Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1920)
GRANTS l'UW DAILY COURIER MITI UDAY, «MTOIiril XI. 1020. AT Till; MIGN ol THE DOMAR Many business m«n have no Idea of or do not appreciate the many advantage* afforded by our modern commercial banking »ervl<«. * It I» not merely receiving your depoalta and paying out withdrawal». Consult us about the other ■trou« feature» ut our service. CO MM LIU IAL — SAVINGS mi M Dl f till Ml NT NWE IMONNMT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK HOTTHKRN OREGON PER52NÆL ML? LOQflL INSURANCE—Fire, automobile, life, accident and health. T. M. Stott. 3<>R North Sixth St. «2tf NEW OREGON STRAWBERRY plants for sale, 50c per 100, you dig them: (1.00 per 100 delivered. Can furnish 500 Progressive Ever- bearing plants, W. R. Nipper. phone 326-R. 725 Jordan St. 08 Shoes for the family E. L. GALBRAITH—Real Estate. In surance. and plate glass liability • 09H O street, phone 28. 40tf TYPING. Manuscripts edited, proof reading. Mrs. Lucile R. Davis. R. ' F. D. 2. Box 107. 10-1R-3S | CAM. WHITE UNE TAXI at Clem ens Drug Store. 4fi-R. Residence phone 381. 7-3-Stf J >3 MOSS AGBNCT Fire insur- ance, plate glass liability Insur- arc«. 20414 Sixth street. tf MI N N CAPH, BIXIl LAIt, »3.25 VALUE SPECIAL .................. »2.75 WOODWARD’S Holland Bulbs T1 io finest lot of Bull« we have ever.had, Comprising— HYACINTHS IN 3 COLORS NARCISSU& SINGLE AND DOUBLE TULIPS, ASSORTED COLORS CROCUS, FRIESIAS and CHINA LILIES I For Christmas Howel's, bulbs should be planted at Once Warmind relief for rheumatic aches. LIE'S just used Sloan'» * • Liniment and the quick comfort had brought a smile of pleasure to his face. Good for aches resulting from weather exposure, sprains, strains, lame back, ¡¿J’ overworked muscles. Pcnc- 70< tratrs without rubbing. All ilriO druggists have it Odd Fellows Bloek Jonteel TALCUM POWDER FACE rOWDER ALL COLORS COMPACT POWDERS MAMICI HE PREPARATIONS SOAP AMI» COLD CREAM CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books Flower I’ots and Jardinieres *..v . ■. - - JBK sj.-t À. ■ST Iflrs. Dellie IHas WE ARE BUILDING good will for the future in the values and tailoring -»atiataction that we are giving today. In these times of high cost of production are bringing to bear every ounce of pressure and all their influ ence In helping us to hold down our tailoring prices. GEO. 8. CALHOUN Local dealer nearly «ixteen years HAVE YOUR Fall Suit and Overcoat MARK TO MMA»URB BY Hart, Schaffner & Man AT Peerless Clothing Co Character, Capacity, Credit these are the three big C’s in the con duct of successful business. Make the Josephine County Bank the depository of your working capital —it can be of valuable service to you. J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass ,O regon As Good a Western Picture as you will ever see BEGINS and plays thru Tuesday I Adults 35c Kiddies 15c I Sloans Liniment j TOILET WATER Cramer Bros. offerings received during our be reavement. W. J. RADKE. LEONARD RADKE. MR. and MRS. C. C. HOWARD. MR and MRS. DAVID DOBBIE. and Flannelnette Gowns for Winter Wear Tomorrow Matinee MEN'S < MITII HATH. REGULAR »1.50 VAI.I K, SPECIAL »3.75 1113 n . SIXTH ST. Knit Underwear Kelley-Hprlngfleld tires are in a Flower pots and jardinieres for 08 class by themselves. 1° bulb planting at Cramer Bros. Saturday Special — Mirror» for large China lily bulbs. 20» each Furniture Holman» at Cramer Bros. OX Bathrooms. Hear Campboll Sunday night. S. D Store. 08 A. chapel, Xth and K. on '’Why Am 1 * lxjok tor our display advert Ise- What I Am,” or "Why 'Do 1 Keep ment, special sale on tires, this week. OX Ilogue River Hardware Co. Saturday for the Sabbath?" OX Save 15 per cent by buying tires this week at Rogue Itlver Hardware A11111111111111 Mini White Granii« 0« Large stock Just arrived. Grant» Co. 10 Choice hyacinth bulbs In three Pass Hardware Co. I c olors, at 11.50 per dozen at Cramer OS Ballouc'en Mask Ball— Bros. October 27th, Waldorf Hall. Singer sewing machines for rent. 08 Dane tickets |1 10, extra ladles and Holmans Furniture Store. 06tf The flne«t assortment of Holland spectators 25c. bulbs at Cramer Bros. 08 Oh. Boy! l/s»k« Who'« Here— "Armand" powder. Sabin has It. Carnival and dance at Riverside Special for Saturday — Picture Community Club house, on Rogue Frames in all sizes Holmans Fur beyond Foots Creek quarter of a niture Store. 08 Paints and oils at reduced prices. mile. Don't miss the date, Saturday, 06tf Granta Pass Hardware Co. 10 October 23rd. Plant your bulbs now if you want Monarch Range«— Christmas blooms. Make your selec Several style» just received— tion at Cramer Bros. 08 Grants Pass Hardware Co. 10 Something new tn Mirrors on I Wonder Who'll Get the Prize — standards, Saturday Special Hol At the Hallowe'en masquerade? mans Furniture Store. OR Hyacinth, tulip, crocus, narcissus Th« one that deserves It, of course! 08tf and frolesla bull«» at Cramer Bros. 110 for the best couple. Peppy music, zippy one steps, fris- Woodmen of the World, Take Notice. key fox trots, moonlight waltzes, at Owing to the death of Mrs. Earle the Riverside Community Club dance Smith, wife of Neighbor Earle Smith, ■nd carnival. October 23rd on Pa the supper planned for Monday night. cific highway beyond Foots Creek. 08 Oct. 25. will be postponed. Heater« and ranges at Holmans Furniture. 08 Mr. Itannic Mover, Shop— Have flowers In your home from W R. Ran nie has moved his Christman on by planting bulbs now plumbing and sheet metal works OR from H street to 417 G street, below from Cramer Bros, stock. Roofing and 'building paper bought the Palace hotel. Il by the car load. Prices right. 10 RooMten for Tturnksgiving Turkey— Grants Pass Hardware Co. Aluminum and granite roasters Hear Campbell tonight at S D. A. galore. Grants Pass Hardware. 10 chape). Sth and E on "The Big 4 of’ Dan 7." 08 Hallowe'en Hoodoo. Buffaloed--- Bulbs planted now give the finest At Murphy. October 30, you're as flowers. Make selections now at safe as the boy on the burning deck. Cramer Bros OS Come early and be safe a long time Special sale on auto tires for week for we'll keep up a din till the October 25 to 30. Rogue River witches flop. OS Hardware Co. 08 CIRI» OF THANKS Everybody will be there. Where? Why at the Riverside Community It is with grateful hearts that we Club on Saturday evening, October wish to thank our many friends for 23rd, on Pacific Highway beyond their kindness and sympathy extend Foots Creek. 08 ed us. and for the beautiful floral NEW TODA» Rogue River Hardware Co. PACK Piva TA e f** Bill Hart in “SAND” FROM RUSSELL A. BOGG’S STORY ‘DAN KURRIE’S INNING’ IT S A WESTERN—A MIGHTY STORY OF THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN TWO MEN—ONE WHO WAS ALL “SAND” AND ONE WHO WAS ALL “DIRT.” -YO#U’LL SAY IT'S BILL’S BEST PICTURE. OREGON YOUR LAST CHANCE TONIGHT AND THE BIGGEST RACE OF THE YEAR WILL BE OV^R — WALLIE REID — “EXCUSE MY DUST”