Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, October 27, 1920, Image 1

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VOL 1|., Mo. »I
0ailg oMier
< < h dither I rices Return to t unstltu
l louai Goo-ruiucnt l>> the Repub­
lican Party
Vice-Chairman of Republican Nation­
al Committee Urge- Election of
Robert N. Stanfield
Portland, Oct. 27—John P. Adams,
Washington, Oct. 27.—"The re­ DEALERS STRIKE TO BRING THE
vice chairman of the republican na­
publican party walks the high road
tional committee In charge of west­
of American government for Ameri­
ern headquarter«, today made this
cans and tho American people walk
statement regarding the senatorial
with that party,” Governor Coolidge
election in Oregon:
declared in a final pre-election state­
ment made public here last night.
"It la not enough for a state to
The republican vice presidential can-J
j choose Harding and Coolidge elec-
didate said the issues of the cam­
tor« on November 2nd. A strong re
Voters I'rgrsi to Stand by Cox—Hen- publl an senate 1« almost as import- Only One Wuy to Aaaure World Peace Dilated Heart and Acute Delirium paign, in the minds of most Ameri­ SwreUrj of Growers A'M k I» i 1 od
cans have been reduced to one—the
ator < liamlx-rlsln I'raisesl—Court ■"<« «• • atrong rwpubllcan White
Is A»M-rtl«ii—President A|>|>enrs
Are Given as Ini mediate Cuuxen
Says That Farmer- Will Receive
question whether our government
Room Is Filled
House. To vote for Harding and u
in Ill Health
of Mactiwiney’s Death
Price in Three Months
j democratic senator is to seek to un-!
shall or shall not be a constitutional
government, a government of laws
do with the left hand the good work
and not of men.
Speaking In «u. Intereets of his
w,th th’
Washington. Oct. 27.—President
London, Oct. 27.—The Evening
Kansas City, Oct. 27.—W. H. Mc­
"The republican party,” he assert­
own election and In favor or the rl*kt.
Wilson, addressing a group of pro­ News prints the following statement
secretary of the National
league of nations. O. P. Co«how. oi
"The gravest questions will come league republicans at the White by the deputy lord mayor of Cork: ed, "stands upon foundation of our Wheat Growers association, said the
Roseburg, who Is running for attor before th« United States senate after . House, declared that the "so called "We are leaving behind us in your
"strike" which was called in a proc­
n«y general on the demo ratio ticket, next March 4th. and If President
j Americanism which we bear so much capital many of our patriots who will depart from it. The democratic par­ lamation to the members to withhold '
urged the voters of the county to Harding Is to do for the people what , prating about now is spurious and see that the debt of your government
their wheat, is in full force. He pre­
support Governor Cox. Mr. Coshow they expect from him he must have | was invented for party purposes is fully paid. The English govern­ personality, has stepped down from: dicted »3 wheat in 90 days.
also spoke tn favor of Senator Cham- a senate that will answer those quea- only.” In appealing for a completion ment may think they have stifled us.
berlaln. The court room at the court Hons right
The whole democratic' i of the "great moral achievement” but there will be reprisals and soon." age In which there is no sustenance i
House waa well filled, at least a hun policy of waste, weakness. Intorna- which he said the war represented, The coroner’s jury found that Mac- and no life.
dred people being present to hear the tliuial surrender and domestic autoc- i the president asserted that "the war 3wlney’s death was due to dialated
"The shores of history are strewn |
•rguments for the league.
¡racy has got to be reversed. It can- will have been fought in vain and our heart and acute delirium following with the wreckage of republics which
The league of nations was the prln no‘
reversed without the help of Immense sacrifices thrown- away un- scurvy. The body will probably reach fell before the ambitions of selfish
despots, or which disintegrated be­
elpal topic on which Mr. Coshow talk-
' less we complete the work we then Dublin today.
neath the blight of an unwise per­
"The governmental extravagance began. There is only one way to as-
ed He traced the Idea of the league
S. J. Wayment and daughter. Miss- sonal exaltation.”
from the date of Its inception In that makes high taxes and high sure the world of peace and that is by
Governor Coolidge’s statement fol- |
1915 to the present time, The apeak-1 price« has got to be checked and the making It so dangerous to break the E. B. Wayment, are In the city for
That a great deal more intensive
„ pointed
r_____ ____
out _______
that a ___
number . of cooperation of the senate is ne eseary peace that no other nation will have a few days and are stopping at the lows:
' improvement and development of the
"The issues of this campaign are non-productive land under the Grants
prominent men had changed aides on to. chock. The Wilson plans to throw the auda-ity to attempt It." He warn- Oxford.
so simple and they are so well under­ Pass Irrigation district is a very vital
the question since It had become a away billions on foreign enterprises ed his hearers not to be deceived Into
stood by the people that there can question with this county was the
party dispute Principal among these and adventures In Europe, Asia and supposing that imperialistic schemes
be no doubt of the verdict which the ' consensus of opinion at a speci; 1
was ex-I’resident Taft, whom he as­ Africa have got to be stopped and ' were ended with the defeat of Ger-
voters will give on November 2nd. : meeting of the board of directors of
serts was strongly in favor of the the senate is the body that must help many. In a formal statement after
____ the president stop them. The tangle, leaving, the delegation said they were
These issues may be condensed and in the local chamber of commerce la- t
____ went
league before President Wilson
the minds of most Americans, have evening. Instances were cited where
to the peace conference
I.. stated
—— Jin which the democrats have Involved deepiy touched by the physical ap­
been condensed into one. That is, ¡under other irrigation projects simi­
that President Wilson had to face us by their timid sacrifices to Mexico pearance of the president who receiv­
the question whether our govern­ lar to the local district, communities
the selfish Interests of the world pow­ and Japan has got to be unraveled ed them, sitting ard showed the effect
ment shall or shall not be a consti- were greatly embarrassed for years
ers In the peace conference at Ver­ and in this undertaking the senale of his long illness. He read from a
sailles and that It was due to his tire­ Is practically as Important as the manuscript and his voice choked i Seoul, Korea, Oct. 27.—That Jap- j tutional government, a government of until a decisive and concerted effort
when he referred to th« boys and The J anese settlers tn Cultforuia should all laws and not of mtn.
less efforts that the covenant assumed president.
’ was made to turn the slacker was-e
the shape that It did.
"in tariff, banking and commercialimothers of those fallen in battle, j leave the United States where they
“Every other consideration comes J ¡nt0 verdant fields. All agreed that
War under the league of uatlons affairs. In bringing the United States!They felt It was "nothing short of are apparently not wanted and come J baclt to thig __
For _______
unless we hold now ¡s
opportune time to act and
which arel
would be an impossibility, Mr. Co- back to a peace basis. In restoring
the hardships experienced by other
shnw declared He said that the re­ normal conditions In farm, factory brought to such a stricken physical are very much needed is the opinionheart an(j SOnl of our republic. It* projects be averted in the Gran s
publicans were making a play on and business life a strong republican condition as a result of his Indefatig­ ¡expressed by the Seoul Press, t*10 , will matter little what else we do. It1 Pass district.
A able labors for the country and hu­ semi-official organ of the Japanese w||j avaj] ug not at a]] to press great J Various plans were discussed ar j
words to make It appear that the dif­ senate is an-absolute necessity.
administration here.
purpose in the affairs of our brother1 a committee of three was appointed
ferent articles In the covenant were genuine reform of the government manity.”
The journal says: By withdraw- natjOns If at home we have failed to I to look into the matter and colie t
America was never ¿ailed upon to
dangerous to the peace of the world,and reconstruction of living condi-
and would endanger the United tlons cannot be imagined without It. make a "more solemn determination Ing themselves en bloc from ualifor- maintain and apply our own proved data and formulate plans for ti e
States Tho
The covenant
cotenant is
Is the Monroe
<«jf the voters of Oregon could ful-l t*1,n
niust make now,” the P reel­ nla. the Japanese would economically |righteousness of representative gov- early development of as much acreage
"The whole moral force lose. but would score a great moral ernment. When the wise and unsel- as possible and present their plans to
Doctrine of the world, he said.
|y reaiu« how much of their future
vlctory. There is plenty of room in ftsh men wh0 ,ajj the foundation for
the chamber at an early date. Wit
The speaker lolij the audience that comfort and prosperity depend on the of right in the world depends upon
Chosen (Korea) and Manchuria.
the United States of America, ^rdicat-'• hundreds of acres cleared and under
a vote for Governor Cox was a vote j United States senate, their would not
"Being industrious and diligent. ed the future for ug the}. well knew
cultivation where now only a few
for the league of nations. Ho claim-J bo the slightest doubt as to the elec­ any other nation.”
there is no reason why they canr.ot fj,at tssueg of the moment would'
acres appear along the Crescent -Civ
t'd that the republicans were making tion of Robert N. Stanfield. He will
succeed on this side of the Pacific change; they well knew that each highway, a wonderful transformati i
a play for the alien vote by opposing be needed, urgently needed, to fortify
as on the other. We wisn tnat the generation would face new problems. would be apparent and many home
the league. He also said that the the administration after March 4th. STAY OF EXECUTION IS
they knew the courses of history, seekers would find homesites rea r
GRANTED RY JUDGE PHELPS Japanese statesmen in power were
democratic party was for progress as No democrat, no matter how high
far-sighted enough to take measures ag they knew record of change and
for their occupation. With the sc -
contrasted to the "reactionary” pol- minded, could be able to do the work
for recalling home all of them In or- , —
progress from the past, they foresaw tlement of this land the population «.
icy of the republicans.
of Mr. Slanfleld as a republican
Pendleton. Oct. 26.—A certificate der to make them contribute to the the changes and the progress
Attorney A. C. Hough introduced would be able to do. In peace times of probable cause and stay of execu­ economical and industrial develop-1 muBt come with the future, t that the district would be increased man -
the speaker, and also made a few re- a democrat la bound to vote on party tion was granted by Judge Phelps for ment of Chosen and Manchuria. We --------------- -------------------------- When fold, factories and canneries won’I
marks favoring Senator Chamberlain. Issues with the democrats, and In the Kirby and Rathfe. An appeal has want here efficient man-power and they shaped a document for the in­ become actualities instead of men v
senate after March 4th the democrats been filed for the pair who were sen­ this is offered by California. Why spiration of their fellow patriots and hopes.
for the guidance of the nation they
The solution of this problem mav
will he voting as a party ‘against tenced to hang on December 3.
not accept ft with pleasure?”
left the way open fffr such growth ¡not be as difficult as it may at flr t
and such adoption of new devices as appear but it will take considérât >
withholds his vote from Stan-
the exigencies of time would demand, effort upon the part of a great mat' v
.. ................. ......................................... field
In Oregon. Is withholding it
But they created and left for us their no matter what plan of action is d -
from the republican pro' identlai elec-
descendants an instrument which elded upon. Josephine county stan 1 s
was soundly constructed and which ready with all the cooperation ard
"The only way In Oregon to cast
was calculated as the basij .for the support in its power toward maklt *
a 100 pc-r cent ballot against the Wil­
permanent structure of liberty in our more of these acres ready for prodi
Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 27.- Forty- son administration and for a repub­
tion and increased prosperity of tho
three alleged "night riders" have lican administration Is to vote for
“It Is the continuous problem of county in general.
t»een arrested In Cullman. Marshall Harding and Coolidge and Stanfield
government to adapt ourselves to new
and Blount counties tn the past few on November 2nd.”
needs, but never to undermine the |
days, according to announcements by
I foundations of free government. The j
the state law enforcement depart­
Portland, Oct. 27—Hogs are loerv
, shores of history are strewn w'th the
ment and the governor’s office.
I »14.50 to $15. Other markets are
wreckage of republics which fell be-
1 steady.
1 fore the ambitions of selfish despots,
or which disintegrated beneath the I
blight of an unwise personal exalta­
Astoria, Ore., Oct. 27.—Olaf An-,
Portland, Oct. 26.—Cattle a
"Our own government can Ccntint>egIow7 hoK"‘are" w^ak'WTTo'
derson, facing trial next week on the
> »15.5
charge of drowning his wife In the
only upon the basis upon which it is ¡sheep are slow; eggs higher, buyii -
Ixindon, Oct. 27.—Miners’ leaders
Columbia river on August 1st, was I reported that they had accepted the
. built. And we can see through the price 6S cents, selling price.
found dead In his cell this morning, i government's terms to end the strike
world and particularly we can see it 179 cents; butter is weak.
A towel was tied to the cell bars and | and will submit them to a conference
at this time, the penalties exacted
around his neek.
from those who let untrained and un­
of miners' delegates. The mine own­
thinking desires stampede the peo­
ers it Is said also agreed to tho gov­
ple from paths of sanity and those
ernment's proposals.
who would falsely, in the betrayed
name of freedom, substitute a person­
al dictatorship for a government of,
by and for the»people.”
Rome, Oct. 26. Senator Ricci Is
to be the I till Ian ambassador
Washington. Oct. 27.—Haïtien
fives killed during the five years
Salem, Oct 27.
According to a re­
American occupation numbered 22.' >
port here Noll Hart signed a state­
Mrs. R. B. Williams and children
i instead of 3250 as the navy depa:
ment to the effect thst there was no arc In the city for n few days while
ment announced recently, ft was d
plot among the prisoners to shoot on an automobile tour of the west.
Los Angeles. Oct. 27—Mrs. txmfse I closed at a public session today of t ■»
tholr way to freedom when Sheriff They are making the trip from Mil­
Pecte wrb indicted today, charged naval court of inquiry.
Rrigadi r
Til Taylor was killed In Umatilla waukee In a Ford sedan. They are
with the murder of Jacob €. Denton General Rarnett, former corps cot -
county lull. It I h reported that Hart registered at the Oxford.
on June 2. The Indictment followed | mandant, testified that a mistake In
exonerated Kerhv and Ralhle a« far
D. D Honson Is a business visitor
her refusal to testify before the grand addition caused the erroneous a -
as the actual shooting Is con erned
In the city today from Medford.
■ronstrup In ths San Trancine« Chronlols.
jurors this morning.
| nouncement.
1 l< I <«l
HKtllM I GI.NI.R\l
Grasping at Straws