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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1920)
t! n » FRIDAY, NOVI MUER *». 19110. NEW TODAY INSURANCE -Fire, automobile. Ilfs, accident and health. T. M. Stott, 308 North Sixth St Get Your Order in Early .. ll.dlow ««re •» Uw-erekw, Hroml and H«ndnl.h »»gar. anti l renin«. I andlnleuta, sic., to a*»Ing FOR 9AM Used bicycle. In condition for >20. Cramer Phone 55-J. ADVERTISING RATIOS Maplay spa-'«, per Inch-----...„_3»c Lasal-personx! column, par Una... IS« Reader». per Una.... . ........ Everything for Your Thanksgiving Dinner — la r 1 ♦ Pacific Coast States Unset- ♦ tied and occasional rains; nor ♦ ma! temperature. ♦ Tonight and Saturday, rain. I ♦ Good Place for it “Yea. this simple device makes ♦ «rashing a pleasure." “Whit la ftr ♦ “A mirror to attach to th. tub."— ♦ San Francisco Chronicle. r FARMING THE FARMERS The voters of Oregon swatted the attempt to foist another commission on the state by defeating the meas ure t establish the office of market | I MR HAPPY PARTY may seem, the producers were not sup porting the bill. It got its support largely from the city, Portland or ganizations haring endorsed it The farmers voted against it for two reasons. One was the fear that it would result only in the creation of another cog for the political machine that already grinds too many polit ical grists and that assumes Its chief purpose that of bolstering up the fortunes of the higher-ups. The bill provided for the appointment of the market commissioner by the gover nor of the state, and that was suffi cient cause for Its sudden death. Ore gon is already board and commission ridden to a point that would Indicate decapitation rather than multiplicity of the trouble. Oregon's producers are solving for themae4v<e many of ths problem» that have surrounded the marketing ef their crops. Where it is left In the hands of the grower himself pol itics can be kept out of it. and effort will be directed toward the bringing of profit to the farmer rather than for the political advancement of those who would farm the farmers. THtlR MEATS ARB SURE TO KEEPfcUVieU. DUNHft WINTER'S COkDEST SFELU > I I During these cold winter months your ambition should go up as the mercury goes down. It will too if you en joy your meals and you will enjoy your meals If you buy your meats of us. It's worth trying, lm't it? BTAOX INTKBUBBAM AUTOCÁH OO. Daily mm ! Rtmtnv UBAVI» Graatai Pw» ■I WaltUQ(il*oa , B<Nllx>MHttrV PI mibs ltl) AUTO TOPS 1 ■■ TO KNOW THAT YOU COULD HAVE MONEY AT THE SIMPLE STORK. No Discounts G. B. BERRY You’d be Surprised OVH PRICES ARE T<M> 1X»W Common sense teaches that one lonely store pulling never compete with a strong competitive chain store. UADrES tan calf and kid lace shoes, values, 38.50 to 112 7». Priced now »5.50 to S9-5O. UADTES black calf or kid lace shoes, values »8.50 to ing at S0.5O. S0 9K. »7.M5 and S*.5a to »9.50 MEN’S ponge dress shirts, 192 1 price 18.85, our price »4 AM MEN S |3 00 drees shirts. »1.944. No where ran you do better. Genuine Bargains Men's 13.50 values crepe dress shirts »2.83 117 8. Sth BC. I Grants Pass Sample Store J. ------ »------- --- - » ■ B. MACKINNEY. Mgr. -x a. - ------ A NEW LINE OF HITT CASES ANU RAGS. SOME LEATHER. CURT A C i RODS 25c BACW. MEW OOMFORTS AT »SAW. Watch for Mr. II»H|> Party TT’S not a bit of trouble to raosa T1 1 have plenty of good things to eat on hand all the time, when you use Calumet Baking Powder. BOOTH’S AXY>ND KAMP STORK It never allows baking trouble. You don’t “dread” to bake. There is nothing to worry about—and that really is the hardest part of it. batch of biscuits— t kind of cake—it’s all the same. There is never but ont re sult—the sweetest and most palatable of foods. There is not as much worry over baking costs either. Because Calumet costs less -when you buy it— the price is moderate. Received New Today From Now SHIPMENT OF DRESSES »22.50 VALLES Special $14.85 OONBIHTING OF WOOL JEHSEYH, TRICOTINES, FRENCH SER GES, SATINS AND TAFWTAS. ASSORTED SIZES AND COLORS. VERY' SPECIAL, YOUR CHOICE, »14.K5 Tired Ont in Half a Day? You wouldn't be if your bowels were acting regularly. Try Dr. King’s Pills for alug-gisb bowels and torpid brer You 11 keep fit for work and really enjoy a whole day of it aa you used to do. Same old price, 25 cents. Golden Rule Store TN Won’t Gripe PrKinffs Pills Promptt I I //Mi « . , •: (MSB SMACKFR The Wardrobe Cleaners 1 • It costs yoi\ less when you use it— because you don’t use as much of it—it has more than the *>7 K ht ., opfoottb oolonial * / Cleaning Pressing' • Repairing ♦ * í 1 (• m *n i oals R iinct * i * « • tUplec« II» «tobby UH> • light, wrMth re proof one now. Hntart looking. serviceable top-— perfect filling and Improving Uie car’s looks—a wl'ic choice In ma terials and color». OUR PRICES LOWEST » Strange aa it Grants Pass-Medford ................ ....... " lateralia St. Matthews, in advising FV»R RAl-E -Big body fir wood. It «ash por tier. Quick ’’delivery on the subject of generosity, . said Phone 317. 40 "IAt not thy left hand know what thy, right hand doeth." Some kind 'CEDAR irntYTH for sale, fir shak«* people have exemplified th« advice . W. S. Gilmore, Murphy, Ore. 40 therein given. We can only say that the Thanksgiving gifts are appreci SEE BAiAJNOER A Hl’lJ. lor farm, city and business property. 10 and ated. Thank you. 11 Flanagan Bldg. 35tf J. D and 8. A WURTSBAUGH SITUATION WANTED by married man aa manager of orchard or Fertile. ranch; experienced in both stock “Tea, sir, we got two Ice crops last linea. Address E. B. Pale. Rone- wlntet” “That ao? What kind of wa It burg. Ora., Gen. Del. ter did you plant V ■ ♦ ♦ • .«eeo.♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ commissioner IWBRKl J4A. W8T laullea black silk umbrella, atrwlifht black han dle. with nasne of owner burned <41 handle. hinder please notify Courior otflce. 3« Pass, Oregon WEMi«.;.: or AHBOQIATED PRESS Tbs Aaeoclatad Prass Is eiMualvsiy «a tit led to ths a as for republlaation of al nsws dlapatshaa crsdltad lo it or all otborwios credited In thia paper and also the kooal nsws pub- Medings Are «'hanged— tohed herwfn. The Farm Bureau meeting for the All riffelt of blitatloc of m** Wllliams-Provolt community which ci&I d it patches hereia ert eto r*- was to have been held at 2 o'clock •ervod. on the afternoon of November 29, has been changed to that evening at UNITED PRESS SERVICB 7:30. The meeting will be hold in the Williams community hall. The FRIDAY. NOVEMBER J6. 1000. Rogue River Valley meeting which was scheduled for 2pm, November ♦ ♦ SO, has been changed to 7: 3<J that OHEGOft WEATHER ♦ « ---------- ♦ evening. The meeting Is to be at the Grangi hall. W cubar hr tlu W*'k BARNES, The Jeweler 1575 RUYS 1918 MAXWELL. thor oughly overhaulsd. nswly painted. 5 good tires. Williams Garage and Cyclsry. 3« WEEKLY CDURIMR By mall, par yaar.- S»d I lirl.tii.H- an<l «II the )<«»r round. NEW HATS Ju»t arrived at H. K. Burton'«, with big reduction« 407 North «th St. 35 » I Holiday Things ordinary leavening strength. You get more out of the flour, sugar, eggs, shortening, etc., be NONE BETTER cause there are no failures—no waste. Foley’s Honey and Tar The most critical of baking it an old reliable family medi cine for the reli.f of cold, cough, < • ip. Uehling throat, hosrae- nen wl < >d < 7 . bronchial cough anti tb'- ., i' .t.,r; t»af”rtbc" ’u.” Wade o' c , whocorr.e and taateful Fine t»r and demulcent honey of ths r:e Mr ... r . L ; »F id it, *Tevr <•-» ’ : v hti 1 fe.'i a 1 . r i t- ♦ < Fclw’t Aivnty ». i-a i i “ i -»•<! it fj Is. an » number r f year» aul a I way» Viti feOcd xe»ult».” rr, j t. Calumet Doughnut Rscips 4 cups of pastry flour. 3 levef tea- apoons Calumet Baking Powder. U trmiption of «alt, I cupof augar 2«-gga lx ii<-n together, 2 table«ixmnso( melt ed butter, 1 cup of rni'k. Then mix in tlie regular way. powder judges gave it highest awards, World’s Pure Food Exposi tion, Chicago,—Paris Exposition, Paris, France. The largest selling brand in the worlcE A pound can of Calumet cord-ai • fill lAoz. Sonic baking powdi is . ( 12oz. cans instead of 16 (l/ ,, p,.. sure you get a pound when you want it" —~9 % »