Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1920)
PAGE FOI-H mii NIGV, GRANDI l’ANH BA1I.Y «M’IUKR ixTinihii an. ii»ao. — AT THE SIGN OF THE DOLLAR Many business men have no Idea of or do uot appreciate the many advantages afforded by our modern commercial banking service It is not merely receiving your deposits and paying out withdrawals. Consult us about the other strong feature« of our service. IX»MMEIM’I 4L — SAI INGS TRI ST l»EPAItTMKNT SAFE DEPOSIT FIRST NATIONAL BANK FEDàZNVL RFAEAV1 AV STFM OF BOITHKRN OREGON Special Sale! For Week October 25th to 30th 15? Discount ON Àutomobile Tires Tubes Rogue River Hardware Co. TH« JF/A'WZjff/W «TORg o IX1M1NG EVENTS Oct. 33 and 25. Saturday and Mon day—Salvation Army Harvest Fes- tlval. October 2». Friday—Hallowe'en i par- Oltf ty at Presbyterian church December 15-17—Teachers’ Stets examinations will be held. December 20-22—Josephine County teachers' Institute. Two Routes <»pen— Two carrier routes on the Daily Courier are now open for boys with wheels. Extra pay for wet weather and bonuses for long service Apply at once. Hanim-ria ill Bond printer« at the ’’ourler ctfi^a. Quaker Heat is Quicker Heat —and Cleaner too The Quaker Pipeless Furnace is built of heavy riveted boiler plate steel—and steel radiates heat three times as fast as cast iron. That is why Quaker heated homes are always so comfortable on cold mornings. Just open the draft and up through the Quaker Register pours an enormous volume of warm, pure, clean air Before you buy a furnace, find out about the QUAKER «« "The Pipeless Furnace that is built of Steel ’ * It not only gives you quicker best but PERSONAL -== L0Q1L Knit Underwear J. R. Loe. of Portland. Is register IshUnd To«» Heavy'— The local high school football ed at the Josephine John Apple, of Holland, Is reals train rati up against a leaiu last Sat urday that was far too heavy for tered at the Josephine Mrs. A. K. Zana is spending the them and they came out on the small day visiting with friends In Ashland end of a 4«-0 score. The boys fought ’’Pompeian Fragrance.” Sabin h»i all through the game but the Ash It. 0» land men were too husky and could Mr. and Mrs. H W. Parmelee and not be stopped by the lighter team Q. M. Skinner, of Waldo, were guests A number of the players on the looal in the city last Saturday and Sunday. team were quite badly bruised up John Hermann and daughter. El but no serious Injuries were sustain sie. of SHms, are spending the day ed. Medfont won from Klamath Falls at Medford by a score of 37-0 in the city. e Miss Thelma Robinson went to Saturday. Salem this morning and will attend buainess college there this winter. \ falli Innm and White Granite— Mrs. J. B. Howell, of Glendale. Is lutrgv stock jnst arrived, Grants spending the day In the city visiting Pana Hardware Co. and shopping. Kelley-Springfield tire« are In a Many Viau I Nun— class by themselves. 1« Much interest Is being shown by B. F. Skillman went to Medford local people In the progress of the this morning to spend a few days tn construction at the dam. Yesterday that city and at Ashland attending cars lined the road on both sides of to business matters. the dam and many people were being Howard Fallin has returned from shown around the works all day. The Hillsboro and will remain here work is progressing rapidly. Mr Fallin spent the summer fn the northern city. 1 Hallowe’en Mnak Hall— Paints and oils at reduc«>d prices Hall October 27 th. Waldorf 10' Grants Paas Hardware Co. Dance tickets «1.10. extra ladles and Dnve Hayward left this morning spectators 35c. for l*oriland where he expects to re main for some time, Mr. Hayward Oh. Boy! I«>ok« Who’s II came In thia moruing from the Ap- Carnival and dance kt Riverside plegate. Community Club house, on Rogue Mr and Mrs Harry D. Manning on beyond Foots Creek quarter of a Friday entertained a numbar of mile. Don't miss the date. Saturday. their friends at dinner In honor oft October 23rd. the first birthday of their son. Harrv I,. Manning. Hall Are Striking— Roofing and building paper bought’ The steelhead« were taking hold In by the car load. Prices right good shape yeaterday and most of Grants Pass Hardware Co. 10 the fishermen who were out brought I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Calvin, of Tur back big catches. Flies, spinners lock. are spending a few days in the I and bait were all used, salmon egg« city enjoying the Rogue river sun proving especially attractive to the shine They are stopping at the Jo fish. sephine. O O. Spurgens and J. E Britton M<mnnh of Glendale, were In the city yester- g recelred_ day. having come down for the Hardware Co. at the Riverside community club house. I'onhow Will Speak llr Glenn Wooldridge and Howard i Hon. O. P. Ooshow democratic can Bears« are spending a few days In didate for attorney general, will ad- the Evans creek country hunting ■ dress the citizens at the courthouse deer. They left this morning and on Tueada yeventng. October 2« All i expect to return the latter part of are invited. All Issues of the cam-1 the week. palgn will be discussed Mrs. O. P. Harvey has returned to Grants Pass to make her home for The Grand March— the winter Mr. Harvey is still in Will start at 9 o'clock at the Hal- Glendale, but will return soon to . lowe'en mask ball Friday. Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey --------- - have recently returned from a trip I Wonder Who'll Get the Prta to Baker where they visited their At the Hallowe'en masquerade? son. Lloyd. j The one that deserves It. of course' 110 for the best couple. Oitf W’oiMliuen of the World. Take Notice. Owing to the death of Mrs. Earle j Smith, wife of Neighbor Earle Smith, the supper planned for Monday night. I Oct. >5, will be postponed. 091 Mr. Rennie .Moves Sh«»p— W. R. Rannle has moved his. plumbing and sheet metal works) from H street to 417 G street, below j Warsaw. Oct. 25.—Award of the the Palace hotel. 11 : vtrtuti milltari. announced by the j Polish war department, to Uenten- -------- - Roasters f,kr Thanksgiving Turkey— i ant Edwin Noble, of Boston. of the j Kosciuszko squadron, carried with It Aluminum and granite roasters the rank of captain and Is the first galore. Grants Pass Hardware. 101 Inf this decoration to be given In the Th''‘‘ Warranter Deed blank, st tb.!™"'’1 “,r Courier I for ,l>* t>art Lieutenant Noble took in the drive on Kiev In April when I Noble was wounded to such an ex tent that It may be month« before he WHATS IN YOl R SHORN? Is able to take up flying again. Is it all comfort, or is l< agony, After silencing a bolshevik caused by stinging corns? tery with bombs. Lieutenant Noble If you are troubled with coms, • attacked an enemy armoured 'rain In don't ,*itt«wnpt the dangerous the railroad yards at Berdyczew, practice of cutting them, use I causing the train to leave In a hurry REXALL CORN SOLVENT ' which gave Polish troops opportnn ' ity to take the town virtually with A few days' treatment with Several hundred Polish out losses this preparation will end your prisoners who were Interned In Ber- toot troubles and fill your shoes with genuine oomfort. dyevew escaped In the confusion I caused by this attack. We guarantee MUlsfaction i Lieutenant Noble was wounded Price 25 cento , with an explosive bullet in his right arm and the bone shattered, but nevertheless he flew 70 kilometers back to his home aerodrome where Sells Drugs and Books he landed safely. Noble was In the Amrican Red Cross hosi Ital fn War saw several months, recently going to Paris for further treatment. CLEMENS Paul's Electric Store 2OS son TH ITH «T. « PHON« 47 Character, Capacity Credit these are the three big C’s in the con duet of successful business. Make the Josephine County Bank the depository of your working capital —it can be of valuable service to you. J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass .O regon ___________________ ......................... —--- —-- — and Flannelnette Gown« for Winter Wear i mrs. nellie Reas See Our Showing OF 1'1 RE WOOL FAHRICN—Gt AR4NTEKD To GIVE Vol TIRE »ATHtFAiTION AND LASTING sl.ltVH’E. SATIN» TU «.Vi no Till! HI IT TtlIXIIlKli RIGHT TO I OI R MEIN! RI GEO. S. CALHOUN IxaaJ denier nearly slit HAVD VOIR Fall Suit and Overcoat MADM TO MBAAI KM lit Hart, Schaffner & Man AT Peerless Clothing Co Pope Mascall Buys Coupe / lUI'E SAYS THE < ol |*E IMS ll.L HIE COMFORTS III' I 11MMMI CAR INI» NO Mit 11 ». t’slER To HANDLE. RESIDES HE < IN MAKE HIS OWN CLIMATE Jl sT THE WAI HE W I NTS IT. C. A. Winetrout AUTHORIZED FORD 8ALE3 AND SERVICE — ...- Itancc Well Aliendrvl— 1197 automobiles were counted at The dance and carnival at the 1 one lime within the yard nt tne club Riverside community club house last I Saturday night was very well attend-j house. The money taken In la to be ed by people from all parts of the i u*®d *or ,lxJn* UP lh® <^ub house valley. Many Medford and Ashland which was built by cooperative ef- people and most of the dancers from fort on the part of the people living Grants Pass wore present. A total of In that vicinity.