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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1920)
□min rants UNITED l'BEHH SERVICE SFJX VOL. XL, No. ns. (HkANTH PAKS, JtMIVPRINK OOVNTY, OllKGO.N, r.i, a- FRIDAY, NOI EMBER »I, 1V2O. !OME TALENT CHMGEWANTED SPEED PILOTS PLAY PUT OVER IN DEPARTMENTS are k |LLED By MH'oriulck M’orklng on Itili Io I rr alo Two New l*««|>nrt nient» in Place of Interior l>e|><irt ment Ion Persun» Beeidea Conductor and Brakeman Are Injured at Hoed, Waxhington ENTERTAINMENT TAKES WELL Washington, Nov. 26.—(A. I’.)—r EDDIE O'DONNELL AND GASTON ARTHUR GRIFFITH AND .MEMBER Portland, Nov. 26.—(A P.)—A RECOMM EN D ATIONS MADE BY WITH AUDIENCE—Nl MllEltN . The department of public works and CHEVROLET COLLIDE IN BEV OF PARLIAMENT ARK AKRKBT- North Bank limited train was struck BEACH WOULD GIVE MIL a department of public welfare to by a landslide at Hood, Washington, ARE FULL <>F JAZZ ERLEY HILLH SPEEDWAY ED BY BRITISH LIONS TO STATE take the place of ths department of Kv cry thing From .Music U> Playlet» <m Itili—lilgii Svine»! Take* Part in ITogratn—House I» Full last night. Ten passengers, the en gineer and the baggageman were hurt. A boulder knocked the tender off the track and threw the baggage and mail car into the river. It de railed two coaches. i the Interior and the general reorgan ization« of other departments. Is pro posed In a hill prepared by Senator McCormick, of Illinois. President elect Harding is said to have ex- pressed a great Interest In the bill Lyall Jolla, Thrown Fr»»iu Saucer, Ixu-ge Quantity of literature Said to È(|>lre» Koon After A« blent—75,- Have Been taken From House <><•<» WitncMi Kmashup of Ix-ader Lower Columbia and Willamette to Get «7K5.OOO If Congress Ap prove Rc|H>rt of Engineer "Klitnatic Kaper«, Komedios tylth a I xm Angele«, Nor. 26.—<U. P->— Dublin, Nov. 2«.—(A. P.)—Arthur Washington, Nov. 26.—(A. P.J — Kick" lived up to the name of til« 1 Death claimed another of America's J Griffith, founder of the 3inn Fein The annual report of Major General production when the Chamber of gre:i teat «peed pilots today when Ed-' movement. Profeasor John MacNelll, loosing H. Beach, chief of the army Cotumvrcu produced lhoir home ml-1 die O'Donnell, with hia head crushed, Sinn Fein member ot parliament, to Fargo, N. D., Nov. 26.—(A. P.)— engineers recommended the folowing uni vaiuhiville entertainment. . The Geneva. Jiov. 26- (A. P.l—Ifj expired in a hospital here. gether with « number of others, In Two more North Dakota banks were appropriations for the Portland dis dlfforeut\klu were more than appre President Wilson decline« to tuodiatu < This brought the death toll in the cluding Professor MacNelll’« son.i closed today as a result of depleted trict: *255,000 for Coos Bay; Coos ciated by the audiouco. which till«! I in the trmenlun situation France Is Beverley Hills speedway crash to liave been arrested by t(}e auxiliary reserve«. Thjs brings to 15 the num river, *3000; Yaquina river, *1000; U»v house. Home ol the number» bum« ' considered the most likely to offer ’ three. police. | ber of banks closed for similar rea- Yaquina bay and harbor. *350,000; oucuiud repeatedly. The number« her service«, according to league of Gaston Chevrolet, »|>e«dway cham A statement from Dublin castle sons in the past two weeks, Columbia river above Celilo Falla to ranged from "Juz’* music to tfinall ’ nations delegates. pion of America for 1920, had been i said that Griffith was tn bed when ----- -- ----------- Snake River, *32,500; Snake river, playlet» by high school students. The killed outright and Lyall Jolls, me-' arrested, and was taken away in a HEAVY GALE HOLDS UP *38.000; Columbia and lower Wil allow waa pul on to produce* some Mike and Ike looked like they had «haniclan for O’Donnell was fatally! motor lorrey. It also said a large; SHIPPING ALONG CQAST lamette rivers below Vancouver and money tor a number of improvement« been celebrating with home brew, hurt in yesterday’s speedway race. I qiuuitity of literature was taken Portland, *785,000; Clatskanie river, needed In the city, nnd it la under They evidently did not think much dying a few minutes after he was1 Yrom the house. The arrests created Portland. Nov. 26.—(A. P.)—A 50 *31,000; Willamette river above stood trfut a fair num waa raised hurled about 50 feet over a wail to a great sensation among the Dublin to 60 mlle gale off the coaat delayed Portland and Yamhill river, *46,000; As u curlaiu raiser, Bobbie «Nisi-1 of the Volstead Act and wpre not at th« ground ontsMe the rreat wooden population. shipping today. Storm warnings are Lewis river *17.800; Cowlitz river, Their son and IBB Grout did a little fancy all backward in saying no. saucer. The accident probably was 1 1 up. Wires to most coast points are I *7,500. * dan- lug In the arena trying to keep opinion on the matter waa a shock to the most spectacular ever seen on the METHODISTS NAME PORTLAND j AS NEXT MEETING PLACE I oul ol reach of the other. The tsiya 'the audience, who had had a good racing track in this county. Seventy- ---------------- ---- FATHER OF “BILL" STEERS were blindfolded and boiled and turn j opinion of the gentlemen up to the five thousand persons came to their (A p )_ HAMON DIF» OF WOUND __ DIES AFTER AUTO WRECK ed lo<>«<» with boxing glove». Neither Atlantic City. Nov. 26. feet, gasping, when the cars of '■ time they told of aome of their pant REOCLVED LAST SUNDAY flame close to a knockout, although Chevrolet and O’Donnell came to- The house of bishops of the Metho- considerable amusement was provid experlen<«Mi with “Demond Booze” gather at a blinding speed In the diet Episcopal church decided to hold The Dalles. Nov. 26.—(A. P.) — Ardmore, Oklahoma, Nov. 26—(A. i Their act got by good. ed for the »i>eol«torn. 162d lap of a 250-mile dash for the the next semi-annual . meeting In H. B. Steers, father of "Bill” Steers, P.)—Jacob L. Hamon, Oklahoma re Portland, Oregon, May 11. Joe l’ardee. with hl« banjo, and L. ; lainda Gillette and Miss GretcMen championship of America. publican national committeeman died the University of Oregon football L. Carter, al the piano, threatened to . Clemena put on a few realistic love ¡as a result of a gunshot wound suf- ! star, died yesterday as a result of break up t. me Instruments In living a ones ou the stage. It either came , fered Sunday night. Authorities are 1 injuries in an automobile accident. up to th el .. JUe>. a* "Jazz Artists de I naturally or they had very good i trying to locate Clara Smith, of Ring Luxe.” 1 j y did manage to live up ling. Oklahoma, charged with the WHEAT DROPS TO A NEW coaching for they scored A number to the ex i elutions of the a i die nee i RECORD FOR LOW PRICK shooting. of tlmen. Misses Berbba Calhoun and x *4ieir who »ho» uc. ____ “ai»proclatlon by Melba Macy had more difficult parts encoring rcp«at--dly * STEEL COMPANIES MEET Chicago, Nov. 26.-—(A. P.) — A playlet by five high school girls J ns the par<>nU of the young people REDUCTIONS IN PRICES I Wheat dropped below the *1.50 followed on the program. The story In love. “When Ixive I h Young" waa A meeting of members of the Ore- - 11 ■ - mark. March delivery collapsed, Halls, Saxony, Nov. 26.— (A. P.) hinged around the desire of Beatrice ««•pectally good. Youngstown, Ohio, Nov. 26.— (A. falling to *1.47. a fall of eight cents —<;erm*n radical leaders declare gon Growers Cooperative association Sinclair, which part was taken by The next act might have been has been announced for Monday P.)—Independent steel companies from the close on Wednesday. .MI hh Helen Mater, to take up a pro- (hat a program has been prepared | femion. She waa peroueded by th« taken for a visit from Harry Lauder ! with the aid ot prominent Russian I | evening. December 2». to be held at here announced that they would meet the courthouse, beginning at 7:30 the reduction of prices announced by different "Bachelor Maids"to take up but it was Instead “Hobble” Nielson MISTLAND PRODUCTS ARE eftn mtinists to start a revolution In o'clock. Jones and Laughlin company of their professions and finally ended dressed a Highlander going BECOMING WELL KNOWN with her leaving In great distress for to «(>o hls “Ixiaslc." He wax assist Germany to set up a dictatorship of! The address of the evening will be Pittsburg. ‘ ~ * I. Lewis, organization I They say the at- made by C. org “George" The parts were taken by ed by the Nielson family In a tew the proletariat. More than 3.000.000 people of ________ __________ ___ _____ _____________________ He will MEASURE WILL PROVIDE tempt to overthrow the government ! manager of the association. Misses lluelah Hussey, Lula Carrel, nonga and ho also gave a very goodi Greater New York City . are now FOR REST ON SUNDAYS will be made as soon as the more ex take up a general discussion of what Helen LLslor. llotnoh Tryer, Wllilu monologue. ~ , I learning of the “Mistland” brand of treme element of the independent|the Oregon Growers Association has. Huggerth nd Gretchen Clemens, of Il is understood that Cdarence socialist party has ]>erfected an or- accomplished and what it hopes to ^Portland. Nov. 26—(A. P.)—R. C. prunes, the name under which prunes the high school dramatic class. Winetrout is going to sue the Cham- mnlaation whtch In t>ie opinion of do for the growers In western Ore- Mcofee. secretary of the Portland of the Oregon Growers Cooperative Bob Borland must have had soma l»er*for slander ’nnd libel aad a fey- their leaders, would have some1 gon through organization and co- Federation of Churches, announced Association are sold. In all subway of th« famous "Orofino” flic star other thing« fbr the final act "Whoa chaitce of success. operation, * that the federation is working on al and elevated stations in the bity city brand before ho had his dream. He Mzzlo” In which "Mazie" did not The radicals promise that the out- the meeting will be one of gen- measure for the next session of the ! | there may now be seen colored pos certainly looked like a nightmare and need to be told to stop. Elmer Bal- break will come very soon, probably interest to all fruit men. an in- legislature providing for the general ters 43 by 60 inches in size, calling gave one of the most pleasing acts slger and Ilarley Stonaker, as recent next vttatton is extended to all growers to observance of the Sabbath as a day 1 attention to Oregon and the wonder- on the bill. Ho popped up toward arrivals from the old country, kept late in the winter or early 1___ _ I ful ’’Mistland” products. of rest throughout the state. the end and waa called back for the audience laughing with their spring. They are of divided opinions 1 attend. »8 to whether they can overturn the' Lewis was chief of the division every stanza of hls original dream. nonsense. existing government, some of them horticulture at the Oregon Agrt- The high school girls’ double quar The high school orchestra played saying the attempt probably will tail. «’Oltural College for 14 years and Is tet, composed of Mieses Marie Ker a number of selections at the begin- olhera believing they will succeed. r«CTT*led ns th« best informed man ley, Isabelle Rcngetorrf. Elsa Docr- nlng of the entertainment. Mrs. Gun- but all _ apparently are __ _________ unanimous in in the state on fruit growing At.the ner. Myrtle Ford. Maryl Muir. Velma nell has developed an exceptionally^^ Uelief' that the effort should be meetings held for members of the Everton. Bertha Green and Gudrun good organisation. A large amount ma(le 'Oregon Growers. Mr. Lewis has made Anderson, Ming a number of pleas of credit la also due Mrs. Gunnell as , . , __ it a custom to answer definitely all A number of leaders of the mo- ing numbers. They wore assisted by Instructor In dramatics at the higlf derate hitig of the independent so- '1”<* nns regarding plant, care of Miss Hortense Hough at the piano. school for the way she trained the . . ... ... . . trees and methods of fertilizing, .control by the Paris conference, By Henry W. Kinney cialists. who split with the loft wmg James lJum and A. K. Cass as numbers under her supervision. ! namely Saipan, the Carolines and tha (United Press Staff Correspondent) over the question of cooperating with __ . Marshals, which were formerly Ger» KILLBD WHEN Tokio, Nov. 26. — (U. P.) — The de ’ the third internationaJe at Moscow to I CHINESE man. but which are now being Jap- RUSSIANS START ATTACK fense of the outlying portions of the bring about the revolution, also ex anfzed as rapidly as possible, and Japanese empire is now occupying press the opinion that there will be they will without much doubt be tuoi T a bug Harbin, Manchuria, Nov. 26. — (A. both the military and the naval au a serious attempt t<* oust the present P.)—Several thousand anti-bolshevik thorities, it having been decided to used for the establishment of subma , government. One of these, a member Everett Earle Rtuaerd lot the reichstag, in an address be- troops resisted disarmament by Chl- construct at least ten strongholds at rine bases, as by this means a string « of submarines, of which Japan is ; fore a right wing conference declared troops at a Manchnrln station, various strategic points. These will be constructed, of now constructing a great number, bolshevism would aweep successfully on ^e trans-Siberian railroad. Many t coursé, in such a way that advantage would form a formidable defense over Germany and that it could not Chinese were killed. They tell ub perseverance wins, that you must v\lll be taken of the lessons taught against any fleet approaching from I be prevented. After It had come and ( buckle down and peg away and plot right by the war. and whereas the defense the east. retiirned fall oil the socialists would have their Miss Prudence Pardee on If you would win yeur crown, I have a story now to tell: Great attention is also being paid I turn, he said. , >-i«t night from Corvallis, where she of the islands south of Japan proper A small box-elder bug dropped down ker-plop from off the to the question of mobilization of na- has heretofore been In charge of the and attended homecoming events wall and lit upon the rug. He looked a little bit surprised and The more moderate socialists gen navy department, arrangements have industries for war purposes in not a little palnod but mover did he mope or whine, nor the there ’ friends. erally were of the opinion Mrs. E. L. Goff and children left now been made whereby the war de times of emergencies, a conference tn still air profaned. He al nply gritted hls false teeth and could be no successful revolution at regard thereto having taken place this morning for Leland where they partment will cooperate therewith. scrambled to hls pegs, an 1 with a slow determined stride be this time and declared the German j only a few days ago at the official It is significant that the first move will spend a few days visiting. gan to-move his logs. H , did not leave the wind behind nor people would never submit to a “die-' has been taken with regard to the residence of the premier. vlq with athletes fast, nor cotrld yon truthfully contend, like tatorahip of the proletariat." or co-! "The «resent ministry has had the Bonin Islands, and a commission of a bullet ho went [last. I sat there as the minutes dragged operate with the Russians in a policy I River Again Rising— The heavy rains-of last night and military officers left a short time ago necessarv estimates passed by the into the hours long; the morning turned at last to noon, the of terrorism and destruction to pro for these islands in ordçr to make a ! Diet.” the premier Is quoted as hav noon to even song. An I thnt red hug by plodding on and mote the cause of the proletariat. I this morning are causing the Rogue study of the defense thereof. It must ing said on that occasion, “and the on and on, hade fair to roach the celling high on next tomor They ifppeared willing to seek the es-1 to rise rapidly today, and at the dam he remembered that the position of plan of national defense is now being r . ¡the donkey engine was again about row's dawn. The next day I rose up to see. In the dim misty > tab Bailment of "a comradeship gov-, Japan, in time of war, is very much proceeded with. In order to insure submerged at noon, with the water light, what that bug was s heading for. with all hls pluck ornmont of the working classes." by like that of England. Both coun the facilitation of industrial mobili rising six inches an hour. The ma and fight. I rubbered j ist In time to see him reach the cell I violence if necessary, but were op- tries defend on imports by sea of zation for military purposes, the old ing tall, hump his dull head with a dull thud, and downward ; posed to a dictatorship or a cani- chinery. that had been submerged food stuffs and raw materials, and munitions bureau and the bureau of previously had all been removed from go n-sinrawl. If mortal man had time to watch, he’d see the paign of ruthlessness. the enemy which can stop the sea statistics have been transformed in the river, and the two «notors are be creature climb right up to fall right down each day about five ing dried out. They suffered no in» lanes leading to Japan, has that to one national defense census board, thousand times. And. also, lot mo whisper It. nnd merely Jury except to be well soaked, and as country by the throat, even though while a system of carrying out reg PORTLXNP MARKETS hint to you, that I don’t think that plodding bug had any goal ular investigations into the condi soon as completely dried again will not a single soldier be landed. in view. It lis understood that Japan in- tion of industrial factories, mines, be ready to run. The most of the Portland. Nov. 2«.— (A. P l— All lumber that floated down stream has tends to take full advantage of the railways, marine transport and the • string of islands placed under her like has been established.” markets are steady. been recovered. J RADICALS TO START a ELEVEN PROJECTS ARE LISTED