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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1920)
Till RM D A Y, <MToilEIC uw, iput». UMA-NTU l'AMH D.U1.Y UUlLhh rAGE 1IU* > Classified Advertising Foil HAI JC MIMI HLLANK4»! »I roll SA1JC Torino»««» Whits Win KNIOHTS OF PYTHIAS—Ther tor Ilarlsy aud Gray Winter Oats mopylae lodge No. 60, meets every for fall sending. River Bunks second and fourth Tuesday even farms, Rd. 3. Grsnts Pass Oltf ing Visitors Invited 09tf An Appeal to the Voters of Oregon 'I’lie Port of Portland Dock Commission Consolidation Bill on the state ballot should be de feated. While it n doubt affects the whole state in some degree, the enormous expense which it will created must be borne by the taxpayers of the Port of Portland, which contains, 209 square miles, or less than one quarter of one per cent of the area of the state. The Chamber of ( t 'oininerce, ommeree, me the Taxpaye laxpayt league League anti and otner other i Portland ortlanu organizations and many representative business men have joined hands to acquaint the voters of Oregon with the facta and to enlist tlu-ir opposition to the measure. 'I’lie scheme of improvement proposed by the bill will cost $40.000.000. As a starter, $16,- - mj O.OOO of bonds are authorized. In violation of the home rule provision of the Constitution of Oregon, the vote» of th« Port of Portland are denied the right to say horn large a debt they are willing to assume. Nop are they given a voice in the selection of the commissioners who are to vote bonded debt upon them, levy taxes for them to pay and manage their business. The electors of the territory within the Port of Portland are better qualified than any one else to judge of the amount of bonded debt they should authorize or the taxes they should' pay. Their liberality in assuming burdens of public improvement, not only for themselves, but for the state at large will not be questioned by any one who will scan the record of the huge total of bonds they are now carrying, amounting, in round figures to $34,000,000. It cannot be thought that the state will be (he gainer by impo ing upon its chief city the insupportable load of addi tional debt contemplated by the pending bill. 'I’lie sponsors of the Port of Portland bill have openly appealed to the electors of the state at large to vote for it on the ground that it will cost them nothing. This is log rolling of the most dangerous type. If such methods are to prevail in behalf of direct legislation, no county, city, port or other municipal corporation in the state will be safe from having intolerable debts anti taxes foisted upon it by indifferent votere from other parte of the state. Bills like this must be rejected by the voters if bom«- rule is to retain its vital force. Home rule and such bills cannot, survive together. One or the other must fall. The votere of the Port of Portland are not asking to be relieved of their responsibility to create and maintain the necessary facilities for ocean commerce. They desire only that they be given a voice in the management of their affairs, and that, through the established processes of law, they be permitted to adopt a plan of port development which will not load millions of dollara of debt upon them. Voters are requested to vote 311 No. JOSEPH N. TEA! HENRY E. REED A. J. GJ ESY HENRI LABBE R. L. GLISAN F. W. MULKEY Paid Advertisement by Taxpayers’ League of Portland. A. II. DEVERS J. N. TEAL. Executive Chairman LEO FRIEDE L. .1. GOLDSMITH, Secretary L. J. GOLDSMITH Corbett Building Executive Committee ALFALFA HAY -If you want good NV RHE II Y stock of all kinds. Orna hay see H. N. Parker. Phone mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo. 115-T II.' H. Parker. 70tr SEASONED WOOD FOIl SALE Osk ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. and laurel, »4.76; body fir, »4; 8(0 N. 7th St., Granta Pass. 83tf pine and second growth fir, »3.60; manianlta. »6. C. W. lxmbreeht. SINGER” loads as usual 1921 Rd. 1. Box 11. 34 m idcls on floor Grants Puss Hard ware Co Soo thorn Your ier ir» WOOD FOR BALK Delivered for are ours, J W. Sott. sales man- »3.7» per Iler. Phone W. 8 Rob ager Singer Sewing Machine Co. inson. Wlldarville Oltf 75lf FOR SALE River Banks Better FUR WORK a specialty; dressmak Berkshire« Thrifty, prolific slock ing and ladles tailoring; every Rher Banks Farms. 03tf line of band work and Spanish drawn work for the holiday sea FOR BAUD OR RENT 3(0 acres of son; now is the time to get orders land. 1(0 acres tn cultivation, the in tor satisfactory service. Mrs. rest In pasture and limber. Good W R ffwo|>e. 6(1 North 3rd St location. For particulars write to Call and get estimates. Bos Number 102, Kerby. Ore. 10 UNIT FOR H Al JC 200 place« 2x4s at »10 per M; 2000 feet 1 % and 2-lnch LOST -Tuesday night on (th street, plank at »10 and »19 per M; 1 small leather purse containing hand power washlng machine, »6. about »«1 tn silver. Finder please II. N. Johnson. Bd 1. Box 26A, return to Courier office and re 8 miles north of Grant» Pas* on ceive reward Pacific hlghway. I mile from the TAAi Pleaaanl Valley store. 05tf FOR 8AIJ5 One pair truck chains 40x10 tires, one tail lamp; one Klaxon horn; two saw guides, one 1 11/16" shaft cou-'llug. one cable lead drum, grooved; two band saw swedgea, 3« to (0; one 10113 lent; four up sets; twelve banu saw guages. 3( to (0; oue 10x13 tent: one set mattress and springs; one seven passenger auto In good con dition; also want work for Ford ton truck or will sell same. L M. Dennis. 1022 North Ninth St. 12 SOONER TAXI --Phone 292-R Jitney Luka nr Cutler. Calls an swered anywhere, anytime PALACE TAXI Wind Phone 22-J. DRAYAGE ANI» TKA.NHFKK THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Bunch Bros Transfer Co Phone 349. F. G. ISHAM. drayage and transfer Safes, pianos snd furniture moved, packed, shipped aud stored FOR 8A1JC 1920 Ford louring, self Office phone 12 4-Y starter, tire carrier. Fino shape REAL EMTATK Call 1111 East A street, Granta Paao It e . t M c K instry , « os g st. phon» FOR SALE ! buffet. phone 126-R. 366-R, general real ealate business Best of soils tor fruit, hay or gen eral farmin*. A. K. Casa, H FOR SALE Moline drsg saw. In PIANO INSTRUCTION quire Roy Higgins. Ill South (th street. K MBS JAMES M POWERS. Instruc tor on piano; studio over Barnes' FOR BALE—One mare, weight about jewelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except »00 lbs Washing machine, mat- Monday and Tuesday. Phone 265-J trees and tub. E. R. Barnes. Wll- dervllle. Ore. 16 CIVIL ENGINEER Daniel McFar Pitcairn Island Women. s Bluffer Finally Unmarked. Not a St Settlement of Oklahoma. land, Civil Engineer and Surveyor The . i . iiihi of Pitcairn Island de Fot n time fl chrtfprbnx tnny nnt- The estate of « < HlifttHiin bell! « After the acquisition by the federM Res 747 North Tenth St. Phone to estimated to be worth only m I nhii shine (ho v.lwr man whose tongue scended from Encilsb sailors and Ota- government of the Indian claims, tlx WANTTJD- 100 head weaned calves, 211-Y. Oltf 130.060. He must t>«ve bc»*ii sick n wag» loss Rut In (hr end. as Solo heltan mothers, are described as be territory of Oklahoma was thrown raised on cow, state price of stock. great deal of the time, or otherwise mou lung ago a.-uiured uh "a prating ing untisuully graceful. as well as vig open to white settlers, the central part G. W. King. Montague, Cal. 123 PIIYMK IA.NH It Is a common eight to see by proclamation of President Harrlsoe fool shail fall.“ The nun whose hrnln orous Incapacitated for work. works full time finds blutllng unuecee- the .voting women of the Island go up or April 22. 1889, a large tract In ISM WANTED Ridding and Sun want to ,. O. CLEMENT. M. D„ Practice sary. Ills talk Is profitable, not only and down the steep, rocky shores, car and rhe Cherokee strip nr outlet In the buy heavy team. Inquire 418 Weat I Imi led to diseases uf eye, ear. nose to himself, hut to all «Ith whom he rying barrels of water or other heavy north In 1893 The territory was set 12 and throat Glasses fitted. Hours L street. bunions on their shoulders, apparent tled with extraordinary rapidity. Ok comes In contact. ly with ns much ease as the young lahoma was admitted to the Unto« 9-12, 2-6, or on appointment tarnished WANTED TO RENT A men do. Pbonca. office «2; residence 359-J November 16. 1907. Jhe sure way to house, apartment* or housekeep- I putpepintoyour A Perfect L 3. UM'GHIUDGE. M D. I ’ hyaldan | e the beat ing rooms, will recel' It Makes Him Feel Big. job on a rainy day WuUMlli is like 11 till.- 1 able. She Is and surgeon. City or country calls i The Brave Man. The word “ot'C.v” Is put tn the mar of rare. No. 103 car« Courier. 14 subject to chuiige »about notice to to get Into <i I The brave mar se»-ka not popular -attended day or night Phone«. I riage ceremony merely to flutter the Life. applause —Dryden groom.—Kansas City Star WANTED Two mon to drive 4- Res 3«9; Office. 182; «th and H Morgan'a horse scraper team at J. BILUCK. M D. Physician SKIN 14 camp. Allen Creek. und surgeon, office Schallhorn Women do not have to patronize block, phone 64- j ; residence. 1004 MIDDLE aged lady with means, but the beauty parlor—for if their skin lutworldge. phone 54-L. There Is a FISH alone In the world, will give her is disfigured with pimples and Replace the shabby top with a BRAND garment services as housekeeper In return W F. RUTHERFORD- -Manual «he- blotches, for went kind of light, eaay-to-handle «weather for congenial homo. Address or raputlcs It gels your anment and their wet work or sport proof one now. f call 401 E street. City. 1» Office over Barnes’ Jewelry store blood is in Smart looking. serTiceable tope— Office hours 9 30-12; 1:30-4. STRAYKU perfect fiMang and improving the d i s or d e r A-JLTOWER CO. they should car’« looks—a wide «hoico In ma Phy RALPH W STEARNS, M. D CSTABLISHCO «034 /Xu ..,<0 ESTRAY There came to my place! terials aad color». obtain nt X-ray equip- BOSTON MASS «nW»” aldan and surgeon 2 miles from Grants Pass, one red OUR PRICES liOWBfiT Office. Me- the drug mont, dental X-ray. heller 2 years old, underbit In each Phones- Of- store that sonic Temple Bldg ear. branded but not dlatlngnlsh- FOB BENT wonderfluI fire 21-J; residence 21-L. able. Owner call for property. 1 ■ ■ “ ■ K blood tonic FOR RENT 40 acres of pasture, 10 YETEBINABY Ml RGEON Fred Grant. Box 27. Rd. 2 14 and altera acres of milo maize in grain, bal — , .1 . , | OW tive of Dr. UR. R J BESTUL, Veterinarian. ance grass. Well fenced. Will ac Pierce’s Residence 938 Washington boule Cold weather with long night.« is just commodate large number of stock which ho MICKIE SAYS around the corner. NOW IS THK vard. phone 398-11 for a couple of months. One-half {»laced be- TIME to have your Battery given a mile from town. After 6 o ’ clock DENTISTS ------------- — --------------------- - ore the gootl outside charge and a thorough phone 502-F-4, or address No 102 ao<( »At «AtOUkO » public over 50 years ago. Since inspection for the strain that Fall E. 0. MACY. D. M D. Flmt-clsss Courier. 1» COME OUT J**» that time many thousands of and Winter will place upon It. «AUtAOKN ■ <OtAt OF NSk-'f-DUT dentistry. 109H 8 «th St HEBE Is the station to do the work $OM(.TH«N' KT N4< FYVO, HOUSE for rent- Inquire 211 C St. men and women have testified to its ATTORNEYS —the station that plan's SERVICE but ant uavAtl'. - » dont Early mornings or evenings, or wonderful blood cleansing effect. HAR0U4 HOXN T ÛO FIRST and sales last- Bring its the phone 168-J. 15 This is what one woman says: NORTON. Attorney-at-law tout »5 P W KV-9 MK WIN Handlee and we will bnihl a GUAR Practices In all State and Federal FURNISHED ROOM to rent—215 N C behaijs , W ash .— "I have used aut*> ANTEED BATTERY on them. Court». First National Bank Bldg 3rd. Phone 249-R. 12 Doctor Pierce's medicines for over WANTED FISH BRAND s. Reflex Slicker A CLEAR AUTO TOPS G. B. BERRY W. COLV1G. tf.orney-at-law. Grants Paas Banking Co. B|<lg KF ICI E 8. VANDYKE, Attorney Practice« In all courts First National Bank I Building O 8 BlaANCHARD. Attorney-at law Golden Rulo Bldg Phone 270. a -"»LER. Attorney st-iaw. M.i ...nie -.«"'Ir, GrnnU I’« sr . Ore <> II DURHAM, AUorney-at-law refer««« In bankruptcy. Masonic Temple Phone 13'Jl Phone 6<l CHICHESTER r ains HI ■ HAS 1X»NG BEEN 4'OSSIDEREI» ONE OF THE lll.ST WERT. r IN THE T<> INTRODUCE IT HEBE WE MAKE THIS PKOI*OHITIONî GET A SACK. BAKE TWO. THREE OB WH'» TIMES, AND THEN IF YOU BELIEVE HAT YOU CAN GET BETTER FLOUR IN TOWN IT ANY PRICK, CALL VS I P ANI» WE WILL GET WHAT IS LEFT AND BEFI ND THE FI LL AMOUNT PAID. ITI27^\.!"riMi PLàNlc Son ßi- ACK & CAPSULES SOfl 8. 6th St ---------- \ Dalles Diamond Flour Effective Nov. 24. 1919 will run Mondays, Wed neo- days and Fridays I P.M t*eave Grants Pass P.M \rrh e Waters Creek.......... 2 I .eave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 P.M P.M \rrlve Grants Pass............. 4 For Information regarding freight er. practice In and passenger rates call at the office co «rts Office of the company. Lundburi building, o or telephone 131 JVHÍ3 T CHLN’NOCK F r-d National Haul. H Adams Electric & Battery Shop forty years for myself and family and have always found them just represented. 1 think Dr. Pierce’s S PILLS as Golden Medical Discovery for a V ticr niAttnsn bbxmk a UXI-al A«kyrar »rwgtMW tonic and blood builder cannot be < •!>«•■■•■>« B-a-a/zyt rm* i>. n-a •■>.! u*M n>.»iik\NA» beat; and Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel bmrfi« sealed with Blue Rii-hoa. lets have no equal for constipation: in fact, I can heartily recommend yean knov.-naa Best, Mtefit, AlwanReMaNt any and all of Dr. Pierce’s remedies. SOLD BY MLüülSIS EViRYWHERf “My daughter had c.hronic con stipation from babyhood and doc tors could not cure her. Dr. Pierre’;« rhe California and Oregon Pleasant Pellets is the only thing ever hel|»cd her.”— M rs . J en Coast Railroad Company that nie K. SWOFFORD. 1320 Alfred St. TIME CARD I II 8:1.50 PER SACK JOSEPHINE OOUNTY FLOUR MILL Coiner Third and O Street Phone 123