Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1920)
*ÛVHMH|M» un. tiro. (UUNTH fam n.An.Y oocnui V ■H ♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ j FERRYDALE ] ♦ ♦ PKR8ON IL-IXM'AI. ♦«•♦♦♦♦♦«♦<♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Kornbrodt were via- W b Lichtenberger, of Wolf Creek was a Grants Pass visitor yesterday, tting at Chas. Dora's Sunday. ItaptiM Church return Ing to his home this morning. Al Every and E. Bumgarner took Bible school at 10. Classes for all Special prices on roasters this a load of hope to Grants Pass Wed ages. Attendance la increasing, come weet at Rogue River Hardware Co. nesday for R. E. Stephenson. R. S. Stewart is stopping for a few E. C. Neely was~out**from Granta and help us grow. Preaching services at 11 and 7 :30. days at the Josephine, registering Pass Wednesday. I >ack to the old preacher and the old from Seattle. : D. G. Robertson was lookinx after .Morning theme. "Things That Mrs. Q. P. Jeeter went to Jefferson 1 the roads Thursday The heavy rains story Ire Iteal I ” Evening theme. "The Thursday night, called there on ac caused the new work to wash. Two Revelations.” Special music at count of the illness of her mother. Mrs. Gladys Johnson is visiting Roasters at reduced prices this with Mys. Frankum and Mrs. Hogue both hours. B. Y. P. U. led by Mrs. Hackett, at weejt Rogue River Hardware Co. 34 , this week. Ray Thlan. Harry and James Ros- | The Flannagan mine is busy laying 6:30. Preaching service at 3:30 at Mer selok and Otto Martin form a party pipe while there is lots of water. from Grandview. Wash., who are Miss Queen Every spent last week lln. • Midweek service on ThiirsAw) stooping at the Western. at Grants Pass visittug friends. Garden tools, aluminum, granite The mail carrier has not been able evening at s:30. C. M. Cline. Pastor. ware. Pyrex. paints, all colors, at 30 to cross the river three days the past peg cent discount—Grants Pass Hard- seek on accouij of the high water. Newman M. E. Church wa«0 Co >2 Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson. Mrs. Sunday school at 10 a. tn. Alice Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred The theme for the morning sermon A«tiwiiol>il<w Crash— Robertson and children. Dan Robert The Oakland car driven by Mrs son. Ren Jones. Ellhu Bumgardner. ls "Testing God's Promises.” and In Car» Gentner was struck this atter- ( Lester Ford, Mrs. A. C. Ford and the evening, "God's Ix»ve Toward noo* al the intersection of Sixth and daughter. Nella, and Miss Gwladys Ts.” At 6 ©"clock In the evenlnv H Street« by a Dodge delivery car Jones were all shopping at Grants Judge Byers will speak to the league on the Youth and life of Jesu«. Saturday. froth Rogue River. Neither car was Pass ~ On Monday evening the mission Mrs. M. E. Hunt was calling on bsdh> damaged. study followed by the quarterly con Mrs. A. C. Ford Tuesday. Dick Every came over from Dra ference. District Superintendent Dr. WhA-t (Tub Organised— The Whist Club, made up of mem per Tuesday, returning Friday. Al 9, A. Danford will be present and de bers of the Chamber of Commerce Every went home with him for a few sires the entire official board be at th© meeting. who have a leaning towards the little days' visit. Union Thanksgiving service will he Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and pasteboards, has been started up again this winter and wives will find son, Keneth, and Ben Jones, were held in Newman church on Thanks giving night. Rev C. M. Clin© of the it «ifftoult to keep their husbands at visiting Mrs. Dora Sunday. Baptist church preaching the sermon h«u>e en Thursday nights after this. The Methaodlst chair will furnish the James Slorer and Ernest Ids ter are music. captains of the respective sides and j/lt the Churches I T they will urge their teams toward the dinner which will await the winnig sidA. The club is composed of Ros-. co«J Bratton. C. H. Corson, Will Sco vili». Wilford Allen. George P. Jes- tar, Elmer Balsiger. P. B. Herman. M. !>. Opdycke. Ernest Uster. George Fox, P. 8. Woodin. E. T. McKinstry, James glover, Mr. Borland, Dr. J. C. Smith and T. M. Stott. SAYS THE OWL , There is a great deal of cold com fort in a hankie. Don’t work yourself to death to or- 6es to make a living. • A m»i may know hto own mind and «til not be very wise. , It may have been Indigestion that nade the whale give up Jonah. Sw, V The ocean has Its use, there f»r>- poets are wrong in calling It a watery waste. Many a mnn who knows his own mind has a somewhat Ilin ited acquaintance. Boarding houses are probably so called because u man Is ex- ported to plank down in ad- vanfe. —t Li lili (.11A .MH PA im » < Il IMBHH <>h ML à MAII IH K M rii»z»V^TN ‘KLIMATIK KAPERS’ —KIIMKIHK8 WITH \ hli l> 9 10 Wednesday Night, Nov. 24th Church of Christ "The New Incarnation" is the ser mon subject for 11 a. m. "Have We Been Deceived?” or "Ts the Bible Provable?” is the subject for 7:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor 6:30. Come You are most cordially Invited to come and worship with us at "The Home-like Church." O. J. Txiw, Minister Tickets Now on Sale at Horning’s Shack Bethany Pre«by«<Tian Church 10:00-—Sunday school. 11:00—»Morning worship. ••The Selection by male quartet. Slaughter of the Innocents." Solo Anthem by tho choir. by R. E. Talbot. Duet by Mr. and Mrs. H. J Wible What a change a woman 7:30—Evening worship. •'The Henry G. Hanson. Minister. makes in a men s life—and what Choice of Work—Vocation,” first a lot of change she requires sermon in a series of sermons on life while making It. St. Duke's ICpiwopsl j choices, especially for young people. Evening services at 7:30 p. m A 0 -0 A short program of Thanksgiving cordial welcome to strangers. Engraved Card«—Courier otlee music will be rendered as follows: Rev. Philip K. Hammond, Vicar In charge The repartee you think of when It Is everlastingly too late to work off may save you a friend. Stupendous Reduction Sale i » j 1 : First < hnrth of Christ HvirntiM Christian Science services are held J every Sunday in the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday avenin« meeting at 8 o’clock. The «ubject Sunday 1«, "Soul and Body.” Hoad in g room is open from 2 to I 4 p. m. dally exeept Sundays and holidays. Tie public Is «ordlally hl- vlted to attend the service« and to1 visit the reading room. 5CT Shoes for the Family IT IH THE IIU.K A OF Tills STORK TO FOJ.IXiU KETH AND givi ; ioi the I’RMEH, Further Reductions MfiOol NT K Nm Brm. St." Anne's Catholic Church Sunday mass at 7 o'clock. Rev. 8. A. Coupel, pastor. I 10% to 40% Reduction on every article in the store » $25,000 stock to select from Cerne Early Grants Pass Hardware Trains Wore UU<^— The trains from the south, due here yesterday evening did not arrive in Grants Paas until 4:30 thia morn ing. due to the washing out of a trestle aero«» the Sacramento river at Kennet. All HAVING r<H AN AVERAGE OF «g» WITH »NHIMKR HE- ILLINOIS VALLEY I | •----------------------------------------------------« , Rain, more rain, and still rain ing. D. J. SmiUi, who spent a few days In the valley visiting his sister, Mrs. James and Mrs. Fred Seyferth, left for Fallon, Nevada, last Saturday. Mis* Mary Reed spent Saturday and Sunday with her slater. Miss Mattie Reed. Ray White ▼tilted Granta Paus laut Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wise and -Miss Florence Riddle spent Armistice day In Grants Pass. George Thrasher is working In the mines near Takilma. Mrs. Thrasher expects to morn soon. Mrs. Ralph Kitterman spent Sun day with Mrs. George Houck. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smock left for ! Arizona last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. De Nure. of Ft. Jones, Cal., are.vlslttng her moth- i er, Mrs. Lilly White, and other rei- 1 atKes In Kerby. ! John McLaughllae has rented his | ranch to Mr. Buck, of California. Mr. ' and Mrs. McLaughlin will return to Crescent City. Mrs. Melvin Lewis spent a few days last week at Ed. Holland's. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Smith wer,! I Grants Pass callers Wednesday. Dave Drake Is quite 111 at his home j and wo hope to hear of his speedy i recovery. Ira Drake and daughter, Mrs Madison, visited at A. E. Grans last week. ON FA'I NT ON OVI n< X.» ITS. • - STILL IN PROGRESS 10 Big Side Splitters ORIGINAI«—IMQl E—FI NN» THE MOST I PRO 4 ID MH ETWSOG. YO! "VE EVEH HI’ENT. llltlMFI 1.0»' Il trWN’ENN * BRAIN WAVES i 9 X OPERA HOVSE i»i < 'Hoy» M 4 TEMUTA) A FISK HIT OF AND HTY1,»X HAVB YTir U Hl IT MADE TO HT YXRJ AM» oct AN RX. CM HITH FATTERN. Woodward’s 103 North Sixth Street 9 ---------T Quick Delivery ON THE CAR VOI’ HAVE WAITED »'Oil—A|,|, NOD KLM IN MTGQ* Sedans Coupes Touring IHHVK A FOND HOME TOnAS c. A. WINETROUT AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE