Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
I lllltAY, <M'ro|IKM JB, IMI» AT THE SK.S OF THU DOLLAR An Entertainment Sensation Many business men have no Idea of or do nqt appreciate the many advantages afforded by our modern commercial banking service. It ta not merely receiving your deposits and paying out withdrawals. Consult us about the other strong features of our service. Adapted from the Saturday Evening TODAY AND Post Story, “A Prodi- TOMORROW R1 in Utopia,’’ by inna Byrne. Thos. H. lace’s Special Production COMMERCIAL — SAVING« rm g| M PARi mi \ t SAFE DEPOSIT U Dangerous Hours” Knit Underwear and Flannelnette Gowns for Winter Wear WE CAN MEET every requirement of exacting dressers as to quality, fit, style and price in the celebrated A gigantic drama about YOU— You and your job - You and your wifa - Human—Dramatic Spectacular! TAILORING Suit tailored to your measure in the very best manner At $45.00 or less to $60 00 aud more GEO 8 CALHOUN THEN, THERE’S LARRY SEMON Local dealer nearly •litcen ,o*r- in “SCHOOLDAYS’’ A Veritable Laugh Riot COMING SUNDAY For Week October 25th to 30th MARY’S ANKLE A picture made of laughs and trimmed with chuckles Automobile Tires OREGON 20% “IX1 Tubes Rogue River Hardware Co R. TIMMONS Unloading a Car of FORDS Today I’HOXE Come and count them Monday morning—if there’s one on hand, unsold, you can have it. C. A. Winetrout AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE Washer Western Electric Noiseless No Grease Simple to Operate Ask us about the 5-vear Guarantee "Bathe" phonograph. Sabin has It. Pop corn, new citron and currants at Pardee’s Grocery. 14 You are Invited to see the plowing done by Hollowell A Son with their 15-27 CASE TRACTOR In the field near the Standard Oil Company warehouse. . 15 George A. Stall and\E. Oeardorff were in the city laut niitht. register- Ing at the Josephine from Roseburg Pop corn, new citron and currants at Pardee’» Grocery. 14 If you want to see what a Case Tractor will do in the field see the demonstration Wednesday, Novem ber 3 at Hollowell field near Stand ard Oil Co. warehouse. 15 Apple Ihimpllng— At the Bonbonniere Saturday. 13 Methodist* Take Notice— All Methodists of the community are urgently requested to attend church Sunday morning and hear the Joseph sermon on "Dancing." Knotts, pastor. 13 PHONE *7 208 BO11H CTH 8T At the Baptist Church “SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN October 31 to November 14 CONDUCTED BY Rev. S. J. Reid, D. D. THE IRISH EVANGKLWT ' Tile Irish Evangelist— Dr. 8. J Reid at the Baptist church October 31 to November 14. The 1 preacher who is different. 14 Hallowe'en Social— Juniors of Security and families will enjoy an evening of fun at the 8. B. A. hall on G street tonight from 7:30 to 9:45. Outsiders who are invited will pay 25c. Sandwich*“ cocoa and cookies served. 13 Cream Chicken, 2Sc— At th* Bonbonniere. Saturday. 13 Shoes for the Family With very grateful hearts we wish to thank our many friends and the several orders for their kindness and sympathy, and for the beautiful floral offerings received during the recent loss of our loved one. O. EARL 8MTTH. MR. and MRS J. W. SMITH and FAMILY. MR. and Mrs E. V. SMITH and FAMILY. J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass ,O regon Voters of Oregon To the The taxpayers of Portland and Multnomah County are not only willing but anxious to provide the Port of Portland with needed funds for dredging our River Channel to the sea. The Committee that formulated what is known as the Port of Portland and Dock Commission Consolidation Bill under the numbers 310 and 311 on the ballot insisted, however, upon weighting down the measure with an enormously expensive real estate scheme, and by a formal vote turned down the request of taxpayers that the Swan Island scheme and the River Channel scheme be presented as separate measures. Refusing to be forced to swallow something they cannot approve, Multnomah County is expected to vote adversely to the whole scheme by an overwhelming majority. Having done this, they will then lie ready to vote for any needed amount for improving our River Channels. A Com mittee of the City Club has submitted a detailed analysis of the measure showing that it means an ultimate expenditure of at least $40,000,000. Our Chamber of Commerce and other civic bodies with all of our river pilots and steamboat owners and others have protested against it. At least twelve form er and present members of the Port of Portland and the Dock Commission have declared against it. A majority, if not all, of our City Commissioners oppose it The Committee of 15 itself that drafted the measure is divided. The Taxpayers of Portland Appeal to You in a spirit of fair play to save this county from the imposition upon us of such an overwhelming and paralyzing debt as this measure contemplates. It would lie deemed offensive if we gave expression to what we believe to be the selfish and ambitious political motives that have inspired the measure which is submitted with a distinctively deceptive title. We simply appeal for fair play and a decent consideration of the hopeless plight in which this community will find itself if the measure carries. As citi zens of outlying counties who will not have to pay a dollar of the debt imposed, we appeal to you to consider what would be your feelings if Multnomah County should try to impose a similar burden on you. Our interests in a general way are mutual. Tt Is our sincere judgment that the success of this measure will seriously re tard, instead of promoting, the development of this port and that the state at large will in return suffer severely as a consequence. Vote Measure Number 311 X No Taxpayer« Vigilance Committee ROBT. J. LINDEN, Secretary (Paid Advertisement)