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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1920)
♦ routs UNITI-J» PRESS HERVK’R WHOLE NI MBEU »IW. GHANTH PAHH, JOSEPHINK COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. XI.,* Nu. M. ■i—i. ONLY FITTEST Alleged Slayer of Kansas <8ty Girl Found Near Nebraska Town. Escaped From Train , (oru lavulo In Hluntp Being Qiuttnl al Imns 'Hinn Half of Price <»f Ehe Mouths Ago—Hogs I xhv Chicago. No». 19.—(A. P.) — COMPETITION INCREASED BE MYHTEHY SURROUNDING THEFT W. HARRISON LEAVES FOR THE Grain prices smashed heavily down OF Ml Id JONH IB BEING CA! HE OF REDI (T1ON OF Hol TH AFTER CONFERENCE ward all alopg the Uno today, with (LEAKED UP HEBE WITH OFFK'IAIJ* MUCKS hogs and provisions following. Corn led. notwithstanding It is already lower than at any time since 1915. Corn has been cut from 81.83 H a bushel Io less than 70c In five months. Inspection of l»nm Made—(tanker Hnddcu Ihwline in Pri<vw Dun U> Fact Much .Money in « III Bills Is VWUKi. Chicago, Nov. 19.—(A. P.) — <'onfewdon Mbows How Hoed Hays He Hopes to Be Able to <k>mr That the I’rcxlurtltm Has Now Wheat dropped 10 cents, and corn W as Accomplished to \ allay to Make Ills Home ( aught Up With Consumption four cants per buabel. J LARGE SUM IS RECQtERED ROT ALARMED AT RISE IN RIVER LEAGUE ASKED Broken Bow, Neb., Nov. 19.—(A. BRITISH LABOR REPRESENTA. P.)—Dennis Chester, alleged mur TIVE MAKES APPEAL FOR FOR derer of Florence Barton, a Kansas MER ENEMIES TO LEAGUE City society girl, who escaped by leaping through a train window on Monday night, was captured today six miles from Oconto. Nebraska, whila walking along a country road Rainfall Heavy— During the past four days, Granta Pass has been subjected to one of the heaviest rainfalls for a number of years. Since November 1«, there has been 3.45 inches of rain, C>n the 16th there was .92 inch, on the 17th 1.45 itches, on the 18th .5 inch and at nOon there had been .58 Inch. There was some snow a little higher up last night, a light fall being reported op Blackwell hill, a few miles this side of Medford. Tt had all disappeared this morning and the hills surrounding Grants Pass were entirely, free from W snowfall. Member of Aaeembly Told That if Not .Admitted to la-ague, Ontral Powers Would Be Menace . I Portland, Nov. 19.—(A. P.l- Fol Council Bluffs, Nov. 19.—(A. P.l Geneva. Nov. 19.— (A. P.)—Th* Chicago, Nov. 19.—(U. P.)—The lowing a decline aggregating 83.75 Increased —More arrest«, one eont«M>qte% •he Immediate admission to the league of In th« past week the hog rnzrkot was reduction in prices has recovery of a large amount of money only the nations of Germany and other for competition so fast that demoralized today It was the low iu 810 bills, and the dis<4>«qry 01 mer enemy states was urged before est since February, 1917, with no "fUtMt" will survive, James Simp- an automobile la*l night, resulted in the league assembly by George Nicoll sop. vice-president of the Marshall- demand Dreaded meats are the low-1 Barnes, of the British delegation. Field Company told the United Press the clearing up ot the mystery Qf the eat In two years. Representing the British labor peo today. "Every progressive business 83,600,000 mall car robbery. Two ple, he said he know the great ma County Agent R. E Miller has re- la etripped for action,” he said. of the men arrested, T. A- Dftly apd jority demanded that all enemy turn c| froin Portland where be at- •'Every ounce of ability, efficiency H. A. Reed and five negro® ap^stnd states be admitted without delay. and resource will be put to the test.” were later re leaped. They MS 0* tended the livestock «ipostilo*. "The countriee kept out will form an Simpson attributed the price read part ln the robbery. The mou^y, the association of their own,” he said. justment to the "immutuable law of amount of which was not aJUUMxnArtl. He urged the necessity of helping the supply and demand.” "Tho produc was found in a < hicken houpe ot Qie Armenians. tion of merchandise was curtailed Daly home. Frad A- PoOtesbcrger, «luring the war to make a place for the father of Fmd E. Poffenbergex. YEON REFUSES APPOINTMENT the n«weasitl<M of war. It required ■vaa arrested today. He is R08 pn*- AS HKHIWAY COMMISSIONER i tho two Intervening years since the , ¡«ected of having any part ln kbq rob armistice to catch up with the de bery, but is brought ln to explain Portland. Nov. 19—(A. P.)—John mand. and In the very nature of some things which are report«14 te B. Yeon, a timberman, today turned have taken place in the PUttePbor- things during that time prices of a A, group of the ropr«»eentatlves of I ger home. Portland, Ore., Nov. 19.—(Special down the governor’s renewed suggee- Ran Francts«'O and Portland bond great many commodities have been Others under arrest am Qrvllia to the Courier.)—Hood River coun tlon that he succeed Simon Ben so« on a mad debauch. When the pro- houses was In the city yesterday and Phillips, 17; Merl. Phil lips, M>1 F*u«4 ty, was the first in the state to re as state highway commissioner. the gentlemen were taken over the d action was Increased to a point Granta Pass Irrigation project that where it supplied the demand, the In-1 IE. Poffenberger, 19. The Oiate- port the completion of its quota in Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Jordan, of Cot they could inspect the lands within 1 -vlteble happened -a sudden decllnt.I sions indicate that the automobile the 8125,09 campaign drive for the the district. Th.» party was headed « ,n ne,rl’r commodity, was driven alongside the train tw It Oregon W. C. T. U. farm home. Word tage Grove, were visitors in the city i began to slow down for a erqpajng. that the little county had exceeded yesterday. by J. W. Hagrtaon. an officer of thelh<' «teted. The glass in the side doo* was Its quota was telephoned late today * H. P. Rasmussen and wife, of Anglo A Paris-!-ondon National » ’ , smashed and tho catch released- One to John E. Wheeler, state chairman, Portland, were registered yesterday bank, of Ran Francisco, and besides sttU |a i^»tr«i»<x1__ * leaped Inside and threw outtO packs by Leslie Butler, Hood River banker ’ at the Josephine. Mr Harrison, representatives of the The atl]j wbjcb was brought In of registered mall and reenpyrtaJ Abe and chairman of the county cam Mrs. C. Williams was among the banking Institution with tho party ■ fronl the Oroflna mine several | nutomobile. paign committee. « . Portland people stopping in the city ware Messrs Gundelfinger. Crook. wpekg ago> waa destre'ed yesterday • - ■ Other counties are nearing the yesterday. Blymyer, Hendrickson. Whyte and hy y. 3. Marshal Joe Beeman. Btwnard Schallhom IH«-s - completion of their quotas and in A. C. Stewart, the well known min Haley. The parly has been over the ,The ,wo Kaio|na of moonshine which A letteY last n&ht from Porttaiid. various Irrigation projects In *nst-iha(| bee„ held ln the VBU|u nt the brings word of the death of Bernard terest ln the drive is growing strong ing man. has returned from Seattle em Oregon during the past twoi sheriff’s office was thrown out. only (Bennie) Schallhorn. He was well er in every part of the state, accord where he spent several weeks at weeks, and returned to San Fran-i a quart being waved for evidence known here, having lived In Grants ing to reports received here Mr. tending to business interests. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lindis ar cisco after giving the Grants Pass against the men when the case is Pass with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Butler reports that Hood River coun proj«»ct the once over. With the taken up. The boiler which was I A. H. Schallhorn. until a faw yjars ty' practically reached its quota the rived this morning from Portland party also were Ralph Baldwin, rep-1 used as a still was pun :hed,full of ago when they moved to Portland. opening day and that many commun and will visit here at the home of Mr. resentatlve of tho Rehneeloch com holes and Is worth nothing now ex- I He was but 18 years of age at the ities of the county exceeded their , and Mrs. Ray Calvert. - t Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Edwards, of pany of Portland, and O. J. Jasper c<l t aa . jpnk The coll was twisted ; time of his death, which was caused quotas from 150 to 200 per cent. __ p ___ The drive throughout the state St. Louis. were visitors in the city Jr, manager for " th«1 Shattuck Con- ouj (1f Bbape and would not now he by heart trouble, with whleh he has strnctlon company. Escorted by of-, recognized as a coll. The moonshine been ill for some time. The funeral Is on behalf of orphan waifs. The ; last night, leaving this morning for money will be used In establishing a • Oakland. fleort of tho Irrigation district, tho .»aa almost pure alcohol, was held today in Portlanff. farm home for all orphans and de Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phillips re- party first drove over the project‘ pendent children. turned to their home at Springfield where they saw the lands that will ' ------ ------------- | this morning after visiting here with be watered, and later went to the J Mr. Phillips’ parents, Rev and Mr«. Savage Rapids dam. Thev wore par- i TRF.STI.E WASHED OUT OVER THE SACRAMENTO RIVER L. M. Phillips. tlcularly pleasod on arriving at thè I San Francisco. Nov. 19.—(A. P.) I Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Cornish left <(r>»»k to IN» Tried— dam to find that the gloomy reports Jim Theodore, a Greek, held In that had come to them tn Portland —A flood washed out a trestle in the this morning for Weed, after visiting the county Jail on a charge of hav regarding damage to the dam by Sacramento river at Kennett, hold [ tor several days near here. Mr. and ing drawn a gun on an 8. P. passen high water were not true. Inspection ing up all trains. It Is reported that Mrs. Cornish are residents of Stay- ger conductor between thia city and showing that tho dam and the form the water Is receding. ton. Portland, Nov. 19. — (A. PA — Fed Moscow. Iduho, Nov. 18.—(V. P.) («rants Pass, will be brought to trial work were Intact and the water re- Miss Prudence Pardee aad Jo this week in tho circuit court, a Jury I coding with preparations being made' The sho« skirt is here to stay. At eral officers arrested six persons FOKMEK GERMAN EMPRESS # Pardee left last night for the O. A. charged with selling home brew ma least, that is the opinion of .Miss HAS ATTACK OF HEART C. to attend homecoming week. They panel being sent out by the sheriff's ' to prase the construction work as I Bigelow, clothing spolalist in terials. following a fine of two yes-1 • ____ __ office yesterday. Theodore presents I sooe aa the water had fallen fur- jZella will also be present at the football j ■ homo economics at the University terday of 9350 eash in th* federal f quite a problem. He admits drawing ther. DHora, Holland, Nov. 19.— (A. P.) game. court. District Attorney Beamesj Jbormer Empress Augusta Victora I of Idaho here. the gun, but steadfastly r«*fuaes to Dana Ament l«fft yesterday even White thT> weather sondltlons were women are tod sensible said thia was the start of à «savpalgn 1 t ’ Germany suffered another severe plead guilty. The doctors that have ! not especially propitious tor IM I “ B American „ ___ ing for Corvallis where he will at to go back to the lengthy Hueomfort- to stop home brewing. r. examined him pronounce him sane, viewing of thn district, tho gentle- 1 ab [heart attack. Her sons and daugh- tend the Oregon-O. A. C. football |e gkkrtH that ara often very slop- so there la nothing for the authori men all had worth of praise for the ters were summoned. game. He will spend the week end ties to do but try him If Theodore country, and predicted a remark-able py tn appearance." continued Miss Store Is Entered— on the campus atending the variouff ■ INgelow. "The ex.tremely rtiort skirt would plead guilty, as he admits he future for It under Irrigation devel A thief or thieves entertlri Counts STEEL CORPORATION WILL homeoomfng affairs. la, he would save tho county, consid opment. Mk-ssrs. Harrison ahd Jasper I however. Is disappearing among well- Feed store last night but it lai MAINTAIN l'RFNENT PRICES I dressed women. The conventional erable expense.—«Medford Tribune remained hi th« city over today, ___ llenEfh wlfl ha eight to 12 Inches thought that they went nw.W empty» ■ ’ handed. When Mr. Morten Went in-1 New York. Nov. 19.—(A. P.l —. —T from the floor, depending upon the to his office this morning ho noticed The United States Steel Corporation helight of the wvOrar. The continued that his desk was llftbrod thalannoanced Its decision to rwcom-. popularity of the short skirt, with contents of the drawers and flies hm’mend <0 the presidents of subsidiary; TUR KfflGbY KlWYEHrTVlLHKLM the accompanying economy feature. had left no money In the building companies that "the present base Ins»res» that not for yenrs at least Everett Earle Rtanard and 1s certain that nothing Is miss- ’ selling price of all commodities will < will the women of the nation, es a Ing. He will take an inventory. continue unless and until it becomes whole, give up the short skirt.” however, of the goods In the build necessary and proper to make a Several members of the Ladies change to meet altered conditions." . The kaiser still is sawing wood. Well, let him’ saw. Washington, Nov. 19.—(A. P.) — ing. Entrance was gained W break ; Auxiliary wera on the streets this Who cares? From that he’ll get a lot more good thnn If he ing a wfndow in the alfW between Charging that 'black and tan' militia Enter Into Partnership—' ■ morning selling Pickets for the horn* perched on kingly chairs. Perhaps he's doing fine, and yet In Ireland made raids without cause, the store and nobart’s garage I-ester Lord has entered into the I talent entertainment “Klimatic Ka- I'd like Io place a little bet that Wilhelm can't file up his saw thief was a Tracks show that the John Derham, town commis real estate business with W. H. Pat- pers," and report that the tickets are and keep hor set and make her chaw. It may bo that he sioner at Ralhriggan. testifying be grown man. tillo. who established an office about going fast and that everyone is en takes his ax and fplla th> forest giants low. but I believe fore the Irish investigating commit a month ago at 204 North Sixth thusiastic over the entertainment. those healthy whacks are done by some one else, you know, tee, described n raid in which six per Was Operate«! On— street, the firm now being known as ' Klimatic Kapers" presents an en Ho didn’t get his start out where he swung the sharp ax sons were killed. Mrs. M. F. Roberts received a Pattlllo and Lord. The gentlemen tirely original and unique number through the air like Honest Abe He tried to rule th<\ world. • telegram last night from Dubuque state that they are planning to main of acts and promises to be the most He’s now a sawing fool. Poor Wilhelm, when you kink the PORTLAND MARKETS ^fating that Mr. Roberts had been tain a free service bureau of avail- uproarous evening of entertainment saw. or some long tooth hemins to drag, you don't know »Portland, Nov. 19.—(A. P.) — taken off the train and an operation able rooms and apartments. . shown in this city for a long time. what to do. 'O law! You're not a sawman. ' You can't brag CaEtle are weak, Hogs are dentor- performed for apendlcltis. Mr Ro — The comedies are all full of pep and that filing saws has been your joy «Ince yon i wore but a allzed. 812.25 to »12.75. Sheep are berts was op his way east to visit his Russell H. Pray, of Valley City.' lots of side-splitting capers. stripling boy. You simply dawdle round the while a high- steady, Eggs are weak, butter is parents Mrs Roberts will leave this North Dakota, is the guest of his As the proceeds of "Klimatic Ka- priced man must ply the file. Poor kaiser, baffled by a steady. evening for Dubuque to he with her cousin. George T. Peake. Mr. Pray pers" are to go for the advertising knot! Suppose your saw-buck goes to smash. I've wondered husband, although the telegram is on his way to San Francisco, to »nd development of the community, what on earth, pray what you'd do to mend the trouble rash, J. K. Manuel and Frartk Ray left stated that he was resting as well enter tho radio school. the Chamber's entertainment should We've never seen you drive a nail, or down a tree or split J. H. Childs, of Buffalo. N. Y„ ar be very well patronized and consider last night for Portland where thev as could be expected. a rail, but here’s the hone that sawing wood will do you. rived early in the week and is spend ing the high class of the program will start on a three weeks cruise — - r ----- kaiser, lota of good aboard the destroyer Renshaw The Rev. C. E. Glazier left this morn ing his vacation with his mother. everyone will more than receive his « trip will take them to California and ing for Cottage Grove where he will Mrs. J. M. Childs, and his brother, money’s worth of good wholesome E. W.‘Childs. Mexico. entertainment. spend several days. J. W. Harrison, of the Anglo I’arla- London National bank of Han Fran cisco, who »pent Thursday In th«» city, left this morning for tho south Mr. Harrison, who Is an official of the great financial institution which lie roprosotB*. 1« it> charge of th" financing of the Hrants Pass Irriga tion district, an well as many other such districts In the northwest, and last evening conferred with the dis trict officials and citizens of the community over the progress of the work here Ho renewed the state ment that had been made by Mr. Rchnoclocb. for tho financiers, that the district would be.financed to sue- eosaful completion and that he was “absolutely satisfied with the pro- grass of tho work to this time " He said that while the original estimates had been somewhat overrun by costs. It was because the estimates were made too low for presont construc tion and material prices, and that he eould not see where any expensive errors tn the work plan hnd been made, lie said ha was not at all alarmed by the rise of the river fol lowing bls inspection of tho dam, with the flood water still pouring over it. and ho congratulated the builders upon having the structure In condition to withstand tho flow of th«> Rogue without material damage Mr Harrison stated that as soon as tho engineers had prepared estimates for the completion of the project, he would return to Granta Pass and make the necessary arrangements so that there wonld bo no break and tho project be ready to nerve the lands In tho spring, The financier said that he ha«l become a warm supporter of the Granta Pass district stnee bf4 visits here, and ho harbor- e<1 tho hope that some day he would come to the valley to make his home *