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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1920)
whether immediate profit is the sols object of the deal. "Meanwhile we shall be glad to help along the cause of better used cars by giviag purchasers the Is for mation that will enable them to tell whether they have been honestly 97 dealt with How Do You Buy? SAVER TIME WM AM sauuiiNU * Mirravi, iamb of Cuff Einks IN UNAMMU GOIdS AND fMAHl (AIMING HYENTK »MR 4M H WINMOW Stata December 18-17 Teachers' examinations will be held December 2b->1—Josephine County teacher»' Institela VI AIJTY ItSUJb JUr TO «5c PER POUND Oourler ciaaetnwd a «alta Try a elaswtfied AT POPI LAR P*U<W. BARNES, The Jeweler bring Let Us Figure the Savings 101 aid 106 North 6th G Ki NTH PAM. ORK- Have y««a ever flgwred wbm H act aal I, Ihr old faahioned way' wa»hlatl u‘ *» Or. have yoa jsat aflWfN««! M» r.|~w-r aa «me that bad to be met aad let it pi al (bai MONDAT. IN TOBER 11. IU2O- Pacific Coast State» Gener ally fair in southern and cen tral California and unsettled + with occasional rain elaewhers; 4 ♦ normal temperature. ♦ ♦ Tonight and Tuesday rain. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ere motor cars on the open market (XUIz Order now ter tatara de and who are in doubt aa to the age livery No coal tarried in stock. Get wood la now while weather la and condition of the car good Williams Wood Yard Phone "Any man who buys a used Dodge i 137 71tf Brothers motor car. if he brings It to l us for Inspection. can learn definitely FOR AAIJ7- Modern bungalow with when the car was built." said Mr furnace, also 3-room house Mrs Ldnch. local dealer "While we oper- j F. D Stricker. 315 West B St SOtf ate a used car market ourselves we will gladly give this information be e. L. OA1JIHA1TH -Real beale. In cause we feel that a man who own», aurano», and plata ¿lea» liability 409 S G »treat. ¡Anna 1« lOtf a Dodge Brothers ear Is a 'member An unusual service. In view of the of the faintly.’ regardless of whether MKT tND POUND but not returned tact that It is intended primarily for ; he comes In through the front or Will the man who found the sack persons who do business with a com ! back door, and we owe him certain of barley. Saturday. October Sth. petitor. has been announced by C. A. definite courteaiea on the road between i Applegate Linch. Dodge Brothers dealer In this I ’’Owing to the fact that Dodge j and Provolt, please i deliver the city The service is for the benefit Brothen ears are not built tn serie» same to Josephine County Mill* of those who buy used Dodge Broth- , of models and never have shown any and the number of your car will material change in appearance. It 1» not be published. J. L Fryer. 9s often very difficult to determine just how old the ear is. Therefore It Is WANTED--Placer miners and taw mill men for Old Channel Mine. 1 easy to make gross misrepresentation , J. R. Harvey. Box 623 Grants! to prospective purchasers. Many a I Pass. »8 man has been told he Is buying a1 1819 Dodge Brothers car when In WANTED TO BUY—Barber shop reality the car was built three or four give full particulars Bert Benton. years earlier Unscrupulous person» 153 Granite St . Ashland. Ore. 03 occasionally resort to this practice deliberately, but very often It Is | FOR ' SIALE Second grade Tokay Good taste in dress must find its done through error as person» out gropes, at 5c per pound. 656 N first expression in the proper cor side our own organization have no Sixth St. 03 set—in the harmony of («.audtul accurate way of deciding this import lines and right proportions. FOR 3A1JC—Overland No. »0. new ant point. Whatever your type of figure battery, five good tires, spot light "Dodge Brothers have supplied us there are many Run 5000 mile. Price 1550. See with complete records of production, it at the Fashion garage 02 so that we are enabled, through cer- ) tain numbers on the ear, to tel! just ' , STRAYED--Two mottled roan cows, j when It was built. Therefore It Is 1 marked in ear. one red steer calf, j F r ent L« tInt apparent that nobody Is ever deceived , one year old. brand R Owner call | on this point when he buys from ouri at Lathrop Bros, ranch and pay used car market. It Is also our pol- j charges 97tf Icy to overhaul every ear we take, created in accordance with the SALE or trade, my equity In a In before putting It back on the mar ; FOR 1 unchanging principles of beauty new Nash ton track. Apply 11 ket. We Insist on having used ears j and good taste that will assure Western hotel 02 In good condition before they are you graceful lines and faultless sold. This not only makes satisfied proportions. customers, but It tends to maintain Our thorough understanding of the good reputation of Dodge Bro modern corsetry makes certain thers motor cars your complete satisfaction. ”It would pay the public to be more 'arefill in buying used cars People should insist on the accurate ! information they are entitled toj They should, above when buying, all. know just whom they are doing business with and try to determine whether their future good will 'and ' satisfaction means anything to the j person they are buying from or i Het M»dr the < hew ami comfort that a I1 m » v Mo'tOr W aeber will give F- .«mMdm. f”r a »..«.nut, wtm4 a Ttxe will -Ct wall y aave In y«mr li<wb»l<l »spews m. Ictindrewa’ wages, «me «lay, al leant «11 IM> lire u««l> at lernt Kttnt wear <m «kMhea. at lenai Total <<>a< for owe «lay .7» «4 Wl -«• TASTE GOSSARD CORSETS BETTER VALU ES Golden Rule Store FOR= Counts’ Feed Store The Money! K. E. Morton. Prop. KLENZO FEED, FLOUR, GRAIN SEEDS POULTRY SUPPLIES Dental Creme A large stock always on hand Ardencraig Farm For Sale Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000.00 Whitt beetli. healthy gums Mid a clean mouth A good liberal tube for I CLEMENS Sells Drugs and Books El» Am THE BEST WINTERTIME TREAT -15 AE JNDANCE, OF HEAT ! At the wann- rate a Thor l.hvtrir H udii-r ail! |»a> f.< llarlf in elicti t month!«* time. It h<tctm< to Mita for yeti tlir moment )<»u buy It and continue* to save long afu r it*» cowl u foriTHtr«. I/*t the Thor ntart Mohiit for you today. Paul’s Electric Store 203 SOUTH «TH HT. BREAD PRICES New 10c and 15c I THAT WHEN HOME ONE THROWS OCT AN OVERALL F. C. Goetz Sample Store e Proprietor HAH IT BEAT FOR *!.«•. OVE HA LI A Ed. lx. Schmidt &. Son W'inter time is the time of year when a man and his fam ily appreciates the bountiful blessings ol perfect plumbing. If your home isn’t properly heated yon ought, to call us up on the phone and let ns figure out with you just what’s needed. Our prices are cor rect. B. S. DEDRICK 51« P Street I'hoaa 30R-J I’HONK 47 Under New Management AND WHEN YOU TAKE QUALITY INTO CONSIDER.«- TION, THEY ARE HI.MPLY I/IHT—YOU CAN BUY 220 WEIGHT OVER AL I j H HERE AT *1.0»- Rest Assured y«m. Moore Bakery FOR *1.75, THE Registered Jersey Cattle and Duroc-Jersey Hogs Pure Bred Stock for Sale PLACER MINERS. SAW MILL MEN. LOGGERS AND DITCH WORKERS LOGGING TEAM GOOD BOARD AND ACCOMM ODATIONS j R. HARVEY, GRANTS PASH DAILY HTAGK TO GALICK all the worry and car* it Sample Store River Bend F arm Hilt OLD CHANNEL MINE at Galice At eld« m(<*, and thin I» <»nly thr inrrtw, pair wa*hir»M conta $231 lo a year. J un I think, $ j .*» o ne*edl«wd) rtpmclrd ami 25c j MEN WE AKE THE FRIEND OF THE WORKING MAN. ONCE IN A WHIIJC HOME OF OUR OOMI’ETITOKH THROW OUT SOMETHING FOR A DAY OR TWO TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU THAT THEY CAN SELL JUST AH MERCHANDISE CHEAPLY AS THE Laundry Work! WT.......... *I.»H OOVFIIALIA *1.5« VALLE ... ...... .......................... •«.<!• I WH HAVE YOU 25 TO BO I‘KU I'ENT ON EVERY PURCHASE Guaranteed Flour at ¿3.00 per sack Sample Store — For Sale ht thè <— * 4 » ‘ ’ JOSBPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Corner Third and G Street i Pheae 123