Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1920)
HtTl HD4Y, XOVEMIIIJH go, lirju. VU GK4NTB PAM DAILY ÍXMTBíKk ■ACH siq'M ""—.T- Classified Advertising FLA U.K your order Iminndlately with tho Josnphlne Farmers Coopera tive Association for «astern shell ed corn at «47 »0 per ton at rar door, and you furnlah sacks For December 1st delivery. Josephine Farmers Cooperative Association. C. N Culy. Mgr 11 iaoH HAIJ4 J.urabar, I «nd l-laoh coiamon, rough isaZMf. adl tflman liona, 131 p»r 1949 teal al our Merlin yard JusanhMfi iMtnher CO , 197 North 4U. PhiM» ID 11 Fl »II HAI JO 'Write ua fur prtoea uu strictly fana, alfalfe gnad, olover seed, timothy, and all ßolJ seeds Monarch Hno.1 »sei Feed Qu . Med ford. Or». 13 FOR KAJ.M 4U MTM Of nnJniproved i land, uudsr AJteh. on Phritu high- way, ehuloe losottea. Will sail all or half of sama ArMrass No < I I 1 ears of «’oesfinr. r | FORAGE SUPERIOR FOR HOGS ■ «trsmsly High Prices Malte It Profit Abla to gubstltute Otass Crcpa for Oraln. 4 • IVItti thr preMent extreniely htgh prleea of grafn It I» profitable lo sub stituir. ss f»r n» pmuilble, forage crope for p Ui fewds. A anvlng of 15 lo 25 per < «nt of tbe total ntnount of graln nnd sttpplrment» tnay be ex- IHN-ted throiivii tbe use of fornge. Ps» aiioo«riNG MATCH—Com» and get ture crups, qlieti comtilneil wlth graln feetls. will pruduce ihe cheapest ra your Thanksgiving turkey. A big llón» f««r both brtvdlug nnd futtenlng turkey shoot at Murphy. Oregon. hogs, mui tlie co»t of gnlus wltl range Bunday, Novemberfi 21. Every frotn oneilxth to one-fourth cheaper body Invited to attend, bring your than when the grain I» fed In a dry hunting rlfl«a as well as your tar lot get rifle», for they will be match It msy be po»«ll«fe, In wan» case», ed In a »«I'llrat« claas Hhootlnx wlth an »bumlance of good forage. will tM'gin at » a. m. 31 lo ohtsln fnlrly aatlsfaetory gulns for ■ tltne nn surtí forage slone, bul the TOR QUICK SERVICE, good ma grestest return» have >M*en obtained terials, good workmanship, come wben graln was fed in addition to lo W. M. Hayes’,Shoe Repair Shop, the fomiti* at the rate of two to three 107 E Sth 8t 31 jqr cent of the welgbt of the hogs per day. • ..........- FOUND B1.AHONND WUM) »XJtt H aim Oak FOUND—Watch. Owner may »»euro same by applying to No. 114 at und laurel. |4 14; hotly Hr. 14. Courier office. 81 phi* and s«w^iad gruofih Dr. fl Th; matiMnlte, It Q. W. t«a>i>rnr4M. Rd 1. Doi li. 14U FOR BAIAI Frv»ii Jareoy 4u« Otto WILL WXOHAM1W tor City hotee. a "res outside city lluMte part llotiriaaon. Rd. 1 Ubo* 401-F- iy under ditch. Inquire 484 A 81. 17U ■Creel »7tf FOR HAI.» «tecond haod Mt of branching haruus» tu» 4WV horas» DEA1ACHR LICENSE 127 for »alt ■almon. Will trade for »puda. C. Prl • «Ih coati. »4 Cw G M J. Bardon, 104 Burgnes St. 14 Berry harnura |haQ. 11 SILAGE LACKING IN PROTEIN When Fed Without Some Supplement- •ry Feed Leas Satisfactory Re sults Are Obtained. tillage la lacking tn protein and ahould be supplemented by some con centrate high In protein. When fed without this supplementary feed, lea» satisfactory results can be expected than when It Is piuperly supplemented. Th« most economical and moat satis- factory proportion tn which to feed cottoniu'ed meal to fattening cattle re FOR HA1X- -lu uns ot lead 7 mil* WriJ. TRADE Heat lie lot «0x10« ceiving silage la approximately 2.5 pounds dally a thousand pounds of from Granta Posa. kndw dltoh, feet, value 3900, for land under live wrigbt. H mil» from tolxail *»4 railroad Granta Pass Irrigation Ditch. Will on Rd. « l’rio» )»»«. O. U Hobln pay equity and assume C. O. Wol- Poor Father. »on. Rd 4. 11 bro, 107 N. <Sth Bt. 85 Marian is Vleven years old and FOR RA1JC -Goalie lasan driving thinks that she Is old enough to stop horas», cullatile lor wcausa ' or having her hair bobtied and let It grow rhild to driva. Wui¿M «Bout git. out and be braided as do the other lit tle girls In her class. But her moth Also harnean and wa*>h- AfVrrv». er has different Ideas. So. of course, No. 113 care <rf Courier. 13 there Is an argument every lime hair i IIWE several mahgn vt aVd cutting time arrives. Last time moth cara which vo tati,, ix>aaJad»d la RJGO1NS * VERDIN General real er brtiught forth a new argument. “I reduce to n<>iUBcy prlagg N la* estate office 111 South Sixth, want your hair to be pretty amt thick I «rested. InvnaUgaM Poa Phone 44. RJ>tf when you grow up,” she said, “and there la nothing which makes your sur» poesees. B. 3tex.«eU A hair grow better than to cut It often.” Co. 41 (WIL MTKÀ4W. Marian's eyes opened wide. “Then POR «AIJC \ of acre of Uns gads why don't you hl-gin It on father?” she OfVlh BNO».Ednt *aa>l gfielter dsn land. 5-room ho use (Mod slsfi land. Civil Eagiaeer and fierverev said. “He r ijs hltusrif that he la gAi barn, chi ken-house, 3 welts, close tin« bald." Rea 747 North Tenth Bl Phoae In on «th street Address Box & 111-Y 41M i 8 Rd < Heaping coals of fire on an enemy’s I bead often adds fuel to his hate. TAX« FOR HALE feed pip» of all 4l*a.i • « brass valves, pipe fitting*. Submit' ■yfDNiCH TAX! —Phone 141-R for Cupid , should erect a danger »urn your requirements to us fur price«., JUaey Luke or Cutler. Oall» nn- whenever tie break» the Ice tietween All goods guarani«»« Oregon ■ worud any* here, anytime ««tf two lovera. chlnery On . Eugtuw, Qfw <9 Tom FOR RALE-r 2nd hand cook stova PALACE TAXI —Phone 2 3-J. Warrautry Oeed blanke et tbe Wind. * °»tf Courter office. Alonzo Jones, at JaiTub fioomlnd ho see. 11 «■.. -P FOR HA1.E CHEAP—Until team, THE WORLD HOVIS, ao do we »night about 1100, UaZTiesn and Bunch Bros . Transfer Co. Phone wagon. Call at Geatitn Paus Feed 14«. Harn. If F. G. 1H1LAM. drayage and traiMrtee. | HENS FOR «.ALE- <hx4 gnndltlo» Haft«. pianos ( and fuVnMaro 1071 Ka»t A street >• atoved. packed, shipped and stored 1 •' Office pitene 184-T. •ar'.'îsga» U I'.-l ro Bl v timtete th» w»od. l*IIYHH'4ANH Address P. O. Boa Mh »4 Orante L. O. OUÜMKNT. M Puss, Ore. U ml ted to dlseasM ot BE<X)ND HAND plane wanted. Win anti throat Glae»«» rent or buy. Mrs. J. M. Power», 4-13. 3-6, or on music atudln. Ilion» gll-J. 2Mf I’bonea, office «3; ret k kXMT slock of all KfoJl O b » launtal, »hado sud finn» U»«» O*> H. Parker 8. LOUGHRHKIE. M. D- Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phaoas, Rea. 3«9; Office. 188; 4th and H PhyakWun ALBANY NURHHIVF, ÜB’» nt final IC. J. BUA.ICK. M. D and surgeon, office Bcballborn ity. F. jordan, •«Mal iK»at block, phon«« 14-j; retddenoe. 1044 840 N. 7th «t„ «Ebat» Pasa 88U Isiwurldgv. phon» 54-L. “SINGÄR” loada a» Cfitaal - 14>1 naedels on fliaW (IM»«® pea» Hard W F RUTHWRMORD Mani»' ‘be- raputira It gets your iwvwsoat Toar lari»» »sra Ow. Mee tbala Office over Barnes’ jewelry store J w HriX». dhlea n»au ar» oars Offlg hours 9:80-13; 1 80-4. ngar Bingèz ■ewina» Mahbu* 0» 76« RALPH W. 8TEARNB. M. D. Phy- alci All and surgeon. * X-ray equip- RADIATOR SHOP- Bhiltatore and Office, Ms- mo ut. dental X-ray. pumpa n ap«C1iMV, wale. W«a and Phonos Of- sonic Temple llldg steam onglnfi», t|ß'*' ßtU»M4 and fice 21-J; residence 31-L. plumbing; gnaurt« q||ffrinK. Bhop 506 Heath Rtxth I'.rMin A KAUÜÑG- Ón^« t (Fima 40« » C. Um k equipped wMJt igi^tetitia tiree doc» all ttzdi iff M*tlg; apectel- ty: Sand, gravel i|H*tthnnd loam. THmporary Call for Roy WVt|M. I«|h 518 Rugae III ver Ave. 61 FflRM ANIMALS SIMPLE FORM OF ORGANIZING No Capital 1» Rsqulrsd, Fszrrtsrs of Community and Be- Isctlng Officers. The simple form of organization that »ulflees for co-operative llve-atock b ■hipping associations la one of their leading feature« In the flrat place. ' pructli-slly no capital Is required. ■Ince payment Is not made to rnem-1 hers for stock shipped until the re turns are received from Che market. , Jo organize. It la necessary only that tbe farmers of a community meet to gether. adopt a simple constitution and by-laws, and elect officers and a boon! of directors, who In turn appoint a manager. Although in order to transact bust- ncxs It 1» not nece-Kary for an associa tion of tills nature to Incorporate un der tile state In as . it Is advisable to do »<> ns a protection to the members, If out Incorporated. the organization. as Sticti. can not- sue or he sued, and In case <>f the loss of stock from rail rind wreck» or oilier cause the tiiau ager could not enforce claims for th» aaso latlon. but each itilpper would b. compelled to present claims for bl» own In»-«-». The coat of Incorporating 1» comparatively small—usually out more than $10. The United State» department o. agri culture will furnish, oa request, the essentials of a model constitution and by-law». At holiday time you want extra things for your table anti those you will now find in our «tore. Come In and see our new holiday groceri««. To look around our »tore will help you to »elect the thing» you need. • . Yon will hare friend» dropping in and you can serve a dainty meal, quickly prepared, from the things you can buy in our grocery »tore. Try OUR Groceries ENTIRE ABSENCE Or SCRU2S J. Pardee Ohio Breeder, Recently Enrolled for “Better Si re3" Keeps Nothing But Purebred». With the graduslly Increasing ■ n-oll- ment ln*tl«e “Better Sin- movement, the United States lepartment of ag riculture notes imti'-usl Interest In reg istra I Ion of sires. Many enrollment blanks on which breeding stock Is re ported contain the name and registry number of stoçV although such In formation Is not Sfu'clflcally asked for. A recent enrollment front a live stock FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS • Day and Night Service Phone 163 ALL KINDS OF Lathe, Plainer and Machine Work »’ï AM» AXY KIND OF tí Acetylene Welding our price» are right and with our equipment we can and will give you guaranteed satisfaction. We also carry a full anti complete line of accessories and high class oils and greases also just received a new stock at CHAINS, MODES, SPOTLAMPS, W INDSHIKLD CLEANERS and numerous other extras that will make your car comfortable for winter anti bad weather. GILL PISTON RINGS, ALL SIZES—drop in and see them, GUARANTEED to give satisfaction and also GUARANTEED FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR MOTOR. This high-class one piece lock joint ring is the stamp aril equipment of the Curtis Aeroplane Motors this year and numerous automobile factories. STORAGE BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH The Californie. aad Oregon CoaFt Railroad Oompany P.M. P.M. 4 r.M Ari Ohio Purebred Shorthorn Bull. P.M. freghi owner In Athens county. Ohio, show» asad pan»eai|H>r ratea «all at the o<te» that all his sires—a Shorthorn bull, a of the compaay. ¡.«dbarr-r btrfMia«. Berkshire boar, and a Delaine ram— or téléphona 111 were registered stock of good quality. In addition he kept a registered collie ATTORNKTB doc" Furthermore, his Rhode Island I Courier classified adu bring H D. NORTON. Atlornev-alTaw. Risl poultry were all standard-bred. The result of using purebred sires eelte— Try a classified PrictteM in ail Htate ami Feder»! Antas books at the Courier Courts. First National Hauk flldg. Is shown by the entire absence of scrubs on the farm. All the female .„j G. W. COLVIG. AU.orney-at-law. animals listed were grades, cross breds Grunts Paas Banking Co. Bld» or pure breds. C. F. BURKE and E. KNOX, Prop«. K. S. VAN DY KIA Attorney Practice» in all courts. Ft rat National Bank Bilkilng O. 8 IU z ANCHARD. Attorney mt-law. Golden Rule Bldg Phone 374. VALUE OF HORSES ON FARM • — Total Estimated at $1.998.000,000. or Just a Little Below Figures on Cows. Even though it may be true that live motor-driven vehicle has begun to put the farm horse "on the run." GEO. H. DURHAM. Ateerauy-at-taw there Is no evidence that he has de rateree In bemkruptcy, Masonfe veloped much speed, and his totnl value still compares favorably with Temple Phoae 48 5-1. other classes of farm nuihmlA On VETERINARY SI TU »EON JA.MES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer Jannary . 1. 1020. the bureau of crop I estimates of the United States depart DR. R. J BEHTUU V eterinariaa. First National’ Bank Buttdlwg. ment of agriculture estimated the to IGwhlenee X3H Washington boule A- C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuff» Bldg. tal value of horaea on farms In this vard. pilone S9X-R. Practice In all court». country at $l.wt.<*n000. or Just a DENTI STS little below the value of milk cows, V. A. C. AMIA', laÿywr, practlo» in which wiw «!. C. n. M. D, nrat-ekisa state and tedaral courts. Offlo» Re «1 th» ciasalfbui »0* over Natioaai Drug fitor». dentistry S «th St C. A. ."'Df^ER, Attorney-at-taw. Ma- wMe I .ante, Granta Paso. Ore. re- WATCH THE BLG 4 S tomac/i - KSdneys- Heart-Liver Keep the vital organs healthy» by regularly taking the world’s stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— Pain's enemf" ~I77 say itisi I GOLD MEDAL CAPSbt rs Tbs National Remrdv of Holland for esnturiss and endorsed by Queen Wilhel- At efl druggists, three sizes. eesry tea The Comeback Is on the Way MICKIE, THË PRINTER'S DEVIL TWXJ&tt XOWVÙ SOO s k VVÍU vcqe W SOO ooksx usi vr utet saû VG S0XÆ PtKGt ELSG ZCNtìiG'. TbSUT ’(U' \ Q.'ETCUX VÆ MVK