Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, November 26, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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ad whether you ar* a deposi­
tor here or not. we Invite you
to call and confer with on*
of our oChlaJa and perha;* we
can be of sow* aaaistance to
We would also call your
the financial
• treucth. facilities for sound
banking, loan a eyynmodvtiou«
and other adv»r. •»,-*» of th!»
d Cook loft last alghl for Th-
Rev C. E. Glasier iett tot Kucvne
I com« F» her* he «lil »peed a f*w and S.-nagfield thia moniiag U
wptutd th* rret of th* week
<4ay. m PuailMwa.
*1 >mp*laa Fregrea.-*." Sabie ha» GlaMer apok* Ust nigffit ** the Sal
35 vatkoa kray hall to * very larg* coa
O R O'Brten and Mw*» Ruhl» gregauor.
O'Brien war* Grant. Paa» v ist tor*'
vaaterday. »top ping at the W- itern Ftamr
On* dollar will buy mor* at th*
' Great* Paa* Hardware t hau at any eery <
other place la Southern Orecon
from K.-guUr W. K. C. Meet la
Frank Ward came down
General U>i»t W R C. will bold
Hugo yreterday to »p*ad the day in
their regular »emi-munthly meeting
the efty
Blrelow-Hartford ruga ( mad« tn Saturday afternoon. A full al tend­
America» at Holman * Furnitur» ati re 1» desired
Mr. and Mr» C. A Hayward. of M«|rek»U >Uslu< tl<H» Kale
Portland, wer» reglMerwd laet night '
< ontinued until farther
Grenu Pam Hardware Co.
at th* Joaepbine.
Fioor lamp» that ar» prtced richt
at Holman'«. C05 E Street.
34 f«ham J<<4a« M
Oscar Johnson. of L
Harvey leham. eon of Mr
was a baatueM visitor ta Granta P*»» Fred Isham
through berr
yesterday on hi» way to Mare laland
Th* useful presents (th* kind that «here bo wiH be »tattooed, having
34 mli'.M a f*w days ago in th* ma­
last) can be found at Holman'»
•2 4.1
Arthur Skinner waa * basin«** n*- rine* Hr rnli»ted it Klamath Fall»
iter in the city yesterday from Port­ and was eent to Portland for *xaml-
land. *
•3 45
Ladies eoat» relined at the Ward­
robe Cleaner» 507 E »tree«, opposite Th.- Ilu» Itug M
•4 1«
Phon* 147.
Of Medford wHl b* in this city to-
Mr* M. G Don*y returned to Drain morrow
Phon* 22-J
| this morning after spending Thank»-■
giving here with her daughter. Mr» <sal>ati<m (rm) herd»
H. C. Spurlin
The Salvation Arar
J. M Turnbow returned to L*land I your attention to th*
! this morning after »’.ending a day in In the colder weather
i the city on bnsineas
on from time to time
The Urgent stock of turn’tore in < b«eJy txwsr with bedding, ’lothinz
Trants Paa» in the little store around , Bhoe* wood, grocerie«. flour etc and
34 i those hartng anythin* that w* tan
doctor is interested is seeing that the the corner—405 C street
nr. Smith in PortUwJ—-
A-xong the arrivals in Portland 1 Grant» Pam fishermen get a »qua.*« . C. D. Thotupeon. of Medford, in j us* in our work telephone 380 or
Mr call at 414 F street
' deal !a fish regulations tor th* Roru« spending the day In the city
Envoy William
yesterday was Dr. J. C. Smith of
Thompson re’xvris an excellent foot­ C. Sinclair
! river—Oregonian
3 5
Grants Pass
Dr. Smith has been a
ball came yesterday at Ashland
flg-x-«- tn the Oregon legislature for
More rance* at th* right price. At Grant« Pus* I «—re -
many years u a member of the state
FOB ROAD WARRANTS Holman ». 495 G »treet
Th* Albany high nchool team took
Horae* Hair, who is now attending i the local high school football play­
senate, of which body he « a veteran
Dr. Smith tn the 1921 session, will
AU Josephine County Rond War­ th* University of Oregon, is at home er» into camp yesterday, defeating
» t. member of the way» and mean» ranta imued up to (not Including I for a few days with hi* parents. Mr them 21 to 4. Th* gam* wa» bard
. .reni»> ot which committee he May 11th. 1920. and protestad prior and Mr*. J. E. Hair
fought th* Grants Pam boys making
3« a much better showing than wa» ex­
Picture* framed at Holman'»
wa* chairman in the sessions of 1919 to that date, are hereby called and
Mr and Mrs Carl F. Booth by left pected. Borne of the boy» returned
and 1929. He admitted yesterday are payable at the Coanty Treasur­
morning for Treka after a day home this morning but' the larger
that he han a couple of Mils which er'» office on or after November 24.
he ex:«sets to introduce, but the na­ 192*. on which date intere« will risft!ng3n ti>* city. Mr. BAothby had number ar* »¡«ending th* rest of the
observed both the weather and the week »round Portland
ture of these meaaanee be is not pre­
lr he game
big sisn acroe» Sixth street.
pared to make public at this time, a*
irairt »-iffered a »pralned
Mr. and Mre Ralph Wood are vf»- kne* «nd la- old I.nndburj had *1
he has not worked out th* details
County Treasurer for Jose­
itfng in the city with Mr* Wood's ankle severely sprained Neither of
Among other things !* which
phine County, Ore«m.
parents. Mr» and Mrs J E Hair Mr th* ini fit are serio u».
and Mr*. Wood are making their
home tn Oakland
10'7 to
Av*!! yourself of the »pedal d!»-
On all hardware Mock—nothing
counts—every article in Mock re-
dared GraaU Pam Hardware Co 35 referred Granta Pam Hardware Po
Mr. and Mr» .Glenn Wimberly left
i this morning for Klamath FM11« ^fter Medford Beat« Ashland—
spending a day in the city visiting
Medford high school einched the
with the Joe Wharton and X7. L. foothail championship of southern
' Clevenger families' Mr Wimberly Is Oregon y re ter day by defeating the
| locating In Klamath Fall» as cashier Ashland team by a 22 to 0 »fore.
Person» who naw the game way that
, of one of the bank»
ML«» Alva Wilson left last nizht the a ore does not »how the relative
' for Seattle where »he will spend the strength of the two teams. Ashland
J next few day* at th* Univerefty of being nearly as strong an the Bear
Washington homecoming. Ml»« Wil­ Creek erx but the break» In the game
son is a former University of Wash went to Medford. Th4» made the
'fngton student. The feature of the •eeond win thle rear from Aahland
Ashland name
• week end there will be the opening by the Medford tedm
of the new «tadl-wn with a football very near «coring at one time yeetar-
game between Dartmouth and the day
U of W’
Per sack 12 88
Josephine Gro
eery Co.
. •
Special Reduced Prices
tilTlt hl
Roaster Special
One Special Lot
Rogue River Hardware Co.
If you put off buying Greeting
< ar<l» until the week lieforc,
jou'll lw «¡e-n'ling the week af­
ter <1iri»Una* in getting Sew
Year*« inrd* for JI the friend*
you forgot. Begin to make up
a ll«t today.
Precipitation la Heavy—
The rainfall during the pact few
day» ha* amount«! to a regular
downpour. leat night from 3 o’clock
intil 9:30 thi» mornitlg, 1.12 Inch««
of rain fell, being the greatest pre­
cipitation In one day that ha» been
recorded for a number of year*. Since
the 11th of the month. 4 59 inehe«
<>f rain hag fcllen. The average pre­
cipitation for November 1» given nt
4.07 lntShec. In 1919 the November
rainfall amounted to 3 19 Inche* and
In 1918 U wan 3 04 Inches.
year the total rainfall amounted to
30.83 In'-hee compared to 23.41
inche* of the year previous
If the
precipitation continue« an at present
th* record of a number of year» will
be ‘-eaten
In All Banking Matters
you will find that the Jo-epliin« County Bank I«
Veil prepared with an xpilpuunt which n**uri«
the latent and heat fai llit les for the prompt, ac­
curate dispatch of hUHinr-««.
W<- an- at your «i-rviie ..nd Invite your Checking
J osephine C ounty B ank
a rants P a ^ s , O regon
$ 1 Q
Pttritt« Clatbing Co.
Just a Warning
to Shop Early
EI.MTItK AL XM AS rilBBEXTS will be *<»id out long t~ fore you're
diopping day» arc over. The* J o M h - v « hair Marini vanvrllhig order»
until after the liolula>».
XMls THEE l.|«.HTS Ivtxe ju»t arrtvrd. *<4«< t y<nir gift* early of
you will find them »old out.
Our »pt-rial. Ju.»t think, thrii come in and look.
• EI.E«TIUC WASHING M.M HI M S largo nwingiug wringer, opcr-
atr* tn rllhiw direction. In*tant wriagi r c < I< mi * i . hr«») dut) n>ot‘»r,
large hall »HWnng <-a«wrw.
Every housewife ahnuM have one—Make it « Xmas PreM-nt
Grants Pass Electric Co.
>1 ARRY H. « LAIT. Hectririau
213 V-rtK Sixth Street
Phone 35O-R
Sewt IW'or to Water Offlie
We Have a Plug for
Your Car
Collins Auto Co
Dependable Spark Plug»