Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1920)
VAGV. THRU (IMANTS PASH DAILY <’»>’ It Eb. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER »e. Urjo. Classified Advertising FOR BALE -Good 10-weeks-old Du roc pigs, |( each. Alfred Flux, WOOD FOR 8A1JD—-Delivered for Rd. 4,» Granta Paas. Phone WB- 83.75 per tier. Phone W. S. Rob iL-rvllle. *• inson Wllderville Oltf FOR SALE- ’Bungalow at 248 West 1 ntreot, six rooms and bath, three FOR HALE- -River Banks Bettor lota, good garden, berries, miMM Bvrkablres Thrifty, prolific stock. and fruit trees. Apply to owtwr, River Hanks Farms. Oltf R. E. Stephenson, Rd. 2, phone FOR HAI«E--Lumbsr, 1 and 3-lnch (10-F-23. common, rough lumber, all dlmen- MU44 ELI. AN KOI'* tlona, 128 per 1000 feet at our Merlin yard. Josephine laimber Co, 107 North (lb. Phone 188.S88 NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna mental, shade and fruit trees. Oro H Parker. 70tf FOR HALE—40 acres of unlmprovey land, under ditch, on Pacific high ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual way. choice location. Will sell ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. all or halt of same. Address No. 8(0 N. 7th St.. Orants Pass. 83tf Ill care of Courier. 8( "SI NOER" leads as usual—1821 SEASONED WOOD FOR »A14C—Oak models on floor Grants Paas Hard- siul laurel. |4 75; body fir. 84; ware Co See them. Your terms pine and second growth fir, 83.76; are ours. J. W. Scott, sales man- manganite. 85. C. W. launbrecht. ager Singer Sewing Machine Co. Rd I, Box 11. ' 2(tf F4»K HAI.K * FOR RAljfo- Freeh Jersey cow» Otto RADIATOR SHOP—Radiators Honrlceon, Rd. 8. Phono 603-F- pumps a specialty, auto, gas and 81. e 37tf steam engines, pipe fittings and FOR SALE % of acre of fino gar plumbing; general repairing. Shop den land, 6-footn house. good site 605 South Sixth atreet, phone 306. barn, chicken house, 3 wells, olose Bryan & Woolfolk. 27tf In on (th atreet. Address Box HAULING—One-ton O. M. C. truck 8 Rd. 4. 35 equipped with pneumatic ' tires does all kinds of hauling; special FOR SAUE—Used pipe of all sues, ty: Sand, gravel, granite and loam. brass valves, pipe fittings. Submit Temporary phone, 823-R. Call your requirements to us for prices for Roy Wilcox, Res. 618 Rogue All goods guaranteed. Oregon Ma River Ave. chinery Oo. Eugene. Ore. 40 WANTED FOR SALE CHEAP — Ughi team, weight about 1100, harness and WANTED—Ono 15-laih valve ffiito. wagon. Call at Granta Pase Feed Austin Wilson, Murphy. Ore. 38 Barn. 86 WANT LAND CLEARED Want to AUCTION HALE of all stock, farm let by contract 4 0 or more acres Implements household goods, retch Idght Job, no heavy pulling. Apply and closer seed. hay, turkeys, etc.. Immediately. Oscar Sullivan, W1L Tucaday, November 30 al 1 o’clock 11sma. Oregon. 88 at the K Is. Darla place, 1 mile WANTED—A gentleman to board In from Williams 87 private family. Good home cook FOR RALE -4 Plymouth Roek ing. 88 Per wook. Phone 285-R. cockerels, thoroughbreds. 82 50 8( each. H. H. MoOlnng. Wonder. GENERAL house work wanted Oro. 87 Elsie Ijockwood. Phone 347-R. 85 FOR RAIJC- My new Chevrolet at a WANTED—Two young Iodise want price that will be a saving to you employment. Address No. 117 aa I have no use for a car Alao, I caro of Courier. , 36 buy old cars and xwreak them for their good parte. Have on hand, now high tension Boaeh magneto, OFFICE ROOMS for rent—Four new Stromberg carburetors, other • room over the Grhnta Paso Hard second hand rerhurwtora. wind ware now occupied by Dr. Dim- shields, horns, lamps, eushlone. mtek will be vacant December 1. bodies, tope, eut-outo, mufflers, Apply J. M. Tetherow, phone foot throttles, Preet o tasks, epark 8» 888-R. plugs, now aad oecoad hand. Have five (txdU Urso with Inner tehee. 8 are now Goodyear diamond trdhd WILL EXCHANGE tor city home, Urea Have one Mx8 <4 retread It H acres outside City limits part and now Inner tube. Pair of skid ly under ditch. Inquire (84 A chains. 89x8 U. never need. Have street 17tf other earn to wreck. Can eave yea DEALER'S IJOENSOB 13T — for salt money on whet I have to eoll. L. salmon. Will trade for spuds. 0. W. Dannie. 1838 W. Ninth It 87 J. Bardos, 100 Burgees St. 84 WHI. TRADE 0tettlo~iot ((Fl00 feet, vaino |808, for land under Graste Peoa Irrigation Ditok. Will pay eqalty aad ásenme. O. O. Wol- bro. 187 N. (th fft. 88 Ixhaustlon Was Mental. The golfer who was employing him was playing very ha<11y sod the cad- die threw himself down on the Km»' st one point snd watched him. When the ms» hsd st lest succeeded In get ting his bell ont of the bunker, he glanced toward the boy and remarked: “Yon most be tired, lying down a» thia time of day.” “I slot' tired st carry tag;" sold ffie caddie, "bst I certainly am tired of ceaatlng. Bootee Traeecvlnt. a. T. M c K instry , hi o at. phone 855-R, general real estate business Beet of eolie for fruit, hay or gen eral furasi**. Pt A MO lYWTHtl’TTOW MRH JAMBS M. POWERS, tnstrue- VKTKK1NARY SURGEON tos on plaao; studio over Barnas' DR. R. J. BE8TUL. Veterinarian. Jewelry. Phono 286-J. F(7R RALE—-Store ftxtnree. 4 nlce Residence 88 8 Washington boule eountera, 1 set addlng erales. 1 CIVIL ENGIMKEM vard. phone S88-R. store, lote of good shelvtng. two show cáseo and varlous atore ar- CIVIL ENGINEER- Daniel McFar DENTISTS land. Civil Engineer and Burveyor. tldM. Cheap. Oscar Bullirán, Flrat-clase Res. 747 North Teaij» St. Phone >. C. MACY, D. M. D. Williams, Oregon. 88 dentistry 108% B. (th St 811-T. Oltf TOO THOROUGHBRED hound pupa ATTORNEYS TAXI for aale at GravHn’e Barn. 3 4 fi. D? NORTON, Attorney-at-law. tOONER TAXI—Phone 3(2-R for FOR SAIJC—80 acres. 25 of which Practices In all State and Federal Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an la river bottom land. 18 miles Courts. First National Bank Bldg. swered anywhere, anytime. 8(tf down river. Call at 407 L et root G. W. OOLVIG, Attorney-at-law. PAI-ACE TAXI — -Phone 32-J. Torn 88 evenings attar 6 p. m. Grants Paas Banking Co. Bldg. Wind. i»8tf 2+2 = 4 child in the state has been direcoiy or indirectly benefited by the in dustrial growth oi Oregon? Oregon is rapidly becoming one of the greatcat maaufacturiBg atatea of the west. The coast-wide and natioaal fame of he* products grows daily. Every dollar spent for horn« products increases just that much the development of the state—adds just that much to the pre** tige of “Oregon Made. ” % Your loyal support plus the enterprise of Oregon manufact urers equals PROSPERITY. It’s as simple as 2 «4-2 BUY OREGON PRODUCTS “ DKÂVAGK ANI» TRA.YHFKH MICKIE SAYS OK 04= TV» Wäi ftrDAÄS kAKM 'M tOW UWS TVÍ OTVÇW OAM/QjOVlOœX'ua A t* uve uowMiwa a car on W CAM WK DOME, <MX WO V JU441S TO TMANEV- OX 1010 w* t i hi E. S. VAN DYKB, Attorney. Practices In all courts. Firat National Bank THE WORLD MOVES; oo do we. Building Bunch Bros. Transfer Co. Phone 841. O S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. F U. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. C. A. S ’ OLER. Attorney-at-law. .vís Safes. pianos, and furniture eosle I-mule. Grants* Pass. Ore. moved, packed, shipped and stored Office phone 124-Y. GKO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law referee in • bankruptcy. Masonic I’HYHK I \\s Temple. Phone 135-J. O. CLEMENT. M. D, Practice Lawyer limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose JAMES T. CJHFNNOCK. Firat National Hank Building. and throat. GlasHea fitted. Hours 9-12, 2-6, or on appointment. A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg. Appropriate. >'hon<a. office (2: reeldence 859-J. Practice In all oourts.^ The lui.g lusting Utile flower*. called IxH'GHRIDGE, M. D. Physician V. A. C. AH.LF. lawyer, practice In “Immortelles" In France, have grown nmi eurgeo*. City or country calls state and federal courts, Office, In popularity for decorating »oldlers graves. iltDiKled day or night. Phouts. over National Drug Store. Re» 3«9; Office. 182; «th and H. D Physician office Schallhorn i reeldence. in<)4 lenrldg’ piloni 54-L. HILLIi The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Comply TIME CARD Effective Nov. 24. 1919. RUTHERFORD- Manns' »ho lt jets jour ntvment. Trains will run Mondnya, Wi-dnes I: i.-1.0s' je^-lrv store da's md Fridays ir 8 .LI-11 . 1'80-4 I^.ive Grants Pass............ 1 P M. \rrhe Waters Croek. ...... 2 r M M D Phy- lx>oio Waters Creek......... 2:30 PM X-rsy euulp- Arrive Granta Pass..,____ 4 P.M. Offlce. M» For Information rejardlng frei :ht Phones: Of and iia;i»engnr rates call at th* offiee of the company, Luntlburg building, Hee 21-J residence 21-L. or tolcphone 181 For Sour Stomach Bloating, Gas, Coated Tonftue, Sick Headache, Bad Breath. Bilious- eeaa, Indifiestlon or Constipstm^- t«ke FOLEY CATIvLQTiC T/ b l£ They clc. n-e the bowel», »we< an La stomrch snd invigorate the liver. Do not gripe or aickco. P ? Me» i. Eira Si., H»ncocK. Mkb.: 1 bdV< liven »'’ley Ceth rtic Tubici« a therouah (rial and can poudvely Hal« lb« they are the Irti LÏitlv». Associated Industries of Oregon THEY COME! THEY’ COMBI From all parts of the poultry yard they come, on the run, to eat our famous poultry food. Makes proud roosters and heal thy laying hens with large families of fat chicks. If you v,. . t jour poultry to thrlv-> erd add to their value, fes d them on o’ r feed. None better JOSEPHINE COÜÁTY FLOUR MILL > — t • . i nd S 3 i f t . Phons 123