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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1920)
PAGE FDVR » SMUTS PASS IAILY » Think of It ♦ * tentment. ♦ 4 '«Tonight aad ~ ilder tonight. Sunday * ♦ fair. ♦ I ---------- PLEABl RE AND PATRIOTISM PLEAS! T one side and two edges and the 4i< HEE IHH was surfaced tour side*. I Th« Shattuck Construction Co. has det al let! men to recover thia lumber. They have been reliably Informed that certain person* have retrieved this material and hauled *amo away. Diamond* are a real Inveetmcnt, maslsnily iarroaaln* lu v wi un Their operatives have been gathering Nov ev have I «s u known to ilrcnwee. Information which will load to the return of the larger part of tht* lum ber. and the Grant* Paa* Irrigation District will appreciate Information leading to the whereabout* of that portion not yet located. There was also carried away by • ■ - the flood water* one 6* centrifugal T. C. Booth at 2nd hand store. pump and one vertical S h. p. gaso H mm ■1 *» line engine, both of which were car WANTED Young lady waul* posi ried down stream below the dam T M. tion a* bookkeeper H*s had sev where they have been located eral years experience In business. We have been Informed that le Address Fannie E. Taylor, care of TOR RAI-» Team, weight 1200. » gally this remains the property of years old; good baruana. prlee 8 J. Taylor. >> the Grants Pas* Irrigation District, (200. J. T Verdin ••»< I'ORTII US one pair of extra fine and person* hauling away any of this lumber are doing so at their own CAN'T BE In two place« at on* time quality at a very low price. Also expense. Will aell Jewelry «tore or green old papers for starting fires. Call SHATTUCK CONSTRUCTION to house« A real opportunity for at 4 2 3 E street. •* E J. CARRILIX). 8upt. some one Addro*« Bert Barn «a. AVCTION HALE of all stock, form Grant* I’aa*. Ore • » implements household goods, vetch $100 Diamond Ring $100 Then buy 20c to 65c per pound C0FFEB MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED i'RMBS 101 and 106 North Sixth Tha Associated Press Is exclusively satiGed to the ass for republication of ah new* dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited tn this paper and also ths local news pub- 81,000 acre* were held by SI Indi iia hod hcrtln. All rights of rwpubHcaUoo of spe vidual owners. The population of cial dispatches herein are also ra- the town of Modesto was 2500 and that of the district outside of the VNTTHD PRESS SERVICE town was 1000. The 81,000 acre* are now held by 2034 individual owner*, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20. IPSO. or about 40 acres per tract, while the present population of the district Is ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «*_♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦ 24.800. The production and the ♦ ORIMON WEATHER wealth of the district are upon the ♦ ♦. ♦ * same scale of increase, and every ♦ * former has found prosperity and con- MtTIRIHV. NOVEMBRI» 24». IOW». GRAN» PAA8 I»A:LT IXH'RIKK BARNES, The Jeweler be supportad by the entire commun- lty, net only because you will get your tnuoeff** worth, but also because In the* Oka Iters of 100*1 enterprise, where 11» sacse is » community cause, MM* duty you owe your ntdgbMK I'M will sea your friend* and neighbor* In a n<w character and will flNj^rtjs »ew UglUs and shades In their makeup, both literally and figuns**RQ(, Ton wni also be aiding In th* ftjyport of your home town and district by helping supply the cash M«*wary to spread the fame of Joseph to* tafore the world. As a mater of entertainment you can not Sffbr.i 'o miss It. as a pa triotte matta, Something you owe th« commoafty, >on must give it your support 6» purchasing ticket* and attebdto* Urt big show, The movie has in a large measure ' crowded the flesh and blood actor > ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ “ off the stage, but the voiceless drama jWHAT IRRIGATION DOES ‘Can never entirely take ths place of thlnr Because the film of- X »w people realize the wonderful the de1 [opment that comes to a com- feri salaries that exceed the earnings muff(fy with Irrigation.” J. WT. Q,e actor upon the stage, the trav- EBLL_!_',J!'-------------- Ha^isoP. ibe San Francisco finan-1 ellng company has ceased to travel, LI MllMi fLEMAIN9 FBoPERTY OF iMKHUrTMb DUSTRKT riei^’who waa in Grants Paas during In communities ilka Grants Pass, the week. Mr. Harrison said that however, where ths home production the interests which be represents of actors and actresses la sufficient first commenced the financial back for local Oonsumptlon. the barn ' UeMU iM •*«■< •nod In the rirW on ^pveruber 17th, ing of irrigation districts more than storming aggregations will not bei ae reft« E*®*- '■■«t St new lumber a decade ago, and that recently in missed. There is rest talent 1 here, I to W atf* *P Uio crti4Buctlon of the vestigations had been made by Cni- If you doubt It, truth of the state SavagCEtyg*!* flag'. carried aawy at*! <r.ited down Tersity of California experts to de ment will be found at tho local opera J by th* termine the changes that irrigation house next Wednesday evening, when stream wh*re considerable of It lodg TbiilW st the stream. had wrought in these various dis "Kllmatic Kapers” will he the vehicle ed Th!# KTMff Reetst.4 Principally of tricts. He spoke particularly of the through which this great b!»torlonie( nefiff Fit, <>••. 4X6 «¡C 6x12s. The Turlock-Modesto district in Califor talent will be brought on» from un 2x« see ear inmt» *«< surfaced I nia which was financed by Mr. Har der its bushel. And those who know rison and his associates after the say that this at> mlng show M»: be a district had gone through ten years real scream. It will be action from of turmoil and strife In an attempt start to finish, and every number will to organize and build its project. At. be a feature number. tir* lia« of the time the district was successful- "Kllmatic Kapers” is sponsored by ly organized, the report showed, the'the Chamber of Commerce. It should SAYS THE OWL Frlcndahlp and confidence are plant* of slow growth. A fisherman ha* plenty of time tn which to think out <«-nly storie«. When a woman tug* at a mini hcsrt-trlug* It's likely to pucker hl* parse strings. Tl>e reason. Luke, why «otite«! are an foolish la that they were made for th« companionship of men. The young man who prsHn« the po etry of hl* young lady enqualntamw Is wise beyond hl* voire FXkR HALE t eed bicycle, la good onditlon for ||0 I’nnwr BNS Phon» 55-J >7tf and clover seed. hay. turkeys, «lo , Tuesday. November 30, at the E L JHivls piace. I mile from Wil liams 37 DODGE—New top. fine shape, for *ali> at a bargain C I<- Hobart 3t TOR A QI tCK Stl.i: »«re* of pine saw timber and small saw TOR SALE Modern 7 room plas mill, close to railroad 12800. tered house close In This home This I* not a case of poor jiealth. has many feature* found only in I simply need the money, la tha house* that cost double the price reason I am offering It at thia asked for this one. such as built In IS price. H J. Taylor. supboards, china closet, sliding doors, tinted walls, hot and «old water, electric light, large lot SAYINGS OF WISE MEN AB for »1150 E W Britton 714 9. 7th St. Phone 319-R 2! Striking manner* ar* bad insnaere. NEW HATS Just arrived at H. E Tl* a Utile thing to give a rep of Burton’s, with big reduction*. 407 water.—Ta If ou rd North 6th St. »5 A k'ood many tnevi who try »<> rt>> the wheel of fortuo» puncture the tire K. U (kAMtMAJTlk Steal »Hl« la- According to your purse, govern before they get very far. •uraaea. «nd pSala «I«*« NaMMty your mouth.—Proverb. IMkO street. i*wne M 40tf Too many ne-n ase evWM'-t In ’ha 1H> buslnvee. but do ted 1» a aleve to Joe. Mom AGBNCY — Fire profession of carving pine dry good* IL—Benjamin Franklin. boxea with a pocket katfu ance. pMte glass liability A coconut shell full of water la an ance. 204 H Rlrth street ft I« a Jury trial tndeM when th« ocean Io an ant.—Tamil. . twelve good men are comí»-1 le«! to Ila- HISHEST GRADE nursery stock. In cluding. Fruit Trees, Shado and ten to long-winded lawyer*. Small herb* have grace, great weed* Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery of do grow apace.—Shakespeare. Wisdom 1* to put your treat la Prov all kinds, Roses. Vines and Creep idence, but It's unwise to go around Affair*, like aalt flail, ought to be * er*. Bulb* and Tuber* In *ea»qn - looking for boles for Providence to IN FACT everything suitable for good while nKgikliig.—Provarti pull you out of. Oregon. Remember this stock is grown In your own state under na New ll.'.l Spring» a* ••213. tural conditions—-also don't over Multi«*«*, *1 M «asi «I» look the fact that our representa llreahf««4 taMn*, sews tive, Mr. F. K. Jordan, will give ffooMV reel bargain« hl »tu« you any Information desired as to g*>'«. IVArfl the propagation and culture of BOOTH'S <IN* BAND anything bo may select for you. »Bll Residence 860 North 7th. Albany Nurseries. Inc., The Old Reliable 10-30-48 Going Back to Normal Boys’ Suits reduced. »24.5* value sulfa. 99J4S; »10.50 value suits *7. nb . paata lined, belted coat. Although we sold this *ult for »19.50 the value bf t> ffflg |ll*»a w Belling at *7-ML We have a tew sails for* *«« *» «A m ffo^a to AS8ORTED PINK AND BLUE Mei’s Suits S.Tc ROBE FLANNEL RfclH’CED TO 75c PER YARD. 4Sc MLKALENE REDUCED TO 20« PER Y.ARD. ALAVA» FIRST TO LOWER PRICES AND LAST Ti» RAISE THEM. buy* aay suit formerly sold up to >32.50. Some tight fit ting young men’s «nits and some are box back coats Not ell size* are present la any one oolor. Take your pick at P19J8O. •‘¿» .’M» buya any suit value to 148 00 *WJM> buy* a tailor made suit—Either an American Art tailored or one of Ab« Block* fine tailored suit* '*ustom Grants Pass Sample Store »575 BITS 1918 MAXWELL, thor oughly overhauled, newly painted. 5 good tires. Williams <1 urago and Cyclery. 3« TOR SALE 4 2-lnch Simple* man gle. Phone 505-It or call 610 Howard St. 3 2 WANTED—2000 pair* of shoe* repair, at Haves' shoo shop. Children’s Books E AIRY TALEN HIM.HB l\N to 31 Rin ME B ooks OILCAN, good condition for sale. Very cheap. Must go at once. Mr*. Geo. Tetherow, 710 J Street, phone 397-J, 32 BILLIE III \S\ TOR SALE—Jersey heifer. 1 year old. Also squash and alfalfa ¿a/. Phone 149-J. 32 FOR- SALE—û-room house, corner lot. large wood-shed, garage, city water and well. eie. trie light See I IX >\\ lit BOOKS LITTLE BROWS BEAR BENNA Bl NNY CLEMENS Sdk ih-ujr miri Fkw>ks The Golden Rule Store’s End of Season Sale i ~~** s^.1- • • r ; »—■ ■' ~ - i--— "*"■ " ---------------- — Commencing Monday, November 22nd, prices will be greatly reduced in practically all departments. Golden Rule merchandise is bought for less and sold for less every day irt the year than is possible for tho majority of stores to buy and sell the same quality of merchandise. Ladies’ Coats, Suits, Dresses Men’s Style-plus Suits Reduced from Ç45, $50 and $55 to Other Good Suits as low as $19.50 and $25 have been reduced for a Final Clearance Sale. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy many beautiful gar ments that can he worn all the year. Surprising Reductions in Piece Goods, Outing Flannel, Gingham, Percales, Devon shires, Silkolines, Chailies, etc. The Golden Rule Store is al ways first to lower prices. ■»■■■□naMiMEA'»■>£- .i uutuuaasKmnKHMM —MT1——