Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1920)
PA*. I. FOC R THI KAD4Y, 4M TV MUCH M. tl GRANT» P.UMt DAILY UH K1KM I I AT THE SKIM OF THE DOLLAR Many businees men have no idea of or do not appreciate the many advantages afforded by our modern commercial banking service. It Is not merely receiving your deposits and paying out withdrawals. Consult us about the other strong failures of our service. COMMERCIAL — SITINGS TKt ST DEPARTMENT SAFE DEPOSIT FIRST NATIONAL BANK IVDCMVl OF »OITHKRN OREGON Special Sale! For Week October 25th to 30th 15% Discount ON Automobile Tires 20&“* Tubes Rogue River Hardware Co me fV/NCH£ST£H « tor tors fV/NCH£5T£H * I I The Last Word IN Electric Wash Machines The Western Electric Noiseless No Grease Washer Simple to Operate Ask us about the 5-vear Guarantee Sold on Easy • Terms i PER52NÆL B F 8killman ta spending the day A used General ISectrio range, as in Medford attending to businees good as new, 3 burners and an oven, tor SCO. al Paul's Electric Store 11 ' matters Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Pang born are 1 "Ivory Soap Flakes." Sabin has It. i attending E E. Blanchard «ent to Medford «lending the day in Hugo to business matters. thio morning to spend a short time Western Electric Wash me blue.* on business. 11 at Haul's Hlectrlc Store. A. F. Johnson went to Roseburg John Breeding went to Hugo to this morning to spend a few days on • pend the day attending to some bite- tMtsiuesc E. N. Camp returned to Glendale this morning after spending a day in Displa) IdwrUatag— the city. To Insure the appearance of dis Pop corn, new citron and currants play advertising In the fihturdsy Pardee's Grxjcery. 14 | at Courier the copy should be In the H 4- Wilson spent Wednesday at office by 4 o'clock Friday All dis bls home here returning this morn play copy for publication on a defi ing to his business at Glendale. nit.- date should be ta the office by Miso Iwah Neasbam returned to 4 o'clock the previous ¿ay. Klamath Falls this morning after a visit here with her mother. Mrs. W Th- Irish EvaagwU.t— H Hallowell Dr. 8 J. Reid at the Baptist church Thor and Simplex electric iraners October SI to November 14. al Paul's Electric Store. 12 preacher «bo la different Mrs M. L. Perkins arrived Iasi night from Oakland. Cal., and will I Ballo* Itolo» Di-tri but eil— Sheriff George lavi» started spend several days hers looking after property Interests and visiting with distribution of the ballot boxes morning tor the general election friends. Rev. C. F. Trimble, of the Chris next Tueeday. The boxen are to be tian church at Klamath Falla, re taken to all the precincts tn the coun turned to Klamath Falls this morn ty, m time there «111 be no de > Ing after coming here to officiate at lay In opening the polls on election morntag. the funeral of Mrs Earle Smith. | Pop corn, new citron and currant.- I at Pardee's Grocery 14 Eye 1» Injured— Lawrence Underwood, of the W Attorney G. W. Colvig spent Wed i needay tn Jacksonville attending to 9. Maxwell company, was bruited j legal business. The circuit court of -onsiderably this morning when he Jackson county was in ilon yea was struck In the eye while cranking a car. Although the wound la not terday seriouti. It was quite painful and he F. G. Stearns ba* been visitine was unable to work. ! here with his son. Dr R Stearns for I a short time. Mr. Stearns left this I Miioery Night— I morning for his home at Salem He Neilson's Orkestra. an aker of. has also visited in Medford and Ash floor, and a hot «einer supper, ain’t land. that a plenty? It's a crime to miss J. Parker Peake Jr . of Valley City Murphy Oct. 30. Don’t be a criminal North Dakota, to visiting in the clt with his brother. George T Peake Vl.vny Attend Maxiiier-vde— Mr. Peake will leave soon for Bak The Hallowe'en masquerade ball ersfield where he will spend the wln- at the Waldorf hall last night was I ter attending s hool. -ry well attended, the hall being A used General Electric range, ae tilled to capacity. Mrn Branscotiibe i good as new. 3 burners and an oven won the |5 prize for the best costume , for 860. at Paul's Electric Store 1! , among tbe women and Mr. -Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oliver passed , von the prize for tbe men Both j through here today on tbelr wav «ere dressed in Indian costumes, | south from Palouse, Wash., and were vhlrh were very good. The hall was met at the train by Mr. and Mrs. A decor-'ed In the usual Hallowe'en ■ C. Bardon Mrs. Oliver was former-j fstyle. I ly Miss Henrletts Rick, of thia city, Western Electric Wash machinée Tlw l*ui>i|4dn Pie flortai— ' at Paul’s Electric store. 12 Grange At Rogue River Valley Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Williams which was to have been given Friday i left this morning for Sacramento af evening, has been postponed Watch ter a few days in the city. Mr W!4- papers for notice later It Hams will play ball in the city ■ league In the California city this Ini|>rrial OrvhewCra Secured— 1 winter. The American I-eglon Is plauninct Rev. Mr. Trimble, pastor of a big program for November 11. It i Klamath Falls Christian church. is probable that a parade will be In town vesterday and said of ataged. All civic organixatlona are to Reid, the frish evangelist who be Invited to participate as well aa hold services In the Baptist church I any private body or orgunlxation The here: ”1 was with him In meetings: Legion is anxious that the day bo in Texas and In Klamath Falls and made a success and the committee In he Is the beet preacher I have ever' heard.” This from a man who has charge Is getting the program lined heard Billy Sunday. Dr. Hinson. Geo. | up so that it may be made public W Truett and many others of Am- soon. A large number of floats are wanted in the parade. The day will erica’s leading preacher«. Thor and Simplex electric irr>npm| be ended with a dance at the Wal dorf hall, which Is to be given by the at Paul’s Electric Store I La*. Ion The Imperial orchestra, one of the best musical organization* In this part of the state, has been se cured to furnish the munte. Good form Hair Nets Paul’s Electric Store PHONS 47 Tli<- kind you Mve been look ing for. .Made of human hair. Cap shape-.. They fit. Light Brown—Blonde Medium Brown—Black Dark Brown—Auburn ldc Each CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books At the Baptist Church EL. SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN October 31 to November 14 ODNDl'CTED BY Rev. S. J. Reid, D. D. THE IRISH EVANGELIST Shoes for the Family I N DERWE IK SPECIAL*— Men'« Heavy Brown I n<ler*-hirtM Men's Heavy Gray I ndershiri* Men a Elected RiWmd Inion Suita ..... w>< Me 41 »5 IM M. HATT! NT W 0 OD WARD’S LOQdL t Knit Underwear « and Flannelnette Gowns for Winter Wear TAIUIRING— IT IS THE MARR <* IMM.KITY KSI ilUdMHEU III A QI AKTEIl a I M l Iti’M HMMKD <»F MERIT—IT MKANM To KM . P9.TU4ON 4I4.Y, A Gl A HA NTIC K OF HIGHEST TAILOR. ING yl ll.ITl ANI» SERI l< E AT A FAIR PRICE. GEO. 8. CALHOUN Ixwal timi«-? nearly «lit HWK YOVR Fall Suit and Overcoat M IDE TO MKAMl Itti BY Hart, Schaffner & Marx AT Peerless Clothing Co. TONIGHT THEN GONE ll BABE” RUTH IN ACTION See these marvelous pictures of the Home Run King photographed by the Slow Motion camera Kllicl n —in— THE FALSE ROAD” A girl crook - mysterious doings. You will shiver delightfully. TOMORROW DOUBLE BILL LARRY SEMON IN “SCHOOL DAYS AND DANGER OUS HOURS“ THJAPTED FROM THE SATURDAY EVE. POST .. ............ “ STORY , “A PRODIGAL IN UTOPIA ” OREGON Hoase Shortage Xctlle— The housing problem In Granta Pan. is assuming acute proportions I Very few properties are for rent and | not a very great number are for sale The other day two men learn ed of a house for rent here and went to see about getting it They reach ed the place about the same time ' GET MY PRICES ON lol II I ILL PMtWING ETC., FIRST. on» going to the front door and the] LARGE. OR SMALL TRAITS < <>NTit U TED AT ONCE- other going to the rear. The man i who went to the back door secured , the audience but being of a sporting i disposition said he would flip a coin, i 21» L SHEET He won the right to rent the place FDRIMON SEIIA K E but that evening decided to purchase I another place and left a note telling the other party that he could have the place. Graveling Snaring Completion— Ion on the etreet la that Chamber- The graveling on the lower river lain and Stanfield are to run a very road «111 be completed thia week and close race. There are few republi nett week the road will he rolled to cans who say they will vote for the put It In fine condition for the win demo ratlc nominee. A few email ter. Messrs. Wolke and Schroeder, hets are recorded, covering nearly who have the contract, atate that every phase of the campaign. they are crowding the work In order to give the residents of that Metlon Carrier« Wanted— a good road as noon a* possible Boys or girls with wheels wanted, one route now open. Benue paid for Interrat Is Reviving— long service. Apply Courier office. With election day only five days away, interest In the election Is be 4'OMING EVENTS coming a little more evident. Inter October 29, Friday—Hallowe'en par est appears to center In the senator ty at Presbyterian church. 01tf ial race between Stanfield and Oct. 81-Nov. 14— Evangelistic meet Chamberlain. Oroups of five or six ings at the Baptist church by Reid are to be seen on the streets and the Irish evangelist. 14 their discussions see Invariably on ' December 18-17—Teachers’ Slate the campaign for senator. The examinations will bs held. league of nations comes into the dis December 20-22—Josephine County cussion« at times The general opln- tethers Institute Farmers Attention ! H. W. Newstrom