Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
FRIDAY, otTngnm -JM*. mau OMA N TM PAM4 DAI LF IXMTUKK PAG« TTUU.V T FOR HALE MIH4 HM.ANEOI N FOR SA I Ji Tonasene« While Win K NIGH TH OF PYTHIAS — Ther- ter llerley and Uray Winter Oats • rnopylae lodge No. 60, moots svery for fall seeding. River Banka second and fourth Tuesday even- Farms. Rd 2, Granta Pass. 48tf O»tf Ing. Visitors Invited BEAMON ED WOOD FOR HALE -Oak NVRHKRY stock of ali hindi Orna and laurel, I4.7B; body fir, 24. msntal, shade and fruit trocs Oeo. pine and second growth Hr. |1 60; H. Parker. 70tf manaanlta. 26. C. W. lasmbrecht. Rd. I, Box 21. 24 Al 41 AN Y NVRBE»tY. tre«» of qual ity. F. E Jordan, special agent. WOOD FOR 8AIAC Delivered for 880 N. 7th Bt . Grants Pass. Hält I» 76 per tier I’hon.- W r IL. • ln«on. Wlldervllle 01 if "SINGER" leads aa uaual -1»2I múdela on floor Granta Pass Hard- FOR SALK IU»er Banka Better Your term» ware O.» Bee them Bcrkshlree Thrifty, prolific stock aro uura. J W »ott, sales man- River Banks Parma 03tf ager Ringer Sewing Machine Co. Ì6lf FOll 8AIJ5 OR RENT >80 aerea of land. 160 aerea la oultlvatlon. Iba FL'it WORK a specialty; dressmak resi In paaiuru and tlmbor. Good ing and ladles tailoring; every location Por pari leu lari wrlte lo line of hand work and Spanish Box Nnmber 102. Kerby, Oro 18 drawn work tor the holiday sea FT»ll HAIJC 300 picco* 2x4» at 210 son; now Is ths Ums to got orders par M; 2000 feet 1% and » Inch In for satisfactory service Mrs. plank at 1'10 and |15 per M; 1 AV K Hwope. <81 North 3rd St. hand power waahinx machine. 26. Call and get eettmstos 30 H N Johnson. Rd. 1, Ho» 28A, TAX. 8 mile* north of Orante Peen on Pacific highway. 1 mile froin the 400NBR TAXI —Phone 282-K for Pleasant Valley »tore.. 06tf Jltnay Luka or Cutler. Calle an swered anywhere, anytime 86tf FOR SALE I buffet A K Casa. phono 125-R. • 14 PALACE TAX!-—Phons 22-J Tom Wind fiitf FOR 8AIJC Mulino drag saw In qulra Roy Higgins, 111 Routh 4th lilt AA AGE AND TRANSFER ■traat. 14 ron sale Ono mare, weight about THE WORLD MOVER, so do wa Bunch Broa Traaatsr Co. Phone «00 Iba Washing machine, mat 841 trena and tub E R Barnes WIL 1« F O. ISHAM. drayage and tranafer. dervlllo. Ore Safes. pianos aod furniture FOK RALE Fresh eider, eleo comb moved, packed, shipped and stored honey. Phone 260-R. 12 Office phone 124-Y WANTED CIVIL ENGINEER WANTED- 100 head weaned calves, raised on eow, state price of stock. CIVIL ENGINEER Daniel McFar load. Civil Engineer and Surveyor G W. King. Montague, Cal. 132 Re« 74 7 North Tenth St Phone WANTED TO RENT—A lurnlshed 211-T. Oltf house, apartment* or housekeep- Ing rooms, will receive the best Pin H|< IANS of care. No. IOS care Courier 14 L O. CI46MENT. M. D.. Practice W ANTED Two men to drive 4- limited to diseases of eye, oar, nose horse scraper to* in at Morgan'a and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours 14 camp. Allan Creek »•12. 2-6, o*e on aiHM>lntment. Phones office «2; residence 35»-J WANTTD Compstent Christian woman to care for 18 months old' 8. LOl'GHRIOOK. M. D Physician chfld at hsr home during working | sud surgeon. City or country calls hour» Would like to room at the' attended day or night Phones. same place Mrs Clark, phone; Ree. IS». Office. 182. Sib and H J87-J XTl K J HILLJCK, M. D. Physician STRAYED »nd surgeon offlie Rchallborn ESTR AT- Thore came to my place i block, phons 64st; residence. 1004 3 mile» from Granta Pas«, one red Lawn ridge, phone 64-L. heifer 3 years old. underbit In each oar, branded but not distinguish W F RÜTHJ9RFORD —Manu«' »be- raputlcs It gets your arvvnent able Owner call for property Office over Barnes' Jewelry store Fred Grant, Box 2?. Rd 3 14 Office hours » 30-12; I:»0-4 FOR J4F NT RALPH W. STEARNS, M D. Phy- FOR RENT 40 acres of pasture. 10 alelan and surgeon. X-ray equip- acres of mllo malre In grain, bal ment. dental X-ray. Office, ance grass Well fenced Will ac Phones aonic Temple Bldg commodate large number of stock Are 21-J: residence 21-L. for a couple of months One-half i VETERINARY SVRGEON mile from town. After fi o'clock j Phone 5O3-F-4. or address No 103 | DR R J BEST CL. Veterinarian. ' 'ourier 12 Residence 818 Washington boule HOt RE for rent—Inquire 211 C St Early morning» or evenings, or phone 188-J. Is TO RENT Two furnished close In, 408 E street The "Bobbin Boy." Th»« waa a nickname given t» Na than Ini Prvntiss Banka of Musavo hu nett«, at one time It« governor aod for many yearn a member of congn-«- I'v was speaker of the bouse of repre-en- tatlvM for a session, being choaen <>o tbs one hundred »nd thirty-third bai lot In his youth he learrd the trade of a machinist and worked la a fio tory; bonce the nlckiuuws. « Who Shall Run This Nation’s Affairs After March 5, 1921 ? I ' I * I (XIMING FVE.NTB October 2». Friday—Hallowe'en par- ' • lit ty at Presbyterian church. Oct. 31-Nov. 14- Evangelistic meet-j Ings at the Baptist church by Held ths Irish evangelist. 14« November 8, Saturday —Grants Pass Irrigation district bond «lection, at Hogue River Valley grange hall. November 11, Thursday—Armistice day. Program In afternoon and ' dance In evening by American !ae- xlon. December 18-17—Teachers' State examinations will be held December 20-22—Josephine County I teachers' Institute i i Hg.MPpv PARTY VÖUR APPETITE « W You -SHOULD PLACATE WITH MEAT YOU KNOW TO SE FIRST KATE You Must Decide Next Tuesday! WHICH? REPUBLICAN PARTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY Saved 21/2 billions as soon as Repub lican Con Congress took office in May, 1919. Checked extravagant demands of Democratic administration for money. Vigorously supported war and start ed preparation for reconstruction. Took the lead in reducing wartime expenditures. After the armistice, Republican Con gress passed resolution repealing extra ordinary war time powers of president. (This wa3 pocket-vetoed.) Passed National Budget system bill. (This also was vetoed.) Pledges restoration of protective tar Wasted billions in conduct of war Spent a billion for airplanes. Not a single American fighting plane reached the front. j Unprepared for war; unprepared for peace. It has failed to make peace for two years after the armistice. Has kept war time expenditures go ing up to date, except those which the Republican Congress has been able to cut down. VeUud the National Budget system which would have put the nation’s af fairs in business like shape. Failed utterly to lower the high cost of living. Shot it up higher. Failed to prevent dumping of cheap foreign products on our markets. Failed to make proper legislation for a ricultural*interests of the country Made government jobs for 320, ex^Tr employees who are still holding office two vears after the armistice. Will introduce economies in running national government, thereby reducing taxation. Restored railroads to private owner ship, saAfing a loss of almost a billion a year. Will enact new legislation to protect agriculture and labor. A fellow should keep on the right »l<le of hie appetite It he want« to get along in thia world. If you take your ap petite out strolling with you end happen to pa<u itlU meat market it will persuade you to enter and make a pur- haae. I YOU CAN ASSURE SANE, CONSTRUCTIVE, BUSINESSLIKE CONDUCT OF THE NATIONAL GOV ERNMENT ONLY BY VOTING THE STRAIGHT Alatili for Mr. H»|tpy Party REPUBLICAN TICKET CITY REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE A Thos. II. Tongue, Chairman tUO Morgan Building Portland, Oregon (Paid Advertisement) 5OÍ G Street ONE 5 vard. phone »»8-R. DENTISTS Flrst-cla»« rooms E. C. MACY. D M. D dentistry 10»M S 8th St 12 Ü. NORTON, Attorney-at-law MRS JAMES M POWERS, Instruc H Practices In all State and Federal j tor on plano; studio over Barnes' Courts First National Bank Rbtg lowelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except Monday and Tuesday. Phone 365-J G. W.' OOLVIO. Attorney-at-law REAL ESTATE Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. E. T McKINSTRY. «OS O St , phone K. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices 356-R, general real ostata business I In all courts First National Bank Beat of «olla for fruit, hay or gen-1 Building eral farmin« O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attornay-at-law Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. MICKIE SAYS 'MMO OOt'hMf v AV» M>MRR.TA%AF4O- \ Ofwt» DLVA FhU.4 Fti R. AS* : "Mb’ ON NVA •.ur-FMKWAN WW a tlgwt COVAt-V 5 NOVdvq -INc« ‘r* tatù hcs oi4*rrouuieD AUTO TOPS ATTORNI.» H PIANO INSTR! <TB»N C. A. S’DLER, Attorney-at-law. Ms •»ule i '.mie. Grants Pass. Ore Used cars that you can use All in first-class condition. ONE 101» MODEL OAKLAND SENSIBLE SU TUREE IBIS MODEL 4IMI CHEVHOLKT TOl'RING CAIli. TAVO I»I7 MODEL FOR’» TOVRIJG CARS ONE 1H TON MAXWELL TRICK. H»»> MODEI KQl'IPPED WITH PNEI'M ATIC TIKES. THREE CARS AVE AVTLL SELL AT A SA RIFICE. Ml ST GET RID OF THEM. WILL MAKE FIRST CLASS BI GS. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn state and federal courts Office over National Drug Store. R. D. Flaherty, of Medford, «pent the <lay In the city attending to bus iness matlera of the farmer»’ cooper ative association of Jackson county. - ------------------------ ■ TIME CARD Effective Nov. 31. 1 » 1 9 Tralns will run Mondsys. Wednea- days and Fridays p Al Grants Pass . ........ I 2 p At W ater« Cre"k ** SO p A! Waters fre-h r p M 4 Grunts Pa«s Information r< ■etnrdlnv freight issenirer rates < call at the office com tian*', Lun Ih'irt building •uhon* tilt i FOR. MAXWELL CHALMERS ANO :5SEX CARS HUDSON HI il /J h h gl *■ • m J COLLINS AUTO COMPANY jCCtSÍOKirí HO '.JAR im C PHONE .17 5// H STREET. fold weather with long night» is just around the corner. NOAV IS THE TIME to have your Battery given a lp>od outside charge and a thorough inspection for the strain that Fall and AVinter will place u)M>n it. HERE is the station to do the work —the station that places SERA'ICE FIRST and sales last* Bring us the Handles and we will build a Gl'.AR- ANTF.ED BATTERY on them. Adams Electric & Battery Shop Phone <WI .-MMl S. flth St- A IMOTORS fl GRA NTS PASS, RE Dalles Diamond Flour ------------------———— The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company ». - -rvy i »w»1« I ACC NTS A. C. IIOl’QH—Lawyer. Tuffa Bldg Practice In all courte G. B. BERRY L'Tidsii 1 4 R *1 » I HI GEO. H. DURHAM. Atloruey-at-law referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Temple. Phone 185-J. JAMES T CHTNNOCK Ijtwyer First National Bank Building Replace the slutbby top with light. easy-to-bandle weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable top«— l>erfect fisting and improving tjie car's looks—a wide choice tn ma terials and celors OVR PRICRB LOWEST VETCH •7.2» PER HMI IN TON HITS «7..NO I KK I«»«» IN SMALL U»TS WRITE FOR OCR PRICKS ON ALL FIELD SEEKS MONARCH SEED CO. MEDFORD, OREGON PHONE 200 HAS liO.NG BEEN CONSIDERED ONE OF THE BEST AA EST. IN THE TO INTRODl'CK IT HERE WE MAKE THIS PROPOSITION: GET A SACK. BAKE TWO, THREE OR KOI R TIMES, AND THEN IF YOf BELIEVE HAT YOV CAN GET BETTER FLOl R IN TOWN AT ANY PRICK, CALL VS VP AND AVE AA ILL GET WHAT IS LEFT AND REELND THE FILL A MOI NT PAID. *1.40 PER SACK JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Third and G Street Phone 123 .......................................... Classified Advertising HORN IIYIIE To Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Hyde, Thursday, October 28. a du ughler. MoC.II.LIGOT To Mr and Mrs. Ed. McGilllgot of Ixmae ereek, Thurs day, October 28, a son BRITTEN To Mr and Mrs. Geo. Britton, near River Banks farms, Friday. October 2», a eon. MAKL To Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Earl, | of Portlaud, Bunday, October 24.1 H At ■*»< Earl iras»! 1st ts tr h »ca a> rtf Mr» I« a A *1«« daughter of 1 Mr« Btqpben Jewell, of thin city