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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1920)
h Hl linn. NOVHMIIKH U<>, IMO. WISCONSIN FIGHTERS MAKING GOOD MONEY « Genuine Bargains Fans Paid $305.000 to See Box VS During Year. FORD UH RING ----- ------ ----- — FAT® FURI» VOI RIVO------ —— . RKGAL ------------------ ’ OAKUAND • I C. L. Hobart Co. ORIGIN OF TERM "LINKS Few even among golf enthu siasts know the origin of the term “links." Jt really means a stretch of sand covered with short grass and stubble which lies between the high part of the coast and the water tn parts of the Scottish seaboard. The early golf courses were laid out in such places, hut when the sport spread to other countries the real meaning of "links" was forgotten. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 * I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 GREAT AID FOR LEFTHANDER George Tyler Apparently Has Re gained Winning Form Since Wholesale Extraction of Teeth. By winning the hammer throw m the Olympic games Patrick Ryan add ed on» more first place to the Ameri can score. His record was 173.45 feet. Carl Lind of Sweden took sec ond place in swinging the 16-pourid ball and' the United States scored again when Bennett made third. According to the dentist who yanked all George Tyler’s teeth, this whole sale extraction will be a great thing for the left hander. And the statement seems to be true—look at Lefty’s won BOYS WON'T BOTHER ROONEY GOLD BASKETBALLS AWARDED Members of Championship Team Are Gives Unique Tokens by Alumni Association. George Tyler. Winding Up Baseball Career That Made Him Big Goat Oozes Years Ago—Getting Fat Salary. Doesn’t It seem aymopriate tlwt Fred Merkle -hould be winding up his big league areer with th. ’ ’ t made him the would’» baseball goat a dozen years ago? The f'uhs owed a lot to Merkle In !!*»>. and a fat salary In 1920 Is one way of repaving him o To Reduce Stoch we are selling Tires at prices that will surprise you. See Us Before You Buy ! .nd lost f>er eent. But you don’t w Jim Vaughn, Slim Sallee, Kube Benton, Artie Netif and other southpaws mak ing any mad rush to have Hre Ivory torn from the deeply bedded concrete. Major players Who have been noting the gr»ot crowds at champion ship gam«« «Tv laboring under the de lusion thal thep are ov«sv<>rked and underpaid. Is »plte of the fact that salaries are Idgher thsn evur this sea son. certsTi •n’U'tien» <»• the playing profession trt said to be oCanlxlng a union for ’he purpose •f making a concert' j d«gnand for more money wh ’«e. is '"1’I s RR oim I that former dlrec- ttrt defunct Playnrs’ fratifi-nlty :he bend of this movement. Hint tb*y have b<x* working se cretly to ferTOCt the new organization for the fMi*t t*<) montfi* The maglsltea, lire wise to the situ atlon. and Trj- preparing for a »true gle tb*l Uifce the form of a gen will strike 4b»ii My contracts nri sent cat. ^he players who are the ringhwdefi Include some who have seen 't-ar i».*' days. * C. L. Hobart Company I PESULIAR PLAY PULLED IN SOUTHERN LEAGUE ; >« I Here H a play that wime up tn the Southern league. Atlanta and NeahvUle playing: Wingo was on tlpd and Bra- till at tmtS The strike and steal was called for »nd Wingo went down with the pitch Bra zil! fslii-d to »trike nt the pitch, but after the ball had liutded in the catcher's hands ,«>d he had let hpn»» of It on o throw to second. Hmxlll decided to RwJnr. If roiled His bat hit the bail ond i foot. Interference with the e»tct>- er’s throw, you any? Well. Um pire Bill Brennan rule«J It an ac cident. nrcordlng to the story, hbld that Witi'to hail stolen sec- olid u«id no penslty on Brnrlil. WILSON IS REAL 2TAR AS A S?"'"'A'W BOXER ATHLETIC COACHING SCHOOLS i Instruction Given to Ambitiou* Stu dent* AnxiouX to Embark In Various Sports. Last Year's Sensational Quarterback Accepts Job as Coach at Univer sity of North Carolina. Clav E. Hite, the sensational quar- fegrback of last year’s West Virgin'» elc-. < ■>. who had been «elected to act as one of the assltan* ni ehe«, resigned the pn«t and will ar; ■■■ ■■ «fm'lsr .-a- rarity at the University ui North Car- oliua. Just at Reasonable! And the reason why we think a twenty one-year-old girl needs paint la be nontb old baby needs teeth. —Dallas News Some Name The full name of the Persian poor Omar Khayyam, was Ghlyath ad ffin Abul Fatb L’ruiir I bn Ibrahim si Khay yam!. • . The new Boston A renn company will construct an arena on St. Botolph street, that city, which Is to be ready by November 1. It will cost SJWO.OOO. it is beiug. built try a syndicate und will include the latest equipment for hockey, bicycle nues, trotk boxing and other »i*orta. Oread Suspense “Oh, doqfOT. toll m-. quick !" rnonnod the fair patient cla-pb _• her lap-dog and convulsiva!' > nibbling a thousand- dollar choc!,- * low «Ick nm I? Is It California. Florid or Europei" As He Saw It An English youngstei gave this nltlon of "appetite:’ "I u,< n* when you ve done you re tight." ton TrttMcrlpt. Studebaker In Four Models Sold at the same price everywhere J. F. BURKE University of Illinois, California. Columbia Springfield college are holding alii coaching Schools pre- soled over >y famous authorities In which baseball. 'football, basketball, track and field and other sports »■ explained to ambitious «indenta arai -pirants from ttiuny sections of this «nd other countries anxious to embark on this line of Instruction Structure Will Cqst $350.000 and Will Include Equipment for Various Athletic Sports. WE AKE NOW SELLINO ONE MOW ÏEAR FOR CHAMP Fashion Garage »ILL THE MAN<;Kit EUILDING ARENA AT BOSTON HITE LEAVES WEST VIRGINIA •_ _ _ _ _ • • Certain Memtssrs of Pltyioç Profeo- Orpaflrting Union to Do- ff^nd More Money. Arthur Rooney, an outfielder who has been playing with the Pittsburgh Collegians, has been signed by the Boston Red Sox. but will not report to the 'dub until next «pring. Besides i being a ball player. Rooney Is a pugilist of renown and was an ama teur champion. He could have been a member of the* Olympic terfm at Antwerp, but preferred to stick to his baseball job with the Pittsburgh lnde pendents. At Indiana State Normal, bls alma mater, he won fame as a football player. FRED MERKLE BEING REPAID During (ho fiscal year just cloaed. the seventh for legalised box I ng in Wisconsin, fistic fans paid out »3116,- dtMJ to »«• the mitt wlelders lu action, rhe state rwxdved »13,641.91 in taxes and Been«« money, more thau twice enough to pay the expense of conduci ng the sport nnder the Heddlng law. The cotumlisslen has s balance of »28. 106.75 in the state treasury, an<l it Is the only cnnuuls»loa under state su 'lervislon that Is able to pay Its owu way. There art 23 clubs In the state, and with the Rlkf clnb and the American legion posts tnklng an active Interest in boxing. Chaimmn Walter H. IJftn* ger bellevw this number will be in- creased to -W next season. Since the state took over the »aper* vision of boxJcx It has been kept on a high plauei «nd nearly all the com missions tn the country srs basing their rale« on the principles of the Heddlng la*. Due to the exacting de mands of the commission, which rn farces every rule on Its books, there has been Unia complaint from promo ters or fana. but some fighters anil manager* Who have felt the brunt of the commission's fist, think otherwise. About twenty-five msnsgers and tnelr fighters were suspended during the yeas, the majority for minor of fense* Twv of them. Sammy Msrtno and George Adam«, were set down for a year, when found guilty of partici pating in « aham bout at Fond du Lac. The three rommlssldncrs appointed »then tha Heddlng law went Into ef fect in 1913, Chalrnum Walter H. Lhflnaqr. WUllam C. Hart and Dr. W. C- Morter, ftUl hold their positions, al! ef*there having been reappointed, which prnv* th»y have ased the power of rteir offices fol the beet In- ter^s of tfw tame, Strrvtary Man- nlng VamAh nahjcil wtWHi th»» com mission wad kormed. •hH> Is still in oMce. The riuntals-iug mad« ft hit with the newspapers when it rutrtl that press row seats most be used by the work ing im.wa ndly Vial tin« promoters and other aelebritles Hr» not allowed f0 occupy these chain. If Jack DempAey wishes to si-e * ring bout In Wisconsin, be cannot got nearer than the first mss rtnz»li|e. STAR PLAYERS PLAN STRIKE Boston Red Sox Sian Outfielder Who Was Pugilist of Note—Won Fame on Gridiron. The Alumni association of the New York university recently presented gold basketballs to the members of the champion basketball team that won the A. A. U. title last March at Atlanta. Those honored were: Capt. James W. Storey, CaptaJn-elect Max Baker. Howard Cann. Frank Goeller. Ed belaDey, Pffu. Mikxiey and Aaron Holman. Commission Mas Managed Fistic At- fair» so W»ll That Stat» Has Re word S1I.M1.I1 in Ta *•! and fm for Liceo»»*. f’.«»nn$ 1-dt, tihju reiwndy telet»rat»«l 111« tweMy-fourdi birthday and at tl.c same tlnn- annostued that he would remain ip the ring <pil.v one year more. In that time N Intend« to meet «•very challenger of adj’ consequence and then retire to prfrate life. «¡I *****w^»W * % * * W** * * * * * * ♦ *«f» i 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 “BEAN ‘BALL* f^CDRD In view t>f Cart M<ts’ reputa tion for pitching Uw so-called "bean tini!," It Is **!> tn turn to the A' erlrnn liyigfi»' record- ,f 1919. Mays hit W» batsmen Inst year, imi Wlllkm» of the While Sox hit 11. Elmer Myers. 10; Bofhordh. 10; Ylarper, Fa ber abd Erickson, 8 each. ai»<1 Walter Johnson. "Dutch" Leoti ard, Mogriilge iitM IJtile, 7 each. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 a .MlU'.ugll Into » champion rather suddenly, Dave Mackay. Newark pr.gnafer, floes not think the newcomer Is a "sap" by nhy means. He says: "I never saw a sortthpaw who was «s effective as Wilson. Evyyone will have to admit that Lew Tendler Is supposed to be tfW' InsT word In lefthanders, hid take my word fhr It thrrt. as n fighter with l>orts)<le effect I verivsn, Wilson Is !50 per xint hotter ttyin Lew. “I spw him Igrxlng fils sparring partner« recently.^»«! It Ivos n shnrfie ’ what'«he dM to thorn, from what I can terrrn nhonf the Wilson O'Dnwd nwft.cji, Mike had all his trouble In try- fng to solvy the sotithjmv delivery »if Jofnn.'T" with our feed r.vufcrly ytni’M noon have finer healthier cattle. It 1» feed pits flesh and fat on food Ani mals, and help« towi yield moro and rlchor milk. Try It for a wlflle and Judge for your- After you have fed this self. feed a short limo yon would the willingly pay more than regular price for It. Hut you dvu’t have to. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLO JR MILL Comer Third «and G Street Phone 123 * The "Porcelain i ower." That was ' an iK-tngotml structure king, Cldns It find nine stories, fiueC Oo < ’ I' ' ■ ’.t>cn with variegated porcelain from which .lini Timklt'.-ts:iys one of the bent help« to production Is the change «In hells and lamf« were liung. Tills was political customs that prevents a man destroyed by the Tslplnfcs In 1863, but I 'Ives In history ax one of the seven to neglect work In ori^T to go around | wonder« of the middle sge* and get blds for his vote. v.l<r » ví F fw —t' 'egAttw Sii 5 5!