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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1920)
GRANTS PV* HAII.f (XHR.KM MONDAY, OXTOIIF.R 2fl, IDÍMI A Classified Advertising WUW’HM.ANKOIH FOR MALE PYTHIAS — Ther FOR BALK Tennessee White Win KNIGHTS OF mopylae lodge No. It. meets every ter Harley and Uray Winter Oats second and fourth Tuesday even tor fall seeding. River Banks lag Visitors Invited 69tf Farms. Rd 2. Granta Paas 88tf ALFALFA HAY 4f you west good hay see H. N. Parker. Phone 185-Y. 113 NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna mental, shade and trull trees. Geo. H. Parker. 70tf ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual REASONED WOOD FOR SALK Oak ity F. E. Jordan, special agent. and laurel, »4.75; body fir, »4: 860 N. 7th St., Grants Pass. 83tf pine and second growth fir. »3 50; manganila. »5. C. W. I,ambrecht, SELL TREES FOR US—Heavy de mand. Attractive contract. Sat-] Rd. 1. Roa 11. 24 Isfactory stock Good line of va-[ WOOD FOR SA IACDelivered for rletles. I Sign up Immediately to I »8 75 per tier Phon« W. 8 Rob secure beet results. Salem Nur-| 1 inson. WHdorvllls Oltf D or HAIJ0 River Banka Better Berkshire» Thrifty, prolific slock. River Banka Farms. OStf FOR BAI JO-1914 model Ford. 3225 If taken at once. Room 31, West ern Hotel. 0» » aery Company, 428 Oregon Bldg.,1 : Salem. Ore. 110 I SINGER'* loads as usual—1921 ru bici» on floor Grants Pass Hard- »are Oo See them. Your terms are ours, J W. Svott, sales man- ager Singer Sewing Machine Co. 75tf à DIALECTS MANY AND VARIED A «nrvey just completed »bows that 88 languages are In dally u»e In New York, not Including three or four kinds of English, There Is highbrow Eng lish. lowbrow English and the Illes» variety, besides the «frange, Inexplica ble cockney kind, which give» all "er* sounds the sound of “of." We »ay In explicable, for we have never seen ex plained why In certain New York ver nacular third Is "timid.'' bird Is "bold" and cur»e Is "colee." Sometime. somewhere, that enuncia tion must have begun—whetheron ths Bowery or In llurlem or even In Broad- way. nobody seems to know. Was It in •»•ence tn 1»IO7 The New York lit- erature of that era dm-« not seem to »o Indicate. The converse of the hoot- black» and Juvenile street »weeper» of the mild and Innocuous Action of those day» reveal almost a Sunday school diction. The "colee" ha» »wept over Manhattan »Ince then. It came with the melting pot and may be part of it, for all we know The United Blates la Isrge enough to contain a number of dialect» aud al ready It doe« contain them, so that one'» genesl« Is pretty well distin guished b.v hl* »peecb. We know New England by Its “lofflng* laugh and they know ■>» hy our "larflug" one. "A»k" In eome parts of the South Is as flat tened out almost a» the “a" In “bake." while still remaining "o»k" In Mns»a chnsetts. • <>ur e plurlhus unum language I» truly that kind, and likely to I ecotne more pluribue as the country grows older.—St. Louie Globe-Democrat. ÇÏÏCHESTERSPILW PHYSICIANS WANTED—Two good milk also cream separator. 149-J. flee 21-J; resMence 21-L. cows; Phone 09 MICKIE SAYS Speedinq up to oeat tho old man'sjrorfrv of Pur ola Here’s PUROLA—a straightforward, honest shaving cream without tricks. Just chock full of quality and speed. One inch, one minute, one dab of hot or cold water, for a quick, generous, man-sized lather that will make the toughest beard as soft as the down on a fluffy chick. Backed by this sincere guaranty: If you don’t like Purota—if Purota doesn’t give you the quickest and biggest lather you have ever had — take any part of the tube back to your dealer and get your money. All good druggists sell Purota. The California and Oregon Coast Railroad Company T*4K CAR» Effective Nov 24, 191». Trains will run Mondays. Wednee- days and Fridays last« Grants Paas...............1 P.M Arrive Waters Creek_____ 2 P M I^eave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 P.M. P.M Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131 Make the next cifiar taste better and MORE MILK AT LESS COST May tie secured by feeding O. OtJCMEN'T. M. D.. Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear. a one and throat. Olasses fitted. Hours 9-12, 2-5, or on appointment. Phone«, office 62; rtwldenoe 359-J. FOR RENT Four-room house. In quire A. J. Powers, fire depart 8. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician ment. •'» and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones, WANTED Res 36»; Office. 182; «th and H WANTED—100 head weaned calves, Physician raised on cow, state price of stock. E. J. BILUCE. M. D. and surgeon, office 8chailhorn G. W. King, Montague, Cal. 123 block, phone 54-J; residence, 1004 WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 room 1-awnridge, phone 54-4,. house, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 330-J. 0» W. F. RUTIHQRFORD Manual the- raputlca. It gets your arrmeat. I WANTBlIk—Wood cutters, pay »2.75 office over Barnes' jewelry store per cord for cutting fir. H. H. Office hours 9:30-13; 1:30-4. McClung, Wonder, Ore. 10 RALPH W STEARNS, M. D. Phy- WANTED—Redding and Son want to ■Mate and surgeon, X-ray equtp- buy heavy team. Inquire 413 West ment, dental X-ray. Offtce, Me- L street. 13 sonic Tetuple Bldg. Pboaee Of "1 Osnesls of tho Traveling American May •< Pretty Well Recognised by Hie Speech. K0 ACRE farm, 40 acres cultivated, FUR WORK a specialty; dressmak good buildings, orchard, water and ing aud ladies tailoring, every fence Price »7000. Will take line of band work and Spanish some trade. 718 E street Granta drawn work for the holiday sea Pass 0» son; now Is the time to get orders In for satisfactory service. Mr» FDR 8AIJ0 OR RENT—»60 acres of W. IR. Swope. ««1 North 3rd St. land, 150 acre» In cultivation, the Call and get estimates. 30 rest in pasture and timber. Good location. For particulars write to TA*. Boi Number 102, Kerby, Ore. 18 SOO.NÄK TAXI—Phone 28 2-R for FOR SA!JO—300 pieces 214» at »10 Jitney Izike or Cutler. Oalls an per M; 2000 feet 1H and 2-In th Bride Carrtee Canary. swered anywhere, anytime. k«tf plank al 810 and »15 per M; I A bride m Paris recently appeared Tom at the altar with her pet canary fas hand power washing machine, »5. PALACE TAXI—Phone 2 2-J. Wind 02tf tened to her shoulder by a golden H N. Johnson. Rd. 1. Bos 26*. chain. During tiie ceremony the bird 8 miles north of Grants Pass on HRAYAGK ANI» TILANSFMM broke Into song Pacific highway, 1 mile from the Pleasant Valley store. 05tf THE WOR14) MO VMS; no do we. Dunok Bros. Transfer Co. Phone IXH'NTY TREAS!'KER'S CALL FOR H a LJ2—Pure bred Jersey heifer FOR ROAD WARRANTS 349. one year old, eligible to register; would consider trade for milk F G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer ' All Josephine County Road War Safes. piano» and farMtare, cow. Phone 149-J. 09 rants Issued np to (not including) moved, packed. »hlia>ed aad »t»r«d April 16th, 1920, and protested prior FOR SALS—One pair truck chains Office idioti» 124-Y. to that date, are hereby called, and 40s 10 tires; one tall lamp; one REAL KMTATK are payable at the County Treasurer's Klaxon horn; two saw guides; one I 11/16* shaft coupling; one cable E T. MsKIMHTRY, «•> O St.. phoM office on or after October 25th, 1920, feed drum, groovedt two band saw 355-R, general real estate buainea» on which date Interest will cease GKO 8. CALHOUN. »wedges. 36 to 60; one 10x13 tent; Beet of aoHa tor fruit, hay or gen County Treasurer of Jose four up sots; twelve ba no »aw eral farming. phine County, Ore. guagca, 36 to 60; one 10x12 tent; PIANO INSTRUCTION one set mattreaa and spring»; one seven itaasenger auto In good con MRS JAMES M. POWERS, Instruc dition; also want work for Ford tor on piano; studio over Barnes'I ton truck or will sell same. L. M. jewelry; open 9 to 5 dally, except i fille li Dennis, 1022 North Ninth St. 12 Monday and Tuesday. Phone 265-J ' T a .*-« 'tK. t - A k <-wÇUl-< FOR SALE—1920 Ford touring, self UiAMtl^n HUAMB f*l «AVI!. HKlHNKHIt yrait k -owe at H«xrt, '.»Atewt. A starter, tire carrier. Fine shape. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVUYWNEfif Call 1111 Rest A street. Grant» OIVIL BNG1N40HR- »Miet McFar Paas 11 land, Oivll Hagineer and Surveyor., Res. 747 North Teatte St Phone FOR ItHh'T 211-Y FOR RENT—Upper furnl»h»d flat and garage with all conveniences at »15 per month. Adults only Apply Mrs. Howard, 621 D street 0» PAGE after smoking FISHERS' MORMILK (A scientific dairy food) It ia the «me weight and price an a Mtck of millrun. but will produce much more milk. cleanse your mouth moisten your throat sweeten your breath Sold ciclusively by JO3BPHINE G«¥NTY FLOUR MKÆ. Comer Third and G S ítmí Pl»«*« 123 with Ardencraig Farm For Sale VETERINARY SURGWON Complete With Stock and Equipment DR. R. J BESTUL, Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule vard. phone 39R-R. at $50,000.00 WRIGLEYS Still only 5« a Package l»KNTIHTS If NA VOMÌ UK« < W «OAKKO aculáis' ♦ve.ackWLott (N' u .N NkA*. , TWKN AlttV MOXUl«' f' ya.tNk.NT NA WWOfA fANIN’ TNUO k« TVtett Nt»,«« AX AXICAt, UKS SOKE OF \ QUA «w89caiBC.R« OO E. C. MACY, D M. D. First-class dentistry. 10» H 8. 6th St. ATTORNEYS H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. W. OOLVIG. Attorney-at-law. Granta pass Banking Co. Bldg. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices in all courts. First National Rank Building. VETCH RT.aS PER 100 IN TON LOTS 67.10 1ER 1OO IN SMALL LOTS WRITE FOR OCR PRICES ON ALL FIELI» SEEI»6 Sealed Tight w R iglfvx Afilla MONARCH SEED CO MEDFORD, OREGON PHONE 200 A-154 O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. C. A. .»’OLER, Attorney-at law. Ma sonic I ..unie, Grants Pass, Ore. 4 GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy, Masonic Temple. Phone 135-J. JAMES T 0HINNOCK. Lawyer First National Bank Building A. C. HOUGH — Tjtwyer, Tuffs Bldg. Practice In all courts. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In state and federal courts. Office over National Drug Store. Kept Right INSPECT &CHANCE FOR C0LD LDNC NICHTS < <>l<l weather with long night« is just around tho corner. NOW IS THE TIME to have jrour Batten given a good outside charge and a thorough impectlon for the strain that Fall ! and Whiter will place upon it. HEBE is the station to do the work I —tho station that places SERVICE FIRST and sales last. Bring us the Handles and we will build a GUAR ANTEED BATTERY on them. Adams tkctric & Battery Shop I Phone 00 .MSI S. «th St- I AUTO TOTS R efi s se U»e stea tetey top with n lly»t, easg-ts-teandle weatteer- pre«< •»• naw. Smart Imtteiag. serviceable tops— perfect fitting and improving the car-» I—h» a wide eltsice In mi- terial» and «atar». OER FVWtetei IX»WIMT G. B. BERRY