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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1920)
Ib » THI RMDAY, <M TOBEll UN, HW». GRANT* rA* DAILY OUVRIER T \iw TODAY ADVERTISING RATER DtVlsy apace, par Inch—........ ....... J5c eai ' column, per line—19e seder,. per M m ....................... —— M Lettuce, Celery, Green Onions, Turnips, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries and other good things to eat I INSURANCE—«Fire. automobile, life, accident and health T. M. Stott. 20« North Sixth St «îlf Grants Pass, Oregon ant to cast an intelligent vote. Let1 them stay at home. Others would' TOMBS THAT ARE INDIVIDUAL vote all the isms of the catheclstn it Resting Places of Chinas. Ruler, Sa THl RSDAY, <M TtHIKK 2M. 1W2V Constructed as to Reveal Char led up to the ballot box by the nose, acter of Occupante. taking out revenge upon authority ♦ OREGON »tbTHKK by this mean, The better way will At the Tung Ling, or Eastern Tombs ♦ be to educate the people in the duty of the Manchus. nature ha» worked ♦ Weather for the W'oek which they owe their country, the hand tn hand with man to produce a harmonious whole, writes Roy Chap- duty of making a study of the ballot. , omu ( j^nlrew, tn Asia Mapziuv Mont Pacific Coast Slates: Gener- :i Its men and Its measures, and then of the trees about tie tombs have ♦ any fair in California; unsettled ♦ and rain In Washington and ♦ casting an Intelligent vote. Compul- been planted, but they have been an cleverly choeeu and placed that they ♦ Oregon; normal temperatures ♦ sory votine would be un-American | look as If they bad grown just where. | tn nature's scheme of things they Tonight and Friday rain. 1 ought to be. There Is nothing glar newspaper correspondent say, A ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ingly artificial tn the appearance of that the tide is slowly turning In the park. A PLACE TO VOTE NO Although the tombs are alike In gen- That la encouraging favor of Cox The easting of the ballot under to the demócrata but they must re I oral plan, they are at the same time our form of government is a privi member that the tide was so low , as individual as were the emperors i themselves. Each Is a subtle expres lege. though a privilege that duty that it left the administration sion of the character of the one who I sleeps beneath the yellow roof. The says we should meet The American stranded on the rocks. tomb of Chien Lung, the artist emper voter ought to go to the polls and or. ties not far away from that of cast his ballot because of the privi It must not be forgotten in the the empress dowager. Stately, beau lege rather than because it is a legal heat of the presidential election tiful In Its Wtnpliclty. It Is an indica requirement. There is upon the bal that we have a city and county elec- tion of his life end deeds. tn striking contrast Is the palace built by the em lot to be determined by the electors tion as well as a national, Tbe mat- press. for her eternal dwelling Ex of Oregon next Tuesday a measure ters at home must be looked after travagantly decorated, vainglorlously that would make voting in this state as well as the affairs of the nation. declaring to the world the millions spent upon It It represent, admirably compulsory a compulsory ballot the personality of the Iron-willed ruler would really defeat the purpose of Apropos of the much heralded , who In life held her place by fore» the right of franchise guaranteed drop in prices, about the only thing and Intrigue and lavish expenditure and who was determined to 0» under the constitution, for while we we can see that is dropping right known, even in death as the greatest of the great. But a hundred years might lead the voter up to the now are the leaves. from now when Ch Ten Lung's ; trough, there would be no assurance um. like the pointing of an old mas Public opinion is a fickle thing. I ter. has been made even more bos nt I | that the ballot he would cast would be either a wise one or one that Did you ever notice how many cock- fnl by the touch of age. that of the would give the real thought of the ”»*• candidates retire from Politics empress will be worn and tarnished. ration. Some people are too ignor- after an election. Flattering. CUT GLASS FOR 8AI.K SO chickens one cock. 11 each. Phone 340 or call at 79» Highland Ave. 1« Just Arrived. W’ANTTD — Competent Christian woman to care for 18 months old child at her home during working hours Would like to room at the same place Mrs Clark, phone 34T-J. IT TO RENT- Two furnished Close In. 408 K street. 101 and 105 North Sixth New Shipment of « Price» Right BARNES, The Jeweler/ rooms IS I j OST Spitz Pomeranian doc (black.) Liberal reward If return ed to H. M. Elkina at the Jose phlne hotel 14 Moore Bakery FOR SALE -Freeh elder, also comb honey. Phone 350-R. It HORN IXJNG To Mr. and Mrs A. F. lain« of New Hope, Thursday. October 19, a son. I Under New Management « laudi over jour lii.tructlvn bonk and become arqnalnletl wTth all adjust menta for wear The ’*'t way to avoid trouble when touring la to **!a»ok out for the other follow <>n the road.” eon Tire» ought to receive more than the usual atleulloo becuuwr of the In creased coat this year. We now carry a complete line of Fancy Pastry Drive more carefully over * rough riwds. Do not spe,d on any kind of a ruad, especially a rough one. F. C. Goetz Keep the carburetor adjusted at tb. leaoe«t possible mixture—a lean mix tur» reduces csrbou deposita Proprietor >ar owners know that the U». washors under the Iron wash certain Instances Is a nsrfui WHEN RHEUMATISM HITSYOU HARD! Used Car Used car» that you can use All in fir»t*cla»s condition Sloan*, Liniment should be kept bandy for ache, and pains ------- ,------ Broadcloth $4.75 *• SEILING IN OTHLrt TOWNS AT «3’-s». ALL WOOL BltGAI CLOTL* SIUNGED .AND SHKIAK. WILL NOT SPOT. COLORS BLACK MEDIVM BROWN. DARK BROWN. NAVY INI» TAN. 4* INCHES WIDE. M AM - FACTTRED EY BOTANY WORSTED MILLS. ASK TO SEE THE BOTANY ILL WOOL SERGES, TRICOTINES. POPLINS, ETC. sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit work, when you should have Sloan', Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active,and fit,an i nr th? job? K'ukviU ruMni, »w it . .... .-rutri, apply a bit today to at ;cted part. Notethe gratifying, cl. .n. prompt relief GRANTS P AKS PLEASED that follows. blosn sLmimr: t couldn't BY QI ICK RKHVLTN keep its many thousand» of friends the Everyone is pleased with the quick world over if it didn't make good. results of simple witchhazel, cam That’s worth remembering. AU drug — three sizes—the largest is the phor. hydrastls. etc . as mixed in lai- gists most economical. 35c, 70c, »1.40. voptik eye wash. One man's eye» were so badly strained J>e could not read without pain. Two applications relieved him. A lady with weak, in- flamed eyes wai greatly helped by OXE bottle, We guaranteed a small bottle of Lavoptik to help I ANY CASE weak, strained or In fla med eyes. National Drug Store Adv. Modern photogruphy appears to be an art that enables us to see our selves as others do not see us.—B<>» too Tror.scripL Sloa Liniment V, Blankets Western Electric Wash Machines MAI»K Bi THE I. OU.EST MANI EA'Tl ItEltS IS THE WOBEI» UINTERS ELECTRIC QI W.ITY PROIH'tTS HAI K To HE GOOD PRODI <TS Just arrived—I j O, One Hun dred and Fifty. A VISION OF BUFAI» that is always light, white anil toerth- somr, that every one will eat and <-n- joy 1« the dream of alt good house keeper«. S on ran realise that vision by trying our bread. Once you o«e it on your table, you will never want to be without It. Why bother with baking when we < an do better. Aak l'air Grocer f"r Bread bate, I b, the GRANTS PASS. BAKERY Ix»t B -U. S. A. Army regula tion full size, New—Not re claimed, not aecond hand relaundercd—Abso- blankets lutely new. FOR. HUDSON maxwili CHALMERS AND VSIX C AR? 1 ìj|)' COLINS AUTO COMPANY - New O.D (J. S. Army AÖIMTS ( Al .csscwre. »1. . , rilNt . ) PHONE 5H H STREET CXI GRANTS PASS v *** ¿5* » Ardencraig Farm For Sale Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000.00 For Mie only l>> owner of authorized «gente GREAT BIG V. M. BLANKETS APPROXIMATE MIZE «7t*l. WEIGHT IH LBN........ Men’s O. D. Army Pani» IUI..To 503 G Street We Are Exclusive Agents FOR ALL WESTERS EI.KTRK PauFs Electric SLOW DEATH Aches, pain», nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— GOLD MEDAL CAPSULES bring quick relief and often ward off deadly d m asia. Known as tba national remedy of Holland for mor. than 200 years All druggii.ta, in three air... CaU Maial Men's O. D. Wool Army glove ................................. «-5« Men's O. D. Shirt with double elbows »3.f»s Men's 4 buckle shoe ___ Army over »3.05 Second-Hand Bargains 1 Sample Store MAXWELL FINE SHAPE CHEVROLET FORD TRUCK $600 $475 $450 C. L. Hobart Co.