Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
Hlll> H . 'M TOIIKH Mi. IM» DAI 1-1 IXilRJH: A. E Voorhies. Pub and Propr. Hallow.-,» SrUl Tonight — Meet Spook le Suiie Witch Winni» I and the others at tbs l'ra» byte riaa Tou ara Invited. church tonight 10c admit». Just Received New Shipment of CUT GLASS ■ - ADVERTISING RATES Dinplay »i>* e. per inch --------- 85c local-. -eraoual column, per line 10c Reader», par ifa«...... ........ 5c Had Enough of That Numher A North Carolina man whose auto- mobile Urenre w«» numbered IS »rat It be--, to the •.•r-retsrv of state with a lector .»vins The Oral day I rote with It. I lost 81X and the aervuid I ioar IS Inches of akin off lay Plewre -end me a safer number. ** got It I . DAILY OXTUER By mall or carrier per year . 14 00 By mai! or earner, per month.. 50 Just Arrived. BARNES, The Jeweler KI First Eethu»!»««' Goo» Marlette was delighted wheu a «mail JOKMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS brother arrived at her home llow The Associated Pr««a is exclusively 101 and ever after roue week * »be began to «■titled to the use for republication think he was somewhat of a care, and -* f all ne ** dtopatche« credited to It I one dav when her mother told her to or all other»!» * credited in th!» rock hi * cradle, »be looked at Mm «per and also the local new« pub llsh«d herein | with dx-talh and remarked, “Ob ths anti-vaednatlon measure that I All richt» of repob 11 ratio» of «pe people tn the city yesterday and to-• uttie bothering thing!" dal dispatches herein are also re day. is upon the ballot tor next Tuesday XKM TV »DAT served «lection The more peuple who sue- IN8CR.ANCE—Fire, automobil«, lit *, FRIDAY. im T i WEH 1IK». umb to disease the more It raeta th» ! accident and health T M. Stott »♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦■•♦♦♦♦♦! I if« inaurane« company, so in sepou * • 08 North Stub St. «Stf ORSHOM «RATHKR * I Ing th« cause of vaccination the com FOR 8AIJ£- i0 chicken», one rack. * pan y knows that tt means money tn *1 each Phon» :«0 or call at 7k * ♦ Highland Ars 1» . I ID pocket. It Is saving the H tm oi ' ♦ *3he people and making It tittaocws- WANTED A good, steady, gentle ♦ Palile Coast State *. Getter- ♦ Jiary to cash tn on lite Insurance poi- manly »aleaman to handle a 4 ally fair is Cailfomla; u natiti ad Ward's wagon In Josephine Coun leies There could be no stronger ♦ and rain tn Washington and ty. No experience needed For argument for the efficacy of vaccina- i ♦ Oregon; nomai temperature«. full particular« write promptly to ♦ ♦ tlon than that, and that you and I Dr Ward's Medical Company. ♦ Tbn!rht and Saturday fair. ♦ your family be given the protection; Winona. Minnesota. Established ♦ that la due you. the anU-vacdnatlon un amendment should be voted down . PROTO TIXG HEALTH AND LIFE next Tuesday. FOR SALE—Monarch range In good Just arrived — ISO. One Hun condition, excellent baker. Apply ”it I« business interejt of course dred and Fifty • 05 Lawnridge IB and that would prompt great life Insur Moore Bakery Grants Pass, Oregon 105 North Sixth Prices Kight Something Different New 0. D. Danish Pastry U. S. Army French Pastry AND Blankets ance corporati. to arge defeat of daughter were among the Portland Plaid Suitings Special RENFREW PLAID SUITINGS MADE TO LOOK LIKE WOOL GOOD ASSORT MENT OF COLORS. ESPECIALLY GOOD FOR CHILDREN’S SCHOOL WEAR. 36 INCHES WIDE, FORMER PRICE 85c. SPECIAL PRICE 50c YARD MANY ARTICLES REDUCED IN PRICE ALWAYS FIRST TO NAME LOW PRICES Lot B—V. 8. A Arm» regula- tion full «Ise. New—Not re not second hand claimed, re laundered—Abso- blankets lately new. GREAT BIG V. S. BLANKET * APPROXIMATE MIZE B7xM4. height 44 I.BM. se.aM Men's O. D Array Panto a«.5«> Men's O. D. Wool Array glove__________________ ffhc Men'« O. I) Shirt with double elbow« g.’..».« Men's 4 buckle «h<-- Army over- «.or. Watch Our Window FOR RALE OR TRADE <0 acre» good timber. « mile» from R. !< tor Ford truck. O. Sanford. Wil dervtlle. 1 * F. C. Goetz Proprietor FOR SALE—HO acres good im punément, some furniture, pony team, 1»ÎO Chevrolet, good a« new O. Sanford. WIMervllle 14 WANTED -Articles of furniture in first elate condition Call at 7'K C street. 1» WANTED Man and wlf« »ant work, woman to <ook. man to I work on farm or In small sawmill or logging camp. Address No. 10’- care Courier. 1 4 Ardencraig Farm For Sale L | j : Complete With Stock and Equipment ■ FAIR RENT -A fine front office in I. igt! >ur< building. Water and heat Inquire of R. D. Cole. Jan- Hot 15 ¡«-ROOM MODERN HOI'SE rent See Isaac Best. at $50,000.00 ’ For «al«- only l>, owner or aulii <>rl/.«l agsrnta FOR Farmers Attention ! GET MY PRK'EH ON TOC'E FALL PLOWING ETC.. FIRST. LARGE OR SMALL TRACTS CONTRACTED AT ON<*E. H. W. Newstrom 21« L SHEET FORMO* » ervict : Sample Store OU don’t have to use as much of Calumet as you Y do of most other Baking Powders. Because it has more than the or dinary leavening strength. You save about half on its use. % You don’t have to pay a big Shoex and Ship«? and Sealing Wax " — made right here in Oregon And hundreds of other products you’d least expect. The manufacture of these things is making Oregon a better state for you to live in 9 So if a merchant offers you any article which doesn’t bear an Oregon manufacturer’s label, ask him to give you the Oregon- made kind BUY OREGON PRODUCTS Tour merchant has a little book -which we tend him and which will tell him in a minute if the thing you want is manufactured tn Oregon. Associated Industries of Oregon price for Calumet. It’s sold at a mod erate price. It always has been. And that representsanothersaving. You don’t have to feel uncer tain as to results. Bakings never fail —because Calumet never falls below the proven standard of “Best by Test” ■ s&only half the amount usually re<[ulred jg^ CALUHETM BAKI BEST BY TEST” It possesses the highest quality ever put into a Baking Powder. Con tains only such ingredients as have been officially endorsed by United States Food Authorities. For weeks, for months it keeps as fresh and full of strength as the day it left the Calumet Factories, the World’s Largest, most Sanitary and Modern Baking Powder plants. Every spoonful of every can is the same—pure and dependable. Try it. A pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking jwiwdera come in 12 oz. cans instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it 1 Calumet GoldCake Recipe Yolks of 8 eggs, 1 cup« of gr uiulated • ugar, cup fit water. * ¿cupol but ter, 2'1 cup« pastry flour, 3 Irvel tea spoon« Calumet BakiiiKPowdcr 1 ta blespoon of vanilla. Then mix in regulag way.