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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1920)
SATURDAY, IMTOHKH IM. IlfJO. F AGE MX ... ■ RED CROSS STEAMER ON TRIP TO SIBERIA \< Put on Your Favorite Roll That’s what we invite any owner or would-be owner of a player-piano to do. Come in—play your favorite selection—without slightest obligation. See why it is that artist and layman alike delight in the wonderful tone, the marvelous flexibility, the splen did simplicity of the Cable-Nelson Player-Piano. These modem and highly popular, popuLfr-priced players set new standards of player-piano perfection and upset all previous nations of what can be expected of a player in the way of interpretation and feeling." Come in and see for yourself. “Play Your Farorite Roll” The Music & Photo House Staatow Rowell, l*roprietor Grants Pass, Ore. ... ■■■■■ H —■- ■ • ■ — a— Moore Bakery Under New Management Ixtndon. Oct. 23 Th« first ste*m- er put Into service between Hamburg and the Far Rast by th« Internation al Rod Croaa and the league of na tion has left for Vladivostok carrying 1 S.'O 'Riisslans whose home« are In Eastern Siberia. The «hip will re turn with former war prisoner« from Siberia, according to Information from the league of nation*. It has been estimated that 100.000 former prisoners of war remain to be repatriated from Rusal* and Si-j berla. Comparatively few however. 1 can be brought from Vladivostok he-' cause the soviet authorities have refused permission for prisoners from Siberia proper to leave Ruasla by way of the Far East Repatriation of former war pris oners by the present scheme is pos sible as a result of fuuds raised In the Vnlted States, a number of Am erican organisations acting jointly in what is known as the American repatriation committee. Already 3300,000 has been raised. JI ,000,00'' being expected. The principal organisations co operating In this committee are the American Friends’ Service committee (Quakers!, American Red Cross. American Relief committee for Hun garian Sufferers, American Retief I Committee for Austrian War Prison ers. Federal Council of the Churches of Christ of Amelrca. Joint Distri bution Committee. National Catholic War Council. Tonne Men’s Christian Association and the National Luther- an Council. F. C. Goetz i Sold at the same price everywhere J. F. BURKE Fashion Garage For those calls where time is important anti get ting there essential, Buick can be depended upon for swift, sure transportation. You will find among the new Buick Twenty One Models—the car which exactly suits your business needs and the needs of your family. The mechanical excellence of the car you choose is backed by a nation-wide authorised Buick Service, Price« of Twvwrv T**esy M«4ai M.wiH T smm * T wm * M--»«i T*vMy T w * m * the New Nineteen Twenty One Buick Serie« I'asFwf» F<s»t> O m (•••/•«» VWFtn*f> (WFwij (W FMtr' F d I F« mm . Hrt, *48. B«**«. tUw pan »ft <•» I»« *•*•»•<«< c«f hns/ gw«*« •»« *GM««<«f a*4«n ♦«»<• *««•»««*» <*«*• NUt«, s*w* *••**«*«r «•/ icr* **«• Caatf FW»»» • • ( • •***' |W1 lll'J II.'» Ul' tfAi WILL BUILI) HUM Why Not Electric Cooking? RASMUSSEN T0 STUDY ESKIMO Danish Explorer's Ambition It Said to Be to Make Thorough Study of the Northern Race WILL HlSBAAIi that mother never bake«! all good bread a* you get from this bakery. The fine flavor, tlio light newt, tl|e all mind goodnews vvi.ll prevent him from tiresome reference to mother’s baking. Try a loaf anti prove it. No better bread was ever baked or ever will lie. Ask your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS BAKTRY 503 G Street In Four Models That is why so much of the important work of the day is entrusted to Buick. »WOI’K AUTO COMPANY AGREE EXCLUSIVELY CT) I 'S/NESS men and professional men, in choos- ing a car, place dependability first. Salt Lake City. Utah. Oct. 23.—ln- : dians who have accounts in the | banks of Uinta Basin district ot Utah I ospecially at Vernal and Duchesne. | sign their cheeks with finger prints. I according to reports received here, i Bankers say this method is ne ea- IMMEDIATE DKIJVKRY ' sary as few of the red men can read | and write, while many have names i so long that there Is not room enough 3WV-3Hf NORTH SIXTH HT. i on the bottom of the checks to -write them. When an Indian, unable to write, i WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK 1 desires to draw some of his money be has someone fill out a blank check for him and then affixes his thumb A full record of thumb prints Is kept print. The check is compare« with the prints kept on file at the bank st each bank and officials claim that and, it found to be correct, is paid. , under this system there hA never been a wrong payment. Many ot the Uinta Basin Indiana are wealthy ad have large bank ac counts. The majority of them raise cattle and sheep. A OIK Studebaker Cars G — line of Fancy Pastry WE ARE NOW SELLING 4 INDIANS DRAW MONEY WITH FINGER PRINTS We now carry a complete Proprietor V_\ V M ’ÍINI.W Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking The renin rl: able studies carried out by the Danish explorer. Knnd Rasmus sen among the Greenland Eskimo« are described by W. E Ekhlaw in the Geogrnptitrnl Review Rn«mn«‘ n. who I- ixirt Eskimo himself, was bom and trained In Inngnngt-a and eth oology at tile Uulveraity of Copen hagen. It Is his ambition tn make a thor- ongh Study of the whole Eskimo race, from eastern Greenland to Siberts, and he has already visited every Eskimo settlement in Greenland. It is «eld that be knows every Greenland Eski mo personally. Mr. Ekblaw believes It safe to say that no one else has ever come Into such direct contact with a whole people as he has. Late In 1919 he returned from a visit to Ammassallk. on the east const. He was surprised to And that the east Greenland Eskimos preserve many of the customs of the central Eskimos who Still Inhabit the ancestrnl home of the race about Hudson bay. He found that they are more rlotwly re lated to the central Eskimos than are any of the other tribes of the entire Greenland coast, and that only recent ly have they been affected by contrast with the Greenland west coast culture. —Scientific American. OOAleLESG SMOKR-LEM ASH-LESS DUST-LESS TIUH ltl.E-I.ESS Electric cooking provides the one thoroughly practical, _ convenient, clean and sanitary method of cook ing. Eliminate« dirt, dust, ushew, gas an«! worry, (look without waste. California-Oregon Power Co. Figure It for Yourself. The following statement Is attrib uted to a well known statistician: “The business and other Institutions of tho United States of America are run hy not more than 2 per cent of those connected with them, and would CAPStll ES fall If those 2 per cent were with Tb« world’s standard remedy for kidney, drawn. Gf these 2 per cent, 4 per Hv«t, bladder and uric acid troubles, the cent are the sons of hankers, eight of snetfties of life and looks. In u«e since bnsiness men. twenty-five of educators 1698. All druggist«. three sites. end thirty of preachers." GOLD MEDAL Leoli fee the name Geld Medal ea eeaer ho. and acaen' rw> imiratmn Extraordinary Hurdling. William Priestly, at Hull, England In 1863, jumped one thousand hurdles each three feet six Inches high, In six ty-one and a half minutes. That 1» eqnnl to lifting Ids own weight n'n« times the height of St Paul’s, In Lon don. and running six miles Into the bargain. MORE MILK AT LESS GOST May lie aecared hy feeding FISHERS’ MORMILK (A scientific dairy f<»o<l) It is tho same weight and price ne a «nek of inillrun, but will produce much more milk. 8ol«l exclusive!)- hy JOSEPHINE 00¥NTY FLOUR MILL Oonier Third and G Street Phene 123