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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1920)
SAGE FOUR »»ATI KO I» . «MfXMII.ll XI. II»'.’«. GRANTS I’AtW DAILY IXH1UKH WS PASS Dilli COURIER' PubIBhed Dally Except Sunday I soil and water, the Grants Pass dis trict will supimrt u population teu times as great as that now here. This will meun new enterprises, lucreus- A. E. Voorblaa. Pub and Propr. | ed induatr.v. better business By get Bntarwd at pontoftce. (Iran tn Paas. ting behind this development our lo Or«., as second class mall matter cal chamber of commerce can bring ADVERTISING RATDB | hundreds of home builders here, and Display space, per Inch--- -------- 25c for the preaent It will bn building Bsoenl-pereonal column, per line....10c « Readers, per line . —....... — upon -i foundation more stable than DAILY COURIER by the location of factory or mill. Uy mall or carrier, per year---- 10.00 The factory and the mill will follow By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 land development. 80 every effort WEEKLY COU1UBR I should now be directed toward mak By mxll. per year------------------- 11.00 ing more of our aero« ready for pro- duetion. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Ths Associated Press to exclusively 101 and 105 North Sixth Grants Pass, Oregon Within the city the need for more entitles! U> the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it , homes Is u pressing one. There ar» or all otherwise credited tn thb __________ _ for rent. Thia la fast few houses paper and also the local news pub ling were put in the way of solution acre» must be put under the plow becoming a city of home owners, lished herein. All rights of republication of ape- i for them. Land clearing aud level-, and the ditch within the next few i though many of the sales during the elal dispatches herein are ateo re- I ling outfits must be organlied tinder months. Once under the Intensive 1 i>ast tew months have been because gerved competent direction. Thousands of production possible with Josephine the purchaser bought as a matter of SATURDAY, CXTOBER 33, ItMO. Otherwise he was I self protection not sure of au abiding place If the <* OREGON WEATHER ; city la to grow. It must solve this JERSEYS AND TAFFETA PETTICOATS AT housing problem Two hundred new Tonight and Sunday fair ex POPULAR PRICES homes will be needed before the new ♦ cept probably rain in the north year Is far advanced 4 west portion. The price of these petticoats ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Carson Grapes Now ! New Shipment of CUT GLASS Just Arrived. Prices Right BARNES, The Jeweler >Y &TRU is not the only attractive feature about them. Hey are cut on straight lines and have finely pleated flounces with fanev sans silk stitching. There are many beautiful shades to select from and when we tell you they are “ Fitrites ......... ... ” you will know how well they art* made. New shipment received yes terday. THE CALL OF I'BOGRRSS There are two things having to do ■with the immediate progress and velopment of Grants Pass and tributary district that require best attention of our people, One is the giving of assistance in the clear- Ing and levelling of the lands under ' the irrigation project and the other the providing of homes for people who would live in Grants Pass lands of the irrigation district held largely by people who have little or no in the prepara tion of soil for irrigation. Scores of people are coming here and making I purchase of tracts, and would pur chase, If the problem of land clear- Golden Rule Store Western Made for Western Fuel WHY A HARD COAL FUR NACE SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR WESTERN FUEL. The hard coal furnace, and all eastern furnaces are hard . coal furnaces, are built primar ily for hard coal. When these furnaces are to lie used in the West where soft coal is used as a fuel no change whatsoever is made in the construction, ex cept in the grate, where a soft coal grate is usuallv substitut ed. When soft coal is used pull outs or miniature explosions will occasionally occur. Tf a furnace is not built with this in mind, joints will be opened and the furnace will soon be throwin? dust and gas into the room. This explains why fur naces are so very much more dusty here in the West than they are in the East. In the construction of the Western Pipeless the fact that the furnace wits to be used for soft coal and wood was the paramount consideration. First, th«1 doom were so arranged that they would blow open if an explosion should occur. The doors on the hard coal furnace lock- when they are clsed, hut the d<!» of the Western act as a safety valve and protect all joints against excessive strain. Second, in order to make th«* furnace absolutely dustless all joints were made wedge sealed. THE WEDGE SEALED JOINT Hut joint absolutely eliminates all leakage of «lust and gas. Each joint is made with a wedge shafted groove as shown in the cut. This groove is filled with asbestos cement and forced into pJace. When the cement hardens no ex plosion or jar of any kind can drive this cement out. It is a permanently gas tight joint. Sold and Installed by B. S. Dedrick 514 and 516 F St., Grant1? Pass, Oregon FOI IME IH (IH VIA TERM In Oregon we elect our county commissioners, assessors, and school superintendents for tour-year terms, and our judges, from justices of the supreme court to the justices of the I peace, for six-year terms, but we choose our county clerks, treasurers, j sheriffs, coroners and surveyors for ’ two-year terms. Under a constitu tional amendment to be submitted i to the people at the November elec- ■ tlon. the terms of those five officers are to be extended to four years. Well trained officials are an eco i nomical investment The average of-' i flclal Is Just beginning to get ac- i qualnted with the duties of hla office | when he Is compelled to start a cam- ! | paign for reelection, which Involves not only considerable expense, to say j i nothing of the worry of a campaign. resulting in Inattention to duty and loan of efficiency. The public service should be clns-i sifted under the same practical ten ure aa private business, wherein com petent heads of departments are rated by their ability and efficiency It is utter foolishness for the people to lose the service of a good official, and the proposed amendment will undoubtedly mean thnt capable men and women, and candidates who are desirable will much more readily run for office when they are assured of a f<iur-year term In case they are elected. The farther removed county offices are taken front political campaigns, the better will be the service to the people. Under the recall, w; have the machinery to oust an undesirable official whenever his conduct is un- satisfactory. It has been done a number of times in Oregon, and it has become such a potent weapon for the safety of the people that officials are extremely careful in following the straight and narrow path of duty. The state of Oregon has much to gain through the passage of the amendment, and ft ought to have the support of every voter.—Oregon City Enterprise « OUNTY TREASURER'S CALL FOB ROAD WARRANTS All Josephine County Road War-: rants Issued np to (not Including) i \prfl 1flth, 1920, and protested prior' to that date, nre hereby called, and | are payable at the County Treasurer's office on or after October 25th. 1920, | on which date Interest will cease, CEO B. CALHOUN. County Treasurer of Jose- . phlne County. Ore. 1 Detroit, where upwards of 1<MM) Dorts have been sold at retail this year, furnishes two striking illustrations of the long lit'«* of these cal's. William McCaffrey, a contrac tor in the motor city, bought a Dort roadster in 191B and in the five years lias covered more than 150.000 miles. Thousands of miles have been traveled with a semi-trailer loaded with bricks, mortar and building supplies. In the first four years McCaffrey spent $15 for service work and this year he had the ear overhauled at a «’ost of $100. T. C. Burney, also of Detroit, lias driven his Dort touring car five years, during which he has s|«ent exactly 60 cents for parts, mid this not until September. Mr. Burner says lie lias driven under all condi tions and over all roads and taken care of the ear himself, because it is such an easy job owing to the accessibility of all parts. I NOW HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP, ONE 6 CYLINDER, 7 PASSENGER REO, NEW BATTERY, NEW TOP, TWO NEW CORD TIRES. A. N. Parsons 20« N. 6th Street The Battery Shop SPECIAL For Next Week 30x3 Non-Skid I ires at $15.50, .».(MM) mile guarantee Maxwell and Dodge bumper at $10.00 $2.50 Ford coil insulaton al Windshield weather strips visible and invisible 50c 1 pair Ideal windshield wings, the very best $18 00 Only a few of each come early The Battery Shop Opposite Courthouse VEEDOL OIL Competent Mechanics and Prompt Service STORAGE RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME When your brakes, battery and oiling system need special attention LET — IT— Ament’s Auto Repair and Machine Shop Service <■««• annwera nil DORTS LAST LONG TIME One Used by Contractor Is Driven Total of 150,000 Miles Economy in up keep Can You Beat It? cii II h W«*hUi*ir <»f oil kind«« I my phone I 13-J— Night 252-R SMITH’S GARAGE Put your ear in shape for the Winter Best wash rack in Oregon REPAIRING WELDING FREE BATTERY SERVICE OPEN UNTIL 11 P. M.