GRANT* P. A. K New Shipment of Now ¡s the Time Voortl« WIDM*l»ll. <MT«»H»R »7. HM». DAI LT IXH IU: » km TO H1SGIA YVl H < HRI n TM Ui WORK—DO AT PIT IT OFF TILL THE LAffT MIAI TF WF H HE A BEAIT1FI L LIAE Off ST AMP ED GOODS— Min DEN1GXS. IXCXVINNG CHILDREN"« I » RENN KN ALL MAI*. WITH FANtT «TAMPED DESIGN». WE HAVE HANDKEHtHLKF UXEN—ALffO COLORED I». M. C. IX EMBROIDERY COTTON. Grants Pass, Oregon tv » day CUT GLASS 1 NSCRANCE-Fir. automobile, life acetica t and health T. M Sinti >•9 Sorth Stith St «Jtf BARNES, The Jeweler ÌFTRNI8HED ROOM to rent—715 X 3rd Phon. Î49-R 17 U)OT Tuesday night on «th street, small leather puree coatsialnr about M la silver Finder please return to Courier office and re cab• reward 17 Moore Bakery FOR SA IX—One mare, weight about 9«0 lbs Washing machin., mat- trw. and tub E R Barn«.. Wil- Support i in grinding his grist if in his ms- from republican policies. darville. Ora. 1« j chiaery he used a gsar that failed Harding with a republican congres» i to mmh. His power equipment might I VEDXKSDAT, OCTtMRER 27. 19». be th. beat. th. mill the moet mo- THE R4MUSEA El.T BI Hl» HEFIGE ME ASl HE lewhere in the trans deni, but * ♦ » ORSGOM WKATHKR mission of power he was using a cog Th. Portland Oregonian. In mak Prices Right Just Arrived. B. L. OA¡»BRAITH--««al Ebtate In surance. and plat. glas, liability «09 H G street. phon. 9«. «Otf Under New Management OBITUARY Mr*. Fk>rra<w Smith Florence Smith wa. born In Du- Quion. Ill-, on September 9. 1997 Sb. died la Klamath Falla on October 22, 1929. at th. ng. of 29 year» Mr» Smith was an ardent church worker having Joined the Ch ri. tian church when ah. was ala. year of age She moved to Oregon in 1910. and to Klamath Falls In January. 1919. where »he was also active la church work. Beside. her husband. Earle Sm:th. she leave, her parents. Mr and Mm- J W Smith, three brothers. Herbert. Carl and Dean, and two ala tem. Mr. Nelli. Mayhew, of Pueblo. and Ruth, of Grants Pass, to mourn her las. ■ V.r, Rud., "Tso not going to that woman bar- her « again iberr’s a too« girt there, don’t you know Why -he looted at o>, uoMtscbr and .«SKI me It I would have It «ponged <>ff or rubbed tn.~- Edinburgh Scotsman. wheel that was not built for the ing Its recommendations for voting work—it was too small to mesh and upon the metM-jme next Tuesday, ad ♦ Pacific Coant State. Goner- ♦•the greet engln. whirred merrily on mits no choice upon th. bird refuge ♦ ally fair in California; unsettled ♦i__ . , _ ..__ w measure which would create th. I \ *. _ _ 5ut was proving ineffeUve. We ♦. and mln la Washington and ♦ Roosevelt reserve in the Malheur ♦ Oregon; normal temperatures ♦ ^a,t »ach • »l‘»*Uoa la oar e ---------- * governmental machinery if a cog | Ink. district. There has been a lot of ♦ Tonight and Thursday fair. ♦ .heel that fail, to mesh M betweer. argument pro and eon upon this ♦ except probably rain in the ♦ .be elecutlvs office and 'ongrwsa In measure, but the real spirit of th. ♦ ■<’rth”-‘ ................. * „pponm Harding for president we argument against th. measure would - -------------------- must give him s republican »nat. serve a. well to support the throw GRl.VDIbo A REPIBLK AX GRIST and a republican bouse of mpresen- ing open to the ends of selfishness ' ! Th. mill owner would not get far.utlves if the grist is to be ground and comeree .very national park, na tional monument, reserve or preserve set aside for the enjoyment of the people and the preservation of na turn and her wondem Individuals' would profit through th. drainage of Malheur lake and its mambos, but the general public would not profit WOOD BIDS U ANTED Individuals would profit If they were allowed to quarry out the pure lime- At its reglar monthly meeting to stone that formi the beautiful deco be held at the office of th. clerk rations in the Josephine eave«: but Monday evening. November 1. 1970. the public would be the loser There the Board of Director, of School Dis is. furthermore, an industrial raise trict No 7. of Josephine County, j bids for to the millions of wild fowl that Oregon, will receive »esled the sale and delivery to the said di.- j breed in the Malheur «wamps as grest triet of four hundred tier, of body j i probably as the value of the hay that fir wood, said wood to be cut in two! j might be produced from ths alkali foot lengths and delivered on th. laden acrae. The Roosevelt fird ref ground at the variou. school house, of the district, at the option of th. uge would be a fitting monument to board, well piled ready for measure ment by the board. All wood mus* be rut from the body of sound green trees free from rot. dote or punk and diameter to be not less thsn four inch.» and not more than ten inches (seven Inches round limber), round timber not to ex eed twenty per cent of the entire delivery The Board reserves the right to reject any and all blds. EDWARD S. VAN DYKE. Clerk. We now carry a complete line of fancy Pastry z F. C. Goetz Proprietor Used cars that you can use All in first-class condition. ObE IUI» MODEL OAKLtND SEAHIBI.E NE. THRKE 1OIN MOI»E1. (OO CHEVROLET TOl’RIMG t Allti TWO »t»17 MODEL Foit’> TOI Kl «t. C.AIlS OWE I»j T»»X MtXMFt« TKCCK |l»ao MODEL, Eyl IPI'ED WITH P.I IMLTU Tll.l H. THREE CAI« WE WILL »ELI. AT A SA' RIFI» E. Mt f»T GET ItID OF THb.M, WILL MAKE FIRST CI. ISS HI GH. ‘State-Wide Telephone Service V^-77 AG f NTS « I - FOR. \V/ HUDSON MAXWILL \/ CHALMERS AND E5SEX CARS r’Ä' Çl1 COLUNS AUTO COMPANY Our efforts are <on*tantlj directed to the extension an<l improvetnent of •*tate-wlde" telephone service, fatrge and small ronininnitie* ar<- de pendent uj>on each other, commercially and «ocially. Good telephone equip ment in the cttie. and town* of Oregon. with good construction and well maintained "long distance" pole lino* and wire* between, mean their mutual «■ont.-niente and profit. z • The value of any telephone is proportionate to the numlter of other telephones which may be (onnerfed with it. In Oregon there are approxi mately 138,000 telephon«-* connected with our system- Ideal te|e|di‘>ne service mean* the promt* connection of any one of these with any other and the lea*t possible l<cc in strength and distinct n«-~* in the convematfotw that follow. LOW PRICES I .«fore the troubled perUzd of the war we always aim«*! to maintain -pare or reserve plant—that i*. plant ahead of Immediate needs, thus ensuring prompt and mote satisfactory compliance with demand« for service a* th j arc-. During the war tliia reserve was cyhau-ted as the materials ” i wer«- required and properly taken by th«- «.overnment anti those In dustrien given priority consideration. With (I,. rezon-truction ja-riod, a« la th«- case with all other line* of l>u*in«*«, Otir pt* Ide.p* hay«» continue«! to an unexpected degree. We are «till hampered by *horiag<- of material. am! delayed deliveries. We realize the requirement* of our long distant<• patron*. We have a « timpn Ire,,,jye and well defined program designed to provide ad'Niional foil tir.uiis sufficient to meet the present an«! constantly growing demand*. 3^ GRANTS PASS, ht Are Our Success Te fact that we have opened 5 new stores in 1920 indicates Ardencraig Farm For Sale Our Prices Are the Lowest rubber boots Complete With Stock and Equipment SZ.0-1. at $50,000.00 Every boot we sell Is first qual ity and bears the first quality stamp. 14»dies boot«. . »3.2* Youth« boots »2.0* For ««!»• only liy owner of authorized agent* Mens l»-inch rubber packs »5 M5 Knee boots »5.(10 Hip boots at •7 50 Overalls, 220 weight «IJ»* Wool underwear, knit with spring needle machine »3.05 and »»..TO Guaranteed all wool weight underwear I heavy »0.08 Second-Hand Bargains Men’s Mackinaws »O.OM, SIZZA and «13. OS The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company *c 4.g»« PW0M« / 5// H STREET Misses Our entire plant i- engineer««! and confirm tel with the object of rend ering a sati.fmtory “"tate-wide” .ervlre suffi« i.-n» in Ewiliti«-* available and with these facilities efficiently maintained. For this purpose the tr|e- phone equipment mu*t he »tetter. I«*al an«! trunk wire* mu*t be of proper »¡ze and type, and central offi«e* and switchboard* must have a«ldttlonal ap paratus to at'ommodate and «are for th«- long distance circuit«. ecnssoKige MAXWELL FINE SHAPE CHEVROLET FORD TRUCK Sample Store $600 $.r, , $4.50 C. L. Hobart Co. I