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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1920)
Doi In tante f UNITED PREM NERVIGE VOL. XL, No. Al. GRANTS I*ASH, JOHEFHINK fXMTNTY. OREGON, NVH’RDVY, NOVEMBER 20, IIK». J. R. HOWARD WHOLE MMBER »131. LIEUTENANT HINCKLEY 2k 1 k/' E J I I r ** 4 J H / Belgian Delegate Asserts World Not Ready for Total Dis* armament; Advocates Army to go to Relief of Armen 1 ians; Dutch Balk at Registration of All Treaties ■ I By Henry Wood (United Press Staff Correspondent) I I* (1 F.) "The hour for universal disarmament has not yet arrived," M. lai Fontaine, a Vf f Belgian delegate, declared In Ad dressing tho assembly of the league of nations in a public session today, lai Fontaine maintained that the economic situation was tho most im portant confronting the world. In sisting upon the right of the league New and esclusiva photograph of J. R. Howard, president of ths American to "rest upon the strength of nation al armies." which are at its disposi Farm Bureau federation. tion, "Then It will be at the mercy of no one." As the situation now stands I* Fontaine said, discussing disarma ment, the league Is composed of 4 2 states with armies numbering mil lions. yet is unable to save Armenia. He demanded the formation of an International general staff, and the Immediate employment of an Inter Ixm Ligure Rix«-heil op Cfileago Mar national force, under the league, in » z HARVARD SCORES THREE FIELD GOALS IN GRIDIRON CLASSIC AT NEW HAVEN behalf of Armenia, "tl*8Wr demon strating to the world the effectiveness of the league." ' DUssguiamerit not being possible now, the armies and Former Washington Bunker Haya the navies of the membetv should be Throng* Tuiyted Away From Hotel*. Money Wna Io B<> split Four placed at the disposition of the Accommodations llepleted Weeks Ways league to form the "—lit for an in Before Big Game ternational force under the league," I* Fontaine said. His asm arks were Lieutenant Hinckley, formerly of the greeted with tremendotai applaise. New Yosk. Nov. 10. (A. P.)—R. British air forces, who started to fly New Haven, Nov. 20.—(A. P.)— W Bolling, brother-in-law of Presi alone from England to Australia, via Harvard defeated Yale nine to noth Geneva, Nov. 20.—(A, P.)—The Paris, Roms and Egypt. He uses a ing today. They scored three field dent Wilson and treasurer of the first formal step loklng toward the small airplane with an engine of only goals. Shipping Board, was named In con nection with the *4 0.000 bribe al revision of the covenant of Che league 35 horsepower. of nations was taken wy the league leged to have been paid by a Staten assembly today. The Xhrteh minis Island Shit» Building Company to New Haven, Conn., Nov. 20.— (A. ter of foreign affairs Introduced a procure unusual favors from the P.)—The varsity football elevens of resolution for a rceoBSMwmiion of board. In testimony before the con Yale and Harvard close their season article 18 relating to the registration gressional committee Investigating with the annual game here today, of treaties. An international mili Shipping Board affairs. Tucker E. playing before the largest assembly tary force, with an international Sundu. former Washington banker of spectators that ever gathered in staff, was proposed by Senator ‘ La said he understood the *40,000 was ttje Yale Bowl. The entire seating Fontaine of the Belgian delegation, to be split four ways between him capacity of the Yale football arena, who declared that the world la not self, Bolling, twestor Slsler, former Stale l>e,Mirtnient Saya Great Brit- which will accommodate more than ready for disarmament. Shipping Board secretary and a man idn Extends Virtual De Facto Re- ket—Drop I« lU-lleved Result of 70,600 persons, had been sold for named Kraner. cognition of the Soviet ReittÜMtory Strike' weeks and tickets, even at many • urn—■ times their face value, are unobtain Washingion. Nov. 20 — (A P.) — able. It has been estimated that the "Not a grain of truth in it," said Bol Washington, Nov. 20.—(A. p.)— attendance would have exceeded Chicago, Nov. 20.—(A. P.) De- ' ling after reading Sand's statement The state department said a virtual 100,000 had it been possible to pro concerning ,tho alleged bribes of the comber wheat at one point was down de facto recognition of the Russian vide seats for all those who made ap as low as *1.06 % today, compared Shipping Board. soviet government has been extended plication for tickets. with *2.75 a bushel when trading in i . by Great Britain in a proposed trade The extreme interest in the game futures was resumed July 1$. One ' Paris. Nov. 20.—(A. P.1 — General Mexico City. Nov. 20.—(A. P.)— Mi«« Wolke’s I’upll* In Recital— authority said the recent farmers' ; Fayolle said upon his return recently The "dry" elements in the Mexican agreement betwen the two countries. and the unusual popularity of foot The p ptts of Miss Alma Wolke strike had been followed by a re ball in general this season are re will lie SMDbw in a piano recital taliatory strik* by wheat consumers from his three weeks stay In the gciirnment have Just suffered <!•• SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAINS flected in the marked revival of the I United States. "1 have just discover frat in an attempt to close the can at the 1 . -aBg‘‘ t an church parlor* and traced th». market break to thia RESr.ME NORMAL SCHEDULE night-before gathering and the ac ed Ameriea and America has con tinas. or saloons, on Saturday nights Monday i atoir, it 8.15. They w(ll tivity of alumni of both universities. quered me. It is a wonderland." and, Sundays. The "veit* compris be assl« >'C * r* ("has. Clayton, Portland, Nor. 20.—(A. P.)—Fol It has been a number of yean since mN TROLLEL ing some 2,000 eantina owners and "It has been a bard fight, those soprano, ,>n* i.r 'ass. baritone. All lowing the repair of the trestle at. this city experienced the uncertainty ISSUES <’A three weeks in America," the general their patrons are rejoicing, who are interested are cordially in Kennet, Cal.. Southern Pacific trains and excitement regarding the out ‘ wont on with the usual humorous Tho government has fftrong "dry" vited to be present. went back practically to normal come of a Yale-Harvard football con Washington, Nov. 20.—(A. P.) — | twinkle In his eye. "I come back on leanings, the chief executive being schedules. test that prevailed here last night. ' the verge of collapse with grim dys- alleged in favor of prohibition and E. Tho controller of currency called for Hotel accommodations are not avail NN ill Hold M.fUng— a statement of the condition of all ; pepsla holding me in its grip. With Plutarco Calles, minister of war, be able at any price, several of the lead FIRE ON WATERFRONT AT out taking back anything that I have A meeting of the Deer Creek Farm banks at tho close of ’business Mon ing known throughout ike republic ing hostelries having been booked to j said about American Expeditionary as a "bone dry" ad NEW ORLEANS DOES DAMAGE Bureau lum been called for November day. November 15. capacity weeks in advance and later | force sooks being rank amateurs, I 22 at 2 o'clock at the grange hall. A Several weeks ago a freetdential arriving automobile parties were di New Orleans, 'Nov. 20.—(A. P.) — ’ must take off my hat to American decree closed all places where liquor similar meeting has been called for rected to neighboring towns and vil SLAVER OF BABY SENTENCED I chefs. There were many banquets. was sold from Saturday night at 6 Damage estimated at *2,000.000 was Sucker creek for the day following lages for temporary lodgings. T< > SERVE LIFE IN PRISON I caused by a waterfront fire which au I luncheons, I survived them alL” at 1:30 st Spence hall. A program o’clock until Monday morning at 7. The attendance at the game estab To the suggestion that most of the This «edict had a depressing effect up thorities believe was started by of work ill to be luld out for the com lished the season’s record, if not a Norristown, Penn., Nov. 20. — (A. sparks from a switching engine. chefs at the leading hotels were ing year. on Saturday night revelry. national figure for a single intercol P.) August Pas al. who kidnapped ! French. General Fayolle replied: More than 2,000 loosj vendors of legiate football game, The inajor- and smothered baby Blakeley Cough I "They may be but they certainly GREEKS WILL TAKE VOTE ON ity of the spectators, however, did lin. was sentenced to life imprison j have undergone an evolution for I liquor signed a request that the gov Body Arrivivi Here— RETURN OF CONSTANTINE ernment be legally restrained from not arrived until this forenoon, for The body of J. 8. MacMurray, who ment. they had strange dishes of' their enforcing the decree. After the ques scores of special trains had been en- died several days ago at San Jose, own." • Athens. Nov. 20. — (A. P.)_The tion was violently agftotut! in the gaged to transport thousands of arrived In Grants Paas Frldsy night "Did yon miss your wine with Greek people will vote November 28 newspapers, the supreme tourt hand graduates and their friends, includ from California. Funeral services yonr meals," he was ashed. ed down a decision whleh virtually on the question of the return of Ex- ing feminine football enthusiasts, will tie held Sunday at tho Methodist "I never missed my wine, »» Fay- granted the request of tke *wets” by King Constantine to the throne. from New York. Boston and other Denver, Nov. 20. — (A. P.)—Tho olle replied. Epiaropal church at 2 o'clock. In I naming several hundred cafes and eastern cities. Other thousands mo terment will be at the Masonic ceme Wester Pacific bought the Denver "Don't ask me to talk local Am- Washington, Nov. 20.— (A. P.) — and Rio Grande properties at a fore erican politics," General Fayolle cantinas where liquor might be sold All breweries manufacturing beer tored to the scene of the game and tery. . over Sunday. This orttoj was later with sufficient garage space out of closure sale. The price wa's *5,000,- went on when requested to explain ! expanded to include all aafes and containing more than a half of one the question arrangements were 000. whether he meant that he had his ! cantinas and the "estado seco" (dry per cent of alcohol will be seized by made for public parking in many sec Intoreetliig Min'tlng HcM— wine twice a day as Is his custom or state) is a myth so tar al the capital the government, the bureau of inter tions of the city. Every car that en Another interesting meeting was that ho did not miss It tempermental- nal revenue Indicated today. is concerned. tered New Haven last night bore the held by the ladles Progressive Circle iy. crimson banner of Harvard or the President de la Huerta's "dry''"de-, Wedncsdsy nftérnoon at tho home of "I have had a grandiose reception blue of Yale and the city itself was Mrs. Wllinarth on West II street. The j that I shall never forget although I cree was the subject of much satiri decorated with the colors of the con Circle enjoyed a rosi treat by having am certain that it was not for mo cal comment in the aewspapers.' testing colleges from center to su- tho pleasure of listening to some of personally but because I represented Handbills and placards were distrib-1 burbs. tho most beautiful thoughts of our Marshal Foch and the French Army?’ uted on the main streets ridiculing' best poets. Four new members were Both football squads had their "I lived through It," concluded the the measure by Fori received. Tho next mooting will bo final practice yesterday and rested New York, Nov. 20.— (A P.)—. general, "but even the organizers of instance, one bill carried a purported at the homo of Mrs. Bureau on West Nine persons, constituting every | my tour had to admit that it was decree stopplug profanity from sunset last night in seclusion, far from the Saturday to sunrise Monday. . G street, Wednesday afternoon, De member but one of two entire fam-ja record for endurance." Ix>s Angeles. Now 20.—(A. P.)— ««Itement Incidental to the closing cember 1st. at 2 o'clock. "American Illes lost their lives early today in' Returning from a celebration of his their season. Predictions Citizenship" has been under discus a fire which destroyed a five story: election as'republican congressman. I victory made by both camps are sion by the Circle for some time, but apartment house. EI GENE FLOODED BY RISE Fourteen other j F. Van de Water, of Long Beach, and I tempered with forecasts of an un- PORTLAND MARKETS the first actual work on tho subject families escaped or were rescued’by OF THE WILAMETTE his secretary. Miss Janness L. Eubin, usually hard and closely contested will be at ths next meeting. firemen. were killed early today in an automo- j ^ame ’n which the breaks of the Portland. Nov. 20.—(A. P.)—Cat bile wreck. Mrs. Van de Water suf- J11*^ wll> probably bear an important ......... ' tle are weak. Hogs weak. *12 to ¡pert. 1 ale has Installed a somewhat Eugene, Nov. 20.-—(A. P.)’—High fered a fractured skull. revised coaching policy this season *12.50. Sheep are weak. Eggs are water from recent rains flooded a lower, buying price. 70c delivered, district of several blocks square Peking. Nov. 18.—(A. P.)—Gen with "Tad" Jones in the position of I.LMI \ HANI» selling price, selects. 78c to 80c. Rowboats appeared ye®tBTday on eral Hsu Shu Cheng, leader of the head coach and the success of the Everett Earle Statuirci Anfu forces which opposed the gov system hinges, to a considerable ex fresh candled 7 4c to 7fc. Butter is South Willamette street ernment has escaped from the Jap tent. on the outcome of today’s strug slow. anese legation where ho took refuge gle. Harvard with “Bob” Fisher at .the helm is continuing the methods last summer. Many a funeral dirge we afng for soldiers passed away. established by Percy Haughton al- Our tributes to the grave we bring where fallen comrades Had Good Hunting— .most a decade ago and the game will lay. And It Is meet that we should come with sorrowful Al J. Martineau and Frank Bram- bo as much a test of coaching systems slow tread, with flags a-furl and mufTled drum In the city of well returned this morning from as individual and team competition. the dead. But how Is it that wo forget the heroes with us Klamath Falls where they spent sev-J Since 18 ’.". these two universities * * hunting ducks ntftl vdLl MA AM A A on’have neen represented by teams in still, the veterans who are not yet touched by grave-damp's eral * days geese chill? The veterans of many a fight are with us day by day, the Klamath lakes. Th" .. They were ac-(38 „ gridiron battles, the continuity of and those are tho men who put to flight the kaiser’s legions Washington, Nov. 20.— (A. T.) — Brokenbow, Neb., Nov. 20. -(A. companied by J. E. B.^tlett, of Med- annual jnmes having bee i troken gray. Not only where a soldier lies should we our tribute an attempt to ford. The party killed 48 geese but severf t't.ies. To date Yale has won Mexican consuls on the border were P.)—Following give. Remember all the sacrifice of him who fought, but — times ’ while Harvard is credited directed to refuse to vise the pass- strangle himself yesterday, Dennis were not so successful hunting ducks.' 23 Ilves. O what a wan and useles gift Is a lily on a tomb. Ix>t’s Chester, alleged slayer of Florence bagging only a few of them. They with only 10 victories and five times imets of Senator Fall on his proposed help the living love and lift, plant joy Instead of gloom! Barton, dived from a bunk in his I have enough geese on cold storage I the contests ended with the teams visit to Mexico City for the Inaugura cell head foremost last night, He now to last them all winter, the tied. Yale has a big lead in the tion of President-elect Obregon, Hie did not regain consciousness until birds having arrived a few nights nninls scored f!nce 1883.with a tolvl Mexican embassy announced. this morning. ago. of 5! 8 to Ha.’iird’s 198. THREE OTHERS 1 IMPLICATED CROWD AT GAME LARGEST VET B ''/r ATTEMPTS 10 CLOSE PLEASED WITH U. S.