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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1920)
PAUK FOI H WKDXKND4Y. <XT<»M<* HT, ttrjo. G HA NT* rU* DAILY OUI Ht K H PERSONAL *25 L0Q1L AT THE SlGX <»E THE PO1J.UI Many business men have no idea ot or do not appreciate the many ad» antagas afforded by our modern commercial banking service It ts not merely receivtag »our deposits and paying out withdrawals. Consult us about the other strong features of our ser»ice. tVMMERt I M. — SWING» tri anr i » ei im meat SAFE DKPOS3T FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MOVTHKRN OREGON Special Sale! For Week October 25th to 30th 15X Discount ON Automobile Tires 9 Discount Tpkpe on Inner * UUCJ Rogue River Hardware Co. TH» WWC/f£ír&t srmi Vatery is ».-ending the su<* r*w iMtorvw— Mrs. L Lola Norris brought suit tor di- day visiting in Morllu Harold Johnson left this morning voroe in ths circuit court yesterday ! from Frank Norris Failusw to pro for Portland. li-'vide and cruel and Inhuman treat "DJer-klaa.” Sabin has It. Ixxter Carroll left this morning i men are allaged. They were married I for l^banon where he will visti tor at Grants Pa»» July 23. 1*14.— Rose i a short lime with his parents burg News-Review. ! J H Kendall went to Klamath Falls* today to try his luck at son>< Mr. Itennie Moves Shop— ■ ot the duck« in that country. Hoax W R Rannle has moved his iSects to be gone for about four days i plumbing and sheet metal works 1 Mrs Myron Gaston returned this I from H street to 417 G street, below morning from Portland where she I ' the . Palace hotel. !1 - — has bwn spending the past fr* 1 esito n Win Meet— weeks. The American Ixgiou la to meet Pop corn, new citron and currset. at the courthouse Thursday night. 14 at Pardee's Grocery Then» Is no business to be brought Mrs. Harry Webber and Mrs. E | J Carrillo a* .¡«ending a te» day. w says that there will be plenty doing ¡visiting In Portland. They and eats are to be provided. Every turn tomorrow. l*een vis- m,n *• Invited to be out and Mrs. C. M. Williams baa ittng tn the city for some time wlth| have a good time. Williams left . I ---------- ¡Mrs. Dick Oden. Mrs ........... ....... — . _ Holitlay Xoiembrr II this morning for her home at Jeffer-! ; November II, Armistice day. has son ofl** ey>n a legal holiday tn Mr. and Mrs A. H. Cheney <-------- .. — in, .,,. proclaimed . . ’ .. 'dresan. This la also to be a school' [Santa Rosa. Cal., were guests tn the [ r- The American legion has i j city for a few days, leaving this g • ..... ° — w- morning for their old home tn Pen-j charge of the program for the after noon and ail business hotis* will be diet on. * ’.. . The pro-1 rney James Chinnock returned ^2*2.. I’T™ 2^ i* , cram for ths day will be printed later last night from Klamath Falls where he spent a week hunting ducks. He as soon as al! the details are arrang ed. ■ reports fair luck but made no big M killing. I Wonder Who'll GW tbe Prise— i Mrs. Jessie Howell returned to At the Hallowe'en masquerade?! ¡Glendale today after several days ta The ons that deserves It. of course , the city. While here she disposed of 410 for the best couple. ’ her house on North Sixth street to lrmy Over the Top— , Mr« IJbby Dodge The officers In charge of the Sal ra Pop corn, new citron and currants at Pardee’s Grocery. 14 tion Army work In Grants Pass, Eh- Mi* Margaret Cassidy has been ■ voy and Mrs Sinclair, and the sol »-isltlng in the city with Ed. Cassidy dier. wish to thank tbe people of for a few days. Miss Cassidy ts on Grants Pa* for helping them put her way to San Franefau o from her over their "target “ Their target was 130 and they went over the amount' home in Seattle. L. W. Radke left this morning for by 935 94. making a total of 345.94 ' Spokane where he will visit for a or 3 ">.96 over double the target. few days before returning to his horn«- Tlir Iri.h Evangrll-t— in Marmath. N. D Mr. Radke wav' Dr. S J. Reid at the Baptist church called here by the death of his moth October 31 to November 14. The er. preacher who is different. 14 \ Mooney Xlght— Neilson’s Orkestr*. an aker of floor, and a hot weiner supper, ain’t that a plenty? It’« a crime to mias Murphy Oct. SO. Don’t be a criminal Itoad 1« 1n«|«rctr<!— C. L. Hoggins, district engineer i from tbe bureau of public roads, went Ito Hay* fall! yesterday in company I with H W. Webber to Inspect, tbe ; »travel which is to be placed on the I grade. The gravel from Deer creek ■and Clear creek was accepted. Work i will start within a few da s on the ' construction of a gravel bln and It is I expected that the road will all be I graveled within 40 day. Mr Hoggins was greatly pleased with the grade I over the hill. COMING FVENTS October 29. Friday—Hallowe’en par- oi tf tr at Presbyterian church. Oct. 31-Nov. 14—Evangelistic meet ings at the Baptist church by Reid tbe Irish evangelist. 14 December 15-17—Teachers’ State examinations will be held December 20-22—Josephine County tea hern' Institute. Step Into FOR ALL YOER DREG STORK NEEDS FULL STOCKS FAIR PRICKS CLEMENS At the Baptist Church Sells Drugs and Books SPH1U EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN’ October 31 to Noveirber 14 Knit Underwear T and Flannelnette Gown» for Winter Wear ffîrs. nellie Ikas Whatever Way You Look at U. our tailoring proposition Is at least worth Investigating, and the closer It Is In»estimated, the stronger will be Its appeal to any man who Is parti* alar about tbe ciotti* he wears GEO. S CALHOUN la.'aU <h*l<-r nearly <d»t HAVE YOER Fall Suit and Overcoat MARK To MKANt RK BY Hart, Schaffner & Marx AT Peerless Clothing Co R. TIMMONS » BUM OltHKUA SMALL 1X1» I.Utt.K TIRITN 1\ J<»s||>||IXI TIES—STot'h FARMS IX t ILlEoiiXIA. Grants Pass Residence Property PHONE «M» OPERA HOLME liIXM'K Grow» latrge Potatoes— Ed McCann, of Holland. Is exhibit though It was won by Medford The ing some potatoes which he grew on ■tecal team was to play with Medford his ranch. He dug a hill and found four potatoes, each weighing three next Saturday at Medford, but In the pounds and two ounces. Three of I face of the new deteloptuenta the the "spuds” were sent to Sacramen gams will be called off It 1« pr-> >• to to the California «tats fair. The other is on display In the window at the Courier office. They were grown with Irrigation, which again prove« the benefits of wster. Hallowe'en Ma«k Ball— October 27th. Waldorf Hatl Dan e tickets 31.10. extra ladles ani spectators 25e. Mining Man ViMt W. B Lyon, manager owner of tbe General Metal Company |Of Takilma was in the city ywterday on business connected with the com pany. The company has at tbe pres ent 25 men employed at the propertv one mile from Takilma formerly known as the Osgood mine, and pre-i rlously as the Allen Gulch mine. Five hundred feet of flume have been ¡mt in anXl the ditches enlarged and pre parations are being made for the sea son’s run. able that the fimi cam« with Medford »Ili alto bo <1 ec I a red forfeited W<*dnnulay Night— At 9 o'clock the grand march starla At the Hallowe'en masquerade. All New Show Today E X “BABE” RUTH IN ACTION T Nee this greatest ofall players In the ,orl«l Hxtey in n-al gam*- l>efor<* a-M-nil>le>l thousands. SEE HIM HI! R a TING THE BILL IN K1X»W MOTION I’K Tl Ill s Tlirt» Tiling» to Itein«-m!*er For the Presbyter! n party Friday night Come at 4 o’clock, bring 'something you want to give away, j come in cost ir.e—either spook. Medford Hull Sn»peadod— Th«- Medford high s bool ha- !».«en ■u« «nded from the slat« high school athletic assoeiation according to an anno ncement yesterday by state an- perify «-ndent of schools J.-A. Church ill. The Medford team was accused by tbe Klamath Falla high school au thorities of playing men on the foot- ball team who were over age. The matter was taken np with the «tat« association and the Medford team will lx disbarred from future athle tics until they can disprove cbarzes ot the Klamath team. game with Klamath Falls was derlar- td forfeited to Klamath Falls. 1X1» LIXK <X»t X BENNETT -in — 4 false road TWO PATHS BKRIIU ||KH. ONE LED To LOVE—THE <\>t X’ THY—NTIG Gt.LE. The other to pleure— Itroadwa)—ease. She took them I with! CONDECI ED Rev. S. J. Reid, D. D THE IRISH El ANGELIST Shoes for the Family Friday—Double Bill UNDERWEAR "PE»IAI> Meo’s H«v y Brown Indevhirt» Men’s Heavy Gray Under» Idre s Hewed Ritrfx-d I c- n su»».« ___ -Mr • .TOc ........ ».V ».V »I »1 -».5 -05 9 s OREGON