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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1920)
APPLEGATE VALLEY EDITION s G KAN TH PAHH. JOSEPH IKK COUMTY. OREGON. HATIKOAÌ, OCTOBER ». 1WO. fflMML PROGRESS IS ■ lUg 1 KOO Acre Tout la Mixlrt of Bus- innw Management »nd Med><»l« Applied to Farm < tperaXJon plex 33 ton silo and plans to go into dairying, with 20 cows as the basis. Brie Hricaon. with his 7 aeres of River Banks Farms, located st the cultivation is doing as well aa many confluence of the Applegate and with a great deal more. He has 1 Rogue rivers and comprising in its acre In.berries and another in or boundaries 1800 acres, is the best chard that net fine returns, bring example of a large farm organised •"I I Ing home 320 for one load of berries and operated on business principles Without doubt the most produc by Banks Newcome and G. F. Kradel. In Its fifty mils« of meandering ed a different stage setting tor each, he took to town not long ago. He to be found tn this part of the state. This property is now owned by C. tive and most extensive valle» ’ribu- formerly from the Klamath region. from ths melting snows of ths age- I now a broad river -bottom of dark also runs «bout 15 bead of Shrop M. Leonard of Chicago, and the title tary to the Applegate system n the They have there a total of 320 acres, worn tMskiyous to the rushing wa green a Pal fa backed by valley for- shire sheep, 1 cow and 1 hog. Daws A- Dickinson ters of the Rogue, the Applegate eat and a black-green sweep of Hr rests with the Leonard Tstate Com Williams valley. This region is very 200 In cultivation and 140 irrigable The Daws A .Dickinson tract of pany. Clyde E. Niles Is manager of largely devoted to the dairy Industry under the Sparlin and Baltimore river has developed a winding valley woods on a towering mountain; floor, varying from one to three again a bit of grain Held and mea 150 acres Is next, with 40 acres pro the farm, which is in two divisions, and Its residents are getting big re ditches. Timothy and clover are mils» In width, and presenting the dow land in a narrow canyon, flank ducing Irrigation is effected by one tract of over 300 acres lying on turns from this source, although a produced on 70 acres, alfalfa on 50. beet developed farming district in ed by the red-soiled mountains and' gravity for 17 acres and by pumpjthe Rogue river and east bank of considerable proportion ot beef mis- grain on 32, corn on 24 and 5 In po- for 13 more, to which 12 will short the Applegate, and the other tract of Ing is found. tatoes. Their 14 acres of whest are southern Oregon adjacent to Grants gold-green pines ot a south slope. Macy and Topping ly be added. Alfalfa b on 6 acres nearly 1500 acre« lying on Hogue estimated at 25 to 30 bushels, the 13 Paas. From the Mouth to Murphy Irrigate 10.000 Arm» At the mouth of the valley. the of barley at 70 bushels, end 5 of With this conception of what the > grain on 15, 3 in orchard, 4 tn pas river and west bank of the Applegate. Within this length of Applegate Applegate valley la, we may begin ture and 12 in corn Sixty-flvu acres Plans are now in course of de • Macy and Topping property is im- oats st 40 to 50 bushels. They ex valley proper, and tributary valleys our tour of Inspection on the left of timber will produce In the way of velopment which will place 1160 portant. and is the basis for produc pect 600 sacks ot potatoes from the of an equal aggregate length, ap bank where it meets the Rogue. This wood. They are getting from 4 to 5 acres of this latter tract In cultiva tion of beef. They have 150 head of 5 acres, according to indications of proximately sixteen thousand acres location Is held by the largest single tons of alfalfa per acre, with the tion, 540 acres being in crop at the Herefords, headed by two purebred the crop. They have 32 head of cat have been placed under Irrigation, farm in the valley, the River Banks grain well filled and estimated at present time, and irrigation will be sires now on the Greyback range, tle on the place. The Cougle farm, owned by George or more than any other district, and Farms, operated by Clyde E. Niles,* from 20 to 35 bushels. The ultimate accomplished for the entire cultivat and fatten them on the farn^ of is to raise alfalfa and hogs, and C. A. Cougle, comprises ISO plan which 50 acres of the total 170 is ed area, either by the gravity ditch as the observer travois from the and owned by tho I»eonard Estate. cultivated. <A dairy herd of a half acres, with 75 cultivated. Twenty mouth of tho stream up towards the It comprises some 1500 acres on' with the idea of turning 50 or 60 or by the pumps. dozen Durhams Is kept, along with acres of this can be irrigated from source, he Is constantly confronted this bank, and Is devoted chiefly to | hogs to the market each year. Organization (Iienry Creek | a herd of 23 hogs, Duroc Jerseys, Powell creek, and is in alfalfa, yield by a changing panorama of beautiful-' fruit and alfalfa, though a consider The business organization ot the and will aid in eating up the 30 tons ing about 2 tons per acre per cut We have now come to Cheney ly cultivated farms, each ot the mol* able deal of diversified farming la River Banks property is effected in of silage supplied by 25 acres of al ting. There are 24 acres of wheat tltudlnoua turns of the stream bring-, practiced. This place Is really the Creek, where, among others are to be four general subdivisions under Mr. falfa, the corn and the erain. .running from 17 to 18 bushels, 5 of Ing a new vista of alfalfa fields, cool ahow-place ot the valley, and Is re- found the R. A. IJndsey and Charley Niles as general manager. An or Crossing the creek, and contine- oau, 2 of berley and 1 rye. They green In their turgoo<enco, or plots carded aa the criterion of success for! McCann farms. The McCann farm is chard superintendent who is a hor ing up from Provolt, is the tract held haTe 7 cow> tbe place for dairy of golden wheat and pale green oats lbs reason (hat Its development has a tract of 170 acres, with 35 in cul ticultural expert, has ths special duty by W. A. Duncan, who came in here production. The Laughlin farm be tivation, 13 now Irrigated and 6 more undulating under the cool breeze not been circumscribed by the effort Twelve of caring for and supervising the de two years ago from the Klamath low this has 70 acres of 280 in culti from tho sea of one man. but has had the advant to be irrigated this year. acres are in alfalfa, getting three velopment of the orchards. A herds country. Mr. Duncan has 96 acres vation, and the T. J. Wilkerson tract Not Ixuul of Ketatee age of capital and expensive modern man, who i« expert in matters con of which 70 are cultivated, with 60 has 40 of 140 cultivated. These Thia valley Is isot a land of great machinery and methods to aid that cutting«, 6 acres In wheat and vetch, cerning livestock, has supervision under Irrigation. He has alfalfa on places are largely in hay and grain. and 4 In corn, with a good stand In farms or estates, but a home land effort. and responsibility for tho dairy hqrd. 35 acres, some grain hay and 3 acres F. A. Topping where each little tract Is the ground ; The next farm upstream Is the C. all crops. Red clover was tried on It is planned later to have a hog spe of corn for the silo. He plans to this farm, but alfalfa has been found F. A. Topping is farming his 200 on which aun-tanned eons and daugh L. Wool fie ptace. now rented to John cialist to care for the herd ot Berk dairy, starting with a small Jersey acre tract of which 75 is cultivated, ters of Ceres are working out the J R. Murray, who Is cultivating the 18 superior. Two acres of beans are shire«. For the property known as herd. and takes pride in the fact that it destiny of their Ilves.____ Each ... littlej ___ acres cleared from the total of 67. good producers, with the Red Mexi Farm No. 1, there is a general fore Fred IAchen can and lady Washington varieties. is one of the tew tracts in the valley farm shows the hopes and ambition» He has cut three times on Ills 5 acres man, and also a reneral foreman for Fred Lichen’s excellent property which have not left the original fam of Oregon pioneers and their son»' of alfalfa and has 3 H acres of Yel The plan 1s to get tnto dairy and the large farm known as Farm No. 2. Is next up the valley, with 120 acres ily which took up the land. His and daughters, and each one mark» ! low King corn, and 1 Vi acres of po beef, with a start now of 11 beef cat tle and 11 dairy cows, Shorthorn and Each of these department heads re- of a total 140 in cultivation. Timothy grandfather, who took the property ths scene of many a disappointment ! tatoes. Jersey. The cattle will be ranged ceives besides his regular salary, a and clover hay occupies 70 acres, gave his name to the stream on Andy Sheehan's Farm in the cruelly heartless warfare a A. E (Andy) Sheehan's farm Is up the creek, and a 30-ton silo will share in the net returns of his own with alfalfa on 30 more, as feed for which the homestead was located, man and woman must wage single-1 handed against nature with her es-1 next, a tract of 196 acre«, with 80. be effective on the feeding. They department, and the plan is to place his 50 bead of Durham and E< teford Powell creek. Forty acres are in al eventually, ail the farm help on the 'cattle. He has aiao 30 '»ot,«, and falfa, from which two cuttings are tabllshed order of a million years. { cleared and producing. This year he are now running 25 head of Shrop- same basis. At the present time some orchard. The tic. thy produced taken without irrigating, and totaled shire sheep. had 18 acres of grain, well-filled and I Home Making Hlngl««-Han<lrt! provision is made for the greatest 130 tons of hay and the alfalfa 80 this year 100 tons. Twenty acres of R. M. Roldnson The visitor In the Applegate must threshing from ^5 to 30 bushels per! possible degree ot contentment by tons. ■ grain were threshed, the 10 of wheat next The R. M. Robinson farm is acre. Of 64 acres under Irrigation,! view tho land aa new In tho hands of providing neat, well-built and well After passing the Fields property doing better than 20 bushels, and men. for though Its history ante-date he has 29 In alfalfa, getting 3 and 4 ! on the Applegate, and one of the kept homes for all farm labor, Men with 8 or 10 acres cultivated, we sweet clover is on 8 acres with red tho Civil War. every acre that la now cuttings. 3 in corn, and 1 In potatoes.! most attractive places from an agri with families are furnished four come to the farm owned by R. I. El- clover on 5 more. Mr. Topping has cultivated was wreeled from a vir Mr Sheehan has 20 fDuroe hogs and cultural point of view. The land has I room cottagee or rustic cabins, and Ils and farmed by R. T. Pierco. gin stalo of heavy timber and un 40 head of cattle, 12 being Guernsey, been leveled until It can be handled , Of 30 thoroughbred Poland China hogs single men are given rooms in the 40 cultivated acres. 10 are irrigable. and plans to get into stock raising believably tough brush and under cows for dairy purposes, and expects I . with absolute ease, and in time of | bunk house. For the convenience of There are here 6 acres of corn. 2 of to the extent that the farm will pro growth. Every cultivated area rep- to expand his h ogs and cattle along water shortage like this year, gives great duty of water for the supply the latter, one family is given the alfalfa and 1 of orchard, with 3 vide feed for. roeents the sweaty toll of some man this line. I concession of boarding house. These cows for returns. Bert Banks, who built the Grants whose vision saw today's green acre« j The Ijovelace place up Slate creek. available. Of 270 acres, 110 are ' houses and the farm buildings, ex John H. Lettekin’s 160 acres in Pass hotel, and ran it tor years, has where oak and pine then stood. And Is located near Wlldervllle, and is cultlvattd and irrigated. 45 in alfal cepting the barns, are located on a cludes about 90 cultivated, largely in traded places with J. A. Got ch er and today these farms are emerging from one of the oldest developed proper fa. 30 In grain, wheat and oats, 9 In broad oak shaded knoll overlooking grain, wheat, oats and barley, corn. 10 in orchard and 6 for grain the Oregon forests and realizing ties In that vicinity. for is farming the 207 acre Gotcher tract. Kutten cutter hay. The fruit is the beet paying the riverbottom lands, and present threshing. They have 4 cows for Of this 150 acres are cleared, with 40 these dreams of the past, but a year. A. M. Ruttencutter has 45 of his end of the place now, and this sea the appearance of a small town. In dairy purposes and 6 hogs. in pasture, 20 in alfalfa. 11 in al Is only a month when one man with 1 fact all the comforts of town are en falfa and vetch, and the same in Bert Bigelow's Place a double-bitted axe must hew a farm : 108 acres tn cultivation, 20 of this son's crop of apples is the beet in from the wilderness. It is a trait j under the ditch and 30 more to be years. Tho orchard was fertilized joyed with complete water system, wheat yielding about 400 to 500 bu Bert Bigelow’s farm is one of fire protection system, telephone line, of human nature that a stranger Is. watered by pumping. Lack of water with nitrate of soda In April and best situated properties In the valley, shels. and 10 acres in corn. He milks ' and other touches which are designed shows great results. Three big barns last year «polled his stand of alfalfa given credit for only what he looks ■ extending clear across the bottom. 15 cows, with 35 head on the place. , to make the River Banks Farms an like when caught unawares, while but noxt year will see 20 acres of it. on the place with a capacity of 250 This totals about 500 acres, with 200 and has a herd of 65 hogs, There your friend gets the boneflt of what ■ He had 11 acres of good heavy grain, tone wl[l be filled this year, the al excellent and desirable place to live. In cultivation. He has 100 acres of is a 50 ton silo on the place. you know his ambitions nnd desires wheat anil oats, and 5 acres In corn, falfa going 6 and 7 tons to the acre This entire organization centers in timothy and clover, 50 acres of al- i The next place up the road is the to be regnrdlese of a first Impres- which Is the best ever raised on the with three cuttings, and the grain the business office where Mr. Niles falfa and 15 acres of grain. The' John property, owned by Mrs. Mary ■Ion. Thereforo those who visit this ranch and is on ground formerly In averaging 25 bushels. Farming Is keeps a complete set of books cover plan is to produce enough hay to feed J. John and rented to H. Button on valley are asked to look upon the alfalfa, A 5-aero family orchard in now done by tractor on this ranch, ing all departments of farm opera the 400 head of beef cattle which a 5 year lease. There are 320 acre« lands as they would their own eludes many fruits, In the livestock with a big saving in labor. The plan tion and maintenance. From a bus- are ranged on Greyback in the sum- in the farm with 200 in cultivation j Inces standpoint. It Is ot great neces- friends, and realize that each one has line Mr. Ruttencutter has 5 Jerseys here Is to get into the beef game | slty that all minor details be .hus mer, and requires but two cuttings producing hay and grain largely. with the Shorthorn strain of cattle. an ambition far beyond what may and a registered thoroughbred bull, to do this, The last crop is saved Most of the place Is Irrigable when . given the closest attention, for It W. S. Robinson be seen aa Its background. Without and expects to milk about 8 cows water is available, but Is producing for meadow. ! must be borne in mind that Ktver The W. S Robinson place above exception, the farm landa of the Ap and run 8 to 10 Poland China hogs. an excellent crop of wheat this year, Acrees the Crock Tho Holland place has about 10 this has 80 acres of a total 200 In Banks Farms have been since 1912 plegate are still in process of evolu Crossing Williams creek again, the as also oats and rye, for threshing. acres in cultivation of the 40 in the cultivation, and Irrigation Is accomp i and still are, in a state of develop- road passes the George Sparlin farm There are-30 acres of alfalfa but no tion. No man can yet survey his lands and say, "Thia la the farm of tract, with a little alfalfa, grain and lished by a lift of 52 feet from the I ment, the plan being to place all tlll- of 34 acres and all cultivated, mostly dairy, though there are 8 head of my vision." But many men are any orchard. Ernest Loughrldge has SO Applegate by a steam pumping out I able acres In the beet state of cultiva producing alfalfa. There is some oat beef cattle and a number of hogs. Ing that a few more yearn will ren acres with 25 cultivated and under fit. delivering about 1 second foot. tion possible through application of hay, a garden and family orchard, Henry Norton’« Farm Ilze their plans ter the future. With I Irrigation. Of thia 15 Is in alfalfa, Alfalfa takes 12 acres. 10 for corn ! modern methods and scientific farm and 19 head of beef cattle. The Norton ranch Is the best ex some, the Ideal Is a dnfry farm, with Just planted, 5 in wheat for hay, and nnd 25 for wheat and oats. An or ing. Taking the road to the right of the ample In the entire valley of what The Orchard contented cows In tho green fields. 5 in orchard and gnrdon. He now chard of 4 or 5 acres has an excel church at this corner, we are brought modern methods will do to bring the with others, It fa n stock farm, where' hns 10 Poland China and Berkshire lent crop of apples and pears, but The orchard Is under general su to the neat and progressive farm of labor problem on a sizable property pervision of the orchard superlnten-j j A. L. Blodgett, who shares with cnrloads of beef cattle will be fat hogs, and 3 cows, with the plan of is light this year in peaches. within the ability of one or two men. E. R. Barnes, a man lately out of dent whose province Is tho develop Stevens at the extreme end of the The tract contains 280 acres and lies tened for tho market: still others, Increasing the dairy end of It to 12 the service, is cultivating the 15 j ment of the trees and their crops. At road, the distinction of having the op a beautiful slope requiring a min plnn to raise hogs, sheep or gontsj cows. acres cleared on the 83 acre S. E the present time there are 39.5 acres > only lawn And flower gardens in the imum of leveling to obtain greatest W. O. Hill’s Farm nnd some plan to raise hay to sell; The W. O. 1II11 farm adjoins this Robinson tract. A good crop Is as of apples and 135 acres of pears, the valley. Of his 217 acres he has 100 efficiency in Irrigation, a ditching tho others. When yon catch this vision of the [ on tho south, a 40 acre tract, all In! sured on the 3% acres of apples and latter being young orchard of blight-' producing, and all Irrigable. There machine doing the necessary work, Applegate valley, von aeo Its emerald cultivation and under the ditch. This walnut orchard, and a fair crop of! Immune stock. The development are 50 acres of grain hay. 30 of red Plowing is done by tractor, another farms and tho growing plans for the lend lies beautifully for irrigation In potatoes on 1 M acres, Corn on 4 *4 ; plan calls for more pears to make a clover and 16 acres in corn, with a keynote in efficiency, and a regular future like a myriad o* plnyn of life, • one piece, nnd will be planted to al-1 and wheat on 4 H acres make the total of 300 acres In pear trees. The! dairy herd of 10 cows end a pork rotation of crops arranged over a 15 each with Its plot, Its hero g>nd hero-. falfa, ns 25 acres now are. He has! balance. A good stand of Turkey! crop for this year on 14 acres of production of 16 hogs. year period so that the available wa- Ine nnd the hard-earned success, or 8 milk cow», 4 being Jerseys, nnd Red wheat was obtained, despite apples is placed at 5000 boxes. ter for irrigation la utilized to the O. O. Bigelow Estate The only trouble ever encountered | The old C. O. Bigelow property be greatest practical good and the land sometimes Its hit of tragedy. And will go into the Jersty line altogeth late planting. Nature the scene-shifter, has arrang er. Mr. Hill last year put up a Sim-' (Continued on Page Ten) low this Is now leased for five years (Continued on page Fourteen) (Continued on page Fifteen) District Has Greatest Cultivated and Irrigated Acreage Total-Farms Run on Scientific Basis Witb Thorough bred Stock and Selected Crops Fertile Lands Under Shadow of Grayback Make up Most Extensive of Applegate Tributaries and Are Big Factor in Josephine County s Resources