_L. -, ..... . . .'■■■■ Dirt in your Cnfine Oil- Qet rid of it ! braes valves, pipe fittings Submit WANTED your requirements to us for price». WANTED — One 16-lnch valve gate All goods guaranteed Oregon Ma- Austin Wllaon, Murphy, Ore. 38 ch I nary Oo . Eugene. Ore. 40 WANT LAND CLEARED Want to BALED IIAY FOR SALE H.«. II N. let by contract 40 or more acres Parker. Hl Light job, no heavy pulling. Apply FOR RM.F, Dark Jersey row, giv Immediately. Oscar Sullivan. Wil- I ing 2% gallons milk per day. Call I llama. Oregon. 38 at 210 D street 2« 8ITI AT1ON W ANTBD by married FOIl SALB— No 13 I'•lav al cream man as manager of orchard or separator, flood as new Oscar Block ranch; experienced In both BuHlvan, Williams, Oregon 3« lines. Address E B. Dale. Rose FOR RALE Store flat tires 4 nice burg. Ore., Gen. Del. 40 conn tars. 1 set adding ecalm. 1 store. Iota of good shelving, two WANTED Several milk customers, for morning delivery anywhere show caeca and various etore ar north of F street and ««st of 6th. ticle« Cheap Oscar Sullivan. to start on Dec. 1. Call 254-R. 38 Williams. Oregon, 3« Foil BAUD—10 aeraa, 16 of which Is river bottom land. 14 miles down river Call at 407 L street ' evenings after « p. m. 24 . W ALTER SMITH. Repairing, Kerby, Ore. 4NILLINS AUTO CO., Garage and Repairing. Grants Pass, Ore. <'. A. WINETROUT, Ford and Fordson, Granta Paas, Ore. ATTORNEYS H. REAL ESTATE Bl RKE A KNOX, Garage and Machine Shop, Grants Pass. Ore. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-las Pridice» In all Sta^ and Federal Courts. First National Hunk Bldg FOR SALE One bay colt coming 4 e T M c K instry . 603 o st., phone year« old. Will make 1400-lb 355-R. general real estate business 1 G. W. COLVIG. \U.crney-«t-law. hotAo F. M Rathbun. Murphy. Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen-| Grants Pass Banking Co Bldg. Ore <1 era! farming E. 8. VAN DYKE. Atiome IT- Gers FOR S\I.E Bi>..ullful hum«- on N In all courts Firs« N.«ti. .nal Gau» Second street. Six room, plastered HIGGINS A VERDIN—General real Building estate. Office 111 South Sixth. house. Modern. Good range con- Phone 69. 20tf O S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-la» Two or necled for hot water, four lota. Garago and wood shed. SEE BALLINGER & HULL lor farm, Golden Rule Bldg Phone 27" 41 Buy from owner. 301 C St city and business property. 10 and C. A. .■v'DLER, Attorney-ai-la» Ma 11 Flanagan Bldg. 35tf FOR SALE—Typewriter In good •onie i '.naie, Grants Pass. Ore. running order. Call at Grants GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law Paas hotel. TAX» referee In bankruptcy. Masonic BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the body ia racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL HEtCHO The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re- »ulllng from kidney, liver and uric acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. FOR SALE Small house and lot. sooner taxi Temple.- Phone 135-J. Phone MI-R !•» Call nt 114 Overland Ave , comer Jitney Luke or'Cutler. Calle an JAMES T. CH INNOCK lAWver of North 2nd street. 42 swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf t o e k for the name Cold Modal oa orerr be* First National Bank Building and accept no ua'talwa FOR SALE—Purebred Jersey Du roc PALACE TAXI- Phone 22-J. A. C. HOUGH—lawyer, Tuff» Bldg pigs. Also one registered sow. C. Wind. Practice In all courts. Ck if Subject. A. Pruitt, Merlin. Ore. 4 2 Inven <«; .« itamtlng •!<«»■» nut Im DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In ¡ ply the liivems-n of the «nhject. for state and federal courts. Office that Is botniii.'t •! «i>|>tille«l by the poet THE WORLD MOVES; so do we over National Drug Store. Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone or hlstorlnt. W«th re*t<ect to the NURSERY' »lock of all kinds. Orna choice. n<> «uh*«« • < an b<- proper that 349. mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo. 1« not gvtienil!.' interesting • • s Reglon of Heavy Snowfalla. H. Parker. 7011 F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer There must be something, either In The henvlest «nowfnll In thè United Saft's. pianos and furniture] ALBANY NURSERY, tree« of qual State» la In thè Cascole mountain« of the sdiott or In the object. In which moved, packed, shipped and stored ' Washington nnd Oregon and thè Sfer num «re universally concerned, and ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. which powerfully strikes upon the Office phone 194-1’ ra Nevada of Cnllfomia 860 N. 7th St.. Grants Pass. 83tf public sympathy.—By Sir Joshua Reynold.«, VETERINARY SURGEON Qrcase Spots. MICKIE SAYS If yon have the misfortune to «pill J DR. R. J BESTUL, L>, Veterinarian. Pevs'steecy Wins Success. Residence S3 8 Washington boule grease upon your kitchen floor, let It Few num succeed ■because they are r MCA«’ S0M6 9ÜUO fool, «crape up nil von can then pour vard. phon« 398-R. naturally brllllnnt. Sucres« Is due <301 MU1U1H’ CM KNUtfe ¡a few drops of almhol on the spot, j nraall.v to persistence, determination TUVI«. UKVS TVMMK K& SKAMTt TO | wipe It off ami n«1d n few more drops, i DENTISTS and ambition. Any tnnn can cultívete SGU \F tVC-t CAVK "CtüO ÍK enough to «.«ver the «poi Let th!» i B. C. MACY, D. M. D. Flrst-elssa remain, n »lu.rt time then wipe the those qualities -WIRS V 'tSfCXàVtAVU'CAt- ÇRRORS denllstry. 10» >4 8. 6th St. »pot with n denn cloth IM -tu' VfikVtU Vd'RM ri kCOvAt®. OOt, -ri*' POO« OAPWCu eo&a gan « ò visa wcrtievo TVCMCA 'XX8O AVCAW4Í tD AMM- l . o. olemknt , D.. I tUWMb ACE AUA» rit3O Wt-TX limited to diseases of eye. ear. nose; CORSt Railroad Company I XD DO A.WM ■aiAAVV.'flVAt TIME CARD and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. You can just tell by its healthy, etimulntlnil odor, that it is Phones, office 6 2; residence 359-J. Effective Nov. 24. 1919 going to do you good 8 IXIUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician Trains will run Monda'*«, Wednes- HOUSANDS of men and women, and stirgepn. City or country calls] days and Fridays. when the least little rheumatic attended day or night. Phones 1 t-eave Grants Pa««................. 1 “crick” assails them, have Sloan’s ’ ------ T............ 2 Rea. 369; Office, 182; 6th and H. 1 l ‘ Krrlve Waters ~ Creek Liniment A: tidy to knock it out. Pop Leave Waters Creek........... 2:30 P.Mj ular over a third of a century ago—far E J. B1LL1CK, M D. Physician Arrive Granta t’ass.............. 4 P.M.« more popular today. For Information regarding freight! and surgeon, office Sqhallhorn That’s because it is so wonderfully block, phone f»4-.i; residence, 1004 and passenger rate« call at the offlee I helpful in relieving external aches and of the company, Lundhurq building. | pains—sciatica, lumbago, backache, MW Lawnrldg«', phone t>4-L. or tai »nhnne 181 neuralgia, overstrained muscles, stilt ------------------------ ----------------- W—w----- -, joints, v.rather exposure results. A W. F. RUTHERFORD little is all that t necessary, for it soon raputlc« t . els fenelral. s v« m' tublnn^, to the soro IM « h Office u f .• 1 rn«’ spot. No t •» no stained skin. Pldcp All <h .■ r- J.x, 7Cc, |i.40. OffI« e houi « 9 J' I M. practice The .California and Oregon W. 8. MAXWELL * CO., Chevrolet and Nash Moton, Grants Pass, Ore. FOR CASH ONLY During the balance of the month we are going to give you some real bargains in Lee Tires. Now is the time to put on new tires. Prepare for the winter weather. LEE FABRICS Size 32x31 L—Six going at Special Price of $23.80 each. Old Price $29.15 each. Size 32x4—Eight going at Special Price of $30.37 each. Old Price $38.90 each. Size 33x4—One going at Special Price of $31.02. Old Price $40.80. Size 34x4—One going at ¡special price of $31.72. Old • price $41.70. LEE CORDS Size 32x3 > ■_—Two going at special price of $36.10 each. Old price $46 each. Size 32x4—One going at special price of $46.73. Old price $58.80. Size 35x5—One going at special price of $67.77.... Old price $86.25. Above prices include the war tax. Remember, the sale is on now and continues for the balance of No- cenibi c. Out of town orders given prompt attention. AGENTS FOR. HUDSON MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLUNS AUTO COMPANY ACCISSOBitS ANO REPAIRIMC f ' PHOHE 3,7 GRANTS RUS, ORE. SsJ SU H STREET, SLOAN’S GOES RIGHT T0THEACH1NGSP0T T T1ÚÍ li? ' RALPH W. STE AK SB. .14. D. Ph alcian and surgeon, X-ray equip Office. M» ment, dentil X-ray. Phones O1 sonic Ti miila. BRI« flee 21-J; residence 21-L. .ADAMS & JOHNSTON, Electrical and Battery Service, Grants Pass, Ore. • SloaiVS Liniin:cnifciJ OCR BIG FEED STO4 K now on display enables yon to choose the right feed for your animals and secure It In almost any quantity from a bag up to a carload or more. Our prices are as low as any of the big feed jobbers in the large cen ters. Compare our qualities and prices. JO ’.EF21INE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Comer Third and G Street Phone 123