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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1920)
JHESKa&LAMHasîiîraâ VOL. XL. No. .17. GRANTS PANH, JGHKI’HI.NK OOUM TY, OHKGON. NATI RDAY, (MTOBER ¡40, !««>. W HOLE XI MBER 3114. LIVES LÖST ÄS STEAMER SINKS Lithimataa. AA'itlxlraw Array Follow Ing RtMMtwa* of Insurtpents In Breaking Front Lines Cimerete Aeewl ('ape Fear Gore I Horn After CoUltaow With City of Atlanta In N arrangansett C. OFC. ROOMS INTERNATIONAL I INH ERM AN *H Riga, Oct 30.—-The Ulhuanfan SHIPPING HO ARD GETH BUT TWO DEMOCRATIC nominee : tells Providence, K. I., Oct. 30.—The SMOKER TUESDAY NIGHT TO GET HACEN BEING HELD ON H ALI government is hastily evacuating OFFERS ON HHIPBI ILDNG death of 17 members ot the crew was WOMEN THAT HE WILL TAKE FI LL RETURNS FROM THE FAX tot'rhe Kovno and other points In northern PLANT reported here by the survivors of A.DATCB ELECTION A Lithuania as a result ot General Zell- gouskl's Insurgent SECOND RACE NOT MONDAY ......... . army breaking north BOTH REJECTED 8Ï the steamer Cape Fear which was sunk in a collision last night. Seven teen of the crew of 34 were saved. MEMBERS ONLY ARE INVITED Newport, R. I., Oct. 30.—Members I of the coast guard 1 here reported this t ' had found no morning that they President Would Conclude Participa Kootn» Snudi to Accommodate too trace of any of the i missing mem.ers tion in Public Affairs If Assured More Than the Men Belonging ot the crew ot 34 on the concrete •4 That IznifUf Favored to Organization steamer Cape Fear ' when that vessel -J » was sunk In Narranganaett bay last « night In a collision with the steamer Chicago, Oct 30.—Governor Cox City of Atlanta. Election returns will be given hot made public a telegram to the women off the wire at the Chamber of Com supporters in which he stated his in Buys Dort Auto— merce smoker next Tuesday night. tention to consult with both demo W. 3. Craig of Selma, Is the latest The Western Union is installing a crats and republicans if elected, to buyer of a Dort auto from A. N. private and direct wire off the main secure the rétification ot the peace Parsons. line into the Chamber's rooms where treaty and to consult with other the full national and «tat« returns leaders regarding the Irish and Jew will be taken off by a special opera- ish racial questions. Regarding the No Game Today The high school football team did tor. treaty, he said be would consult Wil son. Root, Taft and "any others who not go to Medford today as the game Large bulletin boards have been Paul Kinney Married— by virtue of their experience can which had been scheduled has been painted on one entire, side of the big called off as Medford has been sns- assembly hall and will give each Announcements have been receiv render helpful service." More Hungahms «hange Hand«— pended from the state athletic asso state’s voting and number of elector ed by Grants Pass friends of the mar Csx In addressing an audience ot During the present week Mrs. C. 8. ciation. al votes accredited to each state so Hobbs sold her bungalow at Fourth riage of Paul M. Kinney, formerly ot women, expressed his belief that that a continual check can be kept and B streets to W. J. Radke, buy Granta Paas, and Ruth Isabel Nelson, President Wilson would be pertset upon the presidential race as the re ing from Mr! Radke a smaller bun at Los Angeles, on Tuesday, October ly willing to conclude his partlclpa- Take in Your G ates Tonight will be a good time to turns come in. The state, county 2«. Rev. Robert Mci-ean performing ■ tion In all publlc affairs "if the pres- The pouring of concrete for the, galow on North Ninth •treat where the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Kinney Ident felt assured that America keep an eye on your front gate or and city contests, as well as the var foundations of the power house at I •he eipeets to make her future home. will be at home near Mesa. Arts., would join the league of nations. ” on anything else which may be de ious referendums are also listed and the Ravage rapids dam Is now in! Mr and Mrs Amoe Williams sold where Mr. Kinney is a partner in a "If elected I propose the placing of tachable. Although tomorrow night will be kept totaled as each return Is their cottage on Mansanlta Ave to prosreas. the excavtlon for the strue- ' W J. Radke, who will Immediately m ’rrBn,1,e burine». supplying opera- women In many Important adminis Is Hallowe’en night, many will take received. A large bulletin board will tur» having been completed The advantage of this being Saturday and also record each telegraphic report forms for the dsm proper sre fast improvs th I. proparty and make 1t tl,rM ot ,he <’-oody»ar cotton plan- V I tration positions," he said. will celebrate accordingly. tattoo in full text as the report comes in. A thoroughly modern. These sales going tn place and the steal for the j special reporter will give telephonic reinforcing Is being laid, concrete! were made by A. N. Parsons. Coldewt Last Night^- reports from each precinct in the pouring Into the forma to follow In ' I-axt night proved to be the coldest city as to the candidates' standings a day or two The river Is at a very 1 NEGOTIATIONS WILL START NOON FOR RHOOGMITION night of the fall when the mercury according to the number ot votes low stage, and work Is progressing dropped to 28 degrees. The coldest counted at the time of his visits. rapidly, The superintendent states! _ • ... put . .v . . Washington. Oct. 36.— Formal ne- night previously had been 31 de- On account of the limited space la that ten days will the structure! k . . . I gotlatlona looking to the recognition grees several weeks ago. The tog the Chamber’s rooms and in view of above any poaaibHIty of delay , M , I of the government oC Mexico are M- probably kept It from getting any the, tact that the «lab tars over W4 through a period of rains and flood |pected to I m » Inuugi,rated Immediate colder last night members at present and capacity for The number of workmen on the dsm Thtirlee. Ireland. Det. 30.— Great Washington. Oct. 30. — President ly after the elections. only 150, .the committee in charge will now be rapidly decreased, the damage was done last evening In ' and Mrs. Wilson voted today in the ——----- — Z of the smoker has decided to lime night crew being dispensed with yes Templemore. eight miles north of presidential election. They marked the attendance to members only. It terday. The machinery for the here Numerous shops were wreck their ballots at the White House and was planned at first to hold open equipping of the dam Is striving, ed during the disturbance. ’ mailed them to Princeton. N. J. 1 house and admit the ladies also, but and will be ready for placing as soon Nine other ballots were also forward the capacity of the rooms and tt e a. the concrete structure Is up. ed to New Jersey from the White PRESIDENT OF STATE DANCING structure of the building would net It was more difficult than antici MASTERS MES IN' PORTLAND I House. This is the first time Mrs. allow such a large crowd. The com Wilson and Mrs. Tumulty have voted. pated In turning the stream and un mittee wishes to express its regret at covering the bed of the strenm. thl» Portland. Oct. 30.—.Mose Chris- Tacoma, Oct. 30.—Mrs. Charles b.lng compelled to place the admit- part of the work costing more then PORTLAND MARKETS Salem, Oct. 30.- The state high tensen. president of the Oregon Bloomfield. who disappeared Septem- tance to members only, the estimate and taking more time, way department agnounced that by Dancing Master's association and ber 14th wearing Jewels worth »4000 For those „ Lo arP not able t0 hut the workmen have beaten the next Thursday all the pavement will former president of the national as Portland, Oct. 30.—AU markets has returned here after having lost! joy the privI]eses of the cInb. n 4 have the weather to It. and will are steady. tie completed on the lower Columbia sociation. died last night. her Identity. Her husband brought I planne(1 to communicate the retuns dam ready for operation long before river highway. The entire route from her from Portland, where she had to the people Bssembled on tl • the Irrigation season opens. The dis Portland to Astoria will be opened been In a sanitarium. Until this I street be]ow by nieans of a . trict will soon place the pumps and over paved highway. The last gap of week she had been unable to remem- raegapbone or stereopticon lantern motors that were In operation last ! 7000 feet at Wauna will be finished ber her name. The jewels were tn-1 _. , , tact The evening will also be reple' > season upon the market for sale, and with various stunts, music, card . It Is expected that they will salvage smokes, lunches and possibly a n! • for all that In Invested In them a* of good cider. Final returns are n< t they were obtained at an advan Will Receive Returns— expected to be in until along tn tl ■» tn genus purchase Work on the sus The Oregon theater is making neighborhood of 3 or 4 o’clock in tl. s pension bridge over the Rogue Is the Progressive Literary Circle at! New York. Oct. 30. •The national senators are: Delaware. Maine. Mas- plans to install a special wire in the morning. First returns will be com progreealng. and the pipe linn that 1 the AVurtsbaugh home. 506 West I sachusetts, Michigan. Minnesota, theater next Tuesday night to give crosses the Adams place will be street. The Circle was well attended an0 state elections to be held next Mississippi, Montana. Nebraska, New the latest returns on the election as ing off the wire about 8 o’clock. moved In a short time to Its now Io- J and four new members were initiat Tuesday. November 2. will be notable Jersey. New Mexico, Rhode Island, they come in. In this way the cation where It will carry the water ed. The ladles realied the benefits for the number of women nominees Tennessee. Texas, West Virginia and returns will be received every few JAP EXPORTS SM ALLER acrons the river for the ditches of derived from reading and discussing and the large number of parties Wyoming. minute and read of immediately. The the Northwest unit. The excavation the constitutional amendments and I which have nominated candidates. THAN THEIR IMPORTA Women candidates for the senate management is also booking a special for the bridge abutments Is now be all took part believing that the state Six parties have national tickets have been nominated In six states, by show for that night. A special 15 i ing made Thia contract Is In the and nation are calling for the sin-(for president and vice-president, the prohibitionists in Indiana. New episode serial will be shown, with hands of the Portland Bridge com cere, honest, intelligent votes of the though by no means in all the states. York and Perutsylvanla; Tokio, Oct. 30—Japan's trade dur Peryii by the so-, the regular show making about 35 pany. women A paper by Mrs. Morrison These tickets are republican, demo cialists in California, by tfe farmer J reels. Reserved seats will be avatl- ing August ended in an excess of ex The bond election to provide fur was well received. Mrs. Wilmarth, cratic. socialist, prohibition, farmer I labor party in New York and Conjable. . ' ' ' “b’e. The Oregon has decorated for ports over imports for the first tin » ther funds for the project will be who resides on West H street, cor labor and single tax. About 13 other nectlcut and by independents in Ne- Hallowe'en with corn stalks and since »he beginning ot this year. Tl ? held on Saturday. November 6th. nt dially invited ths Circle to meet with parties have candidates either for vada. . ¡ pumpkins, «— _ a very effective excess amounted to Y.51.842,0i. : making the Rogue River Valley grange hall. her Wednesday afternoon at 2 state tickets or for representatives Socialists have candidates for the (lobby display. __ .___ • which is said to be a far largt r The judges of election will be Messrs o’clock. November 10th Our great- In congress, bringing the total of all senate in 11 states: Alabama (2), I amount than that generally expecte F 8. Ireland, N. C. Roynton and J. est poets will be the subject before parties in the field nearly to a California. Oregon, Pennsylvania--------------- i the estimates having been between H Christlleb. the Circle on that date. All ladles score. and Washington. The farmer-labor. ||innilin ■ ■ • niNll IA BiFTT IlfTTO Ilin Y.20.000.000 and Y.30,000.000. Tl » are welcome. Afll-l. Tn the presidential election there party has senatorial candidates in |-|AU|||I\| will be chosen 531 members of the seven states: Connecticut. Illinois linilUIIIU IlILL I IHTLIHNG MATERIA!/» ON ■electoral college of which 266 will Indiana. Iowa, Missouri. New York fHliruiAH irinrnn Y DOWNWARD TREND. REPORT, ,ba necessary to the election of a can- and Washington. i dfdate as president Tn the last elec- At least eight other parties have nominated candidates for senator in tlon President Wilson had 277. Retting !s Even— Portland, Oct. 30. -<A downward The present membership of the one or more states These are pro- trend In the building material mar United States senate Is 96. composed | gressive. socialist, labor, single tax. Cincinnati. Oct. 30 —On the last! Interest in the coming elect!, i -• . 7 democrats, ------------------------- ....----- — and J independent. Industrial labor. far- lap of his campaign. Senator Hard- centers around the senatorial ra ■ ket has been Initiated by lhe quota of 48 republicans tions on Douglas fir. which have de one republican and progressive. This mer-labor. Independent, republican Ing conferred with Ohio republican for the state. It Is conceded 1 Seattle, Oct. 30. Thirteen Jap year 33 states are to elect 34 sen and non-partisan league. leaders today. His last speech beforejeven the most staunch demoerr i clined 40 per cent sin e April, ac The total membership. 435, of the election will be made tonight In Co- that Cox Is due for a beating b cording to the weekly review of the anese. alleged agents of a ring en ators. the terms of 32 members ot West Coast Lumbermen’s association. gaged in slipping Japs Into the Unit that body expiring on March 3, 1921. next house of representatives is to lumbus. The speech tonight will be'when Chamberlain is mentione , most ot them are willing to argr The drop In fir prices has apparently ed States were arrested here in the while the other two are being select be elected. Of this number. 21s Is the 170th of his campaign. 1 Chances between Stanfield ai I outdistanced the slump in most com-i last few days, it became known to- ed to fill unexpired terms up to necessary for a majority. The pres modltles In the post-war readjust day. March 4, 1928. Of the 32 senators ent membership is: Democrats. 190; 1 | Miss Edna Wimer went to Gazelle ( Chamberlain are held to be abc even. Most of the money which b » ment. The review declared that i who terms expire next March. 17 are republicans. 232: Independent repub .... this morning she will spend , for , . ® where ... ‘ ' iv been put . up Is an even bre --------- _ lumliermen and shippers have turned RETAIL FOIL DEALERS ARE i democrats and 1K republicans. The licans. 2; independent. 1; 1 nrohlbi- the next three weeks visiting. ARRESTED FOR PROFITEER! NG two additional vacancies were caused ttonist, 1: vacancies. 9. Women-have although Chamberlain stipportt 4 to the water route as the only pos Mrs. C. W. Raker, of Orleans, '’al- are confident they will not offer a bv the deaths of Senators Rankhead been nominated as candidates for sible means of taking care of the Birmingham. Ain , Oct 3b - Elev of Alabama and Martin of Virginia, representatives in at least 11 states ifornia. is registered today at the, odds to hack up their confiden output here since the recent rise In en retail coal dealers and two mine both democrats. Ono senator is to Including Alabama. California, Ida Josephine. .Stanfield supporters, whil» not ov. railroad rates to eastern points St or-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Peterson, of' confident feel that he tuts a ve - age and reshlpplng facilities for him-1 operators were Indicted by the fed I be chosen in ea h of the 33 states ex- ho. Iowa, Michigan. Nebraska. Mas sachusetts. New York, Oklahoma, Silverton. Oregon, are spending a good chance as this is a republic i ber have already been established on eral grand jury charged with the vio- I rept in Alabama which electa 2. 1 few days in the city. year. I The only states which do not elect Oregon and Missouri. the Atlantic const, It’ls declared I i latlou of the I^ever act. A’. Truax H<>m<*—• W)11| Vallard Truax was brought home • auiuiUn Metwouer Detaw ana I B ciimmi s *). Amounts Offered A jlaat night from I the Medford hos- Again lie Met—"American ’{«•«1» Inadequate ue Coat of < oiutruc- i pita I and la now at i the home of hla Only One Alore A I« tory tlon was Enormous He has mother, Mrs. H. U Trusa been suffering for a week or more .. >>• .. from kidney trouble. Hallfsx. Ort 30 The American | Washington. Oct. 30.—Only two schooner Esperanto won ths first Hocial a t^'u, rnia ! hide were received by the Shipping race In the International fisherman'« There was a large crowd at the Uo“r<> K»*at Hog Island ship regatta of Halifax She will meet Hallowe’en social at the Presbyter- building plant. Barde brothers, of the Canadian contender Dolawana 'Ian church Friday night and all had **•» York, bid »4,000,000, and the again on Monday if victorious the a most enjoyable time. The rooms •',ew Jersey r Machinery Exchange second time, she will win the cham ware beautifully decorated In au 14,264.750. The plant cost *70.- pionship. tumn foliage and Hallowe’en decora 000.000. Chairman Benson said the tions and many who attended wore blds were entirely inadequate and re , costumes appropriate to the occasion. jected both. I Refreshments were served. HARuINb Mt11S HIS 1 ;