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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1920)
University of Or«, Library • VOL. XL, No, H». GRANTS PAUS, JOSKPHINB COUN TY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY AT MONDAY, OCTOBER II. »». T -- —— '■«, W HOLE NUMBER 3007. PUBLIC PARIS Ibdalteviki i U m I Potrai to Come to An ItnvuHtit—l lin» OrcupttUoa la Disavowed RrconsidersUon <rf Validity of the AmesMliiMWita oct Prohibition Hr- fuerd by Body REPRKHKNTATIVEM OF TAXPAY K3M IJCAGUE TO TAI At ON INTERET BILL lllga, Oct. 11.—The Poles and the CLEVELAND WINS GAME TODAY CHARGES OF REPUBLICAN SEN Washington. Oct. 11.—The su GOVERNOR COX CONTENDS QUK bolshevik delegates tonight will sign AND NOW HAH TWO VICTORIES ATOR DECLARED FAIRE BY preme court refused to reconsider TION ABOUT READY TO BE an armistice agreement to run for OVER BROOKLYN TEAM THE PRESIDENT the decision sustaining the validity SENT TO THE JURY 31 days of the prohibition amendments. MARKET BILL TO BE EXPLAINED pari», Oct. 11. -The 1*olish gov ernment reported the disavowing of the occupation of Vllna by the Poles. Hpoakm Will Ksptata Pisa and Also Dotila« IX» Hirsi Hr»*i<>n Amend ment for 1 ^'tdnlnturr GIVEN Marriage license lamied— A marriage license was Issued Sat urday evening to loelie James Buell i and Rosamond Lee Tuttle, both of Dryden. Hrtla and Sherrod Smith Throw HlaLrin.til lUertl on Notes Taken Splendid trame Bat Title Tarns in During tbe < ’«infeTexxce by Hten- Favor of Indiana ographrr Who Took Record Buy s Dort Auto— The latest buyer of a new 15drt car Is C. O. Johnson of this eity. Mr. Washington, Oct. 11.—The White Johnson conducts the jitney service House made public today tbe "offi formerly handled by Mr. Jones. Mr cial version" of the president's ad Johnson haa owned eight or ten dff- I feret ears of various makes and haa dress at the eighth plenary session of decided on the Dort for efficiency the Paris peazve conference. The ex and economy. act wording, directed to the repre ■ • sentatives of Rumania, Serbia and Attention Called to Mertiag— CKecho-Slovakia has been the sub The attention of the members and ject of a controversy between the friends of the Josephine County Leg president and Senator Spencer, re- islative Club for women ia especially publican, of Missouri. The senator called to the mass meeting to be held had declared that President Wilson at the opera house Wednesday night had promised Roumania and Serbia by Mrs Mary Canby, preaident of that "if any nation ever invaded the club. The measure« to come be their territory he would send an fore the people at the November American army across the seas to de election will be discussed. fend their boundaries." President ■ • Wilson in a telegram to the senator on October 5 said this statement was Here for Fishing— The talee of the Rogue river «tool ''false." In reply Spender called for an official record. The statement head are beginning to penetrate into today waa based on the text of the I every state. Today S. C. Cherry and official stenographer who quoted the Sherman Stevena. of Los Angeles, ar president as saying: “Take the rights rived from the southern city for a of minorities Nothing I venture to try at the fish in the Rogue. They say. is more likely to disturb the ■ stocked up with fishing tackle and peace of the world than the treat left this afternoon for Galice where ment which might, in certain cir- they will stay untti they get their till eumstancea be meted oat to minori of the sport. ties, and therefore, if great powers are to guarantee peace to the world] National Organizer Coining— Miss Ltba Peshakova, national or- in any sense ts it unjust that they ganlzer of the league of women vot should be satisfied that proper and' necessary guarantees be given? How, ers. will arrive here Wednesday to can a power like the United States meet the women of the city who may The for example, and I can speak for no be Interested in the league. league is absolutely non-political other—after signing this treaty, if It ■ contains elements which they do not, and is solely for the purpose of fos believe permanent, go 3000 miles tering education in citizenship and away across the sea and report to its to support improved legislation. The people that It has made a settlement ladies who wish to meet Miss Pesha of the peace of the world. It cannot! kova may do so Wednesday after do so, and yet there underlies all of noon at 4 o'clock In Mrs. Ahif's of fices above the National Drug store. these transactions the expectation on part, for example of Rumania. Cze- cho-Slovakia and Serbia, that If any Leg Is Shot— John Loop, a resident of L street covenants of this settlement are not of this city, suffered a very painful observed, the United States will send injury last evening as he was taking her armies and her navies that they a gun from the back of his automo- are observed. In theee circumstances [ I bile. Mr. Loop had been hunting it is unreasonable that the United and had his shotgun in the back of States should insist upon being sat the car loaded. He etopped his im isfied that the settlements are cor chine and began taking the things rect." from the car. As he was engaged in this the gun slid out striking the run- j nlng board.z The load from the 12 gauge shotgun struck his leg. infltct- in a very severe flesh wound. He is ' now at the Good Samaritan hospital. The '14 O. S. (Have Our State) Cleveland. Oct. 11.—-Cleveland Springfield, Ill., Oct. 11.—“Th« Squad" Is tho dealgnatton which hae shut out Brooklyn by a score of 1 to league of nations case is about ready been applied to tbe flying squadron for the jury,” said Governor Cox. ia Chicago, Oct 11—if naval terms of 0 and have the world series cham- of speakers who are covering the the treaty of Versailles are carried plonahip almost within thstr grnsp. an address today, launching his Illi elate under the auspices of the State out by the allies the U-97, a German It was a pitching duel between the nois campaign. "The American elec Taxpayers longue speaking in favor submarine with a record of at least two left handers, "Duster" Mails for torate hae an unequalled opportunRff of the market com mission bill, the seven allied ships sunk, will Itself the Indians and Sherrod Smith for of "making a contribution to the civi divided sees Ion amendment and be sunk In 100 feet of water about the Dodgers. The tide turned In lized world.” against the 6 per cent interest rate twenty miles off Chicago harbor this favor of the home folks in the sixth bill They will address an audience fall. when Speaker singled and Burns Terra Haul«, Ind., Oct. 11.—Cffble tn this city on Wednesday. October smashed a double to the fence, scor Orders for the destruction of the correspondence between President , 13, at tho opera house at 3 p. m. U-97 were iasued some time ago, but ing the Indians' manager with the Wilson and former President Taft in The market comm lesion bill ie de later withdrawn pending decision ¡ only run of the game I 1919, during drafting of the league signed to give the farmers of the whether that part . of the German of nations covenant at Paris, was ■tate aid In establishing cooperative peace treaty which i provides for tbe Cleveland. Oct. 11.-—The line-up made public here last night by Gov marketing organizations It la I«- destruction of all surrendered war i for today's game was as follows: ernor Cox. democratic presidential tended In thia way to lower the craft is to be put into execution. Brooklyn, Olson, as.; Sheehan. 3b.; candidate, together with a statement ■pread between what the consumer There la some difference of opinion Nets, rf; Wheat. If.; Myer, cf.; Kon- by the candidate criticising severely pays and what the producer gets. among the allies. France and Italy •itcby, lb.; Killduff. 2b. Cleveland. Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, and The bill la patterned after the Cal especially being anxloua to keep some Evans, if.; Wambsganss, 2b.; Speak other league opponents. ifornia market rommlMlon bill which of the late German ships to Deleter er, of.; Burns, lb. Gardner, 3b.; Mr. Taft, the correspondence de has done more for the prosperity of up tb<,)r OWB narl<w i Wood. rf.; Sewell, ss. tailed, sought and had cabled com that alate than any other one piece In the meantime the U-97, which munication with President Wilson of legislation. It spells prosperity toured the Great lakes In the Inter submitting numerous suggestions Mc Kina try Make» Sales— ior the farmer and prosperity for the „t of the Vletory loan campaigh. fol- for changes in the tentative league The following are some of the •tate at large lowing the armistice. Is tied up draft and advising the president qe- It Is agreed that passage of the 5 alongside Perry's old flagship, the sales made through the McKinstry garding its presentation to the sen per cent Interest rate bill will mean Cotnmodore. here. Only the hulk of Agency: The Josephine County bank ate. .. to W J. Whitsell. of Vancouver, otter ruin to the state <ff Oregon. the old-time terror of the seas Governor Cox's statement, issued i, .. , | Wash., the Mundt bungalow on Jose- It means commercial paralysis I:’ mains, practically all her mach nery . , ” . . , prior to his departure to make ad mrene. Instead of 5 per cent money. 1 ' an(j fittings have been removed, the 'I phlne street. Mrs Farrar to Justus dresses at Springfield and East St. wo money at all. majority to be sent to the Annapolis Chase, house and lot on east J St. Louis. Ill., and St. Louis, Mo., said Tbe divided seaslon amendment Is naval academy Her five inch deck I Herman Horning to Chas. R. Cooley, that he published the Taft-Wilson 'lot on North Sixth street. Ijilllan Intended ky Its framera to do awav r^gts on the wharf beside the correspondent—a Wliite House mem MrChotka to James Martrn. real- ■with the jamming nf bills through rust eaten hulk jes- orandum—"because of the equivocal the legtalature during the eloefng In npftn of the gutting process ' denee on West H street. G. P. position ex-President Taft and other hours of the session. It will pro-Ide which the boat has undergone the ter to Mr. Radke of Dakota, 40 friends of the league now occupy In publicity for billa that the voters may hulk is still worth 315,000 to 320,- acre« In Section 11. Twp. 36 S.. R « their support of tbe candidate of th« know what Is being written upon the 000 as Junk, according to Captain W. Josephine County bank to Mr. league destructionlsts.” The corre statute hooka before they become Edward A. Evers, naval command DeWitt, residence. No. 713, North spondence, Governor Cox said, wa« Sixth street. Mrs. George Fox to Mr. laws. ant In the Chicago district. There "initiated by him (Mr. Taft) as a The Granta Pass band will rive Is a large amount of copper and i Gobble of New York. 7 acres with result of his study of the draft open air selections proceeding the brass aboard which could be recov- modern bungalow. North Tenth St. Mr. Maddox to John Smith, of New agreements" and quoted Mr. Taft's meeting. [ «red by breaking up the boat. The “own words when sincerity of mind ’ powerful storage batteries, which York, 8 acres with stock and Im and intelligence were not beclouded le-Kion Mcrtlng Ttiurwia) — formerly ran the U-Boat when sub- provement«, Sec. 13. Twp. 36 S.. R. by the partisan prejudice of a po 6 W. Arthur I»a.Rue to Mr. Olson, The regular semi-monthly meeting merged, are still aboard, and prob- ¡3H acres East A street. First Na- litical campaign.” The White Hous« of the American Iaxion will be held ably will go down with the ship If memorandum containing some of the . tlonal bank to Thouronson & Roster • t the courthouse Thursday evening . j she Is sunk. Although the batteriee cables exchanged by President Wil- This will be the first meeting tinder are worth several thousand dollarn. of California. 120 acres in Jerome eon and Mr. Taft stated that In the new officers and It Is requested and an offer haa been made for them Prairie C. H. Patterson to James Z. Faucett of California, 160 acres ‘‘every instance” tbe president fol that every legion member be present by a private purchaser, the naval de lowed Mr. Taft’s suggestions, and The matter of an Armistice day pro partment refused to permit the sale. near Wllderville. Grants Pass Rank ing Co. to Flynn Winetrout et al, the Governor Cox's statement declared gram will be taken up as well as a If the orders to destroy the hull old Jowell 120 acres. that "every suggestion of Mr. Taft number of other matters which must1 are revived the U-97 will be towed was followed literally.” The corre be given Immediate attention. Tlie out to sea by the gunboat Wilmette, spondence Indicated that Mr. Taft'« legion finance officer will make a formerly the steamer Eastland, suggestions dealt principally with report of tho finances at the legion 1 which turned over tn the Chicago protecting the Monroe doctrine and at that time It la understood that river tn 1915, drowning more than dealing with American domestla the organization Is In very good fln- SOO excursionists. About 20 miles questions. anclal shape. out in the lake the charts show more than 100 feet of water, and there LII Ul IIIIU UUriV I Circle WHl Meet— To Alert With Nondnwa— Captain Evers plans to open up the ______ The Indies’ Progressive Literary The executive committee of the UJRoat's sea-cocks and then batter [Circle of the West silj will meet st The haunts and habits of the black well as being the author of a num- the home of MI bs Ellen Lunas, 325 republican county central committee her to pieces with shells from th« tailed deer of the Pacific coast are her of books, which are regarded as West I street Wednesday. October will meet this evening, promptly at Wilmette’s five Inch guns. to be made the subject of a three authority on matters of natural his-1 7 o’clock, In the ogice of E. E. Blan- at 2 o'clock. All members are weeks study by Daniel J. Singer, well thiard, In the Albert building. It is “Ken” Williams Horn- the I ro< l ue *te<1 t0 be present, as it is requested that all candidates of the Kenneth "Kenny" Williams, ac known eastern naturalist, author and tory. In the dining room of j wished to elect officers and plan the republican party In the county also companied by Mrs. Williams, are vis | big game hunter. Mr. Singer arrived New York Athletic club Mr. Singer work tor the coming months. Each To keep before the people of Ore meet with the committee at that iting In the city for a few days with ' in the city yesterday from New York maintains a collection of game heads, one is asked to be prepared to give gon the fact that the U. S. navy is Mr. Williams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. and at once made preparation^ for all of which he shot. These mount some of her vacation experiences. in a constant need of morally and hour. B. A. Williams Mr. Williams has a trip into the mountains surround ed heads represent nearly all of the All ladies in any part of the city are physically sound men, and that It ha« been playing with the St. Trouts hall ing Grants Paas. He will leave to horned and antlered animals of Am cordially invited to meet with the an excellent offer of trade schools, Mr. and Mr». Ell linker, of Evan» Creek, spent a short time visiting In club this season and has been hit day for the Briggs Creek country in erica. His other trophies include the circle and work for the general lm- travel, education, pay and retire the city. They left this morning for ting the ball with remarkable consis company with Sherman Smith, who South American jaguar, puma cat I provement. ment, J. A. Smollck of the IT. 9. Forksville, Mo., where they will tency. 'He has an average of .311 for will take him where the deer may and many other natives of the south submarine service, is visiting in the i - - ' ern part of the continent. One tro- Bridge Is A*p«oved__ spend the next month at their old the season, a large number of his be found. eity, making his headquarters at th« Mr. Singer, who is a grandson of phy of which he is especially proud [ The bridge over the Illinois river ( Josephine hotel. The navy has in hits being two-baggers or better. Mr. home. Williams says that his club was free the inventor of the Singer Sewing Is a specimen of the Alaskan brows near Kerby has been approved by the creased the pay of various branch«« from the taint of the recent basehall machine, hae hunted big game all bear, the largest bear known. NOVEMBER II PROCLAIMED county court and an engineer will of the service from 55 to 100 per Mr. Singer is prominent as a mem be sent out to estimate the cost and cent and making the lowest paid HOLIDAY RY GOVERNOR scandal althouh the St. Ixiuls papers over the American continent. His got him mixed up with Claud Wil book, “Big Game Fields of America" ber of the Campfire club of America, the materials needed for the struc man's salary aboard ship 354, there Salem, Ort. 11.—Governor Olcott liams who was Indicted. The paper vividly describes the hunts he has which is composed of the foremost ture, according to Mrs. J. M. Finch, being no restrictions as to the ra- proclaimed November 11 a lernl hol printed "Ken's'* picture and put his I made. The only species that he has outdoorsmen of America. Theodore who ia in the city today from the | pldity of riee. both in pay and rank. narao below it as being implicated. not yet studied and collected is the Roosevelt, and Ernest Thompson-Se-1 Finch ranch near Kerby. The Finch Mr. Smollck will speak at the Ore- iday today. Tho matter wns straightened out. Mr. black tailed deer of this coast. In ton were members of this club. Dan ranch like a number of others, is in- gon theater In connection with the and Mrs. Williams will remain here I order to find the deer so that a study Baird, head of the Boy Scout» or accessible during certain parts of famous 'T>e ow tbe Surface” film may be made, Mr. Singer will pene ganization is also in this cio». Mr. the year when the river is too high and has brought with him from Port- about a week. trate the mountains in the vicinity Singer is also a member of the ex- to ford. A petition was circulated j land a German machine gun, cap of Briggs creek and it necessary will plorers club. several months ago asking for the ‘ tured ' * by “ ** “ ------- “ - • - London, Oct. 11.- Tlin first of Ger 'DAUGHTER OF DIRECTOR tho naval railway detach- OF <ENSCH DIES TODAY go further to the west. A pack out- The trip from New York to Grants bridge and as it was found to be a 1 ment in Flanders, which ts on ex many's dry docks which vile has to fit ie being used on the trip. Pass was made with the sole purpose necessity. It will be Installed. deliver to Great Britain under the hibition tn tbe lobby of the Oregon The love of the outdoors and not of completing the study of American Philadelphia, Oct. 11.—Mfss Es theater. peace terms has arrived In tbe month Harrisburg, Penn., Oct. 11.—'•Au- of the Thames. The huge t»ructine| ther Rogers, the daughter of Direc-j the Idea of making money Is the mov game animals. Mr. Singer, alter his which Is 720 feet long and 1X0 feetj tor of tho Census Rogers, died In a ing factor in Mr. Singer's study of completion of the American conti gust Pasquale, ’’the crank.” has con PORTLAND MARKETS wide has a lifting capacity of 40 000 hospital under circumstances Indicat outdoor life. He Is a contributor to nent, will make a series of trips to fessed that he stole Blakeley Cough Portland, Oct. 11.—Hogs are high tons, was towed from Kiel to Sheer ing that she had taken her life with Outing. Field and Stream and nu Africa to study the animals of that lin and smothered the child under his er, |17 to $17.75. Cattle and sheep coat. merous other sporting magazines, ns continent. are steady. Eggs and butter firm. ness by a dozen tugs in 17 days. i poison.