Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1920)
■F - PER52N/1L iS? LOCAL | SAVINGS ACCOUNT la one of the beet safeguards a man can have for hla wife It gives permanence and sta bility. and creates confidence. It prom »tee thrift and la an In centive to save. Start one with us today. THE FIRST NAT10NAUBANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Get All of the High Priced Butter Fat That Your Cows Produce! Make your butter fat bring you $20.00 more for every cow you own, even* year F P MeClellan went to Myrtle Creek this morning on a ahort bus iness trip. Tube free with every Firestone tire at Hobart's. »' R. O Madden left this morning tor I sm Angele« where he will make his home W. K Crane has left for lays An gele« where be will remain for some | lime. Tube free with every Firestone tire at Hobart's. 91 Mrs Ed. M Morrison U spending a tew days visiting In Iceland with relatives Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Chaplin and daughter, were registered yesterday at the Josephine, giving their home , as Eureka. ' Tube free with every Firestone tire at Hobart's. Mr and Mm. P. Castile, of Eu gene. have been vielling here at the home of K. Timmons. They left thk morning for their home Mrs. C. iA. Catching arrived yes- terday from Yakima and left thla morning for Klamath Falla where she will visit for a abort time Courier classified ads bring re sults Try a elaeelfted. Mm Peter Williams, of Itequa, spent a short time In the city leav ing this morning for Butherlln where she will visit for several weeks with her mother. Mr. and Mm F L. Vannlce left this morning for San Man Francisco where they will spend the neat week buying goods for the Golden H ii le etore here. Sahin "Hygela'' Nurelng Bollir has It. Just Arrived New Coats mrs. Hellie IHas THE GOOD OLD DAYS Do you want them? When y»ur «•«•* • »trick, ductor culled U inflamaron of the bowel», ami they burled y>m. There i» n<» gura» work connected with tailortnic—4»’» worth moro ill an live <•*•■ 1rs u» drmoo»lr»4e to you llie ecooumy. Ural denl<-r nenrly slsteeo year» Here We Go! HAVE YOUR DANCE! Fall Suit and Overcoat Tuesday Night, Oct. 12th Waldorf Hall M.ADH TO MHAMI-tlM RY Hart, Schaffner & Marx AT Peeless Clothing ( a . HAN'TKI.I. ANI» FUHRT—MEM»DY IIOl NDN PLENTY OF JAZZ AND PEP i GEO 8. CALHOUN AT I» I’. M gets every bit of the valuable butter fat the merest trace. Shoes for the Family WEEDIER Come and see it BooIopO A the Rogue River Hardware and you will learn that the Viking is the most simply and scientifically con structed separator made. The Viking skims as close, runs as easy, is easier to clean than any separator at any price ! i.i it today: Your Financial Thermometer YOUR BANK AtXXM NT IS YOUR FINA NIVAL THNRMOMKTHR. KEEP YOUR M.N.ANCWi IN A HEALTHY. GROWING CONDITION BY AD DING REGULAR DEIN WITH TO YOUR FUNDS. START AN ACCOUNT WITH THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY BANK. ■>\ J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass .O regon He wit/ ie glad to demonstrate hr yc:i Rogue River Hardware Co. AT WOODWARDS tos N. SIXTH ST Mr. and .Mm. J. C. Gripper were among the Portland residents who visited here yeetenlay Tuba free with every Firestone tire at Hobart'a. »7 Mr. and Mm. W F Ryan, of Spo kane, were reglaterod last night at the Josephine L. O. Herald went to Weal Fork thia morning on a buslomis trip of several days Fancy new erop alfalfa seed, at Pardee's Grocery. 100 Mr and Mm T F. Howard end son, of I xm Angeles, were amen* the 1 arrivals yesterday at the Josephine. and Mrs. W. F. Dauber, of: Fargo, X. D . were local visitors yes terday and today. Fancy new crop alfalfa seed, at1 Pardee's Grocery. 100 Grants Pass Opera House COMING-One Night Only The Laughing Musical Sensation of the Year 1920 REVUE OF REVUES” (Not a Motion Picture) FEATURING ROY “HIRAM” CLAIR And His 25—Comedians, Singers, Dancers—25 Girls Galore, Gorgeously Gowned A Carload of Scenic Splendor Snappy, Peppy, Songs, Melodies Laughs and Then More Laughs A Riot of Youth, Beauty, Laughter, Song REMEMBER—-ONE NIGHT ONLY Prices—$1.65, $1.10, 85c, Including War Tax «