Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1920)
daily Classified Advertising WANTMi XMl BAI AS Fancy Berkehlrea cjowe WANTHI TO BBY Piano, will pay ly related lo the >4500 boar sad each, must bo la good eoadltion the 83900 sow recently aold al sad worth th. mosey. Addreos publlo auction Io the east River 211 North Second Bt W. J. Teal. Banka Farms 81tf WAMHBD- Good flat lop ofl'N desk C. A. »wops. 110 Nonti »th Bt » 2tf oovam» S ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ 444444♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Hentrll-Ewrrt al Ueidorf— The dance fane will have a treat tomorrow night at Waldorf hall, music will bo furnished by the fa vorite Mantell-Kwert orchestra. as the pariilon at Gold HUI la closed for dsn«« during the winter season, these melody hounds will play here tomorrow night. e **...... ■***/*••.. Pig to TrnAa— J. T. Hoberaon of Wonder, ha. a 2 year old 400 lb rod boar to trade for a 1 year old >00 lb. white boar, or a rod pig to trade for a white pig. Write to him or see bim about It. 07 WANTUF- -Apploplckeiw tor River FDR HAIM Black Jersey sow sad Banks Farms Phone 807-F-l. 88 IxxsM Htudenl» Pledged— youag calf; 3-toa Valls truck sad The list of pledges to the different equipment for lumber hauling, WANTBIN- Men to work on farm Permanent position. River Banks fraternities at the Oregon Agricul also band botat for dump body la- Farms. •* tural college. Included a number of qulre 718 Sooth Fifth. 71 if Grants Paas students at the college Fort mNGVK" leads as usual -1021 WANTED—Apple picken at Wilbur Bearn«. who la attending the Vannoy or'Aisrds. Phone 606-F- models on floor Granta Paas Hard school for hla first year was pledged 1>. »T ware Co. Hee them. Toar tarma by the Theta Chi fraternity and ara oun J. W Booti. sales man. H* HUNT George Williams was pledged to the ager Htngsr Hewing Machine Co. Kappa T*sl. 7 5 If Fl IR RENT Five room oolU.«» on Orohard Ave. Inquire at l*eerlea» < Wir <’«m Carse— Al.FALFA HAY 4t you want good Clothing Store. 95tf And a lot’s good things at the Bon hay see II. N. Parker Phone bon nI re Tuesday FOR RENT A comfortable bed 185-T. D* room with bath. |8 per month. •Ml 1 Ft Hl RA1J0 Marquis recleaned Phone 285-R. 07 CIVIL MN<MNKBIi wheal, 82 to at ranch, also bed- CIVIL MNGIN80BR «aniel McFar FOR RENT -Pleasant front tons alfalfa hay and 40 arrea la- room, gentleman preferred, land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor. ture W D Mee. Applegate. quire al 660 North Fourth or Rea 747 North Tenth At. Phone »7 phone 165-J. 211-T. 12 ACRH POI’LTRY RANCH. good PIANO ISHTRttTION house. 8 scree cleared, wire, per IHIAYAGK AND Tlt-ANhFEH ■ «■ .......... ..... .. .. ■■ U. Be., ■■■ , ■ a,„ fect grape land, less than half MRH JAMBS M I'DWHRS. instruc THE WORLD MOVKB. so do wo value. See owner at 70! E ■traal tor on piano; studio over Barnes’ Bunch Bros Transfer Co Phone (behind pootofflce), Granta Pas., Jewelry; open 8 to 6 dally, except 349. Oregon. Monday and Tuesday. Phone 265-J F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer Frit HAL»—Furnished rooming Safes. pianos and furniture house all full, all light housekeep moved, packed, «hipped and stored. ing rooms 823 J street. Phone KNIGHT8 OF PYTIU AB — Ther Office phone 124-Y 200-J •• mopylae lodge No. 50. meets every FOR 8AL» - 80-ar re relinquishment second and fourth Tuesday even The California and Oregon lag. Visitón Invited 09tf >4 mile from railroad. 11 miles Coast Railroad Company from Granta Paas. 2000 cords of TIME t'AHII Nl’RSERY atoek of all kinds. Orna wood, fair house, prloe >600. J. mental. shads and fruit trews. Geo B. Verdin. 414 Rogue River Av/ Effeotive Nev 24. 1919. H Parker. 70tf 99 * Traías will run Mondays, Wed ne»- day« sad Fridays FOR HAI AC 1 drag saw. 1 16-h p AlJiANY NfltflEHY. tree, of qual P.M Ity. F. B. Jordan, special agent. l-eave Greats Paes ansino. 1 8- h. P engine. 1 6-h. PM Arrive Waters Creek ....2 8«0 N. 7th St.. Grants Paas. Rltf 408 AU nearly naw. p. angina. Ideava Waters Creek 3:30 P M 106 F • Croat. Phone 361-Y. Arrive G ran la Pana ...4 P M. TAX, For Information regarding freight F or HAI JO 20 acres of rich land, SOONER TAXI—Phone 2C2-R tor and passenger ratas call at th« office Iti aerea alfalfa, plenty of water of the compenv. Landberg building, Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an er telephone 1(1 and watar right; small new house tttf swered anywhere, anytime. and barn. Will take soma trade or lime, at >2800. Address B L. PAIxACK TAXI—-Phone 22-J. Tomi • Mt Wind 08tfl Ballsy, Murphy. Ore. FOR BALM. green poppers, cabbage, RKAL KNTATK green and rips tomatoes cheap carrot, and onions. 11 per hun- K T. McKINBTRY, 603 0 St., phone dred by gathering. Bring boxea. 31>5-R. general real estate business ! Mr». Hanford at Dimmlck ranch. Best of soils for fruit, hay or geo-| 100 vrai farmene. SOME BARGAIN—1918 model Ford I'HYHK'IANN touring car in flnt class condltlon, new tire» all around and two ex L. O. CUBMSNT. M. D.. Practice I limited to diseases of eye. ear. nose , tra». Prlce >386, 1150 down takes It. baiane« easy termi«. Cali at and throat Glasaw fitted. Hours! 209 West H Street. 100 9-12. 2-6. or on appointment ! Phones, office 62; residence 369-J FOR HALE Cull peen, 3 boxes for >1. Oregon house. Packing 8. LOI'GH R1DGB. M D. Physician 97 and surgeon. City or country cadi FOR HAI.K O A. C. cockerels from attoudnd day or night. Phon,» trap-nested hens. 646 North Sec Res. Mt; "tfi «. 182; 4th and II ond street, phone 145-Y. 87 B. J BILUCE. Al D. Physician FOIL HALE Owing to bait roads will an<l surgeon, office Schallborn sell Studebaker sedan. Inquire at block, phono 54- j ; residence. 1004 Fashion Garage or of Margaret 1-Mwnridge. phone 54- l , Moore. 96tf W. F Rt'TiMDRFOrUV Manual tho- BODY FIR WOOD for »ale. Inquire raeutloa. It gets your airatit. at 304 West L street. 101 office over Baruca* jewelry atora Tl’RKEYH for sale—-Pure bred mam Office hours 9:34-12; 1:14-4. moth bronze turkeys, some fine YKTHUNAKY HVMHBON toms, a numtier of hens, some half grown stock. Will sell one or DR. R. J. Veterinarian. more of bunch. Can be seen at Reeidsase 811 .^Washington bo .le ranch on East M street. Mrs. C. va rd. phone 398-R. G. Ament, owner. P. O. Box 880. ---- - »7 Growen B. C. MACY. í>. 8d. D. Flrat-claao dentistry. 169 >4 B 6 th St. MICKIE SAYS RALPH W. 3THARNB. M. D. Phy- otetan and surgeon X-ray oquip- aient, dental X-ray. OOtao. Me- sonic Tempi. Bldg, Phoaee: Of- flee 81-J; ruaMenoo 11-L. =A ATTORN KYR DOHt DO NO AtWtftllSlNO in tvus ran«, unlim ns VURM-tA FhN wao«.« IMCONil 5KX ! D. NORTON, Attoraey-at-law. Pr^otlcee in all State and Federal Courts. First National Bank Bldg. O. W. OQLVia, Mtornsy-at-law. Granta Paes Baaki^g Co. BMg. H. S. VAN DYKR, Attorney. Practice. In all courts. First National Bank Building I enai« limpie. Gran (UBO. W. TílfRHAM. Altorney-at-law referee in bankruptcy. Masonic Tsmpis Phone 185-J. JAMES T «11NNOCJK Lawv.-r First National Bank Building. ¡I -flic oMLV A»«? '0ATÎI Ccr T- I iXJAW er-Ar Rj® AJW»-*«*'1 1. THS dae£N aiN® J UNCU! SATA ■ t A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg Practise la all court«. PONY AOVCBTI v E ON FANCtS — cons DdflT S nmd rir T“ no V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practice la state and lederai courta, Otile« over National Drupdttore. moncl . OestAl Haaamarmlll Rond 1-ettsr Head, and Bavelspss at ths Courier •tie« < I r n ■-.‘u Purola gives 150 times its volume in lather! and 150 shaven to the tube. Don’t you think this is an economical shaving cream for you ? Soothing, too—won’t dry on the face. And speed—60 seconds for a full lather. Shaving Cream, Farewell Meeting T ucm 1 s >— Envoy and Mrs. A. A. Gray will conduct tbelr farewell meeting Tues day night at the Salvation Army hall. Ke-tcm Star S|weial— 8;>ecial meeting of the Eaatem Star Wednesday evening. October 13, at 8 o’clock. The worthy grand ma- tron of Oregon will make a special vielt. AU Eastern Star members are 98 urged to be present. Maxwells Carload now on our floor at New Price, $1185 Carrier» Wanted— Boys or girls with wheel» wanted, one route now open. Bonus paid far long service. Apply Courier office. WRIGLEYS The children love Wrigley’s—and it’s good for them. Made under conditions of absolute cleanliness and brought to them in Wrigley's sealed sanitary package. Satisfies the craving for sweets, aids diaestion,sweet- ens breath, allays thirst and helps keep teeth clean Costs little, benefits much. Oíd Price $1335 y/ CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS __ COLLINS AUTO COMPANY SSonies y,o I ea ' irimc PHONE 317 5// H SrREET, C-RANTS PASS. ORc WHEN ITS TROUBLESOME quickly HTATYCft Skilled sorvti charge» make 1 LAR BATTMBY STATION CONSULT US ADAMS ELECTRIC and BATTERY SHOP Second-Hand Bargains Still 5C Everywhere THE FLAVOR LASTS ttorntoy-at-law. /f A' * V' H. tazAer C. L. Hobart Co AUTO TOPS SPEARMINT RefHarw »he ahabby ti»p wlih a light. raMi}-tw-hMKlle »<*ibfr- preod owe now. Baiar» kwAlng, serviceable tepe— ixsrfcc» fitttag aad in>|>r«>ving the car's leeks—e wide che4«-e"‘ín ma. tertab« «ml cebovs. OVH I*fM«BB UIWE8T G. B. BERRY