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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1920)
WEDNESDAY, (MTOIIEIl a7, loan. Classified Advertising NOW FREE MiWHIdMMEOlN K»B HALE FOR SALE Teutieasee White Win KNIGHTS OF PYTH1 A3 — Ther ter Barley and Grey Winter Oats mopylae lodge No. 60. meet, every | fcuUrti Albanl>i Oct. 27. With far fall seeding. River Banks second «nd fourth Tuesday evon- j withdrawal of Italian troop» from Farms. Rd 3. Granta Paas 48tt lag. Visitor» lavtfd. Avion» and the cessation of ho«lil« In' ALFALFA HAY If you want good NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna I’aaions by tho Serb» and Montene grin«. Albania 1« free of foreign occu hay see H. N. Parker. Phono mental, shad» and fruit trees, Geo. pation for the first time In her turb 118-Y. 112 If. Parker. 70tf ulent history. Albanians feel that SEASONED WOOD FOR RALF. Oak ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual they have at la«t reached the goal of Their and laurel, |4.75; body fir. 24; ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. their national Indepeiidnnce. pine and second growth fir, 83.80: 860 N. 7th St., Grunts Pass. 83tf undying love of liberty which has per sisted through all their centuries of miunanlta, |t. C. W. Lambrecht, Rd 1. Box 11. 24 •SINGER" leads as usual -1921 struggle against Turk and Christian. model, on floor Grants Paas Hard- 1« particularly quick and hopeful to WOOD FOR 3AI4C Delivered for See them Your terms day The people hope that the great ware O> 22.76 per tier. Phone W. B Rob are ours, J W. Scott, sales man- powers will protect them from future inson. Wlldervllle. Oltf ager Singer Sewing Machine Co. design, on the part of .elfish foreign 75tf i coon tries. FOR AALE River Hank« Ratter Perhaps never before was there Borkahlre» Thrifty, prolific stock FUR WORK a specialty; dressmak 'such a state of tranquility within River Bank» Farms. 02tf ing and ladlos tailoring; every I the borders of the little Albanian line of hand work and Spanish I etute. In the street, of Scutari one FDR SAIJO OR RENT 360 acres of drawn work for the holiday sea ¡seen the Albanian colors displayed for land. 150 acres In cultivation, the son; now Is the time to get orders I i the first time, and listen» to patriotic rest In pasture and timber. Good In for satlsfsctory service Mrs. I location. For particulars write to demonstrations by local groups of W. It. Swope, 661 Nor^ 3rd St. citizens and societies. Enthusiasm and Box Number 102, Kerby, Ore. 1« Call and get estimates. 8 0 patriotic fervor are at a high pitch. FOR SALE- 200 pieces 2x4» at »10 Even the native tribes, who usually per M; 2000 feet Ilk 2-In ch LOBT are engaged In factional combat plank at 219 and 215 per M. 1 bonnet, among themselves, are living tn a hand power washing machine, 25. 1 j O8T Baby*» blue tatted lost between Grants Pass bank and state of peace. This peace is based II. N. Johnson. Rd. 1, Box 26A. Oxford hotel. Finder pleaao leave upon nothing more than a word of 8 miles north of Grants Pass on at Courier otflo«. 11 honor given with the approval of the Pacifie highway, 1 mile from the Undoubtedly your grocer people between two or more chiefs. a King Is ths Pleasant Valley store. 05tf TAA. Tho Albanian's word, which he breakfast crowned sells (TETmEilS• It comes in FOR 8A1J£ One pair truck chains .400NER TAXI Phone 242-R for calls "bessa," Is absolutely binding. with WJWK Wheat 40x10 tires; one tall lamp; one 10, 24 J and 49 i Ik sacks. Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calle an It Is customary for families within a Hearts. Klaxon horn: two saw guides; one swered anywhere, anytime 84tf tribe, for tribes and for large groups AnJ nmaSK Pan 1 11/16" shaft coupling; on« cable of tribes to arrange between them take Flour mqka Tom food drum, grooved; two bsmt saw PALACE TAXI - Phone 22-J. selves a '‘bessa;’’ that Is an agree roffol uxi/Tlei. Wind n *tf swedges, 36 to «0; one 10x12 tent; ment by which all matters of personal four up seta; twelve ban« saw DKAYAGE AND TRANHERB vengence are suspended for a given guagc«, 36 to 60; one 10x12 tent; (length of time. THE WORLD MOVE», so dp we one sot mattress and spring«; one Except In a few communities in the Bunch Bro«. Transfer Co Phone seven passenger auto In good con south, the Albanians live In tribal or 24». dition: also want work for Ford ganisations, in scattered communities ton truck or will sell same. L. M. F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer In the mountains, where each man I Dennis. 1022 North Ninth St. 12 Safes. pianos and furniture defends his home and his rights with moved, packed, shipped and stored his rifle, which he never lays down FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring, self I when out of door«. They are govern Office phone 124-Y. starter, tire carrier. Fine shape ed by a sort of common law, which FORMER GERMAN EMPRESS Call 1111 East A* street. Grants HEAL ESTATE t ¿'INFORMED OF SON'S DEATH j Is known as the lav of I^ek. Lek Pass. 12 E T. McKJNSTRY, «03 O St., phone i was a mor« or less traditional law FOR SALE 1 buffet. A. K Cass, 2^5-R, general real estate buslnees giver of the once powerful family of Doorn. Holland, Oct. 27.—The for phone 125-R. 14 Best of colls for fruit, hay or gen ‘ Dukadjlnl. mer German empress, Augusta Vic eral farming toria, has not been Informed that her FOR SAIJS Moline drag »aw. In son. Prince Joachim, killed himself, quire Roy Higgins, 111 South 6th Coin Collectors Liberal. PIANO INKTltl CTIOX Since 1881 the value of rare coin« although he did so more than two »treet. 14 MRS. JAMES M POWERS. Instruc has Increased, roughly «peaking. 1.000 months ago. She merely knows that RED APPldSS, YELLOW APPLES tor on piano; studio over Barnes' per cent, many rich tnen having tnken he is dead. Picked apple«, down apple«. 10 va The former empress has been Jewelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except tip the fad of collecting them. A Wash rieties. special rato« on truck load Monday and Tuesday. Phone 265-J ington man own» a collection of pen- better health of late than tor several n!«'< for which ' e refused $0.000 John H. Robinson, Wlldervllle. 11 months, and now drives nearly e»er> For one very .-are specimen be gave a « IVIL ENGINEER day about the park of the Doorn es FOR SALE Registered Duroc Jersey one-enrol dlntnoud! tate In a little pony cart. gilt, fine big typo, from the best CIVIL ENGINEER- Daniel McFar-i of blood lines, will farrow In about land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. FOR KENT 1 « • six weeks, also Duroc Jersey boar, R m . 747 North Tenth 8t. Phone FX)R RENT 40 acres of pasture, 10 a fine Individual. Price $75 each. 211-Y. Oltf acre« of mllo maize In grain, bal See Carl Schmidt at Hazelwood PHYSICIANS ance grass. Well fenced Will ac Creamery. 11 commodate large number of slock Practice COW FOR SAIJ-: or will trade for I O. CLEMENT, M. D for a couple of months. One-half Make Idle Hartl to Bear for Many limited to diseases of eye. ear, nose Grants Pass Women horse. W. R Powers. Rd. 2. 11 mile from town. After 6 o’clock and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours phone 502-F-4, or address No. 102 WANTED 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. Courier. 14 Pboues, office 62; residence 359-.I Too many women mistake their I WANTED- 100 head weaned calves, --------------- ».----- ---------- - -------------- -- HOUSE for rent—Inquire 211 C St pains and aches for troubles peculiar raised on cow, state price of stock. 8 IXM GHRIDGE. M D. Physiclnn Early mornings or evenings, or to the sex. More often disordered G. W. King, Montague, Cal. 123 kidneys are causing the aching back, »nd surgeon. City or country call» phone 1S8-J. 15 dizzy »pells, headaches and irregu attended day or nlghi Phones WANTED Redding and Son want to lar urination. Kidney weakness be Res 369: Office. 182; 6th and H STRAYED comes dangerous If neglected. Use buy heavy team. Inquire 413 West a time-tried kidney remedy—-Doan's L street. 12 J BILUCK. M. D Physician ESTRAY—There came to my place Kidney Pills. Hosts of people testify — the warm steady glow of a and surgeon, office Schallhorn W ANTED TO RENT A turnlshed 2 miles from Grants Pass, one red to their merit. Read a Grants Pass case: , block, phone 64- j ; residence, loot bouse, apartments or housekeep good oil heater filled with heifer 2 years old, underbit In each Mrs. Mary E. Jones, 103 W. G St., Liwnridge, phone 54-7.. ing rooms, will receive the best ear, branded but not distinguish I says: "1 am glad to recommend P earl O il . Whatever the day of care. No. 103 care Courier. 14 w able. Owner call for property. Doan's Kidney Pills. About a year F. RUTHERFORD—Manua' »bo- or the time, P earl O il is ready ago my kidneys were out of order. Fred Grant, Box 27, Rd. 2. 14 WANTED Two men to drive 4- raputics It gets your arzment Tlie 'flu' weakened my kidneys. I horse scraper team at Morgan's Office over Barnes' jewelry store to give you cheerful warmth had dull nagging backaches and felt 14 camp. Allen Creek. offU » hours 9 36-1 2; 1:30-4 The California and Oregon so tired and dull mornings I could at the touch of a match. No get started at my housework. Coast Railroad Company hardly EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted RALPH W. STEAJINS, M. D Phy- My kidneys didn't act right, either. smoke, no odor. Economical TIME CARD I read of Doan's Kidney Pills and; at the Oxford Orili. lOtf slc.ian and surgeon, X-ray equlp- used them as directed. They helped 1 and ever-obtainable. Sold in Offlce, Me ment, dental X-ray. Effective Nov. 24. 1919. MIDDLE need ludy with means, but 'me wonderfully, strengthening my 8. Phones Of- sonic Temple Bldg kidneys and relieving the aches and bulk by dealers everywhere alone In tho world, will give her Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- tire 21-J; residence 21-L. pains. I felt better in every way and services an housekeeper In return day» and Fridays | and by our stations. Order by P.M. give the credit to Doan's Kidney 1 I Tjeave Grants Pass for congenial home. Address or li rEKIMUV SURGEON Pill»." P.M. Waters Creek ......... 2 I Arriva name — P earl O il . call 401 E street, City. 12 Price 60c, at all dealers Don't DR. Il I BESTUL. Veterinarian I I siave Waters Creek .......... 2:30 P.M simply ask for a kidney remedy—get P.M. i Arrive Granta Pass. ............. 4 Residence 828 Washington boule STANDARD OIL COMPANY For Information regarding freight Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that MICKIE SAYS vard. phone 39S-R had. Foster-Milburn (California) and passenger rates call at the office Mrs. Jones of tho company. Lundburg building, Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. DENTISTS or telephone 13 1 NK wictoesr cc.-At in wc at «NM U.N0ÇW4 on kungoon . causi I C. M ACY, D. M. D First cis - dentistry 10914 8 6th St **t SMON1 tra.Nt ’tnAl »6 Ik M»'< GOT XHt N6RMC <t»auu.1VA‘ GUN I ATTOKNEYS OUT T’ »41« »act, WHS’id NAr CAW HIN» UP OMta TH' PMOMti Replace the shabby top with NORTON, Attorney-st-l»w HOVN o'xa Ort TUM Vjax , N' POO light, <>asy-<jt«»-ha«4le weather- Practices In all Statt' and pwni ». proof o»o now. Courts. First National Bank Rldt Smart l»old»g. «crvtceaMe top«— lierfwct fitting «««I improving the W. OOLVIG. H orney at-la« car’» Iwoks—a wide •li«4«w in ma Grants Pass Banking Co Bld- terials and colnr». our rmem lowhst K. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. IT h tíce la all courts. First National Rank HAS LONG BEEN CONSIDERED ONE OP’ THE BEST Building WEST. * Improved For over a generation, dis- criminating housewives have used Flour. Thirty years ago (D LY1 e i Flour was good—today it has reason to be even better * (I ► ? Mysterious Pains and Aches ¿Raining Outside, but Inside A > AUTO TOPS Dalles Diamond Flour G. B. BERRY I). 8. BLANCHARD. Xttorney-a' la«' Golden Rulo Bldg Phone 27« C. A. w'DLKR. Attorney-at-law v, . «■raie i .nule. Grants Pass. Ore ► ' 4 GEO II. DURHAM. Attorney it-la* referee In bankruptcy. Masonli Temple Phone 185-J |iu in A C HOUGH Ijtwvor Tuffi Practice In all courts I n w » •’ r t'olil weather with long nlgllt-s Is just around tho corner. NOW IS THE I TIME to have your Battery given a good outside charge and a thorougli insiHMtion for the strain that Fall and Winter will place upon It. HERE Is tho station to do the work —tho station that places SERVICE FIRST and sales last- Bring ns flic Bandit's and we will inillil a GUAR ANTEED BATTERY on them, IN THE TO INTRODUCE IT HERE WE MAKE THIS PROPOSITION': GET I SACK. HAKE TWO, THREE OR Fot R TIMES, AND TH KN IF vol BELIEVE HAT YOU OAN GBT BETTER FLOUR IN TOWN AT \NV PRICE, CALL I S I P AND WE WILL GET WHAT IS LEFT INI» REFUND THE FUI J j AMOUNT PAID. «3..-M» PER SACK JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Comer Third and G Strset Phone 123 1 Adams Electric & Battery Shop Phone «« 50'1 S. flth St. Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier