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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1920)
tôrardô VOU XI.. No. 31. Ociiln Courier GKANTH PARK, JOHKI’HINE (XIL'NTY, OREGON, HATl 11DAY, <M TOBER 23. 1920. WHOLE NUMBER SIM. IRISH CITIES Miner»' Executive .Yalta Ttiat Action Re |M<f<vn«l I’emliug |il«u»»lon Willi Government Young Ruler of Grxwe Said to Be In Delirium at Timre Following Bite of Monkey NH o |* n BURNED IN BANDO AFTER Ixmdon, Oct. 23. -Railway mou ¡GRAVE REI*ORTH IN (IRCI L.V CAMPAIGN EXI’ENDIT! RE n ARE Athens, Oct. 23.—The condition of i WAN OWNER OF APARTMENT IM bava postponed their proponed strike MILITARY' IX»RRY IM AMR! MH- Gl\ I N IX LIIMltl I II.ED King Alexander Is moat grave. He is TION IN LONDON tONCERNING CHICAGO—MISTAKEN FOB In sympathy with the minara tem I l> 1. ANT NK.II I CORK MAYOR frequently delirious. His morgan- WITH CLERK BURGLAR PITCHED BATTIE IS FOUGHT Pullmunn Killed end < »ilici— AA'oiind- m I in Fight Following Attacha on Military porarily, at the request of the miners' executive. The miners accepted Pre miar Lloyd George's Invitation for further discussion. 9 i atic wife, who was a trained nurse. 'Is at hls bedside night and day fight ing for his life with all the skill she gained during the war. Exchange Telegraph Haya That He G. O. I*. Simili» «2,7 41,503 Accord-: I» Not Expected to Uve Muth Ing to Statewnt Given by Treas longer—Wife at lledsido urer Upham FLOWERS ARRIVES FOR MEETING THIS EVENING- liiinrt» of Trouble Between Tenants »ml Proprietor Being Ix»»ked In to by the I’oUce •- h ’ '9#'. ' > Cork. Oct. 23. Several shops were — Washington, Oct. 23.—The demo London. Oct. 23«—Grave reports “The duty of the republicans ofj Chicago, Oct. 23.—Rev. Frederick burned and windows of the principal The body of Private Riley F. Mur- were In circulation at noon regarding cratic national committee has ex- G. Ruff, pastor of the Memorial Meth- business concerns were smashed at Oregon is to bend their every effort! 'ray, Co. IJ, «th Battalion, 20th Engi the condition of Terence MacSwtney. pended 2699,071 up to October 21. i odist church and owner of an apart toward the election of republicans to, Bando near the acene of yesterday's neers, who was drowned when the lord mayor of Cork, on the 72nd day according to a report filed with the ment building was shot and killed ambush of military lorries In which the United States senate and so not representatives clerk by of hla hunger strike In Brixton pris house of j IT. H. transport Tuscanla was torpe this morning by Fred W. Sexto. * an officer and a private were killed nullify the election of Harding to doed off the <*oast ot Scotland on ión. The Exchange Telegraph com Treasurer Marsh. Total receipts were tenant Sexto told the police that he and five aoldlera wounded The vil the presidency,” said Monta ville with re- This compares pany at that hour declared that bls 1677,943. February 5th, 1918, arrived lu the mistook the minister for a burglar. lage of Innlshannon was also report Flowers as he arrived in city this morning under escort of last moments were at hand. It Is cel pts of 22.466,019 and expendl- ... _ . ,,,, 'He was arrested while the police ta- this afternoon to fill hls engagement! , . , _ . . .,^2 ed damaged Mitchell Ixipricb', troop F, 11th Cav said that Mrs. MacSwlney Is with him tures of 22,741,503 by the republi- .. _ , ... . . vestigated reports of trouble between as the speaker at the meeting to be .. . _ reported < an national committee as and Father Dominic, his private alry, stationed at Presidio, San ...... . ... . the tenants and the preacher. Rev. Dublin. Oct 23 A pitched battle at the opera house this evening _ _ . . • yesterday by Treasurer Upham. Cox held chaplain, also visited him. Francisco. „„____ _ , _______ . . Ruff was summoned before a coun- was fought laat night near Moate ,, was listed as a subscriber of 35.000 , “Oregon Is going „ to ,,, cast her vote di Private Murray enlisted December committee investigating rent pro- where a military lorry was ambush for Harding and Coolidge by an,„. . _ to the democratic fund, The larg- 12. 1917, at Eugene, Oregon. Hls I’ORTLAND MAN IS NAMED . , , , .. „ ,. „ fiteering on complaint of the tenants, ed. One policeman was killed and overwhelming majority,” said Mr.. Wroe, of ON V. S. SHIPPING BOARD eat subscriber was H. A. body, with others of hls comrades, ... _ .. Recently tenants posted signs In others wounded A military party . , ' Austin, Texas, who gave 120.000, Flowers. "Throughout all Oregon the . I their was Interred In the little cove of Allt windows reading unfair land- which was sent to aid the police was Harding sentiment is supreme. But ii or( j» Rem- Portland, Oct. 23 — <A Washington and the second largest was Mhlc Pheradrals, In the cemetery of attacked and a running fire maintain the nation expects Oregon to sup-1 Mull of On, Isle of Kllleyan. Scot special dispatch aays Joseph N. Teal, brandt Peale of Carrollton, Penn., ed throughout Moate, In which it la port Harding by sending republcans . .. _ . ~~ ~ of Portland, has been appointed as a who gave 110,000. land. and was given full military Ashland Ix*a<ling in Game— reported a woman was killed Com- to congress. Otherwise Oregon can „ . , , member of the shipping board. honors at the time ot burial. not be classed as a republican State. r u* Mncd military and police parties re- The services will be held at Hall's Many Entries at Show- “Senator Chamberlain has had his ot^e first ha*f ot‘he ^^«1» «>«“• termed to Athlone. shooting as they under Married in The I »al Ire— Many entries have been made in choice, and he chose to be a demo- tod,5r Ashland in the lead with proceeded through the town and chapel at 2 p. m. tomorrow, the auspices of the local I »oat of the Donald Campbell and Miss Mar- the corn show being held today In erat,” continued Mr. Flowers. “He * BCOre ot ’° t0 °‘ causing a panic. American Ix-glon which requests all guerlte Davis were united In mar- the basement of the courthouse. chose to vote for democratic rneas- . . ' ,or L. M. West, of Kerby, Is registered ex-service men. whether members of rlage at The Dalles on October 11, There are 40 entries of seed corn and urea—that’s hls business. the local post or not, to meet at the at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. eight of silage corn, All of the ex- "We are a representative govern- D' A ° Collie-McNeill, adorn nt the Oxford county courthouse at 1 o'clock to or John Vogue, They will make their hlbits are very good. A large num ment We send men to Washington panie<1 by McNe,n and dau’h- Mrs Eva I’arretl Is apend'ng the ganise for participation. All ex-ser home at the Dufur Orchard eom- ber of people were attending the ■ out . tar, .. Miss Dorothy, left this afternoon week end visiting with friends In to represent our principles and .. ’ „ .. . . vice men are also requested to turn pany's 4000 acre orchard, in.»,»... a.. for ___ tar the south. Mr. McNeill has been ____________ _ Mr. show all day. The courthouse will _____ Medford Interests and do us what we our- a full uniform to honor this de Campbell being vice president of the be open this evening to allow anyone selves would do If we were there. If here all fall fishing for steelheads. W. V. WhlteMl, who ha» been vla- out In ceased comrade and If unable to meet company to visit the Rhow if they desire. Itlng in the city tar the past week i you send a man to the senate who He comes every year from Colima. at the courthouse at 1 o'clock, to be — morning for Klamath Falls left this I votes wholly opposite to your prin Mexico, and spends two months of I*roperty 1» s«»l<l— Mrs. George Elsey returned to her at the chapel for the services. IHew In Klamath Falla— ciples and your interests, you destroy the fall here. This year the fishing Following the services "t the home at Mer11" this morning after a has the very nature of our government wus not as good as it has been for The D. A. Fitzgerald home Relatives and friends of Mrs. Earle taken to chapel the body will be short visit tn the city. will “Any republican, therefore, who merly but Mr. McNeill says that his Sloan cemetery at River Banks where Smith were grieved last night when been sold to Alfred Doerner, who Mr. and Mrs B. it Welty, of Great Mr. I votes for Senator Chamberlain, de present intentions are to return here news of her sudden death reached use the place as a residence. tho graveside services kill lie held. Fnl!». Mont., were registered last representative government next fall again. Grants Pass is es I’all bearers will be selected from here. Mrs. Smith died at 9 o’clock Doerner is now making his home on stroys pecially attractive as it is the only night at the Josephine. the place. W. T. Miller has purchased J ust as f “ r as his personal vote goes: In a Klamath Falls hospital yester tho ranks of uniformed men and the large town on the Rogue where the N. Ketcham was n bustarea visitor he substitutes personal government escort will be composed of uniformed day evening. The body Is to be tract 56 of Tokay Heights from Mrs. necessary advantages may be had and In the city yesterday and today from for the principles of democracy. ex-service mon. The Ixvgion requests brought here for burial and will ar Lulu Vaughn. Mrs. Vaughn also sold it is not far to excellent fishing. Merlin. Arrange tract 11 in Tokay heights to R. C. Have we not yet been cured of per those having automobiles and wish rive tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Moore and Mr. sonal government by the example of ments have not vet been made for the Powers, who expects to build on the Returns From Trip—• and Mrs. CharlM Moore, of IxiCrosse. ing to offer them for taking tho es funeral services. Mrs. Smith was property next spring. He already Woodrow Wilson?" cort of ex-service men to Sloan ceme > Wash, spent the night In the city. Mr. Flowers is making his last | Daniel J. Singer, noted naturalist well known here, having lived here owns a number of tracts near hls re W. S lAJIen.* of Holland, is lu the tery. have them parked opposite Hall at one time. Besides her husband, cent purchase. W. V. Carville, of speech in Oregon tonight, and willI and writer of New York, returned to city today attending to some business chapel In readiness. leave at 10 o’clock for California i this city today from Briggs creek An escort of American Legion she la survived by a father and moth Oroville. Calif., has purchased 120 where he will close the campaign for where he spent several weeks hunt- matters. members met the body this morning er. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, of acres on Williams creek and will tag and studying the black-talled W. S Carpenter, ot Corvallis. Is The sales the national committee. The meet and conducted it to the chapel, where, River Banks, three brothers. Her make his home there. attending the corn show, giving the ing at the opera house tonight will deer of this coast. Mr. Singer made bert. Carl and Dean and two sisters. were made by Isaac Beet. the services are to be held tomorrow. farmers a few facts on corn. therefore commence promptly cn the trip with Sherman Smith who Mrs. J. D. Fry and Mrs. J. D. Phi!-! BROTHERS IX WT WHILE time. Besides the address by Mr. took him into some excellent hunt lips left thia morning for Ashland: Flowers, there will be singing by a ing country. Mr. Singer reports that III XTINO IN' MOI N'TAINS he got two big bucks, having chosen male quartet. where they, will spend thr day visit-1 i only the large ones. At one time he Ini». Pendleton, Oct 23. Paul and Vic Cooperation Promised— saw a bunch of five He i8 very Ixionard Radke Is In the city for a ( tor Jlracher. sons of G. O Bracher. \ letter has been received bv the ™Ucb pleased with bis trlp and w111 few days from Marmarth, N. D., hav of Pilot Rock, have been lost while Oregon state highway commission have tbe two beads mounted and W1U ing been called here by tho sudden hunting In the Blue mountains. 1 from the California commission and add tbjem * h,S collection He •”» death of Mrs. Augusta Radke. has been forwarded to Judge Gillette SM™d 1 "“«ber of photo- A number of Gold Beach people PORTLAND MARKETS Richmond. Va.. Oot. 23.—Virgin The imputation of “provincialism," The commission made a trip into p™ph\ wblch he wiU ”se ln h,s ar‘ are registered nt tho Josephine. They ians who are “proud of what Wash he Mid. found "stern rebuttal" in the gonthe!ra Oregon some rime‘ago and ticles dealing with the trip. are Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Gauntlett, W. Portland, Oct. 23.—All markets ington aud Jefferson did to establish history of Virginia as well as Massa W. Gauntlett and H. A. White. the matter of the Crescent City- OREGON STATE FARM the nation Warren O. Hard are steady. T. A. Raffety, of Roseburg, state rai,S bi£rbway was taken up BUREAU IS ORGANIZED ing to preserve and maintain it,’’ de chusetts. “Your whole history,’’ he Inspector of motor vehicles, was In clared Governor Coolidge, republican went on, “shows that the idea of iso with them. They were assured that Portland, Oct. 23.—The Oregon tho city today to see that everybody : nominee for the vlce-presldencv In I lation is repugnant to the genius of this state was ready to fill their part of the bargain and now work on the tSa,e Farm Bureau wa3 organized was complying with tho state laws an address last night detailing some America. But your whole history for motor cars. ---------1 historical achievements of the Old shows that it is the purpose of Amer I California side is promised. The let here by a«ent3 trom ni“e counties. Mrs. F. E. Booth left this morning Tokio, Oct. 23.—A special dispatch Dominion and Massachusetts for the ica to remain forever free and inde tar follows tn part: “Preliminary George A' Man8fteld, ot Jackson for Ixis Angeles, whore she will Join from Harh(n rBport that 300 persons past 300 years. He also spoke sym pendent. You do not shut yourselves surveys are now In progress In Del count’r' was made temporary chair- Mr. Booth, who left a couple of week.« > w<>rfl knlpd ftnd Jnjured ,n tra)n pathetically of President Wilson and in, nor shut the world out; but you Norte county above Crescent City man An electi°n will be held this ago for tho south Mr. and Mrs wraftk npar HarbIn expressed the hope of hls “speedy are determined that only an Ameri and this commission, when It reaches aftemoon. Booth have boon visiting In tho city ________ ___ . and complete recovery.” can government shall govern Ameri the place where ft can undertake ac CUSTOMS SERVICE WILL with the Holmans fqr several tual construction on this portion, will "Whenever Massachusetts and Vir ca.” ALLOW ENTRY OF LIQUOR months. They expect to return here' Ex-Service Men to Meet«— ginia have stood together.” he said, Referring to President Wilson, the endeavor to get in touch with yotir In tho spring. 11 requested that all ex-service "they have advanced the welfare of Washington, Oct. 23.—The cus commission to the end that improve- governor asked: “Should anyone be, E E Ageo. who was employed by mon meet at the county courthouse America and the world by their ex- condemned here for upholding the! 1 ments may proceed simultaneously toms service has agreed to let foreign Hazelwood Company In the local re at 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon In full i ample. Your statesmen have been views of Washington and Jefferson ion both sides of the state Ilns.” diplomats import liquor. calving station during the summer Is uniform to participate In the funeral the guiding Influence which wo have instead of those of Woodrow Wilson? ; Football Team Txsaves— HARVARD DEFEATS THE ■pending tho week here Introducing services of Private Riley F. Murray, sought to follow. We shall never for Allow me here, in the state that gave The high school football te^n left I CENTRE COLLEGE ELEVEN a plan to associate the producing. ( Co. D, 20th Engineers, get that tt was your greatest son. the him birth and that has added his this morning in a truck for Ashland Cambridge. Mass., Oct. 23.—Har manufacturing and distributing ex- ......... . first American, George Washington, name as the eighth of her sons to at where they are to meet the Ashland parts In such a manner as will on Aiivllinrv Notice— who came to take command of the tain the presidency, to express the football team today. They were ac-| vard defeated Centre college 31 to able the actual producer to receive colonial troops under the elm still sympathy of Massachusetts and the companied by a large number of 14 today. There 1« a movement on foot to tho profit formerly claimed by the beautify onr homes and public standing In Cambridge and drove the sympathy of the party of which I am rooters. The hoys were confident! financier or so called middleman. grounds. The civic improvement com , last foreign Invader from the soil of a member to President Wilson in hls that they would win today and have illness and to express the hope of hls been working hard all week to be in I mittee urges all interested to meet Massachusetts. "We shall never forget that when speedy and complete recovery. the best condition possible. Today nt the courthouse on Tuesday after i the war was done he presided over “Political contests often beget bit will prove a very good test of the noon. October 26. at 3 o’clock. the convention which drafted the terness and partisanship too fre- relative strength ------ „— of the southern! i constitution of the union and that It quently leads to misrepresentation Oregon teams as Klamath Falls and Mill 1» Stccllianinier Married-— i was the prestige of hls support that and denunciation, We can abhor Medford play today on the Medford1 Word has been received by Grants , secured its ratification by the states, courts and abolish kings, but we field. That will bring all four south- New York. Oct. 23.—Governor Pass friends of the marriage tn i We shall never forget that what hej must not banish courtesy, or forget ern Oregon teams Into play today Cox here for the second time in the Portland on Wednesday. October 20. was to the nation as a soldier and an ! Washington. Oct. 23. President to be gentlemen. There is too much and will probably show which team campaign said In an address that if Wilson will receive a delegation ofj of Ixvuls R. Steelhammer and Edith ' executive, John Marshall was as a Involved In the contest In which we has the best chances for carrvfng off Washington are now engaged: America means the championship of this part of the I he wcro oloctcd president he would pro-league republican» Wednesday Powers Kupers. Mr Steolhammer lawyer and a Judge. devote his energy to accomplishing Ho Is exported to deliver a pro was a former resident of this city, gave us a constitution, but Marshall I too much to us and to the world to state, Principal Gaston, and Howard j nouncoment on the league of nations, being manager of the C. P. Bishop gave us a government. What they misrepresent the issues or Indulge in Rears« and Juel Bestul went along industrial readjustment throughout I the country. He said he was unfet gave It Is ours to preserve.” his second of the campaign, j store, and has many friends here. abusive personalities with the team. tered by campaign promises.