a*. • MITI TAGE KIGHT I SEEING CONVINCING A pair of shoes that wo sell for 96.98 is now selling for $S to 1’0 elsewhere. HOYS HIGH TOP SHOES are eellins here st *3.65, IS.»5. 14.18 and I6.il—sav ing you real I I |. WHY? the Eastern market Is 6 months ahead of the west—C. J. Breier Is now in New York. Mr Breier does not make buy ing a sideline—he and has as sistants are busy all the time buying merchandise at the right price. LADIES TAX CALF military heel, lace boot .*6.50 I AIMES VICI K1I> military heel, lace boot—*6 9S LADIES CHESTNIT BROWN Louis heel, lace boot, why pay 116 elsewhere -------------- *9.85 SAND BVCK LACE BOOT Louis heel. Goodyear welt, value 115. eastern price ..*4.98 BARGAINS IX MENS Sl ITS OVERALLS Blue Bib, 230 weight___ |1.98 Sample Store BORN HOPKIRK—In New York City. Sai- urday, October 23. to Mr and Mrs. Harold Hopkirk, a daughter. Mrs. Hopkirk was formerly Miss Ruth Hathaway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hathaway. TONIGHT 7:45—S. D. A. Chapel 7th and E Sts "The Big 4 of Dan. 7” Is the Subject of LEONARD E. CAMPBELL Sunday Night Subject "Why Am I What I Am?” |flt the Church« | Chrixtian Church Bible sohool at 10 o'clock Communion at 11. followed by ser- i nxon by Rev. Doser. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. tn. Evening sermon by Rev. Beam Salvation Antsy Meetings on Tuesday. Thursday. ¡Saturday and all day Sunday. Sun- ¡day school at 2 30. Bring the chil dren. I Newman M. E. < bun b Sunday school at 10 a ni. Epworth leagues at 6:30 p. m. At 11 a. m. the pastor will preach on the theme ''Incline Your Ear” and in the evening at 7:30 on the theme , 'How to Know You Are Not a Chrte- tlan.” COME HEAR FOR YOUR SELF È lLJfM IVI adc To secure your new Fall and Winter Suit, Overcoat, Hat, Shoes and other Furnishing! at greatly REDUCED PRICES. i Bethany l'n'-H tcrlan Ctiurvli school—Classes 10:00—Sunday for all ages ll:0<k—Morning worship, •The "Spirit's Conviction of Sin ” The 7:30—Evening worship. Message of the Harvest.” Tuesday. October 26. Third pot ' luck supper, followed by classes and studies on "The Situation in the Far ■ East.” At 8 the measures to be voted on at the coming election will be ex plained. Bring your pamphlets with lyoe. Wednesday. Oct. 27, the Woman's Association will hold Its monthly missionary meeting with Mrs L O ' Clement at 830 Washington boule vard. Subject. "Alaska." Thursday, midweek service. Study ‘John. Chapter VIII. Henry O. Hanson, minister St. Anne's Catholic Church Sunday mass at 9 o’clock. Rev. S. A. Coupai, pastry. St. Iaike’s Episcopal Evening services at 7:30 p. m. cordial welcome to strangers. Rev. Philip K. Hammond. Vicar in charge Firwt Chen-h of <liri»t Scientist Christian Science services are held every Sunday in the W. O. W. hall, at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. The subject Sunday is “Probation After Death.” Reading room is open from 2 to 4 p. m daily except Sundays and holidays, The public is cordially in vited to attend the services and to visit the reading room. COMING EVENTS Oct. 23 and 25, Saturday and Mon day—Salvation Army Harvest tlval. October 29. Friday—Hallowe'en ty at Presbyterian church. December 15-17—Teachers' State examinations will be held. December 20-22—Josephine County teachers' Institute. Gigantic Stock Reduction Sale Still On and there are many very attractive Bargains in every department of this stock of men’s and young men's High- Grade Apparel. Nearly every day we aro re ceiving goods that were purchased last Spring at right prices which we also include in this Great Sale—in fact- Nothing Reserved— Everything Must Go. It will pay you to anticipate your needs for the next six months and then take advant- age of this Opportunity and Save Mon» y— Buy Now. PEERLESS Clothing Co “Cash Clothiers “If Men Wear It, We Have It Copyright 1920 Hart bviunncr & Marx « chemical action of a sulphuric acid, until it Is gone; you Icals with electricity solution on the lead plates. But why. you may ask, must the produce electricity. The English call a battery be charged with electricity Storage Battery Is a Misnomer and before it will give out electricity? an accumulator, but So Are Some of the Other Names Simply this, the passing of an .elec It Is t alhxl tric current through the battery is necessary to put the plates and elec- It's funny how car owners call trolyte In the proper chemical condl- their storage batteries names when tlon for the production of electricity, they fail to perform the duties for This is what charging does. Changes the lead sulphate In the negative which they are intended. Nine times out of ten it Is the own plates Into spongy lead and the lead er who should be called names for sulphate in the positive plates Into not giving his battery proper atten lead proxlde. In these operations acid Is formed tion. Be that as it may, the storage battery is one of the most Inappro and goes back into the electrolyte. priately named parts of the car. This Is the action stated In Its simp Contrary to the generally accepted lest form. Discharging results In the opinion, it does not store electricity I reverse action. You don't fill the It generates current through the; battery with electricity and use it Sunday, Oct. 24,1920 or "Why Do I Keep Satur day for the Sabbath?” Here is Your Opportunity ! BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN 4'Hl'RiT! 11:00—“Your GREATEST SIN” 7:30—“WHITE INTO THE HAR VEST.” HENRY G. HANSON MINISTER BRING VOIR FRIE NI IS Ho I reckon storage batteries |continue to supply starts and tights The scientific term 1« secondarj for automobiles whether that Dame storage battery i cell hut as It isn't at all descriptive Is accurate or not. E A. ALAMS that Is no im I It is never likely to become popular Oh treat its . hem so that It will or n n The FORD .A— COUPE and SEDAN Are now used by those who have always looked to the large cars for motor com forts. The roomy and deep upholstered seats with plenty of leg room is sure to satisfy the most fastidious. SPECIAL Ml SIC ft ROOFING PAPER AND COMPOSITION ROOFING C. A. Winetrout LAIB XEW ANI» IIEPAIRED L. J. Otis 740 NORTH TENTH STREIT, GRANTS PASS, OREGON I'HONE 211-Y ( L." AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE A