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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1920)
ri esdav . MH fmiieii so . I»*» GRAXiTK r\AH DAILY tXH RIEH PAGE TWu 6RANTS PASS W COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhtes, Pub. and Propr. Entered at poatoffice. Grant« Pa*a. Ore., aa second class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Uaplay space, per inch........ ......... 35c Local-personal column, per line....l0c Roadera. par line.......... ....... — U| DAILT COURIER By mall ur carrier, par year---- 33.00 By mail or carrier, par month.. .50 A Few Christmas Suggestions CU.MK EARLY AND AVOID Dl 8AITO1NTMK.VK Boudoir Cap», Jersey silk Veris aad Blootuera, Wuh Satlu Cre<>e de Chine Caiul*ol<w and Kmd<s* Chemi.*«*, Silk Hoher,, Gloves, Handkervluef*. Work lUmkvts. hand iNÜnted. ini|Hirti'<l, Jap Kimono*. Hath Kobe Blanket* with corda and frog* to match. Baby Kobe* and lUanketa. Luncheon Sets, Henil», l*ur»c* ami Bag*- WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per yaar-------------------- 32.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all new« dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. 101 and 105 North Sixth Graute Pass, Oregon Buy Him Sox for Christmas AU. PRICES REDUCED UNITED PRESS SERVICE TUESDAY. NOVEMBER SO. l»2O ♦ «♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ , ♦ Weather for the Week ♦ 4/ ♦ ♦ ■ > Pacific Coast States: Unset- ♦ 4 ♦ tied, but occasional rains in ♦ Washington. Oregon and north- ♦ 4 ern California. Normal tern- ♦ 4 perature. __ ♦ 4 4 Tonight and Wednesday, fair 4 eut. rain west portion. ♦ I ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I ♦i Never Before and Ironclad, black anil assorted colors, now .. 23c sac Black Black .and Ironclad, black •and assorted color*. now 5Oc 35»- Ironclad, black and assort «s I colors, no» ... SO, Black and 75c ............... -eo<- 73c fine Cashmere, black and grey, now 81 Jnire silk, black and a«.*orted colors, now .............. ...... ........ 73c 81.15 pure silk Phoenix, black and assorted colors, now »1 Golden Rule Store I LOST—Indian basket, willow, lost WORK WANTED—Cooking in town WAX TODAY between corner Fir st National or country. Mrs. M. M. Bowers. Finder Palace hotel. 40 bank and 719 D street. INSURANCE—Fire, automobile. Ute. call Mrs. Artttur H. Denison. 39 accident and health. T. M. Stott. Mrs. H. L. Green has returned 308 North Sixth St. 62tf TIRES—Three brand new tires for from a visit of three weeks tn Weed Ford cars for sale at a bargain. FOR SALE—Vied bicycle. In good where she met her son. Silva, who Address No. 90 care Courier. 38 condition for 320. Cramer Bros. is now on his way to Jacksonville. Phone 55-J. tTtf WANTED AT ONCE—Woman to do Florida, where he will be employed family washing. Phone 2T3-J. 38 on one of the papers. She also vis TYPEWRITER for sale sal! —"Blind” Remington, overhauled, new plat WANTED—Tract of land up to 10 ited in Red Bluff with relatives for a en and new ribbon; 320 cash takes acres, preferably east of Sth St week and then returned to Weed for it. Courier office. 41 and north of C street. State pt-ke Thanksgiving. and terms. E. L. Bell. 1111 East BARGAIN—160 acres, 4 miles out, Miss Mildred Morgan A street. City. 39 morning for Hilt to visit for a few lots of wood, 15 acres of sub-irri gated land, enough saw timber to FOR SALE—Air tight heater in days. She will .be met there by her pay for the place. 312 per acre. good order. Inquire 507 A street parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morgan A good deal for someone. Let me or phone 374-Y. 38 who are leaving soon for Klamath show you this. Phone 375-Y. S. Falls by auto. Mr. Morgan has been FOR SALE—27 acres fine black J. Taylor. , 39 engaged in the construction of Irriga land, house, well, orchard, vine tion canals here having secured a WANTED—Half dozen Rhode Island yard. 4-acre berry patch, Al-mile sub-contract from the Shattuck Con Red pullets or year old hens. from station on Southern Pacific. struction company. Give price. Address No. 119 care 32,000. Address K. Root, Hugo. 'of Cotyiee.___________________ 39 Ore • . «2 Return From Hnbejmoon— FOR RENT—6-room house close in UMBRELLA “DOST—Ladles bla k Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hoxie return north • side. Also 5-room house, silk umbrella, straight black han ed last night from Portland where big barn, south side. Pattillo A dle, with name of owner burned they spent several days on their Lord, real estate. 38tf on handle. Finder please notify honeymoon. They were married here Mrs. T. M. Stott. on Thanksgiving eve and left Igter WAN' ie D—A small second hand for the northern city. They will make FOR.SA LE^-Brood er stove, with cook or heating atove. Call eight foot defle tor. fifty gallon their home at the Ahlf apartments 239-R. 39 oil tank, automatic oil regulator. on North Sixth street. Mr. Hoxie Is Capacity a skilled me hanlc at Oldfng’s gar ANTED—2-horse Fresno scraper, Everything complete, second hand. Notify Otto Henric- from 250 to 1500 baby chicks. age. Mrs. Hoxie was formerly Miss son. Rd. 2, Box 24. Phone 602- feed only two month* Inquire Marion Sauer. Both are well known F-21. 507 A street or phone 374-Y. 38 i young people of the city. Are You Concerned in Your Telephone Service A Telephone service is now universally recognized as a neces sity in business and social life. In your own business every day a hundred details are disposed of by telephone which would re quire weeks of time and cost you many times over your present expense if they had to await the slow and antiquated methods of a few vears ago. In jour home the convenience and adaptability of telephone service make the day’s duties easy, which, if the tele phone were absent, would prove to be a slow and cumbersome task. In other words, the telephone is indispensable in your of fice and vour home. This being true, you are concerned in whether or not the Com pany which furnishes your service can continue ami improve and extend that service. You are interested in whether or not money can be obtained to maintain and build up the system which is try ing to keep pace with Oregon growth and progrt -s. Neither the telephone company nor any other public service company can go ahead if its revenues are not sufficient to main tain and operate its property and pay a fair c.-iriiinu-on the money necessary to extend its business to meet the pubic demand. You are interested—It is vour sen iee. The PACIFIC TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY mtWouN is F' zryous —W orries The live« of most women aro full oPworry. glen's troubles ar« bad enough, but women’« ar« worse. Worry makes women sick. It pulls them down, and in their weakened condition they are sub ject to naina, aches, weakness, back- aches, headaches and dizzy s|>ells. Most women neglect their health, and for thia they pay the penalty. Any woman will find that neglect does not pay. A little more atten tion to health would brighten up her life. If she asks her neighbors she finds that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription benefits a woman’s whole system. It not only acta upon the troubles and weaknesses peculiar to women, but ta an all round tonic that braces the entire body, overcoming nervousness, sleepIesunt-A, headaches, dizzineag and a run-down condition. L xsts , O reoox —"In my younger days I was greatly dirtn-'l. I began using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preriptiou and received such relief tt..i I can recommend it to others. I have raised a large iatuily and sin a (reat-„'rand* mother and have always in-isted on my daughters-in-law using Dr. !‘i,'roe’s Favorite Prescription daring < \; . t period«.**—Mas. B. F. SULT, Mil* MUi Street. Mrs J. A. Syfers and baby left this morning for Portland to cisit for a short time. Mrs. Syfers came tn yesterday from her home at Waldo. have we shown so beautiful a lint1 of Hand Painted China as we art’ showing todav. Anti the priee is HIGHT. BARNES, The Jeweler AUTO TOPS tlx’ shabby top with light, «smj-to-handlf weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable tops- perfect fitting anil Improving the car's look* a wtilr choice tn ma terials and cotorw. OUB PRICES IX1WEHT G. B. BERRY The Wardrobe Cleaners 507 K HT.. OPPOSITE <SM>GXIAI, EVERY' BITE TAKEN from a slice of our bread creates desire for another There never was such delicious bread. Try a loaf and note how the youngsters and yourself too will soon finish It. You cannot possibly bake better bread, nor as big a loaf for the same coat as you can buy It tor here. Ask your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS Cleaning Pressing Repairing Ladies’ Garments Altered ( oats Relined BAKERY 5*8 G Street ShiyiZu. jsr\ cry\ HERE WE ARE, PETEI Jtw New York Wednesday night Camped once more in the plumb centre of our old stamping grounds —rubbing elbows with the roaring racket and running flush into more electric displays, blazing posters and smashing signs that sound the joys of Camel Cigarettes than you’d ever believe could be jammed into one town! When I hit Broadway this p. m. I’d said the Reynolds folks had transplanted ‘‘Camel City” right up here! It seems like all’New Yorkers have adopted Camels as their own personal brand! And, Pete, since this is the original speed town it’s only what you expect when you see ’em carry a package of Camels in each coat pocket. If their right hand is busy, they dig out their left hand deck — they iust won't lose time getting a Camel lighted! That’s the gait around iiere, old thorobred! And, Peter, the Mew Yorker has his own A-l pet re.ison why he’s so keen for Camels. For instance, Doc Marshall will bet his car on Camels quality against any cigarette in the world! Bill James says to me—“Shorty, there never was mtld. mellow body like Camels." And, as for Dan Boggs—he spills it that Camels are the only cigarette free from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or ciga- retty odor! And, he knows! Frank Frazer will tell you it’s Camels wonderful Turkish and Do mestic blend! And all of them are right! And, Pete, old proof-of-the-pudding—you tell ’em that Missouri hasn’t anything on little old New York when it comes to that “»how me” »tuff on cigarettes or anything else! Sincerely M