Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1920)
I AMH4M 'IATEI» FREEH SERVICE UNITED PHEAS HHBVICE ------------------- ---------------------------- _ ORAMI» PAMS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, Tl EHDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1020. ~,^c~ WHOLE NUMBER 3133. DENIAL HADE F ♦ lirotiicr-in-law of PrcaidrnC Denle» That He Took Money for inf lic encing Contract Diapoaitloa MRS. TEKNIE IxrTiKMO shot ON New York. Nov. 30.— (A. P.)—De DOWNTOWN STREET IN PORT nial that he ever took money tor In LAND TODAY fluencing the disposition of contracts for machinery by the shipping board, as charged by T. K. Sands, coupled with the request that ail his trans actions with Sands lie Investigated, was made before the Walsh congres sional committee by R. W. Bolling, Girl W m Married In l,iier|M>ol Dur the president’s brother-in-law, and. ing U nr—< linrgr Made That Wife treasurer of the shipping board. Waa I ntnlthful CACHE OF LARGE HUM OF STOLEN MONEY IH LOCATED Portland, Nov. 30.—< A P.l—Mrs. Tessle lxjtisao, was shot and killed Omaha. Nov. 30. —(A. P.)-—Keith early today by h*«r husband on a Collins, returned from Oklahoma ’ downtown street. S-otlsso, who was City In connection with the train arrested at his homo shortly after the murderer confessed, the police robbery, led officers to the cache of] ■aid. He had married the girl in *23,800 In Council Bluffs, the postal England while serving In the United Inspector announced. Btatns army STATES WILEY E Highway Commissioners Met Yester day at Salent to laiy Plans for I »21 Development* IRRIGATION ENGINEER INSPECTS MEETING CALLED FOR THl'KH- Portland, Nov. 30.—(A. P.)— ONLY TWO SURVIVORS OF FIB WORK AND GOES OVER ESTI DAY NIGHT AT CHAMBER OF 1 Plans for highway improvement were BIE ARE LOCATE I»—DE.AD MAT 4 Ji AND PLANS discussed at a meeting of the state COMMERCE ROOMS BODY’ IS FOUND highway commission late yesterday. . Yeon and Booth are to make a tour to outline next year’s work. They ! ordered the sale of *1,500,000 in . bonds, blds to be opened on January I 4th. They authorized a loan to Uma- offerdmn Will Be Repaired and I'nsddent Bramwell Frges Ijirge At | till» county for state road malnten- Party Say That Bodies of Construction on Dam and Power tendance at the Meeting as Prob ! ance and approved the paving of the and First Mate Found nfne miles south of Corvallis. | road H oum ^ Will Proceed lem Is of Great liH|>ortance They agreed on the improvement of the road between Burns and Suntex, costing approximately *80,000. Rep A. J. Wiley, the eminent irrigation' A meeting of the citizens of Jose Seattle, Nov. 30.—(A. P.)— Two resentatives are to visit Washington engineer who has acted tn the capa-| phine county will be held Thursday ' to work for the Chamberlain* road I surviving members of the crew of city of consulting engineer for the night at the Chamber of Commerce bill. R. A. Booth, of Eugene, was the missing barge W. J. Pirrie and Grants Pass Irrigation District pro rooms to effect some solution to the the dead body of a third, were found elected chairman. ject during the pre-construction and problem of getting the uncleared The highway commission awarded | by in Indian searching party near construction period, was In the city acres of the county under cultiva- i approximately *600.000 to counties . Cape Johnson, according to a tele over Monday, and put in the day in lion. It is desired that some work to match the market road appropria gram from Clallam bay, Washington. specting the work and in going over ing plan may be developed that will The Indians said two sailora came tions. plans aud estimates with the project insure the cultivation of the lands ashore Friday night on lumber from I engineer and the construction super under the new irrigation project. the Pirrie after the barge sunk off Portland, Nov. 30 — <*T. P i— VI intendent. Mr. Wiley first visited Several solutions have been worked Cape Johnson. They said they saw don't give a damn if they han* me the site of the Savage Rapids dam, out, which if adopted may prove the bodies of Captain Jensen and tomorrow, I did what was right." where he made a thorough inspec highly beneficial to the community., the first mate, but knew nothing of th» police said Thomas lxitlaso de-j tion of the work done there, especial-, It will be to the advantage of every the fate of the others. Searching clared. when arrested early this, Iv as regards the effects of the recent land owner and every person inter- parties are looking for more bodies. morning charged with murdering his high waters that have swept over ested in the development of the wife an hour earlier "I was trying * > the structure. After his examine- county to be at the meeting, MEMBERS OF ASSOCIATION ARE to make a good woman of her." Ixjt- The contract for the construction tlon. Mr. Wiley stated to t|ie Courier President Bramwell, of the Cham- The Grants Pass auto camp Is I HELD DESTROYING EVIDENCE laao added. of the public library for Grants Pass that there was "absolutely no dam-! her of Commerce, makes the follow- ranked among the best, in the state The woman, aged 38. Aas shot and I and Josephine county was awarded age to the structure of the dam al- ¡ng statement: f by a party who made a trip through | mortally wounded on a downtown 1 Monday afternoon by the county ready In place. The loss is through New York. Nov. 30.— (A. P.) — "We desire to develop better con- street corner John Grnnell, tho| court to A. J. Green, of this city. The delay |n the work and in the replace- ditions everywhere, and to' this end Oregon and visited c.,ch place where Sixteen of the 20 members of the only witness to the shooting, saw It j bld was for *11,700 and calls for the i ment of some of the temporary "e have called the meeting for some conveniences were afforded the Metallic Furring anâ Lathing Asso autoists. One of the party wrote an from a distance of a block away a | completion of the -building by June forms.” ' Thursday evening. This meeting is article which appeared in the Sun ciation, were arrested, charged with man attack the woman, knock her 15th of the coming year. 4t is to be Mr. Wiley said that the work called for the purpose of devising day Oregonian and was as follows: destroying evidence needed by the to the sidewalk.,shoot her four times built on the courthouse block on the legislative committee investigating would again progress through the some means looking to the colonizing and then flee northwestern corner. The money for repair of the cofferdam, cribs to be of our vast acres of undeveloped | "Last summer the writer was a the "building trust.” GrannelWnbl that when ho reach- | the structure is being given by the placed in the break so that when lands. We need more people; we member of a party to drive to Crater Lake via Medford, and we made it I Washington, Nor. 30.—(A. P.)— •d her side she was able to gasp her Carn„ile corporation further high water came the flood need manufacturing; we need pay name and address and to say ber| Payments for the work are to be would flow over the top of the tern- rolls. We believe we should band our business to visit many auto parks Secretary of State Colby is to an She die. I made as the work progresses. husband had shot her. The i porary structure and not take out a I closer together and work together in en route. In order to classify them, nounce the stand on, the recognition' soon after being rushed to the hos building will be 60x35 feet and will section as It had done with the earth order that we may better cope with we prepared the following table: of Mexico today. * * pital Ixittaso was arrested at his l>e of hollow block construction. It section of the old one. In this way, the vicitudes that may confront us. “Toilets, modern, 15 points; bom». ■» J. T. Logan, who formerly was en will follow the regular Carnegie de he said, work could go ahead on Not that we are in a decaying condl- ' stoves, electric, gas or cooking units. tzitissn told the police he met his sign. The plans call for two stories, the power house end of the dam dur-¡Hon. but that better results may be 15 points; rest house or camp kit- gaged in the pleasant occupation of wife while he waa In Liverpool as an with a com rete basement. All out ing normal flow of dhe stream, and 1 realized. Every »idle acre of land | chen. 15 points; water 10 points; ¡ separating the gold from Josephine American soldier during the war and side woodwork will be painted white. upon the rest of the structure at any' means so’ much distress, and we tables. 10 points: benches. 10 points: county dirt, has been in the city for brought her to this country when E. E. .McClaran. of Portland, design period. He will leave thia think that something must be done i electric lights. 10 points; shade, 10 several days. the war ended The alleged murder ed the building. receptacle for garbage. 5 evening for Portland. After Mr. Wiley had gone over! to save our land and keep it from points; er talked freely to the police. He -------- - the costs of work to date, and had, falling in the hands of land sharks points; total. 100. •aid he had suspe ted his wife of un “We left White Salmon via the Mrs. W. W. Canby left this after given consideration to plans for fu and to divide it and put families on faithfulness and had warned her of PONZI SENTENCED To FIVE to ture work and revised estimates, he small acreage. In this way our North Bank highway, returning via noon for San Bernardino, Cal., YEARS IN PENITENTIARY what would happen If she didn't was asked why, lt\ his opinion, the country grow, but unless some the Columbll highway, and the auto join her husband and spend a few cease "her had tricks,” He said he ■ costs had been exceeding the first thing is done on this line the results White Salmon. Wash., 86; Steven- days with relatives. Mr. Canby left followed her last night and found Boston, Nov. 30.—(A. P.)—Chas. estimates made. “In the first place." may not be too glowing at least for son. Wash., 63: McMinnville. Ore.. Lthree weeks ago on a business trip her in a restaurant with another Ponzi waa sentenced to five years said Mr Wiley, "the estimates were the time ’being. 71;. Salem. 100: Corvallis. 100; Eu- to Philadelphia and will arrive at man. He took her outside and she in Jail following his plea of guilty of made too low. for wages and mater "The irrigation of our lands will gene. 78; Drain. 68; Roseburg. 100: San Bernardino shortly to visit hia ran away. Ha caught and shot her. using the mails to defraud, in a get- ials. instead of dropping toward nor surely bring good results but the Grants Pass. 100: Central Point. 80; brother. -------- ■ rlch-quick »'heme In jvhich thou mal, kept ascending, so that we were longer the time of tillage is delayed Medford. 80; Ashland. 100; Hood sands. of persons invested millions. confronted w’lth low estimates In the the greater the financial loss. This River 85 I "Auto parks do not in any way 01111 HDCM i face of increasing costs. Inefficient , movement is only in embryonic state conflict with the hotels, for the tour- nUOl íilnll U ií ILUÍ i LI i | labor during the summer was one of and we need the best throught. not CORK CITY HALL AND SINN I riniiin nt imiiTiAii FEIN CM 'll RETORTED AFIRE the Important causes of high costs. only on this f ne but any other mat 1st who would take advantage of the LAP MP CT ADl/AT Iflkl [ for the shortage of labor not only ters that may come up for discussion. park, is equipped for camping and if it cannot be done in an established I nUlllU ÜlnRinllUIl kept wages going up, but decreased We Jnvlte a representative from each Belfast, Nov. 30.—(A. P.l—The _______ Cork city hall waa set afire today, the production obtained from labor. ( business house in Grants Pass and park, near to a trade center, it will ~~~~ "The cost of handling the river is we most earnestly ask the directors be done in some inviting spot near Washington, Nov. 30.—(A. P.) — The Sinn Fein club and Charlotte Paris, ~ Nov. 30.—(A. P.)— The always an uncertain feature tn such of the Grants Pass Irrigation district to nature: for to live “In the open" President Wilson. In response to an Quay are also reported ablaze. i work," continued Mr. Wiley. “We ! and the farmers to join us in this is his intention when starting on his misery of Austria's hungry children invitation from the league of na I are fortunate that no greater dam- • movement, looking to the betterment trip, and ’In the open’ he is bound is told by Pierre Hamp, writing in * tions council, has agreed to use his PORTLAND MARKETS Paris weekly, He watched the jage ’■esulted from the high water. In of our country. This organization is I to be. good offices and proffer his "personal I | “ When a email town entertains breadlines before the soup kitchens [ the building of the Roosevelt dam in not a Grants Pass affair but a com- ’ mediation" to a representative he Portland. Nov. 30.—’(A. P.)—Cat the Salt river, the work was washed mtinity chamber. Let’s get together nearly four time its population each where American relief agencies are may designate to end the Atmenlan tle are firm, *3.25 to *8.75 Un out three ttmis before it was finally at 8 p. m. on Thursday. An open, season, and those visitors leave feeding all those under 14 years of trouble. He made this offer upon the assurance» of the moral and dip steady, $12 to )12.50. Sheep are I In place, with contractor’s loss of free discussion of matters will be thousands of dollars with the mer age. At the door each child must show lomatic support of the principal pow weak, |8 to 19. Eggs are lower, equipment each time. The cost and had. Your ideas are what we want., chants and garages, it is a self-evi ers. he said, as he Is without author buying price, 61c to 62c. selling, | time ot_handltng the river here has Don’t stay at home and find fault but I dent fact, that the establishment and a card and when they leave they are ity to employ force without congress' candled. 68c to 70c, selects, 70c to greatly overrun our estimates, both come and help sfeer the thing along. upkeep of a comfortable, convenient searched, says M. Hamp. Because there is not enough for as regards'the time pnd the cost ne- j “We hereby express our apprecla- an to park is a paying business in 78c. consent. cessary." : tton for the liberal patronage given vestment. the value of which no city all the hungry to be fed. the chil- Mr. Wiley said that he was satis- our show Wednesday evening, last. or town can afford to scorn or over- dren may not carry away food. Yet ) the keen intelligence of the young I fled with the character of the work | The funds derived from that enter- Jook.” sometimes outwits the watchfulness done on the local project, and he be- i . talnment will be used for the gen of their elders. eral development of Josephine county | lfeved that all the value tt was pos- HOME REPENT DEPARTI RES “To be sure,” one of the managers slble to get out of a dollar had been —not Grants Pass alone, but the en told him. ‘‘we should have to undress Everett aerie Btaaard obtained by the builders. "They are tire community. With the expres the children. One little girl put her as deeply Interested as anyone In the I sions from those present at the show slices of bread in her stockings. The success of this project," he said, "and we feel encouraged and will doubt- can not afford to jeopardize their [ lees put anOther on soon. next week she came with a rag over We saw the Czar go roamin’ off deserted by his men- her cheek, saying she had the tooth reputation by falling to do their best | ■kl, and also through the gloomin' off went Ivanoff Keren- I ache. Under the cloth she had a on any Job." Meeting Well Attend«! — skl; and Ludendorf, he too went off, with tings and drums Salem. Nov. 30—(A. P.)—Revers- lump of bread.” When the figures worked out by j The Oregon Growers meeting at all muffled. Preceding him, with vigor vim, old Hlndy sad Pointing to two little girls, she Ing the lower court in the Klamath , Mr. Wiley and his associates are I ly shuffled. They say that Wrangle now has tied, far from the courthouse last night was very I Falls courthouse case, the supreme1 said, ‘‘Often I must force them to ready, they will be submitted to the) Crimean wrangling. "I’m feeling blue, not red." he said, "at _______ con-joat- Grief at the thought that their people who are financing the pro- i well attended by the fruit growers of court awarded J. M. Dougan, Bolshevistic mangling." There’s one thing more the head : mother has nothing kills, their appe- i Ject, when a new bond tsue will have the county, about 40 being present, i tractor *92,674. the full amopnt lines hold don’t hesitate to toll us that one more man has sued for, without Interest, The de- Ute. Unless I watch them the to be authorized by the district to C. I. Lewis, organization manager of joined the clan, It's merely Venizelos. And down the dim carry the work to completion. These the association, gave the principal cisión, it is said here, has the effect bread they leave on the table is taken and dusty lanes that fizzled monarchs travel about a thou figitres. Mr. Wllev said, will be ready talk of the evening. He gave a re-' of legalizing the courthouse on block ¡by others.” sand dukes and lords all merrily scrntch gravel. But who is Another little girl, wearing men’s 35 In Klamath Falls. The other In a few days at latest. this that totes a saw, and answers Fate's aye, aye sir, the view of the season's operations, sales, infinished structure on block 10 tn j shoes in which her feet were lost while mankind gives a guffaw- my word, it Is the kaiser. general financial condition and gave unfinished structur eon block 10 In tried to crowd in ahead of her turn. And Just who else has hit the pike, It seems we have forgot- I PORTLAND IMMTOR FINED FOR plans for the coming year. I Sent back in the line, she cried. Ask- Mr. the Hot Springs addition. skl, hut we are sure that we would like to see old Trotskie VIOLATION NARCOTIC ACT I ed why, the child explained she was I,ewl<i states that a building is to be i trot-ski. I wearing the only shoes in the family. erected here this winter by the as- I Kingston. Jamaica. Nov. 30.— (A. She wanted to hurry back so her Portland. Nov. 29.—(A. P.)—Dr. C. L. Ijtrge was fined *2000 follow- sociatlon, to be used as a packing I P. )—President-elect Harding has ar brother might? have the shoes and I Ing his plea of guilty for violation plant, Tt will be built on the old rived here while on his vacation | come. In his turn, while there still J of Ute antl-narcotlc act. cannery site. was food. trip. CONFESSION MUE TOPJJCf NEEO FOR ACTION IS SEEN CAPTAIN JENSEN O LOST GRANTS PASS CAMP AIICIDIAkl KLAMATH FALLS CASE * 4