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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1920)
-^ n NW % « MATURI) AY, (XTtMIEIt U8. 1IWO. ORANT» I'ABH DAILY (VI K-ICH Classified Advertising KOH NAlJt FOR ItKNT FOR 8AM! Tennessee White Win FOR RENT-- Upper furnished flat ter Barley and Uray Winter Oats ■nd garage with all conveniences for fall seeding. River Banks at *15 par month. Adults only. Farms. Rd. 2. Granta Pass 68tf Apply .Mrs. Howard. 621 D str.jet 09 Al/FALFA HAY -If you want good hay seo H. N. Parker. Phono FOR RENT Four-room house. In 185-Y 112 quire A. J. Powers, fire depart ment. ‘ 9 MBASttNED WOOD FOR BALE Oak and laurel, *4 50; body fir, (4; MIM F.LLtMXH'H pin» and second growth fir, (3.60; tnnnuanlta, *5, C. W. L*S> brecht. Tbor- KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Rd 1, Box 11. 24 mopylas lodge No. *0, meets •very second and fourth Tuesday •ven FOR BALE CHEAP Team, wagon dait Ing. Visitors invited. and good harness Team weighs r~ 2100 Inquire of Al Teal. lOOtf NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo. WOOO FOR BAIAI Delivered for II. Parker 70tf *3 75 per tier Phone W. 8. Rob inson. Wlldervllle 01 tf ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual ity. F. E. FOR BALE River Banka Better ». Jordan, special agent. 860 N. 7th St.. Granta Pass. 83tf Berkshlrae. Thrifty, prolific atock. River Banka Farms. 03tf SELL TREE« FOR US—Heavy de mand. Attractive contract. Sat FOR SAI.E 1914 model Ford. *225 isfactory stock. Good line of va lf taken at once. Room 31, West rieties. Sign up Immediately to ern Hotel. 09 secure beet results. Balam Ntir- 160 ACHE farm, 4 0 acres cultivated, /■ary Company, 428 Oregon Bldg., good buildings, orchard, water and Salem, Ore. 110 fence. Price »7000. Will take "SINGER" loads as usua! — 1921 fkiuio trade. 718 E street Granta m ídela on floor Orante Pass liard- Pass. 09 A ware 0o Bee them. Your tqrms FOR «ALE OR RENT—*60 acres of are ours, J. W. Scott, sale« man- land, 150 acres in cultivation, the ■ger Singer Sewing Machine Co. rest In pasture and timber. Good 75tf location For particulars write to Box Number 102, Kerby, Ore. 16 FI R WORK a specialty; dressmak ing and^ladles tailoring; every FOR BALK 200 pieces 2x4s at »10 line of hand work and Spanish per M; 3000 feet 1% and 2-lncb drawn work for the holiday sea plank at »10 and *15 per M; 1 son; now is the time to get orders band power washing machine, *5. In for satisfactory service. Mrs. H. N. Johnson. Rd. 1, Box 2(kA, W. It. Swope, 681 North 3rd 8t. 8 miles north of Granta Pass on Call and gat estimates 30 Pacific highway, 1 mile from the TA A. Pleasant Valley store. 05tf Oldest Living Artist Abington. Ms»., claim* the oldest living artl-t In Nev England. Rhe IS Mrs Mary Dolllatt Porter, who Is now !K! years old. While holding a position high in standing among paltturs the woman, peculiarly, did not taka up painting until she whs more than 90 years old. At that time, happening to be In Maine on a visit, she became acquaint ed with a woman who gave lessons Site at once took up the art and Im mediately made great progress. In fact. In a comparatively short time ■he was giving lesson« herself. In her hotqr there are numerous excel lent pictures, ami during the last five rears she Im* painted five pictures, considered a goisl number under the existing conditions which Include shortage of tuaterlala. , Mr«. Porter was born tn Cornwallis. N. 8.. coming to Abington at the age of 20 years. Hhe is the mother of six Children, and at present Ilves with her •on. Lysander, and two grandchildren. —Boston Post. Both Treated Alike. At the local eervants' club there were one or two who were trying to preach bolshevism and the removal of class distinction both In society ■u<l on the railway and lots of other nice tilings. But they found a strong opponent In a chauffeur who drove the local laundry lady on her Monday rqund of visit* "No such thing as stuck-upplshneas ■bout her." the loyal servitor Insisted. "Well, but don't ■be order you about T' demanded the disciples of freedom. "Of course she does." he replied, "but she bawls at me just the same as what she does her husband. She don’t make no difference between me an' him. even!"—Answer* IxMidon. Egg-Hatching Period* Birds such as the catbird and other perching species, which have altricial youug needing care in the nest for some time, do not Incubate their eggs ns long as those like the shorebirds and ducks which have precocial young, aavs the American Forestry Magazine. The egg* of most common small birds require Incubation for from ten days to two weeks. Those of the fowl like bird» mich as the ruffed grouse about three weeks, those of the ducks about four week* and the eggs of the emeu, a large oatrich-llke bird of Australia must be Incubated for about tao r AGEHEVEN WARNING! On November 2nd you will be required to vote on the so- called Oleomargarine bill. The instigators of this vicious measure would have you believe that its purpose is to regulate and license. THE REAL PURPOSE IS TO KILL A GREAT OREGON INDUSTRY It is directed against the manufacture and sale of Oleomargarine, Nut-margarine and ail the many kinds of spreads used for bread by thous ands of people in our state who cannot affixd to pay the price of butter. Facts to Remember*! 3 F urther state legislation in the form of the so-called Oleomargarine Bill is not necessary because the Government already has 79 pages of regulatory and licensing laws governing the operation of this legit, imate industry. Deception and fraud era impossible. 1 The OLEOMARGARINE BILL wifl not in any way benefit the Dairy induatry of Oregon by the implied strengthening of the market or increasing the consumption of dairy products. 2 The local butter industry is entirely regulated by national demand and the manufacture and aale of Oleomargarine and Nut margarines can never, in the least, affect the dairy industry in the state. 4 The Oleomargarine BiU is an attempt to dictate to you what you shall or shall not purchase in the way of • spread for your bread. ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF OREGON, 702 Oregon Bldg. Portland, Oregon VOTE 305 XNO Removing Ink Stain* To remove Ink stains from either bras* or copper a very simple remedy is required, hut It Is well worth know ing. us otherwise Ink spilt on brass or copper Inkstands and left to dry Is a troutde to remove Simply pour a few drop» of fresh ink on the old stains ■nd rub with ■ piece of rag, when the old stain will disappear quite easily. Polish in the usual way. Mr. Beard, of Los Angeles. Is look- Their friends wish them real success ing over the locality with the Inten-1 and happiness. Jim Noble was in Ferrydale Tues tion of locating here. Wm. Higgins, wife and daughter, day. iRuth Farmen returned homa of Portland, who have been visiting with him to stay with Mrs. Nobla at the C. M. Jolliffe's returned home who has been ill. R. S. Crockett, with some friends Thursday. Jim A’anDorn and Eisie Craft were of Hugo, were in the river fishing Monday. married Tuesday at Grants Valuable to Science. The teleMcofM- gives enlarged view« of distant object* the microscope •bows only what Is almost In contact with Its lens, and by giving a means of making Intermediate observations the modifications of the Davon rnlrvt»- telescope have proven a boon to the naturalist. With great depth V focus nn<l a large field of view, the short foci* type, for example, has a work ing distance of 10 to 18 Inches and magnifies 15 to 38 diameters. An ad justable niblter tlpped rod serves as a rest to support the Instrument nt the desired height for studying su<-h ob jects as Insect* plants and rocks. FOR «ALE Pure bred Jersey heifer SOONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an one year old. eligible to register; swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf would consider trade for milk cow Phone 149-J. 09 PALACE TAXI—Phone 22-J. Tom Wind 03tf FOR 8AIAC One pair truck chains 40x10 tires; one tall lamp; one ItRAYAGK AMI TRANHFE'R Klaxon horn; two saw guides; one 1 11/16* shaft coupling; one cable THE WORLD MOVES; so do we weeks. Bunch Bros Treuster Co. Phone feed drum, grooved; two band aaw Defining Friends 24*. guagea; three band saw shapers; Friends are the people that some four up sets; twelve banu saw F. G. ISHAM. drayage and transfer. fellows expect always to get them out guagea, 36 to 60; one 10x13 tent; Bafea. planos and furniture of trouble.—Detroit Free Pres* one set mattress and aprlngs; one WOOD Bins WASTED moved, packed, shipped and stored seven passenger auto In good con CIVII. BKO4NKKK Office nhon« 124-Y. dition; also want work for Ford CIVIL ENGINEER- Banlel McFar At its reglar monthly meeting to ton truck ut will sell same. L M REAL KbTATE land, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. be held at the office of the clerk Dennis. 1022 North Ninth St. 12 E T. MoKlNBTRY. «03 G St., phone Res. 747 North Tenth Bt. Phone I Monday evening, November 1, 1920, 355-R, general real estate business r adillar. FOR SALE j passenger 211-Y. Oltf the Board of Directors of School Dis Best of soils for fruit, hay or gen mechanically O. K , for *4»u lr trict No. 7, of Josephine County, ATTORNEY« eral far mis*. taken right away. Will ¿insider Oregon, will receive sealed bids for 08 good Ford Phone 7-Y. PIANO INSTRUCTION H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. the sale and delivery to the said dis Practices in all State and Federal trict of four hundred tiers of body FOR «ALE 1920 Ford touring, self MRS JAMES M. POWERS, instruc Courts. First National Bank Bldg fir wood, said wood to be cut in two starter, tire carrier. Fine shape tor on piano; studio over Barnes' ¡foot lengths .and delivered on the Call 1111 East A street. Grants jewelry: open 9 to 5 dally, except G. W OOLVIO, vttorney-at-law. ground at the various school houses Pass 12 Monday and Tuesday. Phone 265-J Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. i of the district, at the option of the FOR SALE -Gentle cow, eight years | board, well piled ready for measure I’ll VSf (IANS E. S VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices ment by the board. All wood must old, just fresh, giving four gallons In ali courts. First National Bank be cut from the body of sound green good milk a day, *05. Inquire F L. O. OLBMJ9NT, M. D„ Practice Building O. Wilcox, 407 Rogue River Ave limited to diseases of eye, ear. nose trees free from rot, dote or punk 08 and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours O 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. and diameter to be not less than 9-12, 2-5, 'or on appointment. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. four inches and not more than ten WANTED Phonea, office 62; residence 359-J. inches (seven inches round timber), C. A. A'DLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma- round timber not to exceed twenty WANTED—100 head weaned calves, 8. LOUGHK1DGE. M. D. Physician •oate lwin?lo. Grants Pass. Ore. per cent of the entire delivery. The raised on cow, state price of stock. and surgeon. City or country calls Board reserves the right to reject G. W. King, Montague, Cal. 123 attended day or night. Phoace. GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law any and all bids. referee in bankruptcy. Masonic Res. 369; Office. 182; 6th and H. WANTED- Several small houses for EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, Temple. Phone 135-J. sale—quick W. H. Patullo, rial E Clerk. J. BI1JJCK, M. D. Physician estate. 09 JAMES T. OHINÍKXJK, lawyer and surgeon: office Schallhorn First National Bank Building. Hanim erm Hl Bond printers at the WANTED TO RENT-4 or 5 room block, phone 54-J: residence, 1004 Courier office. house, furnished or unfurnished. l^awnridge, phone 54-L. A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg, j Phone 330-J. 09 Practice In all courts. W. F. RUTHERFORD -Manual 'he- WANTED- Wood cutters, pay »2.75 raputlcs. It gets your arvmeat. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice in per cord for cutting fir. H. H. Office over Barnes' Jewelry store state and federal courts. Office McClung, Wonder, Ore. 10 Office hours 9: 30-12; 1:30-4. Ben Jones returned from Klamath over National Drug Store. WANTED 8 or 9-room houso, with Falls Thursday. He has spent the RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- good garden plot. Must be worth past summer there. slclan ■nd surgeon, X-ray equtp- The and Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Steve Smith were at price asked. Address No. 101 ment, dental X-ray. Offtce, M»- Company Grants Pass Saturday. care of Courier with full informa sonic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of- TfMR CARD Miss Gwladys Jones was calling on tion. 11 flee 21-J; residence 21-L. Mrs. 8tephenson Wednesday evening. WANTED Redding and Son want to Effective Nev. 24, 1919. I buyjieavy team. Inquire 413 West VETERINARY SURGEON Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison re Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- turned Monday from Vancouver, L street. 12 DR. R. J BEST Ft,, Veterinarian. days' and Fridays where they have spent the past • WANTED—Two good milk cows; 1 P.M. Residence 83 8 Washington boule JxMive Grants Pass Arriva Waters Creek.......... 2 P.M. month with Mrs. Morrison's parents. also cream separator. Phone vard. phone 398-R. Queen Every returned home Tues Laave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 P.M 4 149-J. 09 ■y Arrive Grants Pass.............4 P.M. day from Jim Noble's where she has DENTISTS For information regarding freight been for the past week.* WANTED- Good farm team not less First-class and passenger rates call at the office Mian 1200 pounds. J. Z. Faucet., E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Delbert VanDorn and Ben Jones ! of the company, Lundburg building, dentistry. 109% 8. 6th St. wildervllle. 0a wore at Grants Pass Wednesday. 1 or telephone 131 Used cars that you can use. All in first-class condition. ONE 101» MODEL OAKLAND SENSIBLE SL- THRKE 1»1H MODEL 400 ( HEVKOLET TOURING CABS TWO 1017 MODEL FOR" TOl'RL.t. CABS ONE 1% TON MAXWELL TRUCK. ln2O MODEL, ■QUIPPED WITH PNFUMAnc TIKES, THRKE CARS WE WILL SELL AT A SACRIFICE. MUST GET RID OF THEM. W ILL MAKE FIRST CLASS RUG8. r; -.A 1* agents for . VW/ HUDSON I MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY ACCESSORIES 1MB RE PAIRING r PHON? 3Í7 \ ' 5H H STREET, GRANTS PASS ORE Second-Hand Bargains MAXWELL—FINE SHAPE CHEVROLET FORD TRUCK $600 $475 $450 FERRYDALE California Coast Railroad VICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL rzF"------------ HOX 'WE DO MOT VOM-W ÄYM ÄtCOOMT OF A, 'WEDWMG TW*T WI POU l ED OFF TVKUGE wjkvs A<ao \ f «aoKke of moo folks 'WE. XJüÇLVOXMi ÖOVM FES AM fcM(iM(SLO- PEO1A, \ feEYGUA NOdO 9E LATE. WAA ? •rvAwti* AUTO TOPS Heplaee atoe «habby top with lillht, eaey-l»-haadle weftther- preef «■• aew. Basar* leoAHsg. ecrviceahle tope— ixrfee* fittlac sad ism*r<>vtng the car's l*»lu—a wide eteeice la nsa- G. B. BERRY By Chari« Sughroe (SAJNM, MA OLE ÔOO.EUEAD, 'M &TOP "VA' 1PAPEE 'M EEE A F A GAEE'. MEU WIFE VÛALL ÖE AM MEKT AWEEAL TO GTAQT AT AG KAM, JEST UKG EME ALAJU AMS DOES' «W? VKW WWR4VES'. VMAOOSC' S h UF KVXKSTM W5OF'. SER &VKIAN9 IM TVA' 'M MK CAMT VOKF VAEUE MO MOÄÄ'. tlMD L. MEMA TO v’AÄV- ■SER EEEV. SIX OVE MOtEKMaG A The Imp Shakes a Sassy Tongue S A\MT \ DAWGONt'. UTTLE. DICKERS 9 \ SOPE FEEL kAEAM'. eONAETAtua \ FT KT TVK' LAÖXES' K\D ^OPPEQ , \ 'SPOSE----- ALU ET 'JUQTL CAAACKEM V\E, PAGKLES, POTATO SALAD, ACE OQEAVA, COLO SLAVO, PEAUAXS, KAAMCE P a E, APPLE P\E, LEA8OMA0E, LEXAOM PAC, AWATERVAELOM , OLAVEE- TAAÒ'S AX'. VkA A ATTIVA OF OLAAJE PO^OkXAAAö'.