GRANTS PAMM DAILY OOL'KIKK —1F ♦ PKRMS1NAL AND LOCAL ♦ Early Holiday Suggestions W. A New shipments ot aluminum and Pyrex Ware for the holidays, Hol- man'» Furniture Store. 31 and County Agent R. E. Miller Miss Ruth Corbett, home demonstra tor. went to Wolf Creek this morning to attend the meeting of the Farm Bureau. There la also a meeting at Mill lioASTKR «no ... W-4S Graves Creek tonight at which the bureau will report on the past sea •Rjm woa A tbr NOW WJW son's and prepare a program I for the work »:1.4.1 Man ROASTER NOW coming year. • ill •M* UOAKFRIC NOW Voeallon records at Helmer's. 31 Victory, guaranteed never spread silk floss matresaes at Helmer'». "The Home of Good Furniture.” 31 R. I* Vose, station agent at Mo- clips, Wash., for the Northern Pa- clfic. Is spending a few days In WINCHESTER STORE Grants Pas», coming to make ar- rangements for the purchase of gov ernment timber. Mr. V6se owns a 3-acro tract on Park street and ex ; t«»< slat Ion 1» Organised— tltu-rtinn liesr pects to make Granta Fake his home Tbero will bo h fluxARjg al *■’ D J. Manuel and wife, aceom- o'clock at tho M.4» Zfcu <•• < igh —- ’i |l*n|ed by Mrs. llatman, Mrs. Dixon in a few years. Mrs. 1». I. Ranke returned to Hugo Tuesday night, rtïc't» «F yomen In-’ ' and O. J. law drove over to Medford tervwled In tho 4jl"r^n*» I>*r ’»V Friday to conference ot tho this morning after spending Friday »ery home are <T IUl**eL Wh«« * Churches of .Christ of Jackson and in the city. plans to furnish lb« home will ’>• hwephlno counties. The conference discussed at that time. resulted in the organlaUon ot » Southwest Oregon district Churches of Christ, with O. J. Law, St »in tterrle«—Ev crfsMring— In fact all kind» New is the time president; D. E. Millard, minister at to set out. Piece your order now Medford, vico president, and with the Old Reliable Albany Nur- Cooper, ot Aahland. secretary series for your wants In the nugiery treasurer. line. Write or **• W .N>HI»n. »I>eclal agent, St '<• NorW WSverfWt Dancing Party— Saturday night nt th» Waldorf atrefB. Grunts Cww. V ball. Roaster Special Rogue River Hardware Co Dunk »rd* Huy Church— The Brethren church or Dunkards. have purchased the South M. R. church. They will hold their dedica tory servbee November 21. at 11 a tn. Rev. M. C. Slnlnger, of Ashland, and Rev. H. H. Ritter, of Albany. Ore., will conduct the services. The public Is cordially Invited to attend tho services. ll.igs Were SI i 1|»| mm I— Josephine county farmers are con gratulating themselves on the fact that the two carloads of hogs »hip ped from the county during the past week were placed on the Portland market on Monday instead of a few days later, The 204 head »hipped from here were sojd at the market price of 314. The hog market be- came demoralised the latter part of Thanksgiving Eve Dan«-*— November 24 th nt Ills Waldorf the week and the' quotations from hall. Dance tickets UUlil. 44m la- Portland today arc the lowest In 14 years, porkers bringing but 312 per •Ion 25c. ISO lbs. PKK ES AIH LTS SSc KIDDIES UK- War tax included “Genuine Aspirin.” Sabin ba» it. Vera McMaster, of Holland, spent Saturday in the city. New Disk enameled ware roasters IMI*ORTED HWIHH EMBKOfDHMHl at Cramer Bros. 31 HANDKERCHIEFS Buy season ticket« for the Lyceum course. 31 Miss Ellabeth Miller is spending the week end at her home in Leland. We du Henisdt/hlng Every article In the store reduced -—Grants Pass Hardware Co. 32 I Ad les costs relined at the Ward robe Cleaners. 507 E street, opposite Colonial. Phone 147. 3 JU Buy season tickets for the Lyceum course. 31 EVERY MAM 8elf basting roasters in three sizes b entitled to dollnr for dollar vaine la 1 at Cramer Bros. Mr. and Mr». Rinehart, of Walla Walia, were local visitors last night, registering at the Josephine. The Aeollan-Vocallon, (the phono graph made by the world's greatest music bouse) at Helmer's, 31 Roasters 25 i»er cent discount; carving sets 20 per cent discount— Grants pass Hardware Co. 3 2 Buy season tickets for the Lyceum course. 31 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halliday, of Centralia, Wash., were local visitors yesterday and today. Universal percolators in nickel and One Special Lot aluminum at Cramer Bros. 31 Make your selection for a rocker for Xmas while our line is complete. Holman’s Furniture Store. 31 Buy season tickets for the Lyceum course. 31 Carving sets in all styles at Cra mer Bros. 31 J. G. Perkins returned to Portland thia morning after spending a few I days looking after business matters in the city. More hykclnths Just received at 31 Cramer Bros. Whether or not you want a phono Mrs. C. E. Call has bean the guest in setting out 20 acre« to pefcn and graph. you owe it to yourself to hear the Aeolian-Vocalion at Helmer's. 31 here ot Mrs. J. B. Adams, at Locust peaches. Sellers kitchen cabinet« at Hel Holland bulbs and china lilies at Hill, and Mrs. Edwin Estes, for the 31 31 past week. Mrs. Cal! returned this mer's. Cramer Bros. Marshall Hooper state t>afcfc*k«am- Several shipments of Japanese morning to her home at Dunsmuir. Iner, is spending the week 0d at Holman's goods for the holidays. Two patterns of rugs.’ Going at a 31 special price. Holman’s Furniture his home in the city. M>. Furniture Store. has been in Jackson county J. Miller, of Ringling. Montana, Is Store. 11 past few days. Upending a few weeks in the city. 31 Flower pots at Cramer Broe. Spencer sweet peas for tell plant Mr. Miller is looking for a location U. D. Mihills returned to Marys ing at Cramer Bros. K ‘S1 and may 4tay here. room Some new bedroom and Wi More good mattresses and springs ville. Cal.. Thursday, after spending Mol- at Holman's Furniture Store. < 31 the past four weeks here With his rugs. See them in the wki- * Buy season tleXetb for the Lyceum wife and looking after business In man's Furniture Store. Buy season tickets fof Aye terests. Mr. Mihills owns a 40-acre course. - - tract near >fcirysv!Tle and Is engaged course. Oil shoves at Oramer Bros MACKINAW COATS It is a First National AurpctJ<>n You «111 find this trade many superfine picture«. From William Allen White’s Epic Novel of American Life EUhlng IV»» IvstJs’aV— Some of the lovkj O»bermul> who happenod out with nhltfs* »Mp 7*'»- torday ware nuu* khan rey«ar»d for their trouble. The high water of th« past few days ha» forced the fish in close to shore in tho still water and they tako »almon eggs greedily. Igirge catches of steelheeds and all versides were reported and also a large number of »maller trout. Hit Thanksgiving Dinner« IN THE HEART OF A FOOL Given away at the beat place m town to ent. at the Thanksgiving ev* dance, Waldorf hall. 3 4 River Going Doivn— The rirer was about a foot lower in the wide part« today than It was It yesterday at It» highest stage started up yeaterday morning and went almost to aa high a point as It did Wednesday. With the clearing To Speak s'HiWfity Judge J. F. Byera. ® fktltdMP. off of the weather and a eold night will speak U\ RethodJit- EpY<*|th In prospect. It Is thought that the river will soon return to its normal lx<gun room Ot stage when work will bo rushed on of Jesus ChrlsV’ Hundt the construction at the dam. f. o'clock. Kr*rtt>n(jy w Welded Into A Composite Union I The »«wvkv of Un» Ats'vhino County Rank tains the factor» <«f promptness, efficiency courtrwy, welded Into n composite union and re sulta in satisfaction. Now accounts are invited- J osephine C ounty B ank A MIGHTY PICTURE OF MEN AND WOMEN WE ALL KNOW— EVERY CITY HA« ITS LOCAL “V.UIP"—EVERY BODY WILL RlXMM.NkZE THE IA1REIJE. Tomorrow Monday Tuesday An All-Star Cast of Super - Excellence INCLUDING James Kirkwood, Anna Q. Nilsson Mary Thurman Tonight, Last finies The Secret Gift —AND THE USUAL SHORT TOSI